B. Sci. University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 1971
M. Sc. University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1973
Ph. D. University of Belgrade, 1975, "On some arithmetic functions connected with the distribution of prime numbers",
Assistant, University of Novi Sad, 1971–1976
Assistant Professor, University of Belgrade, 1976–1982
Associate Professor, University of Belgrade 1982–1988
Full Professor, University of Belgrade, 1988–
Elected as corr. member to the Serbian Academy of Sciences 1988
Elected as full member (academiacian) to the Serbian Academy of Sciences 2000.
Основные публикации:
A. Ivić, The Riemann zeta-function, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1985, XVI+517 pp.
A. Ivić, The mean values of the Riemann zeta-function, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (Bombay 1991), Lecture Notes, 82, Springer Verlag, Berlin etc., 363 pp.
J. L. Hafner, A. Ivić, “On the mean square of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line”, Journal of Number Theory (Columbus, USA), 32 (1989), 151–191
A. Ivić, “Large values of certain number-theoretic error terms”, Acta Arithmetica (Warszawa), 56:2 (1990), 135–159
A. Ivić, Y. Motohashi, “The mean square of the error term for the fourth moment of the zeta-function”, Proceedings London Math. Soc. (3), 69 (1994), 309–329
А. Ивич, “Функция Харди $Z(t)$: результаты и нерешенные задачи”, Труды МИАН, 296 (2017), 111–122; A. Ivić, “Hardy's function $Z(t)$: Results and problems”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 296 (2017), 104–114
А. Ивич, В. Цай, “Моменты высших порядков для остаточного члена в проблеме делителей”, Матем. заметки, 88:3 (2010), 374–383; A. Ivić, W. Zhai, “Higher Moments of the Error Term in the Divisor Problem”, Math. Notes, 88:3 (2010), 338–346