Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2025 |
1. |
A. I. Veretennikov, M. V. Rakhlin, Yu. M. Serov, A. I. Galimov, G. P. Veishtort, S. V. Sorokin, G. V. Klimko, I. V. Sedova, N. A. Maleev, M. A. Bobrov, A. P. Vasil'ev, A. G. Kuz'menkov, M. M. Kulagina, Yu. M. Zadiranov, S. I. Troshkov, J. A. Salii, D. S. Berezina, E. V. Nikitina, A. A. Toropov, “Однофотонное излучение в С-диапазоне в цилиндрическом микрорезонаторе с квантовыми точками InAs/InGaAs”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 121:3 (2025), 189–193 |
2024 |
2. |
A. V. Babichev, A. M. Nadtochiy, S. A. Blokhin, V. N. Nevedomskiy, N. V. Kryzhanovskaya, M. A. Bobrov, A. P. Vasil'ev, N. A. Maleev, L. Ya. Karachinsky, I. I. Novikov, A. Yu. Egorov, “Study of the structural and optical properties of InGaAs quantum dots”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 58:6 (2024), 318–325 |
2023 |
3. |
S. A. Blokhin, M. A. Bobrov, A. A. Blokhin, Ya. N. Kovach, N. A. Maleev, A. G. Kuz'menkov, Yu. M. Zadiranov, M. M. Kulagina, Yu. A. Guseva, A. P. Vasil'ev, V. M. Ustinov, “Analysis of the internal optical losses of the 89X nm-range intracavity-contacted vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 49:20 (2023), 43–46 |
2022 |
4. |
M. A. Bobrov, S. A. Blokhin, N. A. Maleev, A. G. Kuz'menkov, A. A. Blokhin, A. P. Vasil'ev, Yu. A. Guseva, M. V. Rakhlin, A. I. Galimov, Yu. M. Serov, S. I. Troshkov, V. M. Ustinov, A. A. Toropov, “Simulation and analysis of the optical characteristics of cylindrical micropillars with InAs/GaAs quantum dots”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 116:9 (2022), 592–598 ; JETP Letters, 116:9 (2022), 613–618 |
2021 |
5. |
V. A. Belyakov, I. V. Makartsev, A. G. Fefelov, S. V. Obolensky, A. P. Vasil'ev, A. G. Kuz'menkov, M. M. Kulagina, N. A. Maleev, “Effect of double recess technology on the parameters of HEMT transistors on GaAs and InP substrates”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 55:10 (2021), 890–894 |
6. |
M. A. Bobrov, S. A. Blokhin, N. A. Maleev, A. G. Kuz'menkov, A. A. Blokhin, A. P. Vasil'ev, M. M. Kulagina, A. S. Pazgalev, I. I. Novikov, L. Ya. Karachinsky, V. M. Ustinov, “Investigation of the noise characteristics of vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser with a rhomboidal oxide current aperture for use in a Cs-based compact atomic magnetometer”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 47:24 (2021), 3–8 |
7. |
S. A. Blokhin, M. A. Bobrov, A. A. Blokhin, N. A. Maleev, A. G. Kuz'menkov, A. P. Vasil'ev, S. S. Rochas, A. V. Babichev, I. I. Novikov, L. Ya. Karachinsky, A. G. Gladyshev, D. V. Denisov, K. O. Voropaev, A. Yu. Egorov, V. M. Ustinov, “Analysis of internal optical loss of 1.3 $\mu$m vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser based on $n^{+}$-InGaAs/$p^{+}$-InGaAs/$p^{+}$-InAlGaAs tunnel junction”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 47:23 (2021), 3–7 |
8. |
S. A. Blokhin, M. A. Bobrov, A. A. Blokhin, N. A. Maleev, A. G. Kuz'menkov, A. P. Vasil'ev, S. S. Rochas, A. V. Babichev, I. I. Novikov, L. Ya. Karachinsky, A. G. Gladyshev, D. V. Denisov, K. O. Voropaev, A. Yu. Egorov, V. M. Ustinov, “Impact of transverse optical confinment on performance of 1.55 $\mu$m vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with a buried tunnel junction”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 47:22 (2021), 3–8 |
9. |
N. A. Maleev, A. G. Kuz'menkov, M. M. Kulagina, A. P. Vasil'ev, S. A. Blokhin, S. I. Troshkov, A. V. Nashchekin, M. A. Bobrov, A. A. Blokhin, K. O. Voropaev, V. E. Bugrov, V. M. Ustinov, “Mushroom mesa structure for InAlAs/InGaAs avalanche photodiodes”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 47:21 (2021), 36–38 |
10. |
S. A. Blokhin, M. A. Bobrov, N. A. Maleev, A. A. Blokhin, A. P. Vasil'ev, A. G. Kuz'menkov, E. S. Kolodeznyi, V. A. Shchukin, N. N. Ledentsov, S. Reitzenstein, V. M. Ustinov, “The design of an electrically-driven single photon source of the 1.3-$\mu$m spectral range based on a vertical microcavity with intracavity contacts”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 47:5 (2021), 23–27 ; Tech. Phys. Lett., 47:3 (2021), 222–226 |
2020 |
11. |
S. A. Blokhin, V. N. Nevedomskiy, M. A. Bobrov, N. A. Maleev, A. A. Blokhin, A. G. Kuz'menkov, A. P. Vasil'ev, S. S. Rochas, A. V. Babichev, A. G. Gladyshev, I. I. Novikov, L. Ya. Karachinsky, D. V. Denisov, K. O. Voropaev, A. S. Ionov, A. Yu. Egorov, V. M. Ustinov, “1.55 $\mu$m-range vertical cavity surface emitting lasers, manufactured by wafer fusion of heterostuctures grown by solid-source molecular beam epitaxy”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 54:10 (2020), 1088–1096 ; Semiconductors, 54:10 (2020), 1276–1283 |
12. |
S. A. Blokhin, M. A. Bobrov, A. A. Blokhin, A. P. Vasil'ev, A. G. Kuz'menkov, N. A. Maleev, S. S. Rochas, A. G. Gladyshev, A. V. Babichev, I. I. Novikov, L. Ya. Karachinsky, D. V. Denisov, K. O. Voropaev, A. S. Ionov, A. Yu. Egorov, V. M. Ustinov, “The effect of a saturable absorber in long-wavelength vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers fabricated by wafer fusion technology”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 46:24 (2020), 49–54 ; Tech. Phys. Lett., 46:12 (2020), 1257–1262 |
13. |
S. A. Blokhin, M. A. Bobrov, N. A. Maleev, A. A. Blokhin, A. G. Kuz'menkov, A. P. Vasil'ev, S. S. Rochas, A. G. Gladyshev, A. V. Babichev, I. I. Novikov, L. Ya. Karachinsky, D. V. Denisov, K. O. Voropaev, A. S. Ionov, A. Yu. Egorov, V. M. Ustinov, “A vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser for the 1.55-$\mu$m spectral range with tunnel junction based on $n^{++}$-InGaAs/$p^{++}$-InGaAs/$p^{++}$-InAlGaAs layers”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 46:17 (2020), 21–25 ; Tech. Phys. Lett., 46:9 (2020), 854–858 |
2019 |
14. |
V. V. Dyudelev, V. V. Mamutin, D. V. Chistyakov, E. A. Kognovitskaya, V. I. Kuchinskii, N. A. Maleev, A. P. Vasil'ev, A. G. Kuz'menkov, V. M. Ustinov, G. S. Sokolovskii, “The effect of active region heating on dynamic and power characteristics of quantum cascade lasers emitting at a wavelength of 4.8 $\mu$m at room temperature”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 127:3 (2019), 445–448 ; Optics and Spectroscopy, 127:3 (2019), 479–482 |
15. |
E. S. Obolenskaya, A. S. Ivanov, D. G. Pavel'ev, V. A. Kozlov, A. P. Vasil'ev, “Comparison of the features of electron transport and subterahertz generation in diodes based on 6-, 18-, 70-, and 120-period GaAs/AlAs superlattices”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 53:9 (2019), 1218–1223 ; Semiconductors, 53:9 (2019), 1192–1197 |
16. |
N. A. Maleev, A. P. Vasil'ev, A. G. Kuz'menkov, M. A. Bobrov, M. M. Kulagina, S. I. Troshkov, S. N. Maleev, V. A. Belyakov, E. V. Petryakova, Yu. P. Kudryashova, E. L. Fefelova, I. V. Makartsev, S. A. Blokhin, F. A. Akhmedov, A. V. Egorov, A. G. Fefelov, V. M. Ustinov, “InAlAs/InGaAs/InP high-electron-mobility transistors with a composite channel and higher breakdown characteristics”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 45:21 (2019), 29–33 ; Tech. Phys. Lett., 45:11 (2019), 1092–1096 |
17. |
N. A. Maleev, M. A. Bobrov, A. G. Kuz'menkov, A. P. Vasil'ev, M. M. Kulagina, Yu. A. Guseva, S. A. Blokhin, V. M. Ustinov, “Heterobarrier varactors with nonuniformly doped modulation layers”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 45:20 (2019), 51–54 ; Tech. Phys. Lett., 45:10 (2019), 1063–1066 |
18. |
S. A. Blokhin, N. A. Maleev, M. A. Bobrov, A. G. Kuz'menkov, A. P. Vasil'ev, Yu. M. Zadiranov, M. M. Kulagina, A. A. Blokhin, Yu. A. Guseva, A. M. Ospennikov, M. V. Petrenko, A. G. Gladyshev, A. Yu. Egorov, I. I. Novikov, L. Ya. Karachinsky, D. V. Denisov, V. M. Ustinov, “Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with intracavity contacts and a rhomboidal current aperture for compact atomic clocks”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 49:2 (2019), 187–190 [Quantum Electron., 49:2 (2019), 187–190 ] |
2018 |
19. |
D. G. Pavel'ev, A. P. Vasil'ev, V. A. Kozlov, E. S. Obolenskaya, “Radiation resistance of terahertz diodes based on GaAs/AlAs superlattices”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 52:11 (2018), 1337–1345 ; Semiconductors, 52:11 (2018), 1448–1456 |
20. |
M. V. Maksimov, A. M. Nadtochiy, Yu. M. Shernyakov, A. S. Payusov, A. P. Vasil'ev, V. M. Ustinov, A. A. Serin, N. Yu. Gordeev, A. E. Zhukov, “Effect of epitaxial-structure design and growth parameters on the characteristics of metamorphic lasers of the 1.46-$\mu$m optical range based on quantum dots grown on GaAs substrates”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 52:10 (2018), 1191–1196 ; Semiconductors, 52:10 (2018), 1311–1316 |
21. |
V. V. Mamutin, A. P. Vasil'ev, A. V. Lyutetskiy, N. D. Il'inskaya, Yu. M. Zadiranov, A. N. Sofronov, D. A. Firsov, L. E. Vorob'ev, N. A. Maleev, V. M. Ustinov, “On the fabrication and study of lattice-matched heterostructures for quantum cascade lasers”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 52:7 (2018), 812–815 ; Semiconductors, 52:7 (2018), 950–953 |
22. |
V. V. Chaldyshev, E. V. Kundelev, A. N. Poddubny, A. P. Vasil'ev, M. A. Yagovkina, Y. Chen, N. Maharjan, Z. Liu, M. L. Nakarmi, N. M. Shakya, “Optical properties of AlGaAs/GaAs resonant Bragg structure at the second quantum state”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 52:4 (2018), 466 ; Semiconductors, 52:4 (2018), 447–451 |
23. |
V. V. Mamutin, N. A. Maleev, A. P. Vasil'ev, N. D. Il'inskaya, Yu. M. Zadiranov, A. A. Usikova, M. A. Yagovkina, Yu. M. Shernyakov, V. M. Ustinov, “Investigation of the modified structure of a quantum cascade laser”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 52:1 (2018), 133–137 ; Semiconductors, 52:1 (2018), 126–130 |
24. |
S. A. Blokhin, M. A. Bobrov, A. A. Blokhin, A. G. Kuz'menkov, A. P. Vasil'ev, Yu. M. Zadiranov, E. A. Evropeitsev, A. V. Sakharov, N. N. Ledentsov, L. Ya. Karachinsky, A. M. Ospennikov, N. A. Maleev, V. M. Ustinov, “Emission-line width and $\alpha$-factor of 850-nm single-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers based on InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 52:1 (2018), 98–104 ; Semiconductors, 52:1 (2018), 93–99 |
25. |
N. A. Maleev, M. A. Bobrov, A. G. Kuz'menkov, A. P. Vasil'ev, M. M. Kulagina, S. N. Maleev, S. A. Blokhin, V. N. Nevedomskiy, V. M. Ustinov, “Epitaxial InGaAs/InAlAs/AlAs structures for heterobarrier varactors with low leakage current”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 44:19 (2018), 16–23 ; Tech. Phys. Lett., 44:10 (2018), 862–864 |
26. |
V. V. Mamutin, A. P. Vasil'ev, A. V. Lyutetskiy, N. D. Il'inskaya, A. A. Usikova, Yu. M. Zadiranov, N. A. Maleev, A. N. Sofronov, D. A. Firsov, L. E. Vorob'ev, V. M. Ustinov, “Quantum-cascade lasers generating at the 4.8-$\mu$m wavelength at room temperature”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 44:18 (2018), 17–23 ; Tech. Phys. Lett., 44:9 (2018), 814–816 |
27. |
S. A. Blokhin, M. A. Bobrov, A. G. Kuz'menkov, A. A. Blokhin, A. P. Vasil'ev, Yu. A. Guseva, M. M. Kulagina, Yu. M. Zadiranov, N. A. Maleev, I. I. Novikov, L. Ya. Karachinsky, N. N. Ledentsov, V. M. Ustinov, “The influence of cavity design on the linewidth of near-ir single-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 44:1 (2018), 67–75 ; Tech. Phys. Lett., 44:1 (2018), 28–31 |
2017 |
28. |
S. A. Blokhin, M. A. Bobrov, A. A. Blokhin, A. G. Kuz'menkov, A. P. Vasil'ev, Yu. M. Zadiranov, E. A. Evropeitsev, A. V. Sakharov, N. N. Ledentsov, L. Ya. Karachinsky, A. M. Ospennikov, N. A. Maleev, V. M. Ustinov, “Emission-line width and $\alpha$-factor of 850-nm single-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers based on InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 51:12 (2017), 1697 ; Semiconductors, 52:1 (2018), 93–99 |
29. |
D. G. Pavel'ev, A. P. Vasil'ev, V. A. Kozlov, E. S. Obolenskaya, S. V. Obolensky, V. M. Ustinov, “Optimization of the superlattice parameters for THz diodes”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 51:11 (2017), 1493–1497 ; Semiconductors, 51:11 (2017), 1439–1443 |
30. |
N. A. Maleev, V. A. Belyakov, A. P. Vasil'ev, M. A. Bobrov, S. A. Blokhin, M. M. Kulagina, A. G. Kuz'menkov, V. N. Nevedomskiy, Yu. A. Guseva, S. N. Maleev, I. V. Ladenkov, E. L. Fefelova, A. G. Fefelov, V. M. Ustinov, “Molecular-beam epitaxy of InGaAs/InAlAs/AlAs structures for heterobarrier varactors”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 51:11 (2017), 1484–1488 ; Semiconductors, 51:11 (2017), 1431–1434 |
2016 |
31. |
I. V. Altukhov, S. E. Dizhur, M. S. Kagan, S. K. Paprotskiy, N. A. Khval'kovskii, A. D. Buravlev, A. P. Vasil'ev, Yu. M. Zadiranov, N. D. Il'inskaya, A. A. Usikova, V. M. Ustinov, “Effect of a terahertz cavity on the conductivity of short-period GaAs/AlAs superlattices”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 103:2 (2016), 128–131 ; JETP Letters, 103:2 (2016), 122–124 |
32. |
D. G. Pavel'ev, A. P. Vasil'ev, V. A. Kozlov, Yu. I. Koschurinov, E. S. Obolenskaya, S. V. Obolensky, V. M. Ustinov, “Simulation of electron transport in GaAs/AlAs superlattices with a small number of periods for the THz frequency range”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 50:11 (2016), 1548–1553 ; Semiconductors, 50:11 (2016), 1526–1531 |
33. |
M. A. Bobrov, N. A. Maleev, S. A. Blokhin, A. G. Kuz'menkov, A. A. Blokhin, A. P. Vasil'ev, Yu. A. Guseva, M. M. Kulagina, Yu. M. Zadiranov, S. I. Troshkov, V. Lisak, V. M. Ustinov, “Polarization characteristics of 850-nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with intracavity contacts and a rhomboidal oxide current aperture”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 50:10 (2016), 1408–1413 ; Semiconductors, 50:10 (2016), 1390–1395 |
34. |
S. A. Blokhin, M. A. Bobrov, A. G. Kuz'menkov, A. A. Blokhin, A. P. Vasil'ev, Yu. A. Guseva, M. M. Kulagina, I. O. Karpovskii, Yu. M. Zadiranov, S. I. Troshkov, N. D. Prasolov, P. N. Brunkov, V. S. Levitskii, V. Lisak, N. A. Maleev, V. M. Ustinov, “A study of distributed dielectric Bragg reflectors for vertically emitting lasers of the near-IR range”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 42:20 (2016), 57–65 ; Tech. Phys. Lett., 42:10 (2016), 1049–1053 |
35. |
S. A. Blokhin, N. V. Kryzhanovskaya, È. I. Moiseev, M. A. Bobrov, A. G. Kuz'menkov, A. A. Blokhin, A. P. Vasil'ev, I. O. Karpovskii, Yu. M. Zadiranov, S. I. Troshkov, V. N. Nevedomskiy, E. V. Nikitina, N. A. Maleev, V. M. Ustinov, “Laser generation at 1.3 $\mu$m in vertical microcavities containing InAs/InGaAs quantum dot arrays under optical pumping”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 42:19 (2016), 70–79 ; Tech. Phys. Lett., 42:10 (2016), 1009–1012 |
2010 |
36. |
A. A. Andronov, Yu. N. Nozdrin, A. V. Okomel'kov, A. P. Vasil'ev, A. E. Zhukov, V. M. Ustinov, “Stimulated emission from optically pumped quantum dots”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 40:7 (2010), 579–582 [Quantum Electron., 40:7 (2010), 579–582 ] |
1981 |
37. |
A. P. Vasil'ev, I. M. Kirko, “Optimization of a marine MHD propeller”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 22:3 (1981), 86–94 ; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 22:3 (1981), 364–371 |
1980 |
38. |
A. P. Vasil'ev, “К вопросу аналогии пузырькового кипения с процессом электролиза морской воды в канале МГД-движителя”, TVT, 18:5 (1980), 1116 |
Organisations |