Список публикаций:
Цитирования (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru) |
1. |
Д. Б. Каледин, “How to enhance categories, and why”, УМН (в печати) |
2024 |
2. |
Anton Fonarev, Dmitry Kaledin, “Bökstedt periodicity generator via $K$-theory”, Israel J. Math., 261 (2024), 695–715 ; |
3. |
D. Kaledin, “Taming large categories”, São Paulo J. Math. Sci., 2024, 1–28 (Published online) ; (Published online) |
2022 |
4. |
Д. Б. Каледин, “Что образуют абелевы категории?”, УМН, 77:1(463) (2022), 3–54 ; D. B. Kaledin, “What do Abelian categories form?”, Russian Math. Surveys, 77:1 (2022), 1–45 |
2020 |
5. |
Д. Б. Каледин, “Сопряженность в $2$-категориях”, УМН, 75:5(455) (2020), 101–152 ; D. V. Kaledin, “Adjunction in 2-categories”, Russian Math. Surveys, 75:5 (2020), 883–927
2019 |
6. |
D. Kaledin, “Hochschild-Witt complex”, Adv. Math., 351 (2019), 33–95
7. |
Д. Б. Каледин, А. А. Коновалов, К. О. Магидсон, “Спектральные алгебры и вырождение некоммутативной спектральной последовательности Ходжа–де Рама”, Алгебра, теория чисел и алгебраическая геометрия, Сборник статей. Посвящается памяти академика Игоря Ростиславовича Шафаревича, Тр. МИАН, 307, МИАН, М., 2019, 63–77 ; D. B. Kaledin, A. A. Konovalov, K. O. Magidson, “Spectral Algebras and Non-commutative Hodge-to-de Rham Degeneration”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 307 (2019), 51–64 |
2018 |
8. |
Д. Б. Каледин, “Вектора Витта, коммутативные и некоммутативные”, УМН, 73:1(439) (2018), 3–34 ; D. B. Kaledin, “Witt vectors, commutative and non-commutative”, Russian Math. Surveys, 73:1 (2018), 1–30
9. |
D. Kaledin, “Bokstein homomorphism as a universal object”, Adv. Math., 324 (2018), 267–325
10. |
D. Kaledin, “Witt vectors as a polynomial functor”, Selecta Math. (N.S.), 24:1 (2018), 359–402
11. |
D. Kaledin, “Co-periodic cyclic homology”, Adv. Math., 334 (2018), 81–150
12. |
D. Kaledin, “How to glue derived categories”, Bull. Math. Sci., 8:3 (2018), 477–602
2017 |
13. |
D. Kaledin, “Spectral Sequences for Cyclic Homology”, Algebra, Geometry and Physics in the XXI century (Kontsevich Festschrift), Prog. Math., 324, 2017, 99–129
2016 |
14. |
Vladimir Baranovsky, Victor Ginzburg, Dmitry Kaledin, Jeremy Pecharich, “Quantization of line bundles on lagrangian subvarieties”, Selecta Math. (N.S.), 22:1 (2016), 1–25
2015 |
15. |
D. Kaledin, W. Lowen, “Cohomology of exact categories and (non-)additive sheaves”, Adv. Math., 272 (2015), 652–698
16. |
Д. Б. Каледин, “Изоморфизм Картье для ассоциативных алгебр с единицей”, Современные проблемы математики, механики и математической физики, Сборник статей, Тр. МИАН, 290, МАИК, М., 2015, 43–60 ; D. Kaledin, “Cartier Isomorphism for Unital Associative Algebras”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 290 (2015), 35–51
17. |
D. Kaledin, “Trace theories and localization”, Stacks and categories in geometry, topology, and algebra, Contemp. Math., 643, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2015, 227–262
18. |
D. Kaledin. A. Kuznetsov, “Refined blowups”, Math. Res. Lett., 22:6 (2015), 1717-1732 |
19. |
D. Kaledin, “$K$-theory as an Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectrum”, Documenta Mathematica, 2015, Extra vol.: Alexander S. Merkurjev's sixtieth birthday, 335–365 |
2013 |
20. |
Д. Б. Каледин, “Циклотомические комплексы”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 77:5 (2013), 3–70 ; D. B. Kaledin, “Cyclotomic complexes”, Izv. Math., 77:5 (2013), 855–916
2012 |
21. |
D. Kaledin, “Universal Witt vectors and the Japanese cocycle”, Moscow Math. J., 12:3 (2012), 593–604
22. |
D. Kaledin, “Homology of infinite loop spaces”, Derived categories in algebraic geometry (Tokyo, 2011), eds. Yujiro Kawamata, EMS, 2012, 111–121 |
2011 |
23. |
D. Kaledin, “Derived Mackey functors”, Mosc. Math. J., 11:4 (2011), 723–803 , arXiv: 0812.2519
2009 |
24. |
D. Kaledin, “Geometry and topology of symplectic resolutions”, Algebraic geometry (Seattle, 2005), Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 80, Part 2, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2009, 595–628
25. |
Д. Б. Каледин, “Нормализация пуассоновой алгебры пуассонова”, Многомерная алгебраическая геометрия, Сборник статей. Посвящается памяти члена-корреспондента РАН Василия Алексеевича Исковских, Тр. МИАН, 264, МАИК, М., 2009, 77–80 ; D. B. Kaledin, “Normalization of a Poisson Algebra Is Poisson”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 264 (2009), 70–73
26. |
D. Kaledin, “Cartier isomorphism and Hodge theory in the non-commutative case”, Arithmetic geometry, Clay Math. Proc., 8, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2009, 537–562 |
27. |
D. Kaledin, “Cyclic homology with coefficients”, Algebra, arithmetic, and geometry, In honor of Y. I. Manin on the occasion of his 70th birthday, v. II, Progr. Math., 270, Birkhäuser Boston Inc., Boston, MA, 2009, 23–47 |
28. |
S. Gusein-Zade, Yu. Ilyashenko, D. Kaledin, A. Kuznetsov, S. Lando, A. Sossinski, M. Tsfasman, V. Vassiliev, A. Vershik, “A tribute to Pierre Deligne”, Mosc. Math. J., 9:1 (2009), 1–2 |
2008 |
29. |
D. Kaledin, “Beilinson conjectures in the non-commutative setting”, Higher-dimensional geometry over finite fields, NATO Sci. Peace Secur. Ser. D Inf. Commun. Secur., 16, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2008, 78–91 |
30. |
D. Kaledin, “Non-commutative Hodge-to-de Rham degeneration via the method of Deligne–Illusie”, Pure Appl. Math. Q., 4:3 (2008), 785–875
31. |
D. Kaledin, “Derived equivalences by quantization”, Geom. Funct. Anal., 17:6 (2008), 1968–2004
32. |
R. Bezrukavnikov, D. Kaledin, “Fedosov quantization in positive characteristic”, J. Amer. Math. Soc., 21:2 (2008), 409–438
33. |
Higher-dimensional geometry over finite fields, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at the University of Göttingen (Göttingen, June–July 2007), NATO Sci. Peace Secur. Ser. D Inf. Commun. Secur., 16, eds. D. Kaledin, Yu. Tschinkel, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2008 |
2007 |
34. |
D. Kaledin, “Hochschild homology and Gabber's theorem”, Moscow Seminar on Mathematical Physics. II, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, 221, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2007, 147–156 |
35. |
D. Kaledin, M. Lehn, “Local structure of hyperkähler singularities in O'Grady's examples”, Mosc. Math. J., 7:4 (2007), 653–672
36. |
D. Kaledin, “Some remarks on formality in families”, Mosc. Math. J., 7:4 (2007), 643–652
37. |
A. A. Beilinson, R. V. Bezrukavnikov, M. V. Finkel'berg, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, A. Kh. Shen', M. A. Tsfasman, D. Kaledin, “Victor Ginzburg”, Mosc. Math. J., 7:4 (2007), 579 |
38. |
В. А. Васильев, Ю. Г. Зархин, В. А. Исковских, Д. Б. Каледин, Вик. С. Куликов, Ю. И. Манин, Д. О. Орлов, А. Н. Паршин, И. Р. Шафаревич, “Федор Алексеевич Богомолов (к 60-летию со дня рождения)”, УМН, 62:6(378) (2007), 193–197 ; V. A. Vassiliev, Yu. G. Zarhin, V. A. Iskovskikh, D. B. Kaledin, Vik. S. Kulikov, Yu. I. Manin, D. O. Orlov, A. N. Parshin, I. R. Shafarevich, “Fedor Alekseevich Bogomolov (on his 60th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 62:6 (2007), 1233–1237 |
2006 |
39. |
D. Kaledin, “Symplectic singularities from the Poisson point of view”, J. Reine Angew. Math., 600 (2006), 135–156
40. |
D. Kaledin, M. Lehn, Ch. Sorger, “Singular symplectic moduli spaces”, Invent. Math., 164:3 (2006), 591–614
41. |
D. Kaledin, “On the coordinate ring of a projective Poisson scheme”, Math. Res. Lett., 13:1 (2006), 99–107
2004 |
42. |
V. Ginzburg, D. Kaledin, “Poisson deformations of symplectic quotient singularities”, Adv. Math., 186:1 (2004), 1–57
43. |
R. V. Bezrukavnikov, D. Kaledin, “Fedosov quantization in algebraic context”, Mosc. Math. J., 4:3 (2004), 559–592
44. |
Р. В. Безрукавников, Д. Б. Каледин, “Эквивалентность МакКея для симплектических разрешений фактор-особенностей”, Алгебраическая геометрия: Методы, связи и приложения, Сборник статей. Посвящается памяти члена-корреспондента РАН Андрея Николаевича Тюрина, Тр. МИАН, 246, Наука, М., 2004, 20–42 ; R. V. Bezrukavnikov, D. B. Kaledin, “McKay Equivalence for Symplectic Resolutions of Quotient Singularities”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 246 (2004), 13–33
2003 |
45. |
D. Kaledin, “On crepant resolutions of symplectic quotient singularities”, Selecta Math. (N.S.), 9:4 (2003), 529–555
2002 |
46. |
D. Kaledin, M. Verbitsky, “Period map for non-compact holomorphically symplectic manifolds”, Geom. Funct. Anal., 12:6 (2002), 1265–1295
47. |
D. Kaledin, “McKay correspondence for symplectic quotient singularities”, Invent. Math., 148:1 (2002), 151–175
1999 |
48. |
D. Kaledin, “A canonical hyperkähler metric on the total space of a cotangent bundle”, Quaternionic structures in mathematics and physics (Rome, 1999), Univ. Studi Roma “La Sapienza”, Rome, 1999, 195–230 (electronic) |
49. |
M. Verbitsky, D. Kaledin, Hyperkahler manifolds, Mathematical Physics (Somerville), 12, International Press, Somerville, MA, 1999 , iv+257 pp. |
1998 |
50. |
D. Kaledin, “Integrability of the twistor space for a hypercomplex manifold”, Selecta Math. (N.S.), 4:2 (1998), 271–278
51. |
D. Kaledin, M. Verbitsky, “Non-Hermitian Yang-Mills connections”, Selecta Math. (N.S.), 4:2 (1998), 279–320
52. |
D. Kaledin, M. Verbitsky, “Trianalytic subvarieties of generalized Kummer varieties”, Internat. Math. Res. Notices, 1998, no. 9, 439–461