Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2024 |
1. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, C. L. Malyshev, “Semi-infinite Heisenberg XX0 chain and random walks”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 532 (2024), 91–108 |
2. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, “Random ordered lattice paths generated by operators satisfying the Cuntz algebra”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 532 (2024), 80–90 |
2023 |
3. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, C. L. Malyshev, “Scalar product of the five-vertex model and complete symmetric polynomials”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 520 (2023), 124–138 |
2021 |
4. |
Nikolay Bogolyubov, Cyril Malyshev, “How to Draw a Correlation Function”, SIGMA, 17 (2021), 106, 35 pp. |
5. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, A. G. Pronko, “One-point function of the four-vertex model”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 509 (2021), 39–53 |
6. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, C. L. Malyshev, “Cauchy–Binet determinantal identity and enumeration of plane partitions in a high box”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 509 (2021), 25–38 |
2020 |
7. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, C. L. Malyshev, “Heisenberg $XX0$ chain and random walks on a ring”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 494 (2020), 48–63 |
2019 |
8. |
N. Bogoliubov, C. Malyshev, “The asymptotics of plane partitions with fixed volumes of diagonal parts”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 487 (2019), 68–77 |
9. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, “Enumerative combinatorics of $XX0$ Heisenberg chain”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 487 (2019), 53–67 |
2018 |
10. |
Igor Ermakov, Tim Byrnes, Nikolay Bogoliubov, “High-accuracy energy formulas for the attractive two-site Bose–Hubbard model”, Phys. Rev. A, 97:2 (2018), 23626, 11 pp. |
11. |
N. Bogoliubov, C. Malyshev, “The partition function of the four-vertex model in a special external field”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 473 (2018), 77–84 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 242:5 (2019), 636–641 |
12. |
N. Bogoliubov, C. Malyshev, “The ground state-vector of the $XY$ Heisenberg chain and the Gauss decomposition”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 473 (2018), 66–76 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 242:5 (2019), 628–635 |
2017 |
13. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, I. Ermakov, A. Rybin, “Time evolution of the atomic inversion for the generalized Tavis–Cummings model–QIM approach”, J. Phys. A, 50:46 (2017), 464003, 24 pp. |
14. |
Nicolay M. Bogoliubov, Cyril Malyshev, “Zero Range Process and Multi-Dimensional Random Walks”, SIGMA, 13 (2017), 056, 14 pp. |
15. |
N. Bogoliubov, C. Malyshev, “Correlation functions as nests of self-avoiding paths”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 465 (2017), 27–45 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 238:6 (2019), 779–792 |
16. |
N. Bogoliubov, “Continuous time multidimensional walks as an integrable model”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 465 (2017), 13–26 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 238:6 (2019), 769–778 |
2016 |
17. |
N. Bogoliubov, C. Malyshev, “Multi-dimensional random walks and integrable phase models”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 448 (2016), 48–68 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 224:2 (2017), 199–213 |
2015 |
18. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, K. L. Malyshev, “Integrable models and combinatorics”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 70:5(425) (2015), 3–74 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 70:5 (2015), 789–856 |
19. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, C. Malyshev, “Combinatorial aspects of correlation functions of the $XXZ$ Heisenberg chain in limiting cases”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 437 (2015), 15–34 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 216:1 (2016), 8–22 |
20. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, “Time-dependent correlation functions for a bimodal Bose–Hubbard model”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 433 (2015), 65–77 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 213:5 (2016), 662–670 |
2014 |
21. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, “Combinatorics of a strongly coupled boson system”, TMF, 181:1 (2014), 5–18 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 181:1 (2014), 1132–1144 |
22. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, C. Malyshev, “A combinatorial interpretation of the scalar products of state vectors of integrable models”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 421 (2014), 33–46 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 200:6 (2014), 662–670 |
2013 |
23. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, “Calculation of correlation functions in totally asymmetric exactly solvable models on a ring”, TMF, 175:3 (2013), 370–378 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 175:3 (2013), 755–762 |
2012 |
24. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, A. G. Pronko, J. Timonen, “Multiple-grain dissipative sandpiles”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 403 (2012), 5–18 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 190:3 (2013), 411–418 |
25. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, P. P. Kulish, “Exactly solvable models of quantum nonlinear optics”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 398 (2012), 26–54 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 192:1 (2013), 14–30 |
26. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, “Scalar products of the state vectors in the totally asymmetric exactly solvable models on a ring”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 398 (2012), 5–25 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 192:1 (2013), 1–13 |
2011 |
27. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, K. L. Malyshev, “Ising limit of a Heisenberg $XXZ$ magnet and some temperature correlation functions”, TMF, 169:2 (2011), 179–193 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 169:2 (2011), 1517–1529 |
2010 |
28. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, K. Malyshev, “The correlation functions of the $XXZ$ Heisenberg chain in the case of zero or infinite anisotropy, and random walks of vicious walkers”, Algebra i Analiz, 22:3 (2010), 32–59 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 22:3 (2011), 359–377 |
29. |
N. I. Abarenkova, N. M. Bogoliubov, “Solution of the integrable model of the spinor Bose–Einstein condensate with the dipole-dipole interaction”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 374 (2010), 5–27 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 168:6 (2010), 759–771 |
2009 |
30. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, “Five vertex model with fixed boundary conditions”, Algebra i Analiz, 21:3 (2009), 58–78 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 21:3 (2010), 407–421 |
31. |
Nikolay M. Bogolyubov, “Determinantal Representation of the Time-Dependent Stationary Correlation Function for the Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Model”, SIGMA, 5 (2009), 052, 11 pp. |
32. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, K. L. Malyshev, “Correlation functions of the XX Heisenberg magnet and random walks of vicious walkers”, TMF, 159:2 (2009), 179–193 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 159:2 (2009), 563–574 |
2008 |
33. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, “Four-vertex model and random tilings”, TMF, 155:1 (2008), 25–38 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 155:1 (2008), 523–535 |
34. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, “Form factors, plane partitions and random walks”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 360 (2008), 5–30 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 158:6 (2009), 771–786 |
2007 |
35. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, “Enumeration of plane partitions and the algebraic Bethe anzatz”, TMF, 150:2 (2007), 193–203 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 150:2 (2007), 165–174 |
36. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, K. L. Malyshev, “On the calculation of the asymptotics
of the two-point correlation function of the one-dimensional Bose gas
in the trapping potential”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 347 (2007), 56–74 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 151:2 (2008), 2829–2839 |
37. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, “Four-vertex model”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 347 (2007), 34–55 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 151:2 (2008), 2816–2828 |
2006 |
38. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, “Integrable models for the vicious and friendly walkers”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 335 (2006), 59–74 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 143:1 (2007), 2729–2737 |
2005 |
39. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, K. L. Malyshev, “Functional integration and the twopoint correlation function of the one-dimensional Bose-gas in the harmonic potential”, Algebra i Analiz, 17:1 (2005), 84–114 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 17:1 (2006), 63–84 |
40. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, “$XX0$ Heisenberg chain and random walks”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 325 (2005), 13–27 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 138:3 (2006), 5636–5643 |
2004 |
41. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, “Spinor Bose condensate and $\mathrm{su}(1,1)$ Richardson model”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 317 (2004), 43–56 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 136:1 (2006), 3552–3559 |
2003 |
42. |
R. K. Bullough, N. M. Bogolyubov, V. S. Kapitonov, K. L. Malyshev, I. Timonen, A. V. Rybin, G. G. Varzugin, M. Lindberg, “Quantum Integrable and Nonintegrable Nonlinear Schrödinger Models for Realizable Bose–Einstein Condensation in $d+1$ Dimensions $(d=1,2,3)$”, TMF, 134:1 (2003), 55–73 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 134:1 (2003), 47–61 |
2000 |
43. |
R. K. Bullough, N. M. Bogolyubov, R. R. Puri, “Quantum integrability and quantum chaos in the micromaser”, TMF, 122:2 (2000), 182–204 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 122:2 (2000), 151–169 |
44. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, M. B. Zvonarev, A. V. Kitaev, “Fluctuations near the boundaries in the six-vertex model”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 269 (2000), 136–142 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 115:1 (2003), 1960–1963 |
45. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, “Multi-particle correlation functions in the trapped Bose gas”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 269 (2000), 125–135 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 115:1 (2003), 1954–1959 |
1999 |
46. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, A. G. Izergin, A. L. Kitanin, A. G. Pronko, “The Probabilities of Survival and Hopping of States in the Phase Model on a Finite Lattice”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 226 (1999), 36–48 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 226 (1999), 29–41 |
1998 |
47. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, “Non-Hermitian integrable models”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 251 (1998), 22–32 ; J. Math. Sci. (New York), 104:3 (2001), 1097–1104 |
1997 |
48. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, “Algebraic Bethe anzatz and the Tavis–Cummings model”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 245 (1997), 66–79 ; J. Math. Sci. (New York), 100:2 (2000), 2051–2060 |
1995 |
49. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, “Exact solution of a model of three bound oscillators with Stark nonlinearity”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 224 (1995), 122–128 ; J. Math. Sci. (New York), 88:2 (1998), 185–189 |
1991 |
50. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, “The logarithmic corrections in the one-dimensional Hubbard model with attraction”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 189 (1991), 24–36 ; J. Soviet Math., 62:5 (1992), 2955–2963 |
1990 |
51. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, V. E. Korepin, “Correlation functions of the one-dimensional Hubbard model”, TMF, 82:3 (1990), 331–348 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 82:3 (1990), 231–243 |
1989 |
52. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, V. E. Korepin, “The mechanism of Cooper pairing in the one-dimensional Hubbard model”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 191 (1989), 45–54 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 191 (1992), 47–57 |
1987 |
53. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, A. G. Izergin, V. E. Korepin, “Critical exponents in completely integrable models of quantum statistical physics”, TMF, 70:1 (1987), 135–145 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 70:1 (1987), 94–102 |
1986 |
54. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, “Thermodynamics of a one-dimensional lattice Bose gas”, TMF, 67:3 (1986), 451–462 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 67:3 (1986), 614–622 |
55. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, V. E. Korepin, “Quantum nonlinear Schrödinger equation on a lattice”, TMF, 66:3 (1986), 455–462 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 66:3 (1986), 300–305 |
56. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, V. E. Korepin, “On complete screening in the one-dimensional Bose gas”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 150 (1986), 3–6 |
1985 |
57. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, V. E. Korepin, “Temperature dependence of the correlation length in a one-dimensional Bose gas”, TMF, 64:1 (1985), 92–102 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 64:1 (1985), 708–715 |
58. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, A. S. Budagov, “On the Poisson structure for the matrix Sine–Gordon equation”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 146 (1985), 3–8 |
1984 |
59. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, A. G. Izergin, “Lattice sine-Gordon model with local Hamiltonian”, TMF, 61:3 (1984), 364–377 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 61:3 (1984), 1195–1204 |
60. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, V. E. Korepin, “Correlation functions of one-dimensional Bose gas in thermodynamic equilibrium”, TMF, 60:2 (1984), 262–269 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 60:2 (1984), 808–814 |
61. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, A. G. Izergin, “Lattice completely integrable regularization of the sine-Gordon model for small coupling constants”, TMF, 59:2 (1984), 183–199 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 59:2 (1984), 441–452 |
1982 |
62. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, “On the physical sector of the lattice sine-Gordon model”, TMF, 51:3 (1982), 344–354 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 51:3 (1982), 540–547 |
63. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, A. N. Vasil'ev, Yu. M. Pis'mak, “Enumeration of 3-conneeted labeled graphs”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 120 (1982), 21–24 |
1981 |
64. |
N. M. Bogoliubov, “Some results of the hightemperature expansions for the Ising model in arbitrary magnetic field”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 101 (1981), 11–27 ; J. Soviet Math., 23:4 (1983), 2379–2389 |
1977 |
65. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, “Convergence of Feynman diagram expansions in the Ising model”, TMF, 30:1 (1977), 138–141 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 30:1 (1977), 88–90 |
1976 |
66. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, V. F. Brattsev, A. N. Vasil'ev, A. L. Korzhenevskii, R. A. Radzhabov, “High-temperature expansions at an arbitrary magnetization in the ising model”, TMF, 26:3 (1976), 341–351 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 26:3 (1976), 230–237 |
2004 |
67. |
N. M. Bogolyubov, E. V. Damaskinsky, “Kulish Petr Petrovich”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 317 (2004), 7–10 |
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru |
Organisations |