In 1995 Arzhantsev graduated with honors from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
In 1998 he defended his Ph.D. thesis "On reductive group actions with spherical orbits"; supervisor — Professor E.B. Vinberg.
In 2010 he defended his Doctor of Science thesis "Embeddings of homogeneous spaces and Geometric Invariant Theory".
Junior Research Fellow (1999–2004), Teaching Assistant (2004–2005), Associate Professor (2004–2013),
Professor (since 2005) at the Department of Higher Algebra, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Since September 2013 the head of Yandex Department at the Schoole of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Higher School of Economics. Since March 2014 the dean of the School of Computer Science, Higher School of Economics.
A Grant of the President of Russian Federation for young candidates of science (2004–2005), a European Academy Prize (2006), a Pierre Deligne Grant (2008–2010), Simons Grants (2011, 2012, 2013), a Grant of Dynasty Foundation for young doctors of science (2012–2014), a Grant of Basis Foundation for leading researchers in fundamental mathematcis (2018–2020).
Arzhantsev has authored around 50 research articles and has mentored 10 doctoral students.
Main publications:
Ivan Arzhantsev, “On $SL(2)$-actions of complexity one”, Izvestiya Math., 61:4 (1997), 685–698
Ivan Arzhantsev and Dmitri Timashev, “Affine embeddings with a finite number of orbits”, Transformation Groups, 6:2 (2001), 101–110
Ivan Arzhantsev and Juergen Hausen, “On the multiplication map of a multigraded algebra”, Mathematical Research Letters, 14:1 (2007), 129–136
Ivan Arzhantsev, Hubert Flenner, Shulim Kaliman, Frank Kutzschebauch, and Mikhail Zaidenberg, “Flexible varieties and automorphism groups”, Duke Mathematical Journal, 162:4 (2013), 767–823
Ivan Arzhantsev, Alexander Perepechko, and Hendrik Suess, “Infinite transitivity on universal torsors”, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 89:3 (2014), 762–778
I. Arzhantsev, “Automorphisms of algebraic varieties and infinite transitivity”, Algebra i Analiz, 34:2 (2022), 1–55; St. Petersburg Math. J., 34:2 (2023), 143–178
Ivan V. Arzhantsev, Yulia I. Zaitseva, Kirill V. Shakhmatov, “Homogeneous Algebraic Varieties and Transitivity Degree”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 318 (2022), 17–30; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 318 (2022), 13–25
Ivan Arzhantsev, Jürgen Hausen, Elaine Herppich, Alvaro Liendo, “The automorphism group of a variety with torus action of complexity one”, Mosc. Math. J., 14:3 (2014), 429–471
Ivan Arzhantsev, M. G. Zaidenberg, K. G. Kuyumzhiyan, “Flag varieties, toric varieties, and suspensions: Three instances of infinite transitivity”, Mat. Sb., 203:7 (2012), 3–30; Sb. Math., 203:7 (2012), 923–949
I. V. Arzhantsev, S. A. Gaifullin, “Cox rings, semigroups and automorphisms of affine algebraic varieties”, Mat. Sb., 201:1 (2010), 3–24; Sb. Math., 201:1 (2010), 1–21
I. V. Arzhantsev, “Projective embeddings of homogeneous spaces with small boundary”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 73:3 (2009), 5–22; Izv. Math., 73:3 (2009), 437–453
I. V. Arzhantsev, A. P. Petravchuk, “On the Saturation of Subfields of Invariants of Finite Groups”, Mat. Zametki, 86:5 (2009), 659–663; Math. Notes, 86:5 (2009), 625–628
I. V. Arzhantsev, “On the Factoriality of Cox rings”, Mat. Zametki, 85:5 (2009), 643–651; Math. Notes, 85:5 (2009), 623–629
I. V. Arzhantsev, O. V. Chuvashova, “Classification of affine homogeneous spaces of complexity one”, Mat. Sb., 195:6 (2004), 3–20; Sb. Math., 195:6 (2004), 765–782
I. V. Arzhantsev, “On the Normality of the Closures of Spherical Orbits”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 31:4 (1997), 66–69; Funct. Anal. Appl., 31:4 (1997), 278–280
I. V. Arzhantsev, “Algebraic curves and Hilbert's fourteenth problem”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 1994, no. 4, 18–23
I. V. Arzhantsev, V. M. Buchstaber, L. V. Kuz'min, V. S. Kulikov, A. Yu. Ol'shanskii, D. O. Orlov, A. N. Parshin, D. I. Piontkovskii, Yu. G. Prokhorov, “Evgenii Solomonovich Golod”, Chebyshevskii Sb., 19:2 (2018), 542–545
I. V. Arzhantsev, V. I. Bogachev, A. I. Garber, A. A. Zaslavskii, V. Yu. Protassov, A. B. Skopenkov, “Студенческие олимпиады мехмата МГУ 2010–2011 гг.”, Mat. Pros., Ser. 3, 16 (2012), 214–227
I. V. Arzhantsev, V. I. Bogachev, A. A. Zaslavskii, V. Yu. Protassov, A. M. Raigorodskii, A. B. Skopenkov, “Студенческие олимпиады мехмата МГУ”, Mat. Pros., Ser. 3, 14 (2010), 225–234
I. V. Arzhantsev, S. M. Gusein-Zade, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, A. L. Onishchik, A. B. Sossinsky, D. A. Timashev, M. A. Tsfasman, “Ernest Borisovich Vinberg”, Mosc. Math. J., 8:4 (2008), 617–620
Лучезарные торические многообразия I Ivan Arzhantsev The 10th Workshop and Conference on Lie Algebras, Algebraic Groups, and Invariant Theory February 2, 2023 14:40
Images of affine space I. Arzhantsev Mathematical seminar Faculty of Computer Science HSE January 20, 2023 18:10
Torus actions and trinomials I. Arzhantsev Transformation groups 2017. Conference dedicated to Prof. Ernest B. Vinberg
on the occasion of his 80th birthday December 17, 2017 09:30
Cox rings, universal torsors, and infinite transitivity Ivan Arzhantsev International conference "Algebraic Topology and Abelian Functions" in honour of Victor Buchstaber on occasion of his 70th birthday June 21, 2013 15:00