Цветков Георгий Игоревич

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Публикации в базе данных Math-Net.Ru Цитирования
1. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, “Features of dilute methane–oxygen flame front propagation towards combustible gas flow created by the fan”, Mendeleev Commun., 34:4 (2024),  576–578  mathnet
2. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, “Features of the interaction of the combustion front of methane–air mixtures with hollow cylindrical and conical obstacles at low pressures”, Mendeleev Commun., 34:2 (2024),  288–290  mathnet
3. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, I. O. Shamshin, “Features of ignition of mixtures of hydrogen with hydrocarbons (C<sub>2</sub>, C<sub>3</sub> and C<sub>5</sub>) over rhodium and palladium at pressures of 1–2 atm”, Mendeleev Commun., 34:1 (2024),  137–139  mathnet
4. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, I. O. Shamshin, “Ignition limits of hydrogen–methane–air mixtures over metallic Rh at a pressure of 1–2 atm”, Mendeleev Commun., 33:4 (2023),  574–576  mathnet 1
5. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, “Modes of interaction of counterflow flames in diluted methane–oxygen mixtures in a closed reactor”, Mendeleev Commun., 33:3 (2023),  433–435  mathnet 2
6. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, “Suppression of laminar flames of natural gas–oxygen mixtures with complex obstacles”, Mendeleev Commun., 33:2 (2023),  279–281  mathnet 3
7. N. M. Rubtsov, G. I. Tsvetkov, V. I. Chernysh, K. Ya. Troshin, “Influence of noble metals on thermoacoustic oscillations and boundaries of the region of negative temperature coefficient during combustion of n-pentane – air mixtures”, Mendeleev Commun., 32:5 (2022),  693–696  mathnet
8. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, I. O. Shamshin, “Surface modes of catalytic ignition of flammable gases over noble metals”, Mendeleev Commun., 32:4 (2022),  564–566  mathnet 5
9. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, I. O. Shamshin, “The features of ignition of hydrogen–methane and hydrogen–isobutene mixtures with oxygen over Rh and Pd at low pressures”, Mendeleev Commun., 32:3 (2022),  405–407  mathnet 4
10. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, I. O. Shamshin, “The phenomenon of negative temperature coefficient in palladium-initiated combustion of hydrogen–propane–air mixtures”, Mendeleev Commun., 31:2 (2021),  274–276  mathnet 3
11. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, “Interaction between laminar flames of natural gas–oxygen mixtures and planar obstacles with asymmetrical openings”, Mendeleev Commun., 31:1 (2021),  132–134  mathnet 2
12. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, I. O. Shamshin, A. P. Kalinin, “Ignition of hydrogen–oxygen and stoichiometric hydrogen–methane–oxygen mixtures on hot wires at low pressures”, Mendeleev Commun., 30:2 (2020),  241–243  mathnet 1
13. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, A. P. Kalinin, “Catalytic activity of Pt and Pd in gaseous reactions of H<sub>2</sub> and CH<sub>4</sub> oxidation at low pressures”, Mendeleev Commun., 30:1 (2020),  121–123  mathnet 7
14. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, I. O. Shamshin, “Ignition of hydrogen–methane–air mixtures over Pd foil at atmospheric pressure”, Mendeleev Commun., 29:4 (2019),  469–471  mathnet 17
15. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, “Penetration of the laminar flames of natural gas–oxygen mixtures through conical obstacles”, Mendeleev Commun., 29:1 (2019),  108–110  mathnet 3
16. M. I. Alymov, N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, V. A. Zelensky, A. B. Ankudinov, G. I. Tsvetkov, V. I. Chernysh, “The modes of combustion of copper nanopowders”, Mendeleev Commun., 28:4 (2018),  447–449  mathnet 3
17. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, I. O. Shamshin, A. P. Kalinin, “The features of hydrogen ignition over Pt and Pd foils at low pressures”, Mendeleev Commun., 28:2 (2018),  216–218  mathnet 20
18. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, “Penetration of methane–oxygen flames through flat obstacles with several openings”, Mendeleev Commun., 28:1 (2018),  99–101  mathnet 5
19. M. I. Alymov, N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, “Interaction of chemical processes over Pt wire and reactive flows of flame penetration through obstacles in the presence of iron nanopowder”, Mendeleev Commun., 27:4 (2017),  387–389  mathnet 3
20. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, I. O. Shamshin, “Ignition of hydrogen–air mixtures over Pt at atmospheric pressure”, Mendeleev Commun., 27:3 (2017),  307–309  mathnet 11
21. N. M. Rubtsov, A. N. Vinogradov, A. P. Kalinin, A. I. Rodionov, K. Ya. Troshin, G. I. Tsvetkov, V. I. Chernysh, “Gas dynamics and kinetics of the penetration of methane–oxygen flames through complex obstacles, as studied by 3D spectroscopy and high-speed cinematography”, Mendeleev Commun., 27:2 (2017),  192–194  mathnet 8
22. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, “Relative contribution of gas dynamic and chemical factors to flame penetration through small openings in a closed cylindrical reactor”, Mendeleev Commun., 27:1 (2017),  101–103  mathnet 9
23. N. M. Rubtsov, A. N. Vinogradov, A. P. Kalinin, A. I. Rodionov, K. Ya. Troshin, G. I. Tsvetkov, V. I. Chernysh, “Cellular combustion and delay periods of ignition of a nearly stoichiometric H<sub>2</sub>–air mixture over a platinum surface”, Mendeleev Commun., 26:2 (2016),  160–162  mathnet 15
24. N. M. Rubtsov, I. M. Naboko, B. S. Seplyarskii, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, “Interaction of the laminar flames of natural gas–oxygen mixtures with planar obstacles, diffusers and confusers”, Mendeleev Commun., 26:1 (2016),  61–63  mathnet 7
25. Н. М. Рубцов, Б. С. Сеплярский, И. М. Набоко, В. И. Черныш, Г. И. Цветков, К. Я. Трошин, “Взаимодействие ламинарных пламен метано-воздушных смесей с мелкоячеистыми плоскими и сферическими препятствиями в замкнутом цилиндрическом реакторе при инициировании искровым разрядом”, ХФМ, 17:2 (2015),  183–191  mathnet
26. N. M. Rubtsov, A. N. Vinogradov, A. P. Kalinin, A. I. Rodionov, K. Ya. Troshin, G. I. Tsvetkov, “Establishment of features of unstable flame propagation using 3D optical spectroscopy and color speed cinematography”, Mendeleev Commun., 25:6 (2015),  482–484  mathnet 2
27. N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, I. M. Naboko, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, “Penetration of methane–oxygen flames through spherical and planar obstacles in a closed cylindrical reactor”, Mendeleev Commun., 25:4 (2015),  304–306  mathnet 5
28. N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, I. M. Naboko, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, “Non-steady Propagation of single and Counter Hydrogen and Methane Flames in Initially Motionless Gas”, Mendeleev Commun., 24:5 (2014),  308–310  mathnet 14
29. N. M. Rubtsov, I. M. Naboko, B. S. Seplyarskii, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, “Influence of an acoustic resonator on flame propagation regimes in spark initiated H<sub>2</sub> combustion in a cylindrical reactor near the lower detonation limit”, Mendeleev Commun., 24:1 (2014),  50–52  mathnet 7
30. I. M. Naboko, N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, K. Ya. Troshin, G. I. Tsvetkov, V. I. Chernysh, “Cellular combustion at the transition of a spherical flame front to a flat front at the initiated ignition of methane–air, methane–oxygen and n-pentane–air mixtures”, Mendeleev Commun., 23:6 (2013),  358–360  mathnet 17
31. I. M. Naboko, N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, “Interaction of the Laminar Flames of Methane–air Mixtures with Close-meshed Spherical and Planar Obstacles in a Closed Cylindrical Reactor Under Spark Discharge Initiation”, Mendeleev Commun., 23:3 (2013),  163–165  mathnet 12
32. N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, K. Ya. Troshin, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, “Investigation into Spontaneous Ignition of Hydrogen–air Mixtures in a Heated Reactor at Atmospheric Pressure by High-speed Cinematography”, Mendeleev Commun., 22:4 (2012),  222–224  mathnet 15
33. N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, A. G. Tarasov, G. I. Tsvetkov, V. I. Chernysh, “Suppression of the ignition of coal powders in the presence of oxygen and natural gas with small additives of octadecafluorodecahydronaphthalene vapour”, Mendeleev Commun., 22:3 (2012),  154–156  mathnet 3
34. N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, G. I. Tsvetkov, V. I. Chernysh, “Investigation into the ignition of coal powders in the presence of oxygen and natural gas by means of high-speed cinematography”, Mendeleev Commun., 22:1 (2012),  47–49  mathnet 6
35. N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, K. Ya. Troshin, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, “Initiation and propagation of laminar spherical flames at atmospheric pressure†”, Mendeleev Commun., 21:4 (2011),  218–220  mathnet 13
36. N. M. Rubtsov, V. D. Kotelkin, B. S. Seplyarskii, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, “Investigation into the combustion of lean hydrogen–air mixtures at atmospheric pressure by means of high-speed cinematography”, Mendeleev Commun., 21:4 (2011),  215–217  mathnet 6
37. N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, K. Ya. Troshin, G. I. Tsvetkov, V. I. Chernysh, “High-speed colour cinematography of the spontaneous ignition of propane–air and n-pentane–air mixtures”, Mendeleev Commun., 21:1 (2011),  31–33  mathnet 18
38. N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, G. I. Tsvetkov, “Formation of threadlike nanostructures of silicon and silicon carbide by chemical vapor deposition”, Mendeleev Commun., 20:6 (2010),  357–358  mathnet 1
39. N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, G. I. Tsvetkov, V. I. Chernysh, “Thermal ignition of coal powders in the presence of natural gas, oxygen and chemically active additives”, Mendeleev Commun., 20:2 (2010),  98–100  mathnet 8
40. N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, “Investigation into self-ignition in chain oxidation of hydrogen, natural gas and isobutene by means of high-speed colour cinematography”, Mendeleev Commun., 19:6 (2009),  346–349  mathnet 3
41. V. I. Chernysh, N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, G. I. Tsvetkov, “Features of initiation of spherical flames in mixtures of natural gas and isobutylene with oxygen in the presence of inert additives”, Mendeleev Commun., 19:4 (2009),  230–232  mathnet 5
42. N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, G. V. Bichurov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, “Gaseous nature of the reaction of Si–N bond formation in self-propagation high-temperature synthesis of silicon nitride by means of an azide method”, Mendeleev Commun., 19:1 (2009),  45–46  mathnet 1
43. N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, G. I. Tsvetkov, V. I. Chernysh, “Thermal ignition of coal–gas suspensions containing natural gas and oxygen”, Mendeleev Commun., 18:6 (2008),  340–341  mathnet 7
44. N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, “Numerical investigation of the effects of surface recombination and initiation for laminar hydrogen flames at atmospheric pressure”, Mendeleev Commun., 18:4 (2008),  220–222  mathnet 12
45. N. M. Rubtsov, B. S. Seplyarskii, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, “Flame propagation limits in H<sub>2</sub>+air mixtures in the presence of small inhibitor additives”, Mendeleev Commun., 18:2 (2008),  105–108  mathnet 17
46. N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, B. S. Seplyarskii, “Influence of Cr(CO)<sub>6</sub> and Mo(CO)<sub>6</sub> on the critical conditions for ignition and the velocities of flame propagation for the chain-branching oxidation of hydrogen and propylene”, Mendeleev Commun., 16:5 (2006),  282–284  mathnet 11
47. N. M. Rubtsov, G. I. Tsvetkov, V. I. Chernysh, “Kinetic regularities of solid-phase formation in the branching chain reaction of dichlorosilane oxidation in rf plasma at low pressures and 293 K”, Mendeleev Commun., 16:1 (2006),  38–40  mathnet 6
48. N. M. Rubtsov, G. I. Tsvetkov, V. I. Chernysh, “Dichlorosilane chlorination in the presence of propylene as an inhibitor at low pressures and 293 K”, Mendeleev Commun., 12:1 (2002),  37–39  mathnet 1
49. V. I. Chernysh, N. M. Rubtsov, G. I. Tsvetkov, “NIR investigation of the rarefied flame of dichlorosilane oxidation at low pressures and 293 K”, Mendeleev Commun., 10:4 (2000),  143–145  mathnet 2
50. N. M. Rubtsov, V. V. Azatyan, G. I. Tsvetkov, S. M. Temchin, “Detection of SiH<sub>2</sub> from the A<sup>1</sup>B<sub>1</sub>–X<sup>1</sup>A<sub>1</sub> transition in the emission spectrum of the rarified flame in the oxidation of silane”, Mendeleev Commun., 7:5 (1997),  187–188  mathnet 4

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