Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2011 |
1. |
A. V. Kopalkin, V. A. Bogachev, Yu. V. Dolgopolov, G. G. Kochemasov, S. M. Kulikov, N. V. Maslov, F. A. Starikov, S. A. Sukharev, V. V. Feoktistov, V. Kh. Bagdasarov, N. N. Denisov, A. A. Malyutin, “Conjugation and transformation of the wave front by stimulated Brillouin scattering of vortex Laguerre — Gaussian laser modes”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 41:11 (2011), 1023–1026 [Quantum Electron., 41:11 (2011), 1023–1026 ] |
2. |
A. A. Malyutin, “On focusing of laser radiation with an axicon”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 41:2 (2011), 185–188 [Quantum Electron., 41:2 (2011), 185–188 ] |
3. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Modified Frantz–Nodvik equation for calculating the gain of divergent laser beams”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 41:1 (2011), 55–57 [Quantum Electron., 41:1 (2011), 55–57 ] |
4. |
A. A. Malyutin, V. A. Podvyaznikov, V. K. Chevokin, “Density jumps in the plasma of a nanosecond laser-induced spark and their dynamics”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 41:1 (2011), 38–42 [Quantum Electron., 41:1 (2011), 38–42 ] |
2010 |
5. |
A. A. Malyutin, V. A. Podvyaznikov, V. K. Chevokin, “Peculiarities of the angular distribution of laser radiation intensity scattered by laser-spark plasma in air”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 40:2 (2010), 149–152 [Quantum Electron., 40:2 (2010), 149–152 ] |
2009 |
6. |
V. Kh. Bagdasarov, N. N. Denisov, A. A. Malyutin, I. A. Chigaev, “Pulse synchronisation in passively <i>Q</i>-switched lasers emitting at 1.053 and 1.064 μm”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 39:10 (2009), 887–890 [Quantum Electron., 39:10 (2009), 887–890 ] |
7. |
V. Kh. Bagdasarov, S. V. Garnov, N. N. Denisov, A. A. Malyutin, Yu. V. Dolgopolov, A. V. Kopalkin, F. A. Starikov, “Laser system emitting 100 mJ in Laguerre–Gaussian modes”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 39:9 (2009), 785–788 [Quantum Electron., 39:9 (2009), 785–788 ] |
2008 |
8. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Properties of laser radiation scattering by a laser-induced spark plasma revisited after 40 years”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 38:5 (2008), 462–469 [Quantum Electron., 38:5 (2008), 462–469 ] |
9. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Closed laser-beam trajectories in plano—spherical resonators with Gaussian apertures”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 38:2 (2008), 181–186 [Quantum Electron., 38:2 (2008), 181–186 ] |
2007 |
10. |
V. V. Bukin, S. V. Garnov, A. A. Malyutin, V. V. Strelkov, “Femtosecond laser optical gas breakdown microplasma: the ionisation and postionisation dynamics”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 37:10 (2007), 961–966 [Quantum Electron., 37:10 (2007), 961–966 ] |
11. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Modes of a plano — spherical laser resonator with the Gaussian gain distribution of the active medium”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 37:3 (2007), 299–306 [Quantum Electron., 37:3 (2007), 299–306 ] |
12. |
A. A. Malyutin, V. A. Ilyukhin, “Generation of high-order Hermite–Gaussian modes in a flashlamp-pumped neodymium phosphate glass laser and their conversion to Laguerre–Gaussian modes”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 37:2 (2007), 181–186 [Quantum Electron., 37:2 (2007), 181–186 ] |
2006 |
13. |
V. V. Bukin, N. S. Vorob'ev, S. V. Garnov, V. I. Konov, V. I. Lozovoi, A. A. Malyutin, M. Ya. Shchelev, I. S. Yatskovskii, “Formation and development dynamics of femtosecond laser microplasma in gases”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 36:7 (2006), 638–645 [Quantum Electron., 36:7 (2006), 638–645 ] |
14. |
T. T. Basiev, S. V. Garnov, V. I. Vovchenko, A. Ya. Karasik, S. M. Klimentov, V. A. Konyushkin, S. B. Kravtsov, A. A. Malyutin, A. G. Papashvili, P. A. Pivovarov, D. S. Chunaev, “Direct amplification of picosecond pulses in F<sub>2</sub><sup>-</sup> : LiF crystals”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 36:7 (2006), 609–611 [Quantum Electron., 36:7 (2006), 609–611 ] |
15. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Gain saturation of laser beams and production and decay of phase dislocations”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 36:2 (2006), 139–144 [Quantum Electron., 36:2 (2006), 139–144 ] |
16. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Tunable fractional-order Fourier transformer”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 36:1 (2006), 79–83 [Quantum Electron., 36:1 (2006), 79–83 ] |
17. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Tunable astigmatic π/2 converter of laser modes with a fixed distance between input and output planes”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 36:1 (2006), 76–78 [Quantum Electron., 36:1 (2006), 76–78 ] |
2004 |
18. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Complex-order fractional Fourier transforms in optical schemes with Gaussian apertures”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 34:10 (2004), 960–964 [Quantum Electron., 34:10 (2004), 960–964 ] |
19. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Invariance of mode transformation by an astigmatic π/2 converter upon the input-beam displacement and tilt”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 34:10 (2004), 957–959 [Quantum Electron., 34:10 (2004), 957–959 ] |
20. |
A. A. Malyutin, “On a method for obtaining laser beams with a phase singularity”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 34:3 (2004), 255–260 [Quantum Electron., 34:3 (2004), 255–260 ] |
21. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Tunable astigmatic π/2 mode converter”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 34:2 (2004), 172–174 [Quantum Electron., 34:2 (2004), 172–174 ] |
22. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Use of the fractional Fourier transform in π/2 converters of laser modes”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 34:2 (2004), 165–171 [Quantum Electron., 34:2 (2004), 165–171 ] |
2003 |
23. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Simple scheme for the astigmatic transformation of laser modes”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 33:11 (2003), 1015–1018 [Quantum Electron., 33:11 (2003), 1015–1018 ] |
24. |
S. V. Garnov, V. I. Konov, A. A. Malyutin, O. G. Tsar'kova, I. S. Yatskovskii, F. Dausinger, “Dynamics of plasma production and development in gases and transparent solids irradiated by high-intensity, tightly focused picosecond laser pulses”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 33:9 (2003), 758–764 [Quantum Electron., 33:9 (2003), 758–764 ] |
25. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Rotation of arbitrary laser beams using π/2-mode converters”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 33:3 (2003), 244–249 [Quantum Electron., 33:3 (2003), 244–249 ] |
26. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Properties of an astigmatic π/2-mode converter”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 33:3 (2003), 235–243 [Quantum Electron., 33:3 (2003), 235–243 ] |
1998 |
27. |
I. V. Epatko, A. A. Malyutin, R. V. Serov, D. A. Solov'ev, “Inclusion of aberrations of a tilted plane-parallel plate in diffraction calculations of the propagation of radiation”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 25:8 (1998), 723–726 [Quantum Electron., 28:8 (1998), 703–706 ] |
28. |
I. V. Epatko, A. A. Malyutin, R. V. Serov, D. A. Solov'ev, A. D. Chulkin, “New algorithm for numerical simulation of the propagation of laser radiation”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 25:8 (1998), 717–722 [Quantum Electron., 28:8 (1998), 697–702 ] |
29. |
T. I. Kuznetsova, A. A. Malyutin, “Temporal superresolution in spectrotemporal measurements of the characteristics of short optical signals”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 25:6 (1998), 571–576 [Quantum Electron., 28:6 (1998), 555–560 ] |
1997 |
30. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Degenerate elliptical modes of a confocal cavity”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 24:8 (1997), 736–740 [Quantum Electron., 27:8 (1997), 717–721 ] |
31. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Analysis of the applications of the Schwarzschild objective in the soft x-ray and VUV spectral ranges. 2. Diffraction modelling of aberrations”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 24:2 (1997), 187–189 [Quantum Electron., 27:2 (1997), 182–184 ] |
32. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Analysis of the applications of the Schwarzschild objective in the soft x-ray and VUV spectral ranges. 1. Conditions for fifth-order aplanatism”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 24:1 (1997), 93–96 [Quantum Electron., 27:1 (1997), 90–93 ] |
1994 |
33. |
N. N. Il'ichev, A. V. Kir'yanov, A. A. Malyutin, P. P. Pashinin, “Phenomenological model of the 'polarisation collapse' of the radiation emitted by a neodymium glass laser with a passive LiF : $F_2^-$ switch”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 21:7 (1994), 629–632 [Quantum Electron., 24:7 (1994), 577–580 ] |
34. |
N. N. Il'ichev, A. V. Kir'yanov, A. A. Malyutin, P. P. Pashinin, S. M. Shpuga, “'Polarisation collapse' of the radiation emitted by a neodymium glass laser with a passive LiF : $F_2^-$ crystal switch”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 21:7 (1994), 622–628 [Quantum Electron., 24:7 (1994), 570–576 ] |
35. |
S. A. Abrosimov, M. V. Vysogorets, A. A. Malyutin, A. V. Nenashev, R. V. Serov, “Surface roughness meter for the range 1–25 nm based on the scattered-light indicatrix”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 21:1 (1994), 78–80 [Quantum Electron., 24:1 (1994), 75–77 ] |
1992 |
36. |
N. N. Il'ichev, A. A. Malyutin, P. P. Pashinin, S. M. Shpuga, “Single-frequency stable neodymium glass laser with a longitudinal mode selector based on an LiF:<i>F</i><sub>2</sub><sup>–</sup> crystal”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 19:6 (1992), 589–592 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 22:6 (1992), 543–546 ] |
1991 |
37. |
N. N. Il'ichev, A. V. Larikov, A. A. Malyutin, “Approximate theory of multipass amplification and its application in analytic description of spectral characteristics of amplified radiation”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 18:11 (1991), 1386–1390 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 21:11 (1991), 1273–1277 ] |
38. |
N. N. Il'ichev, A. V. Kir'yanov, A. A. Malyutin, “Self-induced change in the polarization of high-power resonant radiation in an LiF:F<sub>2</sub><sup>–</sup> crystal”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 18:8 (1991), 933–937 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 21:8 (1991), 844–848 ] |
39. |
N. N. Il'ichev, M. Isbasescu, A. V. Kir'yanov, A. A. Malyutin, P. P. Pashinin, S. M. Shpuga, “Stability of the output energy of pulsed solid-state lasers passively <i>Q</i>-switched using LiF crystals containing [IMG align=ABSMIDDLE alt=$F^-_2$]f2-i[/IMG] color centers”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 18:6 (1991), 689–692 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 21:6 (1991), 627–630 ] |
40. |
N. N. Il'ichev, A. V. Kir'yanov, A. A. Malyutin, P. P. Pashinin, S. M. Shpuga, “Spontaneous narrowing of the emission spectrum (spectral "collapse") in neodymium lasers with <i>Q</i> switching by LiF:<i>F</i><sub>2</sub><sup>–</sup> crystals”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 18:4 (1991), 433–436 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 21:4 (1991), 389–392 ] |
1990 |
41. |
N. N. Il'ichev, A. V. Kir'yanov, A. A. Malyutin, P. P. Pashinin, V. S. Sidorin, E. I. Shklovskii, “Passive <i>Q</i> switching of a 1.3-μm laser resonator using a stimulated Brillouin scattering mirror”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 17:11 (1990), 1475–1476 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 20:11 (1990), 1383–1385 ] |
42. |
N. N. Il'ichev, A. V. Larikov, A. A. Malyutin, “Approximate theory of multipass amplification and its application to energy characteristics of an amplifier”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 17:11 (1990), 1428–1433 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 20:11 (1990), 1336–1341 ] |
43. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Quality anaiysis and correction of aberrations in spatial filters used in high-power laser apparatus”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 17:8 (1990), 1010–1014 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 20:8 (1990), 926–930 ] |
44. |
N. N. Il'ichev, A. A. Malyutin, O. V. Skoptsov, “Measurements of the relative values of the stimulated emission cross sections of media containing neodymium ions”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 17:7 (1990), 883–885 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 20:7 (1990), 803–805 ] |
1988 |
45. |
B. I. Denker, N. N. Il'ichev, A. V. Kir'yanov, A. A. Malyutin, P. P. Pashinin, “Determination of heat evolution in active elements of optically pumped solid-state lasers made of CNPG and GLS24 glasses, and also YAG:Nd”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 15:12 (1988), 2508–2510 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 18:12 (1988), 1575–1577 ] |
46. |
V. V. Antipov, È. S. Gulyamova, N. N. Il'ichev, A. A. Malyutin, P. P. Pashinin, N. G. Sorokin, S. M. Shpuga, “Active mode locking in a solid-state (concentrated neodymium phosphate glass) laser by a modulator with regular domain structures”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 15:10 (1988), 2010–2012 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 18:10 (1988), 1259–1260 ] |
47. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Integrated optical analogs of classical interferometers”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 15:8 (1988), 1633–1636 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 18:8 (1988), 1019–1021 ] |
1987 |
48. |
A. A. Danilov, V. L. Evstigneev, N. N. Il'ichev, A. A. Malyutin, M. Yu. Nikol'skiĭ, A. F. Umyskov, I. A. Shcherbakov, “Compact GSGG:Cr<sup>3+</sup>:Nd<sup>3+</sup> laser with passive <i>Q</i> switching”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 14:5 (1987), 905–906 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 17:5 (1987), 573–574 ] |
1986 |
49. |
E. V. Zharikov, N. N. Il'ichev, S. P. Kalitin, V. V. Laptev, A. A. Malyutin, V. V. Osiko, P. P. Pashinin, A. M. Prokhorov, Z. S. Saidov, V. A. Smirnov, A. F. Umyskov, I. A. Shcherbakov, “Spectral, luminescence, and lasing properties of a yttrium scandium gallium garnet crystal activated with chromium and erbium”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 13:5 (1986), 973–979 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 16:5 (1986), 635–639 ] |
1985 |
50. |
N. N. Il'ichev, N. P. Kushch, A. A. Malyutin, “Influence of temperature of LiF(<i>F</i><sub>2</sub><sup>–</sup>) on single-pulse operation of a neodymium glass laser”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 12:8 (1985), 1721–1724 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 15:8 (1985), 1135–1136 ] |
51. |
G. D. Berzina, M. A. Borik, I. M. Buzhnitskiĭ, B. I. Denker, È. S. Gulyamova, N. N. Il'ichev, E. I. Koryagina, A. A. Malyutin, V. V. Osiko, P. P. Pashinin, V. F. Surkova, “Comparative tests of lasing characteristics on certain brands of neodymium laser glasses”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 12:4 (1985), 694–697 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 15:4 (1985), 456–459 ] |
52. |
N. N. Il'ichev, A. V. Kostesha, N. P. Kushch, A. A. Malyutin, I. V. Novikov, “Control of the parameters of a laser with a switch in a compound resonator”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 12:2 (1985), 446–448 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 15:2 (1985), 298–299 ] |
1984 |
53. |
T. T. Basiev, S. A. Boldyrev, B. I. Denker, N. N. Il'ichev, G. S. Leonov, A. A. Malyutin, S. B. Mirov, P. P. Pashinin, “Optimization of the parameters of active elements of miniature lasers utilizing concentrated Li–Nd–La phosphate glass”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 11:8 (1984), 1671–1674 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 14:8 (1984), 1125–1127 ] |
1983 |
54. |
E. V. Zharikov, N. N. Il'ichev, S. P. Kalitin, V. V. Laptev, A. A. Malyutin, V. V. Osiko, V. G. Ostroumov, P. P. Pashinin, A. M. Prokhorov, V. A. Smirnov, A. F. Umyskov, I. A. Shcherbakov, “Tunable laser utilizing an electronic–vibrational transition in chromium in a gadolinium scandium gallium garnet crystal”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 10:9 (1983), 1916–1919 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 13:9 (1983), 1274–1276 ] |
55. |
K. L. Vodop'yanov, I. Kertes, A. A. Malyutin, “Establishment of polarization eigenstates in a resonator with a partial polarizer and a phase plate”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 10:5 (1983), 980–984 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 13:5 (1983), 616–618 ] |
56. |
N. N. Il'ichev, A. A. Malyutin, “Method for altering the <i>Q</i> factor of a laser by a glass plate”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 10:2 (1983), 454–455 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 13:2 (1983), 264 ] |
57. |
E. V. Zharikov, N. N. Il'ichev, V. V. Laptev, A. A. Malyutin, V. G. Ostroumov, P. P. Pashinin, A. S. Pimenov, V. A. Smirnov, I. A. Shcherbakov, “Spectral, luminescence, and lasing properties of gadolinium scandium gallium garnet crystals activated with neodymium and chromium ions”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 10:1 (1983), 140–144 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 13:1 (1983), 82–85 ] |
1982 |
58. |
K. L. Vodop'yanov, L. A. Kulevskii, A. A. Malyutin, “Properties of <i>Q</i> switches with partial polarizers”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9:11 (1982), 2280–2288 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 12:11 (1982), 1480–1485 ] |
59. |
B. I. Denker, N. N. Il'ichev, A. A. Malyutin, V. V. Osiko, P. P. Pashinin, S. F. Raspopov, A. T. Sukhodol'skiĭ, “Spectral composition of the radiation emitted from a concentrated
LiNdLa phosphate glass laser with a $Q$ switch made of an LiF crystal with $F_2^-$ centers”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9:9 (1982), 1842–1843 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 12:9 (1982), 1187–1188 ] |
60. |
B. I. Denker, N. N. Il'ichev, A. A. Malyutin, P. P. Pashinin, Yu. N. Serdyuchenko, M. Ya. Shchelev, “Generation of 3-psec pulses in a laser with concentrated neodymium phosphate glass”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9:9 (1982), 1840–1842 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 12:9 (1982), 1185–1186 ] |
61. |
N. N. Il'ichev, A. A. Malyutin, P. P. Pashinin, “Laser with diffraction-limited divergence and <i>Q</i> switching by stimulated Brillouin scattering”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9:9 (1982), 1803–1808 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 12:9 (1982), 1161–1164 ] |
62. |
B. I. Denker, N. N. Il'ichev, A. A. Malyutin, P. P. Pashinin, “Nanosecond neodymium phosphate glass laser pumped by laser radiation”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9:8 (1982), 1733–1735 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 12:8 (1982), 1118–1120 ] |
63. |
T. T. Basiev, B. I. Denker, N. N. Il'ichev, A. A. Malyutin, S. B. Mirov, V. V. Osiko, P. P. Pashinin, “Passively <i>Q</i>-switched laser utilizing concentrated Li–Nd–La phosphate glass”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9:8 (1982), 1536–1542 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 12:8 (1982), 984–988 ] |
64. |
K. L. Vodop'yanov, L. A. Kulevskii, A. A. Malyutin, P. P. Pashinin, A. M. Prokhorov, “Active mode locking in an yttrium erbium aluminum garnet crystal laser (<i>λ</i> = 2.94<i>μ</i>)”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9:5 (1982), 853–858 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 12:5 (1982), 541–544 ] |
65. |
E. V. Zharikov, N. N. Il'ichev, V. V. Laptev, A. A. Malyutin, V. G. Ostroumov, P. P. Pashinin, I. A. Shcherbakov, “Sensitization of neodymium ion luminescence by chromium ions in a Gd<sub>3</sub>Ga<sub>5</sub>O<sub>12</sub> crystal”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9:3 (1982), 568–573 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 12:3 (1982), 338–341 ] |
1981 |
66. |
A. V. Kil'pio, A. V. Larikov, A. A. Malyutin, P. P. Pashinin, “Multipass neodymium glass amplifier”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 8:9 (1981), 1962–1967 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 11:9 (1981), 1188–1191 ] |
67. |
B. I. Denker, N. N. Il'ichev, G. V. Maksimova, A. A. Malyutin, V. V. Osiko, P. P. Pashinin, “Efficiency of an Li–Nd–La phosphate glass laser at low pump energies. Free lasing”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 8:7 (1981), 1598–1601 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 11:7 (1981), 965–967 ] |
68. |
K. L. Vodop'yanov, B. I. Denker, N. N. Il'ichev, I. Kertes, A. A. Malyutin, V. V. Osiko, P. P. Pashinin, I. Zigani, “Use of high-concentration Li–Nd–La phosphate glass in <i>Q</i>-switched lasers”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 8:7 (1981), 1595–1598 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 11:7 (1981), 963–965 ] |
1980 |
69. |
K. L. Vodop'yanov, A. A. Malyutin, “Generation of ultrashort pulses of duration determined by the spectral width in a pulsed actively mode-locked $YAG:Nd^{3+}$ laser”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 7:10 (1980), 2112–2116 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 10:10 (1980), 1226–1228 ] |
1979 |
70. |
K. L. Vodop'yanov, N. N. Il'ichev, A. A. Malyutin, G. A. Matyushin, V. M. Podgaetsky, “Enhancement of the efficiency of neodymium lasers by conversion of the pump radiation in a luminescent liquid”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 6:8 (1979), 1795–1798 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 9:8 (1979), 1059–1061] |
1978 |
71. |
K. L. Vodop'yanov, B. I. Denker, G. V. Maksimova, A. A. Malyutin, V. V. Osiko, P. P. Pashinin, A. M. Prokhorov, “Characteristics of stimulated emission from Li–Nd–La phosphate glass”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 5:3 (1978), 686–689 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 8:3 (1978), 403–405] |
1977 |
72. |
B. I. Denker, A. V. Kil'pio, G. V. Maksimova, A. A. Malyutin, V. V. Osiko, P. P. Pashinin, A. M. Prokhorov, I. A. Shcherbakov, “Investigation of nonradiative losses and pulse-periodic stimulated emission from Li–Nd–La phosphate glass”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 4:3 (1977), 688–691 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 7:3 (1977), 390–392] |
1972 |
73. |
V. A. Korshunov, T. I. Kuznetsova, A. A. Malyutin, “Time characteristics of a ring laser with a bleachable filter”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 1972, no. 3(9), 69–72 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 2:3 (1972), 247–250] |
2004 |
74. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Errata to the article: Tunable astigmatic π/2 mode converter”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 34:3 (2004), 282 |
75. |
A. A. Malyutin, “Errata to the article: Use of the fractional Fourier transform in π/2 converters of laser modes”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 34:3 (2004), 282 |
Organisations |