Most published authors (scientific articles only) of the journal
scientific articles published in peer review journal, serial, conference publications, indexed in international bibliographical databases and/or having DOI index
1. |
R. I. Parovik |
54 |
2. |
G. M. Vodinchar |
24 |
3. |
O. V. Sheremetyeva |
20 |
4. |
G. A. Yakovlev |
19 |
5. |
V. S. Yakovleva |
18 |
6. |
D. A. Bochkovsky |
14 |
7. |
V. V. Kuznetsov |
14 |
8. |
V. N. Marichev |
14 |
9. |
A. S. Perezhogin |
13 |
10. |
D. A. Tvyordyj |
13 |
11. |
V. V. Bogdanov |
12 |
12. |
R. F. Shamoyan |
12 |
13. |
A. P. Goryushkin |
11 |
14. |
M. A. Mishenko |
11 |
15. |
P. M. Nagorskiy |
11 |
16. |
E. I. Malkin |
10 |
17. |
O. V. Mandrikova |
10 |
18. |
Yu. V. Marapulets |
10 |
19. |
A. A. Solodchuk |
10 |
20. |
T. P. Yakovleva |
10 |
40 most published authors of the journal |
Most cited authors of the journal |
1. |
R. I. Parovik |
87 |
2. |
Liana M. Èneeva |
29 |
3. |
V. S. Yakovleva |
26 |
4. |
O. V. Sheremetyeva |
21 |
5. |
G. M. Vodinchar |
20 |
6. |
V. Ch. Kudaev |
16 |
7. |
E. I. Malkin |
16 |
8. |
G. A. Yakovlev |
16 |
9. |
M. A. Mishenko |
14 |
10. |
P. M. Nagorskiy |
14 |
11. |
D. A. Tvyordyj |
14 |
12. |
N. V. Cherneva |
13 |
13. |
Yu. V. Marapulets |
12 |
14. |
M. I. Gapeev |
11 |
15. |
E. A. Kazakov |
11 |
16. |
S.Kh. Gekkieva |
10 |
17. |
O. O. Lukovenkova |
10 |
18. |
A. A. Solodchuk |
10 |
19. |
R. R. Ashurov |
9 |
20. |
E. O. Makarov |
9 |
21. |
D. V. Sannikov |
9 |
22. |
D. V. Sannikov |
9 |
40 most cited authors of the journal |
Most cited articles of the journal |
1. |
Initial-boundary value problem for hyperbolic equations with an arbitrary order elliptic operator R. R. Ashurov, A. T. Muhiddinova Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2020, 30:1, 8–19 |
8 |
2. |
Lyapunov inequality for an equation with fractional derivatives with different origins L M. Eneeva Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2019, 28:3, 32–39 |
7 |
3. |
Mathematical modeling of nonlocal oscillatory Duffing system with fractal friction R. I. Parovik Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2015:1(10), 18–24 |
7 |
4. |
On the numerical solution of equations fractal oscillator with variable order fractional of time R. I. Parovik Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2014:1(8), 60–65 |
7 |
5. |
Boundary value problem for differential equation with fractional order derivatives with different origins L. M. Eneeva Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2015:2(11), 39–44 |
6 |
6. |
Numerical analysis some oscillation equations with fractional order derivatives R. I. Parovik Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2014:2(9), 30–35 |
6 |
7. |
Research of stress-strain state of geo-environment by emanation methods on the example of α(t)-model of radon transport D. A. Tvyordyj, E. O. Makarov, R. I. Parovik Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2023, 44:3, 86–104 |
5 |
8. |
Remote methods for observations of Shiveluch and Bezymianny volcano eruptions E. I. Malkin, V. I. Cherneva, D. O. Makhlai, N. V. Cherneva, R. R. Akbashev, D. V. Sannikov Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2023, 43:2, 141–165 |
5 |
9. |
Coupled oscillators as a model of high-frequency geoacoustic emission M. I. Gapeev, A. A. Solodchuk, R. I. Parovik Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2022, 40:3, 88–100 |
5 |
10. |
Optimal quadrature formulas in the space ~W2(m,m−1)of periodic functions A. R. Hayotov, U. N. Khayriev Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2022, 40:3, 211–226 |
5 |
11. |
VLF – lightning direction finder G. I. Druzhin, V. M. Pukhov, D. V. Sannikov, E. I. Malkin Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2019, 27:2, 95–104 |
5 |
12. |
Nonlocal boundary-value problem for the generalized Аller–Lykov moisture transport equation S. Kh. Gekkieva Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2018:4(24), 19–28 |
5 |
13. |
Rank optimization for flow networks V. Ch. Kudaev, M. B. Abazokov Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2018:4(24), 178–185 |
5 |
14. |
The boundary value problem for the generalized moisture transfer equation S. Kh. Gekkieva, M. A. Kerefov Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2018:1(21), 21–31 |
5 |
15. |
Finite-difference scheme for fractal oscillator with a variable fractional order R. I. Parovik Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2015:2(11), 88–95 |
5 |
16. |
Mathematical modeling of changes in the charge cloud droplets in a fractal environment T. S. Kumykov, R. I. Parovik Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2015:1(10), 12–17 |
5 |
17. |
High-frequency acoustic emission effect Yu. V. Marapulets Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2015:1(10), 44–53 |
5 |
18. |
Generation of ground atmosphere α-, β- and γ-fields by natural atmospheric radionuclides V. S. Yakovleva, P. M. Nagorskiy, M. S. Cherepnev Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2014:1(8), 86–96 |
5 |
19. |
Statistical analysis of disturbance geoacoustic emissions immediately preceding the strong earthquakes in Kamchatka M. A. Mishenko Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2011:1(2), 57–65 |
5 |
Most requested articles of the journal |
1. |
Initial-boundary value problem for hyperbolic equations with an arbitrary order elliptic operator R. R. Ashurov, A. T. Muhiddinova Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2020, 30:1, 8–19 | 13 |
2. |
Solvability of a non–local problem for a third—order equation with the heat operator in the main par O. S. Zikirov, M. M. Sagdullayeva Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2020, 30:1, 20–30 | 12 |
3. |
Features of seasonal dynamics of radon isotopes in surface atmosphere G. A. Yakovlev, V. S. Yakovleva Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2020, 31:2, 129–138 | 11 |
4. |
Cauchy problem for fractional order equation with involution L. M. Èneeva Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2024, 48:3, 43–55 | 11 |
5. |
Generation of ground atmosphere α-, β- and γ-fields by natural atmospheric radionuclides V. S. Yakovleva, P. M. Nagorskiy, M. S. Cherepnev Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2014:1(8), 86–96 | 10 |
6. |
Lyapunov inequality for an equation with fractional derivatives with different origins L M. Eneeva Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2019, 28:3, 32–39 | 10 |
7. |
A solution with nonlocal effect to the Steiner problem in networks M. A. Bagov Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2018:4(24), 148–157 | 9 |
8. |
A mathematical model with the generalized mckendrick–von foerster equation F. M. Losanova Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2020, 33:4, 71–77 | 9 |
9. |
Mixed boundary value problem for an ordinary differential equation with fractional derivatives with different origins L.M. Eneeva Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2021, 36:3, 65–71 | 9 |
10. |
Coupled oscillators as a model of high-frequency geoacoustic emission M. I. Gapeev, A. A. Solodchuk, R. I. Parovik Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 2022, 40:3, 88–100 | 9 |
Total publications: |
640 |
Scientific articles: |
633 |
Authors: |
551 |
Citations: |
479 |
Cited articles: |
248 |