Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2017 |
1. |
A. A. Nechaev, V. N. Tsypyschev, “Artinian bimodule with quasi-Frobenius bimodule of translations”, Diskr. Mat., 29:3 (2017), 70–91 ; Discrete Math. Appl., 29:2 (2019), 103–119 |
2016 |
2. |
V. T. Markov, A. V. Mikhalev, A. A. Nechaev, “Nonassociative algebraic structures in cryptography and coding”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 21:4 (2016), 99–124 ; J. Math. Sci., 245:2 (2020), 178–196 |
2015 |
3. |
A. A. Nechaev, V. O. Popov, “A generalization of Ore's theorem on irreducible polynomials over a finite field”, Diskr. Mat., 27:1 (2015), 108–110 ; Discrete Math. Appl., 25:4 (2015), 241–243 |
4. |
A. S. Kuzmin, V. T. Markov, A. A. Mikhalev, A. V. Mikhalev, A. A. Nechaev, “Cryptographic algorithms on groups and algebras”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 20:1 (2015), 205–222 ; J. Math. Sci., 223:5 (2017), 629–641 |
5. |
A. V. Galatenko, A. A. Nechaev, A. E. Pankrat'ev, “Comparing finite Abelian groups from the standpoint of their cryptographic applications”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 20:1 (2015), 9–16 ; J. Math. Sci., 223:5 (2017), 498–503 |
2014 |
6. |
S. Yu. Katyshev, V. T. Markov, A. A. Nechaev, “Application of non-associative groupoids to the realization of an open key distribution procedure”, Diskr. Mat., 26:3 (2014), 45–64 ; Discrete Math. Appl., 25:1 (2015), 9–24 |
7. |
A. V. Mikhalev, A. A. Nechaev, “Cyclic types of families of polylinear recurrent sequences and generators of pseudorandom numbers”, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 5:1 (2014), 95–125 |
2013 |
8. |
A. A. Nechaev, A. V. Abornev, “Nonlinear permutations of a space over a finite field induced by linear transformations of a module over a Galois ring”, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 4:2 (2013), 81–100 |
9. |
M. A. Goltvanitsa, A. A. Nechaev, S. N. Zaitsev, “Skew LRS of maximal period over Galois rings”, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 4:2 (2013), 59–72 |
2012 |
10. |
E. Couselo, S. González, V. T. Markov, C. Martínez, A. A. Nechaev, “Ideal representations of Reed–Solomon and Reed–Muller codes”, Algebra Logika, 51:3 (2012), 297–320 ; Algebra and Logic, 51:3 (2012), 195–212 |
11. |
M. A. Goltvanitsa, S. N. Zaitsev, A. A. Nechaev, “Skew linear recurring sequences of maximal period over Galois rings”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 17:3 (2012), 5–23 ; J. Math. Sci., 187:2 (2012), 115–128 |
12. |
C. García Pillado, S. González, V. T. Markov, C. Martínez, A. A. Nechaev, “When are all group codes of a noncommutative group Abelian (a computational approach)?”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 17:2 (2012), 75–85 ; J. Math. Sci., 186:4 (2012), 578–585 |
2011 |
13. |
A. S. Kuzmin, A. A. Nechaev, “Reconstruction of a linear recurrence of maximal period over a Galois ring from its highest coordinate sequence”, Diskr. Mat., 23:2 (2011), 3–31 ; Discrete Math. Appl., 21:2 (2011), 145–178 |
2010 |
14. |
D. N. Bylkov, A. A. Nechaev, “An algorithm to restore a linear recurring sequence over the ring $R=\mathbf Z_{p^n}$ from a linear complication of its highest coordinate sequence”, Diskr. Mat., 22:4 (2010), 104–120 ; Discrete Math. Appl., 20:5-6 (2010), 591–609 |
15. |
A. S. Kuz'min, G. B. Marshalko, A. A. Nechaev, “Reconstruction of linear recurrent sequence over prime residue ring from its image”, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 1:2 (2010), 31–56 |
2008 |
16. |
V. T. Markov, A. A. Nechaev, S. Skazhenik, E. O. Tveritinov, “Pseudogeometries with clusters and an example of a recursive $[4,2,3]_{42}$-code”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 14:4 (2008), 181–192 ; J. Math. Sci., 163:5 (2009), 563–571 |
17. |
A. S. Kuz'min, V. T. Markov, A. A. Nechaev, V. A. Shishkin, A. B. Shishkov, “Bent and Hyper-bent Functions over a Field of $2^l$ Elements”, Probl. Peredachi Inf., 44:1 (2008), 15–37 ; Problems Inform. Transmission, 44:1 (2008), 12–33 |
18. |
A. S. Kuz'min, A. A. Nechaev, V. A. Shishkin, “Parameters of (hyper-)bent functions over the field of $2^l$ elements”, Tr. Diskr. Mat., 11:1 (2008), 47–59 |
2007 |
19. |
A. S. Kuz'min, A. A. Nechaev, V. A. Shishkin, “Bent and hyper-bent functions over the finite field”, Tr. Diskr. Mat., 10 (2007), 97–122 |
2006 |
20. |
A. S. Kuz'min, V. T. Markov, A. A. Nechaev, A. B. Shishkov, “Approximation of Boolean functions by monomial functions”, Diskr. Mat., 18:1 (2006), 9–29 ; Discrete Math. Appl., 16:1 (2006), 7–28 |
21. |
A. V. Mikhalev, A. A. Nechaev, A. V. Prudnikov, M. S. Staroverov, A. S. Vydrin, “Semirings of cyclic types”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 12:2 (2006), 175–192 ; J. Math. Sci., 149:2 (2008), 1157–1169 |
22. |
A. A. Nechaev, E. V. Gorbatov, “Finite quasifrobenius bimodules and polylinear shift registers”, Tr. Diskr. Mat., 9 (2006), 164–189 |
2004 |
23. |
S. González, E. Couselo, V. T. Markov, A. A. Nechaev, “Group codes and their nonassociative generalizations”, Diskr. Mat., 16:1 (2004), 146–156 ; Discrete Math. Appl., 14:2 (2004), 163–172 |
24. |
D. A. Mikhailov, A. A. Nechaev, “Solving systems of polynomial equations over Galois–Eisenstein rings with the use of the canonical generating systems of polynomial ideals”, Diskr. Mat., 16:1 (2004), 21–51 ; Discrete Math. Appl., 14:1 (2004), 41–73 |
25. |
A. A. Nechaev, “Finite Frobenius bimodules in a linear codes theory”, Tr. Diskr. Mat., 8 (2004), 187–215 |
2002 |
26. |
S. González, V. T. Markov, K. Martines, A. A. Nechaev, I. F. Rua, “Nonassociative Galois rings”, Diskr. Mat., 14:4 (2002), 117–132 ; Discrete Math. Appl., 12:6 (2002), 519–606 |
27. |
V. L. Kurakin, A. A. Nechaev, “Quasi-Frobenius bimodules of functions on a semigroup”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 57:6(348) (2002), 167–168 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 57:6 (2002), 1230–1231 |
28. |
E. V. Gorbatov, A. A. Nechaev, “Cyclic families of polylinear recurring sequences over quasi-Frobenius modules”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 57:4(346) (2002), 167–168 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 57:4 (2002), 803–804 |
29. |
A. A. Nechaev, “Multidimensional shift registers and multisequence complexity”, Tr. Diskr. Mat., 6 (2002), 150–164 |
30. |
A. S. Kuz'min, V. L. Kurakin, A. A. Nechaev, “Almost uniform linear recurrent sequences over Galois rings and $QF$-modules of characteristic 4”, Tr. Diskr. Mat., 5 (2002), 103–158 |
2001 |
31. |
A. A. Nechaev, D. A. Mikhailov, “A canonical system of generators of a unitary polynomial ideal over a commutative Artinian chain ring”, Diskr. Mat., 13:4 (2001), 3–42 ; Discrete Math. Appl., 11:6 (2001), 545–586 |
32. |
A. S. Kuz'min, V. L. Kurakin, A. A. Nechaev, “Structural properties of linear recurrent sequences over Galois rings and quasi-Frobenius modules of charasteristic 4”, Tr. Diskr. Mat., 4 (2001), 91–128 |
2000 |
33. |
S. González, E. Couselo, V. Markov, A. Nechaev, “The parameters of recursive MDS-codes”, Diskr. Mat., 12:4 (2000), 3–24 ; Discrete Math. Appl., 10:5 (2000), 433–453 |
34. |
V. T. Markov, A. A. Nechaev, “Radicals of semiperfect rings related to idempotents”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 6:1 (2000), 293–298 |
35. |
A. A. Nechaev, A. S. Kuz'min, V. L. Kurakin, “Structural, analitical and statistical properties of linear and polylinear recurrent sequences”, Tr. Diskr. Mat., 3 (2000), 155–194 |
1999 |
36. |
A. A. Nechaev, T. Khonol'd, “Weighted Modules and Representations of Codes”, Probl. Peredachi Inf., 35:3 (1999), 18–39 ; Problems Inform. Transmission, 35:3 (1999), 205–223 |
37. |
A. S. Kuz'min, V. L. Kurakin, V. T. Markov, A. V. Mikhalev, A. A. Nechaev, “Codes and recurrences over finite rings and modules”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 1999, no. 5, 18–31 |
1998 |
38. |
S. González, E. Couselo, V. T. Markov, A. A. Nechaev, “Recursive MDS-codes and recursively differentiable quasigroups”, Diskr. Mat., 10:2 (1998), 3–29 ; Discrete Math. Appl., 8:3 (1998), 217–245 |
39. |
A. S. Kuz'min, V. L. Kurakin, A. A. Nechaev, “Properties of linear and polylinear recurrent sequences over Galois rings. I”, Tr. Diskr. Mat., 2 (1998), 191–222 |
1997 |
40. |
A. A. Nechaev, A. S. Kuz'min, V. T. Markov, “Linear codes over finite rings and modules”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 3:1 (1997), 195–254 |
41. |
A. S. Kuz'min, V. L. Kurakin, A. A. Nechaev, “Pseudorandom and polylinear sequences”, Tr. Diskr. Mat., 1 (1997), 139–202 |
1995 |
42. |
A. S. Kuz'min, A. A. Nechaev, “Linear recurrent sequences over Galois rings”, Algebra Logika, 34:2 (1995), 169–189 |
43. |
A. A. Nechaev, “Linear codes and polylinear recurrences over finite rings and
quasi-Frobenius modules”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 345:4 (1995), 451–454 |
44. |
A. A. Nechaev, “Finite quasi-Frobenius modules, applications to codes and linear recurrences”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 1:1 (1995), 229–254 |
1994 |
45. |
A. S. Kuz'min, A. A. Nechaev, “Linearly representable codes and the Kerdock code over an arbitrary Galois field of characteristic 2”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 49:5(299) (1994), 165–166 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 49:5 (1994), 183–184 |
1993 |
46. |
A. A. Nechaev, “Linear recurrent sequences over quasi-Frobenius modules”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 48:3(291) (1993), 197–198 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 48:3 (1993), 209–210 |
47. |
A. S. Kuz'min, A. A. Nechaev, “Linear recursive sequences over Galois rings”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 48:1(289) (1993), 167–168 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 48:1 (1993), 171–172 |
48. |
A. A. Nechaev, “Cycle types of linear substitutions over finite commutative rings”, Mat. Sb., 184:3 (1993), 21–56 ; Russian Acad. Sci. Sb. Math., 78:2 (1994), 283–311 |
1992 |
49. |
A. S. Kuz'min, A. A. Nechaev, “Construction of noise-resistant codes by means of linear recurrences over Galois rings”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 47:5(287) (1992), 183–184 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 47:5 (1992), 189–190 |
1991 |
50. |
A. A. Nechaev, “Linear recurrent sequences over commutative rings”, Diskr. Mat., 3:4 (1991), 105–127 ; Discrete Math. Appl., 2:6 (1992), 659–683 |
1989 |
51. |
A. A. Nechaev, “Kerdock's code in cyclic form”, Diskr. Mat., 1:4 (1989), 123–139 ; Discrete Math. Appl., 1:4 (1991), 365–384 |
1982 |
52. |
A. A. Nechaev, “A characterization of critical finite principal ideal rings”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 37:5(227) (1982), 193–194 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 37:5 (1982), 184–185 |
53. |
A. A. Nechaev, “Criteria for the completeness of systems of functions on a finite ring and quasi-Frobenius rings”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 23:3 (1982), 175–187 ; Siberian Math. J., 23:3 (1982), 431–441 |
1980 |
54. |
A. A. Nechaev, “Polynomial transformations of finite commutative local rings of principal ideals”, Mat. Zametki, 27:6 (1980), 885–897 ; Math. Notes, 27:6 (1980), 425–432 |
1979 |
55. |
Yu. N. Mal'tsev, A. A. Nechaev, “Critical rings and varieties of algebras”, Algebra Logika, 18:3 (1979), 341–347 |
56. |
A. A. Nechaev, “A basis of generalized identities of a finite commutative
local principal ideal ring”, Algebra Logika, 18:2 (1979), 186–193 |
1974 |
57. |
A. A. Nechaev, “On a problem in the theory of rings of principal ideals”, Mat. Zametki, 15:5 (1974), 757–763 ; Math. Notes, 15:5 (1974), 453–457 |
1973 |
58. |
A. A. Nechaev, “Finite principal ideal rings”, Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 91(133):3(7) (1973), 350–366 ; Math. USSR-Sb., 20:3 (1973), 364–382 |
1971 |
59. |
A. A. Nechaev, “On the structure of finite commutative rings with an identity”, Mat. Zametki, 10:6 (1971), 679–688 ; Math. Notes, 10:6 (1971), 840–845 |
2011 |
60. |
S. M. Buravlev, M. M. Glukhov, A. M. Zubkov, A. P. Kovalenko, A. S. Kuzmin, V. N. Latyshev, A. I. Markov, V. N. Markov, Yu. I. Medvedev, V. G. Mikhailov, A. V. Mikhalev, A. A. Nechaev, B. A. Pogorelov, Yu. V. Prokhorov, V. N. Sachkov, “V. L. Kurakin (13.05.1966 – 14.08.2010)”, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 2:3 (2011), 111–112 |
Organisations |