A. V. Keller, “Chislennoe reshenie zadachi optimalnogo upravleniya vyrozhdennoi
lineinoi sistemoi obyknovennykh differentsialnykh uravnenii s nachalnymi usloviyami Shouoltera–Sidorova”, Vestnik Yuzh.-Ural. gos. un-ta. Seriya Mat. modelirovanie i programmirovanie, 27 (127) (2008), 50–56
A. V. Keller, E. I. Nazarova, “Svoistvo regulyarizuemosti i chislennoe reshenie zadachi dinamicheskogo izmereniya”, Vestnik Yuzh.-Ural. gos. un-ta. Seriya Mat. modelirovanie i programmirovanie, 16(192) (2010), 32–38
A. V. Keller, “Sistemy leontevskogo tipa: klassy zadach s nachalnym usloviem Shouoltera–Sidorova i chislennye resheniya”, Izvestiya Irkut.gos.un-ta. Ser. Matematika, 3:2 (2010), 30–43
A. V. Keller, I. A. Kolesnikov, “On the peculiarities of the mathematical model of optimal dynamic measurement when implementing the spline method”, J. Comp. Eng. Math., 11:1 (2024), 24–33
E. A. Soldatova, A. V. Keller, “Numerical algorithm and computational experiments for one linear stochastic Hoff model”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 17:2 (2024), 83–95
A. V. Keller, I. A. Kolesnikov, “Methods of automatic and optimal control in dynamic measurements”
A. V. Keller, “Sobolev-type systems and applied problems”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 16:4 (2023), 5–32
A. V. Keller, “On observation while solving the problem of optimal dynamic measurements”, J. Comp. Eng. Math., 9:3 (2022), 20–29
E. V. Bychkov, S. A. Zagrebina, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, A. V. Keller, N. A. Manakova, M. A. Sagadeeva, G. A. Sviridyuk, “Development of the theory of optimal dynamic measurement”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 15:3 (2022), 19–33
A. V. Keller, “Leontief-type systems and applied problems”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 15:1 (2022), 23–42
A. L. Shestakov, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, N. A. Manakova, G. A. Sviridyuk, A. V. Keller, “Reconstruction of a dynamically distorted signal based on the theory of optimal dynamic measurements”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2021, no. 12, 125–137; Autom. Remote Control, 82:12 (2021), 2143–2154
E. A. Soldatova, A. V. Keller, S. A. Zagrebina, “Information-logical modelling in studies of non-classical linear models of mathematical physics”, J. Comp. Eng. Math., 8:3 (2021), 14–31
A. V. Ryazhskikh, A. V. Keller, A. V. Khorvat, A. S. Vikulin, V. I. Rjazhskih, “Isothermal mass exchange in inhomogeneous porous adsorbent granules with a sequential macroand microdiffusion transfer mechanism”, J. Comp. Eng. Math., 8:1 (2021), 68–73
E. A. Soldatova, A. V. Keller, “Algorithms and information processing in numerical research of the Barenblatt-Zheltov-Kochina stochastic model”, Vestn. Yuzhno-Ural. Gos. Un-ta. Ser. Matem. Mekh. Fiz., 13:4 (2021), 29–36
A. L. Shestakov, A. V. Keller, “One-dimensional Kalman filter in algorithms for numerical solution of the problem of optimal dynamic measurement”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 14:4 (2021), 120–125
A. V. Ryazhskikh, A. V. Nikolenko, D. A. Konovalov, V. I. Rjazhskih, A. V. Keller, “Hydrodynamic entrance region in a flat porous channel with a pressure head isothermal laminar flow of a Newtonian medium”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 14:2 (2021), 5–16
A. L. Shestakov, A. V. Keller, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, N. A. Manakova, S. A. Zagrebina, G. A. Sviridyuk, “The optimal measurements theory as a new paradigm in the metrology”, J. Comp. Eng. Math., 7:1 (2020), 3–23
V. I. Ryazhskih, A. V. Keller, A. V. Ryazhskikh, A. V. Nikolenko, S. V. Dakhin, “Mathematical model of the acceleration laminar flow of a newtonian fluid in an anisotropic porous channel of rectangular cross section”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 13:3 (2020), 17–28
A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, A. V. Keller, M. B. Syropiatov, “Stochastic model of optimal dynamic measurements”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 11:2 (2018), 147–153
A. V. Keller, E. M. Kanyshko, Y. P. Dyatlova, “Modeling of the survey form using the counters in questionnaire”, J. Comp. Eng. Math., 4:4 (2017), 64–70
A. V. Keller, “On the computational efficiency of the algorithm of the numerical solution of optimal control problems for models of Leontieff type”, J. Comp. Eng. Math., 2:2 (2015), 39–59
A. V. Keller, A. A. Ebel, “A numerical method of the solution of mixed control problems for Leontieff type systems”, Vestn. Yuzhno-Ural. Gos. Un-ta. Ser. Matem. Mekh. Fiz., 7:4 (2015), 37–45
A. V. Keller, J. K. Al-Delfi, “Holomorphic degenerate groups of operators in quasi-Banach spaces”, Vestn. Yuzhno-Ural. Gos. Un-ta. Ser. Matem. Mekh. Fiz., 7:1 (2015), 20–27
A. V. Keller, S. A. Zagrebina, “Some generalizations of the Showalter–Sidorov problem for Sobolev-type models”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 8:2 (2015), 5–23
A. V. Keller, A. A. Ebel, “The existence of a unique solution to a mixed control problem for Sobolev-type equations”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 7:3 (2014), 121–127
A. V. Keller, M. A. Sagadeeva, “The Optimal Measurement Problem for the Measurement Transducer Model with a Deterministic Multiplicative Effect and Inertia”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 7:1 (2014), 134–138
A. L. Shestakov, A. V. Keller, E. I. Nazarova, “Numerical solution of the optimal measurement problem”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2012, no. 1, 107–115; Autom. Remote Control, 73:1 (2012), 97–104
A. V. Keller, E. V. Zaharova, “The Problem of Optimal Measurement of Considering Resonances: the Program Algorithm and Computer Experiment”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 2012, no. 13, 58–68
A. V. Keller, E. I. Nazarova, “Optimal measuring problem: the computation solution, the program algorithm”, Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Mathematics, 4:3 (2011), 74–82
G. A. Sviridyuk, A. V. Keller, “On the numerical solution convergence of optimal control problems for Leontief type system”, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 2(23) (2011), 24–33
A. V. Keller, “The algorithm for solution of the Showalter–Sidorov problem for Leontief type models”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 2011, no. 7, 40–46
A. V. Keller, “The Leontief type systems: classes of problems with the Showalter–Sidorov intial condition and numerical solving”, Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Mathematics, 3:2 (2010), 30–43
A. V. Keller, E. I. Nazarova, “The regularization property and the computational solution of the dynamic measure problem”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 2010, no. 5, 32–38
G. A. Sviridyuk, A. V. Keller, “Invariant spaces and dichotomies of solutions of a class of linear equations of the Sobolev type”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1997, no. 5, 60–68; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 41:5 (1997), 57–65
A. V. Keller, “Относительно спектральная теорема”, Vestnik Chelyabinsk. Gos. Univ., 1996, no. 3, 62–65
A. V. Keller, E. V. Bychkov, O. V. Gavrilova, S. A. Zagrebina, V. I. Zalyapin, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, O. G. Kitaeva, A. S. Konkina, N. A. Manakova, D. E. Shafranov, O. N. Tsyplenkova, G. A. Sviridyuk, “Alexander Leonidovich Shestakov (to Anniversary Since Birth)”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 15:3 (2022), 142–146
S. V. Brychev, E. V. Bychkov, O. V. Gavrilova, M. A. Zagrebin, S. A. Zagrebina, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, V. O. Kazak, A. V. Keller, O. G. Kitaeva, A. S. Konkina, N. A. Manakova, A. A. Mukhametyarova, K. V. Perevozhikova, M. A. Sagadeeva, E. A. Soldatova, N. N. Solovyova, T. G. Sukacheva, Yu. V. Khudyakov, O. N. Tsyplenkova, D. E. Shafranov, M. M. Yakupov, “Георгий Анатольевич Свиридюк
(к юбилею)”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 15:1 (2022), 123–127
A. V. Keller, “Dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the department of mathematical physics equations of SUSU”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 14:2 (2021), 117–120
N. L. Abasheieva, S. A. Zagrebina, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, A. V. Keller, A. I. Kozhanov, G. A. Sviridyuk, S. I. Kabanikhin, E. I. Safonov, A. P. Soldatov, V. V. Slavskii, “Sergey Grigorievich Pyatkov
(on 65th birthday)”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 14:1 (2021), 131–133
A. V. Keller, “To 30th anniversary of the Seminar on Sobolev type equations”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 14:1 (2021), 126–130
V. I. Zalyapin, S. A. Zagrebina, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, A. V. Keller, L. V. Matveeva, A. B. Samarov, A. Yu. Evnin, “To the 80th birthday anniversary of Arkady Gerenshtein”, Vestn. Yuzhno-Ural. Gos. Un-ta. Ser. Matem. Mekh. Fiz., 12:4 (2020), 70–72
A. L. Shestakov, A. A. Akimova, A. V. Keller, A. P. Lapin, N. A. Manakova, M. A. Sagadeeva, E. V. Yurasova, S. A. Zagrebina, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, G. A. Sviridyuk, “Prof. Hristo Kirilov Radev, DSc. (November 15, 1940 – June 09, 2020)”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 13:4 (2020), 122–123
A. I. Dreglea, V. K. Gorbunov, A. V. Keller, V. V. Pukhnachev, R. Ju. Leontiev, O. A. Romanova, D. N. Sidorov, V. S. Sizikov, G. A. Sviridyuk, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, S. A. Zagrebina, “Nikolai Aleksandrovich Sidorov (on 80th birthday)”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 13:4 (2020), 119–121
G. A. Sviridyuk, A. V. Keller, S. A. Zagrebina, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, N. A. Manakova, “Tamara Gennadievna Sukacheva (on anniversary)”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 13:2 (2020), 151–153
E. V. Bychkov, A. V. Keller, N. A. Manakova, M. A. Sagadeeva, G. A. Sviridyuk, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, S. A. Zagrebina, “Jacek Banasiak (on 60th birthday)”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 12:2 (2019), 172–174
A. D. Baev, Yu. E. Gliklikh, S. A. Zagrebina, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, S. I. Kadchenko, A. V. Keller, D. V. Kostin, N. A. Manakova, V. I. Rjazhskih, G. A. Sviridyuk, T. G. Sukacheva, “Yu.I. Sapronov. To the memory of mathematician, teacher and friend”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 12:1 (2019), 166–168
S. A. Zagrebina, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, A. V. Keller, A. V. Makarova, N. A. Manakova, E. Yu. Mashkov, G. A. Sviridyuk, “To the 70th anniversary of professor Yu.E. Gliklikh”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 12:1 (2019), 163–165
M. V. Bulatov, A. V. Keller, A. A. Kosov, A. V. Lakeev, A. A. Levin, Nguen Khak Diep, Nguen Dik Bang, N. A. Manakova, G. A. Rudykh, È. I. Semenov, L. S. Solovarova, E. V. Chistyakova, “To the 70th anniversary of professor V. F. Chistyakov”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 11:4 (2018), 169–176
A. V. Keller, E. I. Nazarova, M. A. Sagadeeva, G. A. Sviridyuk, V. I. Zalyapin, “Shestakov Alexander Leonidovich (to the 65th anniversary)”
B. K. Vodolaga, S. A. Zagrebina, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, A. V. Keller, N. L. Klinacheva, Yu. M. Kovalev, A. N. Kraiko, È. S. Kuropatenko, I. V. Kuropatenko, M. V. Kuropatenko, V. A. Levin, I. R. Makeyeva, N. F. Morozov, V. N. Pavlenko, G. A. Sviridyuk, V. A. Simonenko, V. M. Titov, A. V. Fedorov, N. N. Fedorova, V. M. Fomin, N. A. Fomin, A. L. Shestakov, E. S. Shestakovskaya, “Valentin Fedorovich Kuropatenko (1933–2017)”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 10:4 (2017), 151–152
A. A. Bayazitova, S. V. Brychev, E. V. Bychkov, V. V. Zagrebina, M. A. Zagrebin, S. A. Zagrebina, G. A. Zakirova, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, S. I. Kadchenko, V. O. Kazak, A. V. Keller, O. G. Kitaeva, N. A. Manakova, P. O. Moskvicheva, A. B. Samarov, O. Tsyplenkova, D. E. Shafranov, M. M. Yakupov, “To the 65th anniversary of professor G. A. Sviridyuk”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 10:2 (2017), 155–158
N. L. Abasheieva, S. A. Zagrebina, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, A. V. Keller, A. I. Kozhanov, N. A. Manakova, G. A. Sviridyuk, “Sergey Grigorievich Pyatkov (to the 60th anniversary)”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 9:2 (2016), 139–144
A. V. Keller, G. A. Sviridyuk, S. A. Zagrebina, G. A. Zakirova, E. V. Bychkov, P. O. Moskvicheva, O. Tsyplenkova, “Sergei Ivanovich Kadchenko (to the 65th anniversary)”, J. Comp. Eng. Math., 2:4 (2015), 100–102
B. V. Loginov, V. V. Pukhnachev, G. A. Sviridyuk, A. V. Keller, S. A. Zagrebina, O. A. Romanova, D. N. Sidorov, A. Dreglea, R. Yu. Leontiev, “Nikolay Aleksandrovich Sidorov (to the 75th Anniversary)”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 8:2 (2015), 143–148
A. V. Keller, G. A. Sviridyuk, “Международное сотрудничество”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 7:2 (2014), 136–137
A. V. Keller, Yu. M. Kovalev, G. A. Sviridyuk, “Kuropatenko Valentin Fedorovich (to the $80^{th}$ anniversary)”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 7:1 (2014), 139–141
R. Zh. Aleev, V. L. Dil'man, A. D. Drozin, V. I. Zalyapin, V. V. Karachik, A. V. Keller, Yu. M. Kovalev, N. A. Manakova, G. A. Sviridyuk, E. V. Tabarintseva, “Leonid Menikhes (to the $65^{th}$ anniversary)”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 6:3 (2013), 136–140
I. E. Egorov, S. I. Kabanikhin, T. Sh. Kal'menov, A. V. Keller, Yu. M. Kovalev, E. V. Radkevich, K. B. Sabitov, A. P. Soldatov, “Alexander Kozhanov (to the $60^{th}$ anniversary)”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 2012, no. 14, 187–189