Gadzhimirzaev, Ramis Makhmudovich

Statistics Math-Net.Ru
Total publications: 29
Scientific articles: 29
Presentations: 3

Number of views:
This page:1379
Abstract pages:5138
Full texts:1312
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
Speciality: 01.01.01 (Real analysis, complex analysis, and functional analysis)
Keywords: real analysis, orthogonal polynomials, approximation theory, asymptotics, Fourier series.


Function spaces, approximative properties of orthogonal polynomials, approximation of functions.
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Jackson-type theorem on approximation by algebraic polynomials in the uniform metric with Laguerre weight”, Mat. Zametki, 116:1 (2024),  34–44  mathnet; Math. Notes, 116:1 (2024), 30–39
2. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Convergence of the Fourier Series in Meixner–Sobolev Polynomials and Approximation Properties of Its Partial Sums”, Mat. Zametki, 115:3 (2024),  330–347  mathnet  mathscinet; Math. Notes, 115:3 (2024), 301–316  scopus 1
3. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Approximation properties of de la Vallee Poussin means of partial Fourier series in Meixner-Sobolev polynomials”, Mat. Sb., 215:9 (2024),  77–98  mathnet
4. M. G. Magomed-Kasumov, T. N. Shakh-Emirov, R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Basis property of the Legendre polynomials in variable exponent Lebesgue spaces”, Mat. Sb., 215:2 (2024),  103–119  mathnet  mathscinet; Sb. Math., 215:2 (2024), 234–249  isi  scopus
5. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Estimates for the convergence rate of a Fourier series in Laguerre–Sobolev polynomials”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 65:4 (2024),  622–635  mathnet
6. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “On the approximative properties of Fourier series in Laguerre–Sobolev polynomials”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 65:1 (2024),  38–51  mathnet 1
7. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “On Approximation Properties of Fourier Series in Jacobi Polynomials $P_n^{\alpha-r,-r}(x)$ Orthogonal in the Sense of Sobolev”, Mat. Zametki, 111:6 (2022),  803–818  mathnet  mathscinet; Math. Notes, 111:6 (2022), 827–840  scopus
8. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Approximation properties of the Vallée-Poussin means similar to the partial sums of Fourier series in Laguerre–Sobolev polynomials”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 63:3 (2022),  545–561  mathnet  mathscinet; Siberian Math. J., 63:3 (2022), 451–465 1
9. M. S. Sultanakhmedov, R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Representation of the solution of the Cauchy problem for a difference equation by a Fourier series in Meixner - Sobolev polynomials”, Daghestan Electronic Mathematical Reports, 2021, no. 16,  74–82  mathnet
10. I. G. Guseinov, R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Two-dimensional limit series in ultraspherical Jacobi polynomials and their approximative properties”, Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 21:4 (2021),  422–433  mathnet
11. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, T. N. Shakh-Emirov, “Approximation Properties of the Vallée-Poussin Means of Partial Sums of a Special Series in Laguerre Polynomials”, Mat. Zametki, 110:4 (2021),  483–497  mathnet  elib; Math. Notes, 110:4 (2021), 475–488  isi  scopus 4
12. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Estimates for Sobolev-orthonormal functions and generated by Laguerre functions”, Probl. Anal. Issues Anal., 10(28):1 (2021),  23–37  mathnet  isi  elib
13. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “On the uniform convergence of the Fourier series by the system of polynomials generated by the system of Laguerre polynomials”, Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 20:4 (2020),  416–423  mathnet 4
14. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Integral estimates for Laguerre polynomials with exponential weight function”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2020, no. 4,  16–25  mathnet; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 64:4 (2020), 12–20  isi  scopus 1
15. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Approximation of discrete functions using special series by modified Meixner polynomials”, Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 17 (2020),  395–405  mathnet  isi
16. G. G. Akniev, R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “A numerical method for solving the Cauchy problem for ODEs using a system of polynomials generated by a system of modified Laguerre polynomials”, Daghestan Electronic Mathematical Reports, 2019, no. 12,  13–24  mathnet
17. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Estimate of the Lebesgue Function of Fourier Sums in Terms of Modified Meixner Polynomials”, Mat. Zametki, 106:4 (2019),  519–530  mathnet  mathscinet  elib; Math. Notes, 106:4 (2019), 526–536  isi  scopus 2
18. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Sobolev-orthonormal system of functions generated by the system of Laguerre functions”, Probl. Anal. Issues Anal., 8(26):1 (2019),  32–46  mathnet  isi  elib 5
19. G. G. Akniev, R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Fast algorithm for finding approximate solutions to the Cauchy problem for ODE”, Daghestan Electronic Mathematical Reports, 2018, no. 10,  41–49  mathnet
20. G. G. Akniev, R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Algorithm for numerical realization of polynomials in functions orthogonal in the sense of Sobolev and generated by cosines”, Daghestan Electronic Mathematical Reports, 2018, no. 9,  1–6  mathnet 1
21. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Recurrence relations for polynomials orthonormal on Sobolev, generated by Laguerre polynomials”, Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 18:1 (2018),  17–24  mathnet  elib 2
22. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Approximative properties of Fourier–Meixner sums”, Probl. Anal. Issues Anal., 7(25):1 (2018),  23–40  mathnet  isi  elib 2
23. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Approximative properties of special series in Meixner polynomials”, Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh., 20:3 (2018),  21–36  mathnet  elib 1
24. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Approximation of functions defined on the grid $\{0, \delta, 2\delta, \ldots\}$ by Fourier-Meixner sums”, Daghestan Electronic Mathematical Reports, 2017, no. 7,  61–65  mathnet 3
25. I. I. Sharapudinov, Z. D. Gadzhieva, R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Sobolev orthogonal functions on the grid, generated by discrete orthogonal functions and the Cauchy problem for the difference equation”, Daghestan Electronic Mathematical Reports, 2017, no. 7,  29–39  mathnet 1
26. I. I. Sharapudinov, Z. D. Gadzhieva, R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Difference equations and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials, generated by Meixner polynomials”, Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh., 19:2 (2017),  58–72  mathnet 9
27. I. I. Sharapudinov, Z. D. Gadzhieva, R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “Systems of functions orthogonal with respect to scalar products of Sobolev type with discrete masses generated by classical orthogonal systems”, Daghestan Electronic Mathematical Reports, 2016, no. 6,  31–60  mathnet  elib 7
28. R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “The Fourier series of the Meixner polynomials orthogonal with respect to the Sobolev-type inner product”, Izv. Saratov Univ. Math. Mech. Inform., 16:4 (2016),  388–395  mathnet  mathscinet  elib 6
29. I. I. Sharapudinov, M. S. Sultanakhmedov, T. N. Shakh-Emirov, T. I. Sharapudinov, M. G. Magomed-Kasumov, G. G. Akniev, R. M. Gadzhimirzaev, “On the identification of the parameters of linear systems using Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind and Chebyshev polynomials orthogonal on a uniform grid”, Daghestan Electronic Mathematical Reports, 2014, no. 2,  1–32  mathnet  elib

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Approximation properties of partial Fourier series and their de La Vallee Poussin means in the system of Meixner–Sobolev polynomials
R. M. Gadzhimirzaev
Seminar on Complex Analysis (Gonchar Seminar)
April 15, 2024 17:00
2. Теорема типа Джексона о приближении алгебраическими многочленами в равномерной метрике с весом Лагерра
R. M. Gadzhimirzaev
XXII International Saratov Winter School "Contemporary Problems of Function Theory and Their Applications", dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences
January 30, 2024 16:50   
3. Special series in Meixner polynomials and Sobolev orthonormal functions generated by Laguerre functions
R. M. Gadzhimirzaev
Seminar on Complex Analysis (Gonchar Seminar)
April 11, 2022 17:00

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