The flammability limits of stoichiometric mixtures (20–80% H2 + 80–20% CH4) + O2 over Rh and Pd were determined in the pressure range 0–200 Torr and the temperature range 200–500 °C. It has been shown that the dark reaction in the mixture (80% H2 + 20% C4H8)stoich + O2 leads to the formation of carbon nanotubes with a mean diameter of 10–100 nm.
Образец цитирования:
N. M. Rubtsov, V. I. Chernysh, G. I. Tsvetkov, K. Ya. Troshin, I. O. Shamshin, “The features of ignition of hydrogen–methane and hydrogen–isobutene mixtures with oxygen over Rh and Pd at low pressures”, Mendeleev Commun., 32:3 (2022), 405–407