Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2023 |
1. |
A. M. Khludnev, “On the equilibrium of elastic bodies with weakly curved junction”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 26:3 (2023), 154–168 ; J. Appl. Industr. Math., 17:3 (2023), 544–556 |
2022 |
2. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Asymptotics of solutions for two elastic plates with thin junction”, Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 19:2 (2022), 484–501 |
2021 |
3. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Equilibrium problems for elastic plate with thin rigid inclusion and free edge”, Mathematical notes of NEFU, 28:3 (2021), 105–120 |
2020 |
4. |
A. M. Khludnev, T. S. Popova, “The junction problem for two weakly curved inclusions in an elastic body”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 61:4 (2020), 932–945 ; Siberian Math. J., 61:4 (2020), 743–754 |
2018 |
5. |
A. M. Khludnev, “On modeling elastic bodies with defects”, Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 15 (2018), 153–166 |
6. |
A. M. Khludnev, T. S. Popova, “On junction problem for elastic Timoshenko inclusion and semi-rigid inclusion”, Mathematical notes of NEFU, 25:1 (2018), 73–89 |
7. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Equilibrium of an elastic body with closely spaced thin inclusions”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 58:10 (2018), 1714–1727 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 58:10 (2018), 1660–1672 |
2017 |
8. |
A. M. Khludnev, T. S. Popova, “On crack propagations in elastic bodies with thin inclusions”, Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 14 (2017), 586–599 |
9. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Asymptotics of anisotropic weakly curved inclusions in an elastic body”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 20:1 (2017), 93–104 ; J. Appl. Industr. Math., 11:1 (2017), 88–98 |
2016 |
10. |
A. M. Khludnev, T. S. Popova, “On the hierarchy of thin delaminated inclusions in elastic bodies”, Mathematical notes of NEFU, 23:1 (2016), 87–107 |
2015 |
11. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Optimal control of inclusions in an elastic body crossing the external boundary”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 18:4 (2015), 75–87 |
2013 |
12. |
A. M. Khludnev, “On an equilibrium problem for a two-layer elastic body with a crack”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 16:2 (2013), 144–153 ; J. Appl. Industr. Math., 7:3 (2013), 370–379 |
2011 |
13. |
A. M. Khludnev, “On bending an elastic plate with a delaminated thin rigid inclusion”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 14:1 (2011), 114–126 ; J. Appl. Industr. Math., 5:4 (2011), 582–594 |
2010 |
14. |
G. V. Alekseev, A. M. Khludnev, “The stability of solutions to extremal problems of boundary control for stationary heat convection equations”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 13:2 (2010), 5–18 ; J. Appl. Industr. Math., 5:1 (2011), 1–13 |
2009 |
15. |
E. M. Rudoy, A. M. Khludnev, “Односторонний контакт пластины с тонким упругим препятствием”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 12:2 (2009), 120–130 ; J. Appl. Industr. Math., 4:3 (2010), 389–398 |
16. |
G. V. Alekseev, A. M. Khludnev, “Crack in Elastic Body Crossing the External Boundary at Zero Angle”, Vestn. Novosib. Gos. Univ., Ser. Mat. Mekh. Inform., 9:2 (2009), 15–29 |
2008 |
17. |
A. M. Khludnev, “On unilateral contact of two plates aligned at an angle to each other”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 49:4 (2008), 42–58 ; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 49:4 (2008), 553–567 |
18. |
L.-E. Andersson, A. M. Khludnev, “Трещина, выходящая на контактную границу. Метод фиктивных областей и инвариантные интегралы”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 11:3 (2008), 15–29 |
19. |
G. V. Alekseev, A. M. Khludnev, “On Solvability of Mixed Boundary Value Problem for Thermo-Electro-Elastic Body”, Vestn. Novosib. Gos. Univ., Ser. Mat. Mekh. Inform., 8:2 (2008), 3–13 |
2006 |
20. |
A. M. Khludnev, A. N. Leont'ev, “A problem of flow through semipermeable obstacle”, Sib. Zh. Vychisl. Mat., 9:2 (2006), 173–188 |
21. |
A. M. Khludnev, K. Hoffmann, N. D. Botkin, “The variational contact problem for elastic objects of different dimensions”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 47:3 (2006), 707–717 ; Siberian Math. J., 47:3 (2006), 584–593 |
2005 |
22. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Invariant integrals in the problem of a crack on the interface between two media”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 46:5 (2005), 123–137 ; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 46:5 (2005), 717–729 |
2003 |
23. |
V. D. Stepanov, A. M. Khludnev, “The method of fictitious domains in the Signorini problem”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 44:6 (2003), 1350–1364 ; Siberian Math. J., 44:6 (2003), 1061–1074 |
2002 |
24. |
A. M. Khludnev, “The method of smooth domains in the equilibrium problem for a plate with a crack”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 43:6 (2002), 1388–1400 ; Siberian Math. J., 43:6 (2002), 1124–1134 |
1998 |
25. |
V. A. Kovtunenko, A. N. Leont'ev, A. M. Khludnev, “Equilibrium problem of a plate with an oblique cut”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 39:2 (1998), 164–174 ; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 39:2 (1998), 302–311 |
26. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Regularization and existence of solutions in the problem of the equilibrium of an elastoplastic plate”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 39:3 (1998), 670–682 ; Siberian Math. J., 39:3 (1998), 582–593 |
1997 |
27. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Equilibrium problem of an elastic plate with an oblique crack”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 38:5 (1997), 117–121 ; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 38:5 (1997), 757–761 |
1996 |
28. |
A. M. Khludnev, “The equilibrium problem for a thermoelastic plate with a crack”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 37:2 (1996), 452–463 ; Siberian Math. J., 37:2 (1996), 394–404 |
1993 |
29. |
A. M. Khludnev, “A contact problem for a beam under the conditions of plasticity and creep”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 34:2 (1993), 173–179 ; Siberian Math. J., 34:2 (1993), 353–359 |
1991 |
30. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Optimal control in one-dimensional elastic-plastic models”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 32:5 (1991), 112–115 ; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 32:5 (1991), 760–763 |
1990 |
31. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Optimal control of a plate over an obstacle”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 31:1 (1990), 172–178 ; Siberian Math. J., 31:1 (1990), 146–152 |
1989 |
32. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Limit transitions in optimal control problems for a fourth-order operator”, Differ. Uravn., 25:8 (1989), 1427–1435 ; Differ. Equ., 25:8 (1989), 1021–1027 |
1988 |
33. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Variational inequalities in contact plastic problems”, Differ. Uravn., 24:9 (1988), 1622–1628 ; Differ. Equ., 24:9 (1988), 1078–1083 |
1984 |
34. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Existence and regularity of one-sided boundary value problems for the linear theory of shallow shells”, Differ. Uravn., 20:11 (1984), 1968–1975 |
35. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Existence of solutions in ideal Hencke plasticity”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 25:1 (1984), 174–177 ; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 25:1 (1984), 160–163 |
36. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Existence of solutions in a quasistatic problem of elastoplastic deformation of shells”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 25:5 (1984), 168–176 ; Siberian Math. J., 25:5 (1984), 815–822 |
1983 |
37. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Variational inequalities in the theory of shallow shells”, Differ. Uravn., 19:4 (1983), 673–679 |
38. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Existence of solutions in dynamics problems of one-dimensional plastic structures”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 24:2 (1983), 150–156 ; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 24:2 (1983), 274–279 |
1982 |
39. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Variational approach to the problem of the elastic contact of two plates”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 262:4 (1982), 851–852 |
1981 |
40. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Global solvability of problems of nonlinear vibrations of plates on nonlinear bases”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 22:2 (1981), 221–225 |
1980 |
41. |
A. M. Khludnev, “A boundary value problem for a system of equations with monotone operator”, Differ. Uravn., 16:10 (1980), 1843–1849 |
42. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Approximate description of the vibration of rods of periodic structure with mass oscillators”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 21:4 (1980), 156–161 ; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 21:4 (1980), 569–573 |
1978 |
43. |
A. M. Khludnev, “Solvability of initial-boundary value problems for a weakly nonlinear system”, Differ. Uravn., 14:11 (1978), 2026–2037 |
44. |
A. M. Khludnev, “A one-sided problem that is connected with a weakly nonlinear parabolic operator”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 19:2 (1978), 412–417 ; Siberian Math. J., 19:2 (1978), 289–293 |
Organisations |