Список публикаций:
Цитирования (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru) |
2020 |
1. |
Е. А. Ясинский, Jérémy Blanc, “Quotients of groups of birational transformations of cubic Del Pezzo fibrations”, Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques, 7 (2020), 1089-1112 , arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.04696 |
2018 |
2. |
Е. А. Ясинский, “$p$-подгруппы в группах автоморфизмов вещественных поверхностей Дель Пеццо”, Докл. РАН, 479:1 (2018), 134–136 ; E. A. Yasinsky, “p-Subgroups in automorphism groups of real del Pezzo surfaces”, Dokl. Math., 97:2 (2018), 129–130 |
3. |
N. Kurnosov, E. Yasinsky, Automorphisms of hyperkähler manifolds and groups acting on CAT(0) spaces, 2018 (Published online) , 24 pp., arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.09730 |
2017 |
4. |
Egor Yasinsky, “The Jordan constant for Cremona group of rank 2”, Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 54:5 (2017), 1859–1871 , arXiv: 1610.09654 |
2016 |
5. |
Egor Yasinsky, “Subgroups of odd order in the real plane Cremona group”, J. Algebra, 461 (2016), 87–120 , arXiv: 1509.08136