M. B. Skopenkov, A. V. Ustinov, “Feynman checkers: towards algorithmic quantum theory”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 77:3(465) (2022), 73–160; Russian Math. Surveys, 77:3 (2022), 445–530
A. V. Ustinov, “Three-dimensional continued fractions and Kloosterman sums”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 70:3(423) (2015), 107–180; Russian Math. Surveys, 70:3 (2015), 483–556
A. V. Ustinov, “Spin chains and Arnolds problem on the Gauss-Kuzmin statistics for quadratic irrationals”, Mat. Sb., 204:5 (2013), 143–160; Sb. Math., 204:5 (2013), 762–779
V. M. Buchstaber, A. V. Ustinov, “Coefficient rings of formal group laws”, Mat. Sb., 206:11 (2015), 19–60; Sb. Math., 206:11 (2015), 1524–1563
A. V. Ustinov, “On the distribution of Frobenius numbers with three arguments”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 74:5 (2010), 145–170; Izv. Math., 74:5 (2010), 1023–1049
A. V. Ustinov, “On Periodicity of the Somos Sequences Modulo $m$”, Mat. Zametki, 115:3 (2024), 439–449; Math. Notes, 115:3 (2024), 405–413
A. V. Ustinov, “A Short Proof of the Landsberg–Schaar Identity”, Mat. Zametki, 112:3 (2022), 478–480; Math. Notes, 112:3 (2022), 488–490
M. B. Skopenkov, A. V. Ustinov, “Feynman checkers: towards algorithmic quantum theory”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 77:3(465) (2022), 73–160; Russian Math. Surveys, 77:3 (2022), 445–530
V. A. Bykovskii, A. V. Ustinov, “Three-dimensional analogues of the Heath-Brown and Selberg identities”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 494 (2020), 14–16; Dokl. Math., 102:2 (2020), 364–366
A. V. Ustinov, “A simplified proof of Ward's formula for elliptic sequences”, Dal'nevost. Mat. Zh., 19:1 (2019), 84–87
V. A. Bykovskii, A. V. Ustinov, “On the Laurent phenomenon for Somos-$4$ and Somos-$5$ sequences”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 53:3 (2019), 79–83
M. A. Korolev, A. V. Ustinov, “Distribution of rational points on the circle of unit radius”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 83:5 (2019), 107–148; Izv. Math., 83:5 (2019), 1008–1049
A. V. Ustinov, “On Formal Buchstaber Groups of Special Form”, Mat. Zametki, 105:6 (2019), 899–910; Math. Notes, 105:6 (2019), 894–904
I. S. Vorob'ev, A. V. Ustinov, “Symmetric semigroups with three generators”, Mat. Sb., 210:12 (2019), 31–42; Sb. Math., 210:12 (2019), 1690–1701
A. V. Ustinov, “An Elementary Approach to the Study of Somos Sequences”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 305 (2019), 330–343; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 305 (2019), 305–317
M. A. Korolev, A. V. Ustinov, “The Distribution of the Rational Points on the Unit Circle”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 481:2 (2018), 131–135; Dokl. Math., 98:1 (2018), 321–324
A. V. Ustinov, “Buchstaber Formal Group and Elliptic Functions of Small Levels”, Mat. Zametki, 102:1 (2017), 96–108; Math. Notes, 102:1 (2017), 81–91
E. Yu. Bunkova, V. M. Buchstaber, A. V. Ustinov, “Coefficient rings of Tate formal groups determining Krichever genera”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 292 (2016), 43–68; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 292 (2016), 37–62
V. I. Bernik, A. G. Gusakova, A. V. Ustinov, “Distribution of algebraic points in domains of small measure and near the surfaces”, Chebyshevskii Sb., 16:3 (2015), 78–94
A. V. Ustinov, “On Points of the Modular Hyperbola under the Graph of a Linear Function”, Mat. Zametki, 97:2 (2015), 296–301; Math. Notes, 97:2 (2015), 284–288
A. V. Ustinov, “Spin chains and Arnold's problem on the Gauss-Kuz'min statistics for quadratic irrationals”, Mat. Sb., 204:5 (2013), 143–160; Sb. Math., 204:5 (2013), 762–779
M. Skopenkov, V. Smykalov, A. V. Ustinov, “Случайные блуждания и электрические цепи”, Mat. Pros., Ser. 3, 16 (2012), 25–47
A. V. Ustinov, “Minimal Vector Systems in 3-Dimensional Lattices and Analog of Vahlen's Theorem for 3-Dimensional Minkowski's Continued Fractions”, Sovrem. Probl. Mat., 16 (2012), 103–128; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 280, suppl. 2 (2013), S91–S116
A. V. Ustinov, “Geometric proof of Rødseth's formula for Frobenius numbers”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 276 (2012), 280–287; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 276 (2012), 275–282
D. Baranov, M. Skopenkov, A. Ustinov, “Сопротивление между узлами решетки”, Mat. Pros., Ser. 3, 15 (2011), 229–230
A. V. Ustinov, “On the distribution of Frobenius numbers with three arguments”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 74:5 (2010), 145–170; Izv. Math., 74:5 (2010), 1023–1049
A. V. Ustinov, “The Mean Number of Steps in the Euclidean Algorithm with Odd Incomplete Quotients”, Mat. Zametki, 88:4 (2010), 594–604; Math. Notes, 88:4 (2010), 574–584
A. V. Ustinov, “On the statistical properties of elements of continued fractions”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 424:4 (2009), 459–461; Dokl. Math., 79:1 (2009), 87–89
V. A. Bykovskii, A. V. Ustinov, “The statistics of particle trajectories in the inhomogeneous Sinai problem for a two-dimensional lattice”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 73:4 (2009), 17–36; Izv. Math., 73:4 (2009), 669–688
A. V. Ustinov, “The Mean Number of Steps in the Euclidean Algorithm with Least Absolute-Value Remainders”, Mat. Zametki, 85:1 (2009), 153–156; Math. Notes, 85:1 (2009), 142–145
A. V. Ustinov, “The solution of Arnold's problem on the weak asymptotics of Frobenius numbers with three arguments”, Mat. Sb., 200:4 (2009), 131–160; Sb. Math., 200:4 (2009), 597–627
A. V. Ustinov, “On the number of solutions of the congruence $xy\equiv l$$(\operatorname{mod}q)$ under the graph of a twice continuously differentiable function”, Algebra i Analiz, 20:5 (2008), 186–216; St. Petersburg Math. J., 20:5 (2009), 813–836
V. A. Bykovskii, A. V. Ustinov, “The Statistics of Particle Trajectories in the Homogeneous Sinai Problem for a Two-Dimensional Lattice”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 42:3 (2008), 10–22; Funct. Anal. Appl., 42:3 (2008), 169–179
A. V. Ustinov, “Asymptotic behaviour of the first and second moments for the number of steps in the Euclidean algorithm”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 72:5 (2008), 189–224; Izv. Math., 72:5 (2008), 1023–1059
A. V. Ustinov, “Calculation of the variance in a problem in the theory of continued fractions”, Mat. Sb., 198:6 (2007), 139–158; Sb. Math., 198:6 (2007), 887–907
A. V. Ustinov, “On Gauss–Kuz'min statistics for finite continued fractions”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 11:6 (2005), 195–208; J. Math. Sci., 146:2 (2007), 5771–5781
A. V. Ustinov, “On the statistical properties of finite continued fractions”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 322 (2005), 186–211; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 137:2 (2006), 4722–4738
A. V. Ustinov, “On the number of summands in the asymptotic formula for the number of solutions to Waring's equation”, Mat. Zametki, 64:2 (1998), 285–296; Math. Notes, 64:2 (1998), 240–250
Скрытые теоремы сложения A. V. Ustinov Mathematical seminar Faculty of Computer Science HSE October 14, 2022 18:10
Шашки Фейнмана A. V. Ustinov Colloquium of the Faculty of Computer Science June 7, 2022 16:20
Feynman Checkers: Number Theory in Quantum Electrodynamics A. V. Ustinov, M. B. Skopenkov Memorial Conference on Analytic Number Theory and Applications Dedicated to the 130th Anniversary of I. M. Vinogradov September 14, 2021 10:30
Feynman Checkers: Number theory methods in quantum theory A. V. Ustinov, M. B. Skopenkov International conference on Analytic Number Theory dedicated to 75th anniversary of G. I. Arkhipov and S. M. Voronin December 15, 2020 11:00
The Korobov polynomials A. V. Ustinov XV International Conference «Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Geometry: modern problems and applications», dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow State University Korobov Nikolai Mikhailovich May 29, 2018 09:00
An elementary approach to Somos-$4$ sequences Alexey V. Ustinov International conference "Algebraic Topology, Combinatorics, and Mathematical Physics" on occasion of Victor Buchstaber's 75th birthday May 28, 2018 15:50