Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2019 |
1. |
A. Kh. Bikulov, A. P. Zubarev, “New Bases in the Space of Square Integrable Functions on the Field of $p$-Adic Numbers and Their Applications”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 306 (2019), 28–40 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 306 (2019), 20–32 |
2016 |
2. |
A. Kh. Bikulov, A. P. Zubarev, “Complete systems of eigenfunctions of the Vladimirov operator in $L^{2}(B_r)$ and $L^{2}(\mathbb{Q}_{p})$”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 21:3 (2016), 39–56 ; J. Math. Sci., 237:3 (2019), 362–374 |
2014 |
3. |
V. A. Avetisov, A. Kh. Bikulov, A. P. Zubarev, “Ultrametric random walk and dynamics of protein molecules”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 285 (2014), 9–32 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 285 (2014), 3–25 |
2013 |
4. |
V. A. Avetisov, A. Kh. Bikulov, A. P. Zubarev, “Ultrametricity as a basis for organization of protein molecules: CO binding to myoglobin”, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 1(30) (2013), 315–325 |
2011 |
5. |
V. A. Avetisov, A. Kh. Bikulov, A. P. Zubarev, “Mathematical Modeling of Molecular “nano-machines””, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 1(22) (2011), 9–15 |
2009 |
6. |
V. A. Avetisov, A. Kh. Bikulov, “Ultrametricity of Fluctuation Dynamic Mobility of Protein Molecules”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 265 (2009), 82–89 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 265 (2009), 75–81 |
2006 |
7. |
A. Kh. Bikulov, A. P. Zubarev, L. V. Kaidalova, “Hierarchical dynamical model of financial market near the crash point and $p$-adic mathematical analysis”, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 42 (2006), 135–140 |
2004 |
8. |
V. A. Avetisov, A. Kh. Bikulov, V. A. Osipov, “$p$-Adic Models for Ultrametric Diffusion in Conformational Dynamics of Macromolecules”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 245 (2004), 55–64 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 245 (2004), 48–57 |
1999 |
9. |
A. Kh. Bikulov, “Stochastic $p$-adic equations of mathematical physics”, TMF, 119:2 (1999), 249–263 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 119:2 (1999), 594–604 |
1997 |
10. |
A. Kh. Bikulov, I. V. Volovich, “$p$-adic Brownian motion”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 61:3 (1997), 75–90 ; Izv. Math., 61:3 (1997), 537–552 |
1991 |
11. |
A. Kh. Bikulov, “Investigation of $p$-adic Green's function”, TMF, 87:3 (1991), 376–390 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 87:3 (1991), 600–610 |
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru |
1. |
О p-адических моделях математической физики A. Kh. Bikulov
Infinite dimensional analysis and mathematical physics March 28, 2022 18:30
2. |
О p-адических моделях математической физики A. Kh. Bikulov
Infinite dimensional analysis and mathematical physics March 21, 2022 18:30
3. |
Феноменологическая теория конформационной динамики белковых молекул A. Kh. Bikulov
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS April 25, 2019 11:00
4. |
Application of p-adic analysis methods in describing Markov processes on ultrametric spaces isometrically embeddable into $\mathbb{Q}_{p}$ A. Kh. Bikulov
Internaional conference «Modern Mathematical Physics. Vladimirov-95» November 16, 2018 12:35
5. |
Асимптотичекая оценка решения задачи Коши для р-адического уравнения диффузии с реакционным стоком и специальным начальным условием. Лекция 2 A. Kh. Bikulov
V.P. Mikhailov seminar June 8, 2017 13:30
6. |
Асимптотичекая оценка решения задачи Коши для р-адического уравнения диффузии с реакционным стоком и специальным начальным условием. Лекция 1 A. Kh. Bikulov
V.P. Mikhailov seminar June 1, 2017 13:30
7. |
Кинетика связывания $СО$ с миоглобином: строгие аналитические результаты и предсказания A. Kh. Bikulov
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS November 3, 2016 11:00
8. |
Kinetics of CO connection using mioglobin: rigorous analytic results and predictions Albert Bikulov, A.P. Zubarev
New Trends in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics October 7, 2016 11:00
9. |
$p$-Адические случайные блуждания в потенциале A. Kh. Bikulov
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS October 1, 2015 11:00
10. |
Применение $p$-адического анализа к решению уравнения диффузии с генератором типа оператора Владимирова на одном классе ультраметрических пространств A. Kh. Bikulov
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS December 4, 2014 11:00
11. |
Задача о первом возвращении и первом достижении для ультраметрического случайного блуждания A. Kh. Bikulov
Conference "Mathematical Physics. Vladimirov-90" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician V. S. Vladimirov November 15, 2013 17:00
12. |
Стохастический оператор Владимирова A. Kh. Bikulov
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS December 6, 2012 11:00
13. |
Задача о первом возвращении в ультраметрической диффузии A. Kh. Bikulov
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS December 11, 2008 11:00
14. |
Задача о первом возвращении в ультраметрической диффузии и ее применение к модели спектральной диффузии белка A. Kh. Bikulov
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS April 12, 2007 11:00
Organisations |