1999: MS, Lomonosov Moscow State University;
2003: PhD, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Students: Diana Darbaeva (MS), co-directed with E. Nursultanov (http://enu.kz/professors/prepodavateli/nursultanov);
Ainur Jumabayeva (PhD), co-directed with N. Tleukhanova (http://enu.kz/professors/prepodavateli/tleukhanova).
Main publications:
F. Dai, Z. Ditzian, S. Tikhonov, “Sharp Jackson inequalities”, J. Approx. Theory, 151:1 (2008), 86–112
S. Tikhonov, “Trigonometric series with general monotone coefficients”, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 326:1 (2007), 721–735
B. V. Simonov, S. Yu. Tikhonov, “Teoremy vlozheniya v konstruktivnoi teorii priblizhenii”, Matem. sb., 199:9 (2008), 107–148
Z. Ditzian, S. Tikhonov, “Ul'yanov and Nikol'skii-type inequalitie”, J. Approx. Theory, 133:3 (2005), 100–133
S. Tikhonov, “Weak Type Inequalities for Moduli of Smoothness: The Case of Limit Value Parameters”, J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 16 (2010), 590–608
F. Dai, A. Prymak, A. Yu. Shadrin, V. N. Temlyakov, S. Yu. Tikhonov, “On the cardinality of lower sets and universal discretization”, J. Complexity, 76 (2023), 101726–16
M. I. Dyachenko, S. Yu. Tikhonov, “Piecewise General Monotone Functions and the Hardy–Littlewood Theorem”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 319 (2022), 120–133; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 319 (2022), 110–123
F. Dai, A. Prymak, A. Shadrin, V. Temlyakov, S. Tikhonov, “Sampling discretization of integral norms”, Constr. Approx., 54:3 (2021), 455–471
F. Dai, A. Prymak, A. Shadrin, V. Temlyakov, S. Tikhonov, “Entropy numbers and Marcinkiewicz-type discretization”, J. Funct. Anal., 281:6 (2021), 109090–25
A. S. Belov, M. I. Dyachenko, S. Yu. Tikhonov, “Functions with general monotone Fourier coefficients”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 76:6(462) (2021), 3–70; Russian Math. Surveys, 76:6 (2021), 951–1017
F. Dai, A. Prymak, V. N. Temlyakov, S. Yu. Tikhonov, “Integral norm discretization and related problems”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 74:4(448) (2019), 3–58; Russian Math. Surveys, 74:4 (2019), 579–630
M. I. Dyachenko, A. B. Mukanov, S. Yu. Tikhonov, “Smoothness of functions and Fourier coefficients”, Mat. Sb., 210:7 (2019), 94–119; Sb. Math., 210:7 (2019), 994–1018
V. Temlyakov, S. Tikhonov, “Remez-Type and Nikol’skii-Type Inequalities: General Relations and the Hyperbolic Cross Polynomials”, Constr. Approx., 46:3 (2017), 593–615
E. D. Nursultanov, M. V. Ruzhansky, S. Yu. Tikhonov, “Nikolskii Inequality and Functional Classes on Compact Lie Groups”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 49:3 (2015), 83–87; Funct. Anal. Appl., 49:3 (2015), 226–229
M. I. Dyachenko, E. D. Nursultanov, S. Yu. Tikhonov, “Global and local smoothness of the Hilbert transforms”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 280 (2013), 175–187; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 280 (2013), 169–180
M. I. Dyachenko, S. Tikhonov, “Trigonometric series with lacunary-monotone coefficients”, Eurasian Math. J., 3:2 (2012), 31–52
M. K. Potapov, B. V. Simonov, S. Yu. Tikhonov, “Relations between mixed moduli of smoothness, and embedding theorems for Nikol'skii classes”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 269 (2010), 204–214; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 269 (2010), 197–207
M. K. Potapov, B. V. Simonov, S. Yu. Tikhonov, “Relations between moduli of smoothness in different metrics”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 2009, no. 3, 17–25
B. V. Simonov, S. Yu. Tikhonov, “Embedding theorems in constructive approximation”, Mat. Sb., 199:9 (2008), 107–148; Sb. Math., 199:9 (2008), 1367–1407
M. K. Potapov, B. V. Simonov, S. Yu. Tikhonov, “Transformation of Fourier series using power and weakly oscillating sequences”, Mat. Zametki, 77:1 (2005), 99–116; Math. Notes, 77:1 (2005), 90–107
M. K. Potapov, B. V. Simonov, S. Yu. Tikhonov, “Embedding theorems for Besov–Nikol'skii and Weyl–Nikol'skii classes in a mixed metric”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 2004, no. 5, 18–26
Z. Ditzian, S. Yu. Tikhonov, “Remark on the order of approximation by Steklov means”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 2004, no. 3, 57–58
M. K. Potapov, B. V. Simonov, S. Yu. Tikhonov, “On the Besov and Besov–Nikol'skii Classes and on Estimates for the Mixed Moduli of Smoothness of Fractional Derivatives”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 243 (2003), 244–256; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 243 (2003), 234–246
S. Yu. Tikhonov, “Fourier coefficients of functions in the Besov–Nikolskii class”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 2002, no. 6, 26–35
S. Yu. Tikhonov, “Estimates for the moduli of smoothness of a transformed Fourier series”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 2002, no. 5, 58–61
P. A. Borodin, M. I. Dyachenko, B. S. Kashin, T. P. Lukashenko, I. I. Mel'nikov, V. A. Sadovnichii, B. V. Simonov, V. A. Skvortsov, A. P. Solodov, V. N. Temlyakov, S. Yu. Tikhonov, V. M. Fedorov, “Mikhail Konstantinovich Potapov (on his 90th birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 76:2(458) (2021), 185–186; Russian Math. Surveys, 76:2 (2021), 369–371
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
Truncated Besov spaces S. Yu. Tikhonov Conference on the Theory of Functions of Several Real Variables, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of O. V. Besov May 30, 2023 12:30
Norm convolution inequalities in $L_p$ E. D. Nursultanov, S. Yu. Tikhonov, N. T. Tleukhanova International conference on Function Spaces and Approximation Theory dedicated to the 110th anniversary of S. M. Nikol'skii May 25, 2015 17:05
Весовое неравенство Бернштейна S. Yu. Tikhonov Seminar on Theory of Functions of Several Real Variables and Its Applications to Problems of Mathematical Physics October 1, 2014 16:00
Sharp local inequalities for polynomials S. Yu. Tikhonov International conference "Nonlinear Approximations and Applications" dedicated to the 60th birthday of Professor V. N. Temlyakov October 30, 2013 17:15
Весовые неравенства для преобразования Фурье S. Yu. Tikhonov Seminar on Theory of Functions of Several Real Variables and Its Applications to Problems of Mathematical Physics March 30, 2011