Osipov, Andrei Viktorovich

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Total publications: 57
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Abstract pages:3543
Full texts:1308
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. S. A. Kukushkin, Sh. Sh. Sharofidinov, A. V. Osipov, A. S. Grashchenko, A. V. Kandakov, E. V. Osipova, K. P. Kotlyar, E. V. Ubyivovk, “Self-organization of the composition of Al$_{x}$Ga$_{1-x}$N films grown on hybrid SiC/Si substrates”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 63:3 (2021),  363–369  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 63:3 (2021), 442–448 6
2. N. T. Bagraev, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, L. E. Klyachkin, A. M. Malyarenko, V. S. Khromov, “Registration of terahertz radiation with silicon carbide nanostructures”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 55:12 (2021),  1195–1202  mathnet  elib 2
3. N. T. Bagraev, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, L. E. Klyachkin, A. M. Malyarenko, V. S. Khromov, “Terahertz emission from silicon carbide nanostructures”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 55:11 (2021),  1027–1033  mathnet  elib 3
4. I. V. Ilkiv, K. P. Kotlyar, D. A. Kirilenko, A. V. Osipov, I. P. Sotnikov, A. N. Terpitsky, G. E. Cirlin, “Formation of hexagonal germanium on AlGaAs nanowire surfaces by molecular-beam epitaxy”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 55:8 (2021),  621–624  mathnet  elib; Semiconductors, 55:8 (2021), 678–681 2
5. N. T. Bagraev, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, V. V. Romanov, L. E. Klyachkin, A. M. Malyarenko, V. S. Khromov, “Magnetic properties of thin epitaxial SiC layers grown by the atom-substitution method on single-crystal silicon surfaces”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 55:2 (2021),  103–111  mathnet  elib; Semiconductors, 55:2 (2021), 137–145 12
6. A. S. Grashchenko, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, A. V. Redkov, “Mechanical properties of a composite SiC coating on graphite obtained by the atomic substitution method”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 47:20 (2021),  7–10  mathnet  elib
7. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “The thermodynamic stability of In$_{x}$Ga$_{1-x}$N solid solutions”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 47:19 (2021),  51–54  mathnet  elib 1
8. L. K. Markov, S. A. Kukushkin, I. P. Smirnova, A. S. Pavluchenko, A. S. Grashchenko, A. V. Osipov, G. V. Svyatets, A. E. Nikolaev, A. V. Sakharov, V. V. Lundin, A. F. Tsatsul'nikov, “A light-emitting diode based on alingan heterostructures grown on SiC/Si substrates and its fabrication technology”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 47:18 (2021),  3–6  mathnet  elib 3
9. N. A. Cherkashin, A. V. Sakharov, A. E. Nikolaev, V. V. Lundin, S. O. Usov, V. M. Ustinov, A. S. Grashchenko, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, A. F. Tsatsul'nikov, “Peculiarities of epitaxial growth of III – N led heterostructures on SiC/Si substrates”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 47:15 (2021),  15–18  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 47:10 (2021), 753–756 6
10. A. A. Koryakin, Yu. A. Eremeev, A. V. Osipov, S. A. Kukushkin, “The influence of the porosity of silicon layer on the elastic properties of hybrid SiC/Si substrates”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 47:3 (2021),  25–28  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 47:2, 126–129 4
11. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “The optical properties, energy band structure, and interfacial conductance of a 3$C$-SiC(111)/Si(111) heterostructure grown by the method of atomic substitution”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 46:22 (2020),  3–5  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 46:11 (2020), 1103–1106 9
12. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, A. I. Romanychev, I. A. Kasatkin, A. S. Loshachenko, “Low-temperature growth of the CdS cubic phase by atomic-layer deposition on SiC/Si hybrid substrates”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 46:21 (2020),  3–6  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 46:11 (2020), 1049–1052 3
13. A. S. Grashchenko, A. S. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “Coating of nanostructured profiled Si surface with a SiC layer”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 46:20 (2020),  19–22  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 46:10 (2020), 1012–1015 1
14. D. D. Avrov, A. N. Gorlyak, A. O. Lebedev, V. V. Luchinin, A. V. Markov, A. V. Osipov, M. F. Panov, S. A. Kukushkin, “Comparative ellipsometric analysis of silicon carbide polytypes 4$H$, 15$R$, and 6$H$ produced by a modified Lely method in the same growth process”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 46:19 (2020),  28–31  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 46:10 (2020), 968–971 4
15. A. V. Osipov, A. S. Grashchenko, A. N. Gorlyak, A. O. Lebedev, V. V. Luchinin, A. V. Markov, M. F. Panov, S. A. Kukushkin, “Investigation of the hardness and Young's modulus in thin near-surface layers of silicon carbide from the Si- and C-faces by nanoindentation”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 46:15 (2020),  36–38  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 46:8 (2020), 763–766 6
16. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, A. V. Redkov, Sh. Sh. Sharofidinov, “Epitaxial growth of bulk semipolar aln films on Si(001) and hybrid SiC/Si(001) substrates”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 46:11 (2020),  22–25  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 46:6 (2020), 539–542 5
17. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “Mechanism of diffusion of carbon and silicon monooxides in a cubic silicon carbide crystal”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 61:12 (2019),  2334–2337  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 61:12 (2019), 2338–2341 1
18. A. S. Grashchenko, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “Study of elastic properties of SiC films synthesized on Si substrates by the method of atomic substitution”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 61:12 (2019),  2313–2315  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 61:12 (2019), 2310–2312 2
19. A. M. Mizerov, S. A. Kukushkin, Sh. Sh. Sharofidinov, A. V. Osipov, S. N. Timoshnev, K. Yu. Shubina, T. N. Berezovskaya, D. V. Mokhov, A. D. Bouravlev, “Method for controlling the polarity of gallium nitride layers in epitaxial synthesis of GaN/AlN heterostructures on hybrid SiC/Si substrates”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 61:12 (2019),  2289–2293  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 61:12 (2019), 2277–2281 4
20. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “Pathways of transitions between polytypes in silicon carbide”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 61:8 (2019),  1443–1447  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 61:8 (2019), 1389–1393
21. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, N. A. Feoktistov, “Two-stage conversion of silicon to nanostructured carbon by the method of coordinated atomic substitution”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 61:3 (2019),  587–593  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 61:3 (2019), 456–463 5
22. A. V. Redkov, A. S. Grashchenko, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, K. P. Kotlyar, A. I. Lihachev, A. V. Nashchekin, I. P. Soshnikov, “Studying evolution of the ensemble of micropores in a SiC/Si structure during its growth by the method of atom substitution”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 61:3 (2019),  433–440  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 61:3 (2019), 299–306 15
23. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “Microscopic description of the mechanism of transition between the 2$H$ and 4$H$ polytypes of silicon carbide”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 61:3 (2019),  422–425  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 61:3 (2019), 288–291 4
24. S. A. Kukushkin, A. M. Mizerov, A. S. Grashchenko, A. V. Osipov, E. V. Nikitina, S. N. Timoshnev, A. D. Bouravlev, M. S. Sobolev, “Photoelectric properties of GaN layers grown by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy on Si(111) substrates and SiC/Si(111) epitaxial layers”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 53:2 (2019),  190–198  mathnet  elib; Semiconductors, 53:2 (2019), 180–187 4
25. V. V. Antipov, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “Epitaxial growth of zinc sulfide by atomic layer deposition on SiC/Si hybrid substrates”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 45:21 (2019),  11–14  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 45:11 (2019), 1075–1077 2
26. Sh. Sh. Sharofidinov, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Redkov, A. S. Grashchenko, A. V. Osipov, “Growing III–V semiconductor heterostructures on SiC/Si substrates”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 45:14 (2019),  24–27  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 45:7 (2019), 711–713 14
27. G. V. Benemanskaya, P. A. Dementev, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, S. N. Timoshnev, “A new type of carbon nanostructure on a vicinal SiŃ(111)-8$^\circ$ surface”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 45:5 (2019),  17–20  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 45:3 (2019), 201–204 8
28. Yu. È. Kitaev, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, A. V. Redkov, “A new trigonal (rhombohedral) sic phase: ab initio calculations, a symmetry analysis and the Raman spectra”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 60:10 (2018),  2022–2027  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 60:10 (2018), 2066–2071 4
29. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “Mechanism of formation of carbon–vacancy structures in silicon carbide during its growth by atomic substitution”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 60:9 (2018),  1841–1846  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 60:9 (2018), 1891–1896 10
30. A. S. Grashchenko, S. A. Kukushkin, V. I. Nikolaev, A. V. Osipov, E. V. Osipova, I. P. Soshnikov, “Study of the anisotropic elastoplastic properties of $\beta$-Ga$_{2}$O$_{3}$ films synthesized on SiC/Si substrates”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 60:5 (2018),  851–856  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 60:5 (2018), 852–857 24
31. V. V. Antipov, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, V. P. Rubets, “Epitaxial growth of cadmium selenide films on silicon with a silicon carbide buffer layer”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 60:3 (2018),  499–504  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 60:3 (2018), 504–509 6
32. I. P. Kalinkin, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “Effect of chemical treatment of a silicon surface on the quality and structure of silicon-carbide epitaxial films synthesized by atom substitution”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 52:6 (2018),  656–663  mathnet  elib; Semiconductors, 52:6 (2018), 802–808 18
33. R. R. Reznik, K. P. Kotlyar, I. P. Soshnikov, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, G. E. Cirlin, “MBE growth and structural properties of InAs and InGaAs nanowires with different mole fraction of In on Si and strongly mismatched SiC/Si(111) substrates”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 52:5 (2018),  522  mathnet  elib; Semiconductors, 52:5 (2018), 651–653 2
34. S. A. Grudinkin, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, N. A. Feoktistov, “IR spectra of carbon-vacancy clusters in the topochemical transformation of silicon into silicon carbide”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 59:12 (2017),  2403–2408  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 59:12 (2017), 2430–2435 8
35. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “A quantum-mechanical model of dilatation dipoles in topochemical synthesis of silicon carbide from silicon”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 59:6 (2017),  1214–1217  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 59:6 (2017), 1238–1241 3
36. S. A. Kukushkin, K. Kh. Nussupov, A. V. Osipov, N. B. Beisenkhanov, D. I. Bakranova, “X-ray reflectometry and simulation of the parameters of SiC epitaxial films on Si(111), grown by the atomic substitution method”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 59:5 (2017),  986–998  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 59:5 (2017), 1014–1026 10
37. V. K. Egorov, E. V. Egorov, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “Structural heteroepitaxy during topochemical transformation of silicon to silicon carbide”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 59:4 (2017),  755–761  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 59:4 (2017), 773–779 3
38. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, V. N. Bessolov, E. V. Konenkova, V. N. Panteleev, “Misfit dislocation locking and rotation during gallium nitride growth on SiC/Si substrates”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 59:4 (2017),  660–667  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 59:4 (2017), 674–681 4
39. V. V. Antipov, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “Epitaxial growth of cadmium telluride films on silicon with a buffer silicon carbide layer”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 59:2 (2017),  385–388  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 59:2 (2017), 399–402 5
40. Yu. È. Kitaev, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “Evolution of the symmetry of intermediate phases and their phonon spectra during the topochemical conversion of silicon into silicon carbide”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 59:1 (2017),  30–35  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 59:1 (2017), 28–33 6
41. R. R. Reznik, K. P. Kotlyar, I. V. Shtrom, I. P. Sotnikov, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, G. E. Cirlin, “MBE growth of ultrathin III–V nanowires on a highly mismatched SiC/Si(111) substrate”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 51:11 (2017),  1525–1529  mathnet  elib; Semiconductors, 51:11 (2017), 1472–1476 1
42. A. S. Grashchenko, N. A. Feoktistov, A. V. Osipov, E. V. Kalinina, S. A. Kukushkin, “Photoelectric characteristics of silicon carbide–silicon structures grown by the atomic substitution method in a silicon crystal lattice”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 51:5 (2017),  651–658  mathnet  elib; Semiconductors, 51:5 (2017), 621–627 10
43. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, A. V. Redkov, “Separation of III–N/SiC epitaxial heterostructure from a Si substrate and their transfer to other substrate types”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 51:3 (2017),  414–420  mathnet  elib; Semiconductors, 51:3 (2017), 396–401 12
44. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “The Gorsky effect in the synthesis of silicon-carbide films from silicon by topochemical substitution of atoms”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 43:13 (2017),  81–88  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 43:7 (2017), 631–634 15
45. R. R. Reznik, K. P. Kotlyar, I. V. Ilkiv, I. P. Soshnikov, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, E. V. Nikitina, G. E. Cirlin, “Growth and optical properties of filamentary GaN nanocrystals grown on a hybrid SiC/Si(111) substrate by molecular beam epitaxy”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 58:10 (2016),  1886–1889  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 58:10 (2016), 1952–1955 10
46. S. A. Kukushkin, V. I. Nikolaev, A. V. Osipov, E. V. Osipova, A. I. Pechnikov, N. A. Feoktistov, “Epitaxial gallium oxide on a SiC/Si substrate”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 58:9 (2016),  1812–1817  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 58:9 (2016), 1876–1881 22
47. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, A. I. Romanychev, “Epitaxial growth of zinc oxide by the method of atomic layer deposition on SiC/Si substrates”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 58:7 (2016),  1398–1402  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 58:7 (2016), 1448–1452 19
48. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, R. S. Telyatnik, “Elastic interaction of point defects in cubic and hexagonal crystals”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 58:5 (2016),  941–949  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 58:5 (2016), 971–980 12
49. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, O. N. Sergeeva, D. A. Kiselev, A. A. Bogomolov, A. V. Solnyshkin, E. Yu. Kaptelov, S. V. Senkevich, I. P. Pronin, “Pyroelectric and piezoelectric responses of thin AlN films epitaxy-grown on a SiC/Si substrate”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 58:5 (2016),  937–940  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 58:5 (2016), 967–970 14
50. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “Phase equilibrium in the formation of silicon carbide by topochemical conversion of silicon”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 58:4 (2016),  725–729  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 58:4 (2016), 747–751 13
51. V. V. Antipov, S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “Epitaxial growth of cadmium sulfide films on silicon”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 58:3 (2016),  612–615  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 58:3 (2016), 629–632 9
52. G. V. Benemanskaya, P. A. Dementev, S. A. Kukushkin, M. N. Lapushkin, A. V. Osipov, B. V. Senkovskiy, “The C 1$s$ core level spectroscopy of carbon atoms at the surface SiC/Si(111)-4$^\circ$ layer and Cs/SiC/Si(111)-4$^\circ$ interface”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 50:10 (2016),  1348–1352  mathnet  elib; Semiconductors, 50:10 (2016), 1327–1332 3
53. G. V. Benemanskaya, P. A. Dementev, S. A. Kukushkin, M. N. Lapushkin, A. V. Osipov, S. N. Timoshnev, “Photoemission studies of the vicinal SiC(100) 4$^\circ$ surface and the Cs/SiC(100) 4$^\circ$ interface”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 42:23 (2016),  51–57  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 42:12 (2016), 1145–1148 3
54. A. V. Redkov, A. V. Osipov, S. A. Kukushkin, “Molecular dynamics simulation of the indentation of nanoscale films on a substrate”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 42:12 (2016),  64–72  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 42:6 (2016), 639–643 5
55. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “Determining polytype composition of silicon carbide films by UV ellipsometry”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 42:4 (2016),  16–22  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 42:2 (2016), 175–178 16
56. S. A. Kukushkin, A. V. Osipov, “Thin-film condensation processes”, UFN, 168:10 (1998),  1083–1116  mathnet; Phys. Usp., 41:10 (1998), 983–1014  isi 238
57. I. A. Ovid'ko, A. V. Osipov, “Disclination splitting and crystal–glass transformation under mechanical fusing”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 34:1 (1992),  288–292  mathnet

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