Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2008 |
1. |
A. V. Rozhdestvenskii, “On non-trivial additive cocycles on the torus”, Mat. Sb., 199:2 (2008), 71–92 ; Sb. Math., 199:2 (2008), 229–251 |
2007 |
2. |
A. V. Rozhdestvenskii, “On necessary conditions for Fourier multipliers of weak type”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 71:1 (2007), 79–100 ; Izv. Math., 71:1 (2007), 75–95 |
3. |
A. V. Rozhdestvenskii, “An Additive Cohomological Equation and Typical Behavior of Birkhoff Sums over a Translation of the Multidimensional Torus”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 256 (2007), 278–289 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 256 (2007), 263–274 |
2006 |
4. |
A. V. Rozhdestvenskii, “A Sharp Estimate for the Rate of Convergence in Mean of Birkhoff Sums for Some Classes of Periodic Differentiable Functions”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 40:1 (2006), 43–51 ; Funct. Anal. Appl., 40:1 (2006), 34–41 |
2004 |
5. |
A. I. Kozko, A. V. Rozhdestvenskii, “On Jackson's inequality for a generalized modulus of continuity in $L_2$”, Mat. Sb., 195:8 (2004), 3–46 ; Sb. Math., 195:8 (2004), 1073–1115 |
6. |
A. V. Rozhdestvenskii, “On the additive cohomological equation and time change for a linear flow on the torus with a Diophantine frequency vector”, Mat. Sb., 195:5 (2004), 115–156 ; Sb. Math., 195:5 (2004), 723–764 |
2003 |
7. |
A. I. Kozko, A. V. Rozhdestvenskii, “On Jackson's Inequality for Generalized Moduli of Continuity”, Mat. Zametki, 73:5 (2003), 783–788 ; Math. Notes, 73:5 (2003), 736–741 |
8. |
A. V. Rozhdestvenskii, “On absolutely continuous weakly mixing cocycles over irrational rotations”, Mat. Sb., 194:5 (2003), 139–156 ; Sb. Math., 194:5 (2003), 775–792 |
1995 |
9. |
A. V. Rozhdestvenskii, “On Jackson inequality in $L_p(\mathbb T^d)$”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 1:3 (1995), 753–766 |
10. |
A. V. Rozhdestvenskii, “Inequalities of Jackson type and multipliers in $L_p$”, Mat. Zametki, 57:4 (1995), 551–579 ; Math. Notes, 57:4 (1995), 381–401 |
1994 |
11. |
A. V. Rozhdestvenskii, “On the coboundedness of functions on a torus”, Mat. Zametki, 55:6 (1994), 103–110 ; Math. Notes, 55:6 (1994), 617–622 |
Organisations |