Kostanovskii, Alexander Viktorovich

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Total publications: 52
Scientific articles: 52

Number of views:
This page:385
Abstract pages:10488
Full texts:6183
Doctor of technical sciences (1998)
Speciality: 01.04.14 (Heating physics and theoretical heating engineering)
Main publications:
  • Radiatsionnyi teploobmen : ucheb. pos. po kursu "Teoreticheskie osnovy teplotekhniki" dlya stud. ... po napr. "Teploenergetika i osnovy teplotekhniki" i "Energeticheskoe mashinostroenie" / A. V. Kostanovskii ; - Moskva : Izd-vo MEI, 2018. - 91 s. : il., tabl.; 20 sm.; ISBN 978-5-7046-2018-1
List of publications on Google Scholar

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. G. Zeodinov, M. E. Kostanovskaya, A. A. Pronkin, “Влияние температуры и силы тока на контактное электрическое сопротивление графита”, TVT, 62:3 (2024),  363–367  mathnet
2. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. G. Zeodinov, M. E. Kostanovskaya, A. A. Pronkin, “Распределение температуры в области контактной электрической поверхности графита”, TVT, 62:1 (2024),  143–146  mathnet
3. Yu. V. Shatskikh, A. V. Kostanovskii, M. G. Zeodinov, V. A. Milyutin, “Использование метода регулярного режима для экспериментального определения теплопроводности жидкости”, TVT, 61:4 (2023),  525–529  mathnet
4. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. E. Kostanovskaya, M. G. Zeodinov, A. A. Pronkin, “Thermal effect in the contact resistance of graphite”, TVT, 60:6 (2022),  946–949  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 60:6 (2022), 877–880 1
5. M. G. Zeodinov, A. V. Kostanovskii, M. E. Kostanovskaya, A. A. Pronkin, “Contact electrical resistance of grade MPG-$7$ graphite at DC and AC current”, TVT, 60:5 (2022),  789–792  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 60:5 (2022), 723–726 2
6. M. G. Zeodinov, A. V. Kostanovskii, M. E. Kostanovskaya, A. A. Pronkin, “Electrical contact resistance of graphite”, TVT, 60:4 (2022),  519–523  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 60:4 (2022), 469–473 5
7. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. E. Kostanovskaya, “Determination of specific heat in experiments with pulsed electric heating”, TVT, 59:5 (2021),  790–793  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 60:1, Suppl. 2 (2022), S281–S284 3
8. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. E. Kostanovskaya, “Relationship between force and heat flux in the electric-pulse heating of a metal conductor”, TVT, 58:5 (2020),  826–828  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 58:5 (2020), 747–749  isi  scopus
9. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. G. Zeodinov, M. E. Kostanovskaya, A. A. Pronkin, “Influence of heating temperature on the electrical resistivity of pyrolytic graphite”, TVT, 58:4 (2020),  732–734  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 58:4 (2020), 668–670  isi  scopus 2
10. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. G. Zeodinov, M. E. Kostanovskaya, A. A. Pronkin, “Electrical resistivity of the $c$ surface of pyrolytic UPV-1 graphite in a temperature range of $2200$$3200$ K”, TVT, 58:1 (2020),  141–143  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 58:1 (2020), 137–139  isi  scopus 1
11. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. G. Zeodinov, M. E. Kostanovskaya, A. A. Pronkin, “Emittance properties of siliconized silicon carbide in the temperature range of $1400$$2200$ K”, TVT, 57:2 (2019),  301–303  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 57:2 (2019), 272–274  isi  scopus 2
12. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. G. Zeodinov, M. E. Kostanovskaya, A. A. Pronkin, “Thermal conductivity of silicicated silicon carbide at $1400$$2200$ K”, TVT, 57:1 (2019),  137–139  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 57:1 (2019), 122–123  isi  scopus 4
13. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. G. Zeodinov, M. E. Kostanovskaya, A. A. Pronkin, “Thermal expansion of zirconium carbide at $1200$$2850$ K”, TVT, 56:6 (2018),  956–958  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 56:6 (2018), 936–937  isi  scopus 6
14. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. G. Zeodinov, M. E. Kostanovskaya, A. A. Pronkin, “Electrical resistivity of silicated silicon carbide”, TVT, 56:5 (2018),  841–843  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 56:5 (2018), 824–826  isi  scopus 5
15. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. G. Zeodinov, M. E. Kostanovskaya, A. A. Pronkin, “Relative elongation of silicicated silicon carbide at temperatures of $1150$$2500$ K”, TVT, 56:2 (2018),  310–312  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 56:2 (2018), 299–301  isi  elib  scopus 3
16. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. G. Zeodinov, M. E. Kostanovskaya, A. A. Pronkin, T. I. Borodina, “Relative lengthening of $\rm ZrO_2$ in the temperature range of $1200$$2700$ K”, TVT, 55:6 (2017),  782–784  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 55:6 (2017), 942–944  isi  scopus 1
17. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. E. Kostanovskaya, “The role of heat flux in the nonsteady thermal problem of molybdenum sphere cooling in an electrostatic levitation experiment”, TVT, 55:6 (2017),  696–699  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 55:6 (2017), 866–869  isi  scopus 7
18. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. E. Kostanovskaya, M. G. Zeodinov, “Self-heating effect at graphite ohmic heating”, TVT, 55:5 (2017),  732–736  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 55:5 (2017), 718–722  isi  scopus 3
19. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. G. Zeodinov, M. E. Kostanovskaya, A. A. Pronkin, “Investigation of stability of the relative elongation of GIP-4 graphite under cyclic thermal loads”, TVT, 54:1 (2016),  144–146  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 54:1 (2016), 146–148  isi  scopus 4
20. A. A. Pronkin, A. V. Kostanovskii, “Absorption and width of the optical gap of $\alpha$-$\text{C}$ films obtained by magnetron sputtering”, TVT, 53:2 (2015),  312–314  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 53:2 (2015), 299–301  isi  elib  scopus 2
21. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. G. Zeodinov, M. E. Kostanovskaya, A. A. Pronkin, “Investigation of stability of specific elongation of graphite of $\text{DE}$-$24$ grade under cyclic heat loads”, TVT, 53:1 (2015),  54–57  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 53:1 (2015), 51–54  isi  elib  scopus 8
22. A. V. Kostanovskii, A. A. Pronkin, A. N. Kirichenko, “Formation of a thin film containing $\alpha$-carbine in the magnetron sputtering of graphite targets and the impact of an external photoactivation source”, TVT, 51:5 (2013),  787–790  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 51:5 (2013), 712–715  isi  elib  scopus 5
23. A. V. Kostanovskiy, M. E. Kostanovskaya, M. G. Zeodinov, “About a phonon mechanism of heat conduction in graphite at high temperatures”, TVT, 51:3 (2013),  477–480  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 51:3 (2013), 426–429  isi  elib  scopus 9
24. A. V. Kostanovskii, L. A. Zhylyakov, A. A. Pronkin, A. V. Kirillin, “Preparation of diamond-like films in the process of magnetron sputtering of graphite target”, TVT, 47:1 (2009),  141–143  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 47:1 (2009), 136–138  isi  elib  scopus 4
25. L. A. Zhylyakov, A. V. Kostanovskii, G. P. Pokhil, “Condition of formation of 2D Coulomb crystal on the surface of dielectric”, TVT, 46:5 (2008),  786–788  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 46:5 (2008), 721–724  isi  elib  scopus 3
26. L. G. D'yachkov, A. V. Kostanovskii, M. E. Kostanovskaya, “Thermograms of melting of thin plates heated by laser radiation with modulated intensity”, TVT, 44:5 (2006),  673–681  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 44:5 (2006), 665–674
27. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. G. Zeodinov, M. E. Kostanovskaya, “The Determination of Thermal Conductivity and Emissivity of Graphite at High Temperatures”, TVT, 43:5 (2005),  791–793  mathnet; High Temperature, 43:5 (2005), 793–795 15
28. E. I. Asinovskii, A. V. Kirillin, A. V. Kostanovskii, “Once more about the experimental investigation of the thermal properties of carbon”, UFN, 173:12 (2003),  1380–1381  mathnet; Phys. Usp., 46:12 (2003), 1305–1306  isi 10
29. E. I. Asinovskii, A. V. Kirillin, A. V. Kostanovskii, “Experimental investigation of the thermal properties of carbon at high temperatures and moderate pressures”, UFN, 172:8 (2002),  931–944  mathnet; Phys. Usp., 45:8 (2002), 869–882  isi 36
30. L. A. Zhylyakov, A. V. Kostanovskii, “Transport of thermionic current in a dielectric channel in crossed electric fields”, TVT, 39:5 (2001),  835–838  mathnet; High Temperature, 39:5 (2001), 778–780
31. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. E. Kostanovskaya, “Possibility of increasing the degree of perfection of a blackbody model”, TVT, 39:2 (2001),  347–349  mathnet; High Temperature, 39:2 (2001), 329–331 1
32. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. G. Zeodinov, M. E. Kostanovskaya, “Experimental determination of the emissivity of isotropic graphite at temperatures above $2300$ K”, TVT, 39:1 (2001),  163–165  mathnet; High Temperature, 39:1 (2001), 159–161 5
33. L. A. Zhylyakov, A. V. Kostanovskii, “Thermionic current transport in a dielectric channel”, TVT, 38:5 (2000),  706–709  mathnet; High Temperature, 38:5 (2000), 680–683
34. L. A. Zhylyakov, A. V. Kostanovskii, “The use of photoactivation to suppress the dissociation and achieve the melting of aluminum nitride under the effect of electric arc”, TVT, 37:1 (1999),  71–77  mathnet; High Temperature, 37:1 (1999), 67–72  isi
35. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. E. Kostanovskaya, “Determination of the melting temperature for high-temperature materials by the thermogram method under laser heating”, TVT, 36:6 (1998),  921–926  mathnet; High Temperature, 36:6 (1998), 897–902  isi  scopus
36. E. I. Asinovskii, A. V. Kirillin, A. V. Kostanovskii, V. E. Fortov, “Melting parameters of carbon”, TVT, 36:5 (1998),  740–745  mathnet; High Temperature, 36:5 (1998), 716–721  isi 8
37. E. I. Asinovskii, A. V. Kirillin, A. V. Kostanovskii, “The phase diargram of carbon in the neighborhood of the solid–liquid–vapor triple point”, TVT, 35:5 (1997),  716–721  mathnet; High Temperature, 35:5 (1997), 704–709  isi 6
38. L. A. Zhylyakov, D. N. Gerasimov, A. V. Kostanovskii, “Melting of refractory nonmetallic materials by electric arc”, TVT, 35:1 (1997),  147–149  mathnet; High Temperature, 35:1 (1997), 143–145  isi
39. A. V. Kostanovskii, L. B. Nefedkina, M. E. Kostanovskaya, “High-temperature blackbody model”, TVT, 35:1 (1997),  122–128  mathnet; High Temperature, 35:1 (1997), 119–124  isi 5
40. A. V. Kostanovskii, M. K. Gusev, “Deposition of thin films during thermal vaporization of aluminum nitride in a vacuum”, TVT, 33:1 (1995),  163–166  mathnet; High Temperature, 33:1 (1995), 162–164  isi 1
41. L. A. Zhylyakov, A. V. Kostanovskii, A. V. Kirillin, “Synthesis of binary compounds on a solid surface by photoactivation of the adatoms of components as demonstrated with $\mathrm{AlN}$”, TVT, 33:1 (1995),  33–39  mathnet; High Temperature, 33:1 (1995), 30–35  isi 1
42. A. V. Kostanovskii, “Remelting of the surface layer of $\mathrm{AlN}$ ceramics under laser radiation effect”, TVT, 32:5 (1994),  742–748  mathnet; High Temperature, 32:5 (1994), 695–700  isi
43. A. V. Kostanovskii, A. V. Evseev, “Experimental investigation of the melting parameters of silicon nitride”, TVT, 32:1 (1994),  26–30  mathnet; High Temperature, 32:1 (1994), 25–28  isi
44. V. L. Vinogradov, A. V. Kostanovskii, A. V. Kirillin, “Determination of the fusion parameters of aluminum nitride”, TVT, 30:4 (1992),  731–737  mathnet; High Temperature, 30:4 (1992), 599–604  isi 1
45. L. A. Zhylyakov, A. V. Kostanovskii, “Optical properties of thin films of aluminum nitride”, TVT, 30:2 (1992),  290–293  mathnet; High Temperature, 30:2 (1992), 226–229  isi
46. V. L. Vinogradov, A. V. Kostanovskii, “Determination of the melting parameters of boron nitride”, TVT, 29:6 (1991),  1112–1120  mathnet; High Temperature, 29:6 (1991), 901–908  isi
47. L. A. Zhylyakov, A. V. Kostanovskii, “Electrophysical properties of thin films made by reactive evaporation of aluminum nitride”, TVT, 29:5 (1991),  899–902  mathnet; High Temperature, 29:5 (1991), 708–711  isi  scopus
48. A. V. Kirillin, A. V. Kostanovskii, L. A. Zhylyakov, “Synthesis of thin-films of aluminum nitride”, TVT, 27:6 (1989),  1185–1189  mathnet; High Temperature, 27:6 (1989), 948–952  isi
49. A. V. Kirillin, A. V. Kostanovskii, V. L. Vinogradov, “A testbed for laser material processing”, TVT, 22:6 (1984),  1200–1205  mathnet; High Temperature, 22:6 (1984), 930–934  isi 1
50. V. E. Peletskii, E. S. Amasovich, A. V. Kostanovskii, E. B. Zaretskii, Ya. G. Sobol', B. A. Shur, “Thermal conductivity of vanadium”, TVT, 15:6 (1977),  1202–1207  mathnet; High Temperature, 15:6 (1977), 1028–1033  isi  scopus
51. É. É. Shpil'rain, V. E. Peletskii, A. V. Kostanovskii, “Investigation of the integral normal radiating power of materials in the high-temperature region using a reverberatory furnace”, TVT, 14:4 (1976),  729–734  mathnet; High Temperature, 14:4 (1976), 649–653  isi  scopus
52. É. É. Shpil'rain, V. E. Peletskii, A. V. Kostanovskii, “Integral normal emissivity of vanadium in temperature-range $1300$$2000$ degrees K”, TVT, 14:1 (1976),  223–224  mathnet; High Temperature, 14:1 (1976), 203–204  isi

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