
Geometric structures on complex manifolds
(October 3–7, 2011, Moscow)

Differential-geometric structures play important role in the study of complex geometry. After Kodaira, Kaehler structures became central in the study of deformation theory and the classification problems. More recently, the non-Kaehler metrics on complex manifolds started to be important in string theory. The manifolds with special holonomy become central in string theory due to advances in supersymmetry. The notion of calibrations, due to Harvey and Lawson, gives a unifying differential-geometric mechanism encompassing the complex geometry and its many generalizations to quaternionic and octonionic domains. We are planning to bring together specialists on complex geometry, potential theory and calibrations, to explore the recent advances in differential geometry of complex manifolds.


Laboratory of algebraic geometry and its applications, National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (HSE), Moscow
Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Geometric structures on complex manifolds, Moscow, October 3–7, 2011

October 3, 2011 (Mon)
1. Almost complex structures on quaternion-Kaehler manifolds
Paul Gauduchon
October 3, 2011 10:20, Moscow
Paul Gauduchon
2. Generalized Kahler structures on moduli space of instantons
Gil Cavalcanti
October 3, 2011 11:40, Moscow
Gil Cavalcanti
3. Positivity and Sasakian geometry
Song Sun
October 3, 2011 12:40, Moscow
Song Sun
4. Calibrations in hyperkaehler geometry
Gueo Grantcharov
October 3, 2011 15:00, Moscow
Gueo Grantcharov
5. Collapsing of abelian fibred Calabi-Yaus and hyperkahler mirror symmetry
Valentino Tossati
October 3, 2011 16:10, Moscow
Valentino Tossati
6. Polar actions on symmetric spaces
Jürgen Berndt
October 3, 2011 17:10, Moscow
Jürgen Berndt

October 4, 2011 (Tue)
7. Some curiosities on $\mathrm{Spin}(9)$ and the sphere $S^{15}$
Paolo Piccinni
October 4, 2011 10:20, Moscow
Paolo Piccinni
8. Some restrictions on existence of abelian complex structures
Isabel Dotti
October 4, 2011 11:40, Moscow
Isabel Dotti
9. Lagrangian fibrations on hyperkaehler manifolds
Sönke Rollenske
October 4, 2011 12:40, Moscow
Sönke Rollenske
10. Quaternionic Monge-Ampere equations and HKT-geometry
Semyon Alesker
October 4, 2011 15:00, Moscow
Semyon Alesker
11. Universal coverings of strictly pseudoconvex domains
Stefan Nemirovski
October 4, 2011 16:10, Moscow
Stefan Nemirovski
12. Stability of extremal metrics under complex deformations
Yann Rollin
October 4, 2011 17:10, Moscow
Yann Rollin

October 5, 2011 (Wed)
13. Explicit constructions of almost Kaehler structures
Simon Chiossi
October 5, 2011 10:20, Moscow
Simon Chiossi
14. Birational aspects in the study of LCK manifolds
Victor Vuletescu
October 5, 2011 11:40, Moscow
Victor Vuletescu
15. Locally conformally Kaehler structures on homogeneous spaces
Keizo Hasegawa
October 5, 2011 12:40, Moscow
Keizo Hasegawa

October 6, 2011 (Thu)
16. A new equation on the low-dimensional Calabi-Yau metrics
Dmitry Egorov
October 6, 2011 10:20, Moscow
Dmitry Egorov
17. Geometric structures arising in string theory
Dario Martelli
October 6, 2011 11:40, Moscow
Dario Martelli
18. Special Hermitian structures and symplectic geometry
Anna Fino
October 6, 2011 12:40, Moscow
Anna Fino
19. Joyce twistor space and the associated Kähler class
Akira Fujiki
October 6, 2011 15:00, Moscow
Akira Fujiki
20. Chow stability and the projectivisation of stable bundles
Julien Keller
October 6, 2011 16:10, Moscow
Julien Keller

October 7, 2011 (Fri)
21. Deformations of L.C.K. structures and generalized Kaehler structures
Ryushi Goto
October 7, 2011 10:20, Moscow
Ryushi Goto
22. From cubic polynomials to complete quaternionic Kähler manifolds
Vicente Cortés
October 7, 2011 11:40, Moscow
Vicente Cortés
23. Extremals for the Sobolev-Folland-Stein inequality, the quaternionic contact Yamabe problem and related geometric structures
Stefan Ivanov
October 7, 2011 12:40, Moscow
Stefan Ivanov
24. Maps that take lines to conics
Vladlen Timorin
October 7, 2011 15:00, Moscow
Vladlen Timorin
25. Compact moduli spaces of stable bundles on Kodaira surfaces
Ruxandra Moraru
October 7, 2011 16:10, Moscow
Ruxandra Moraru
26. Lorentzian manifolds with large isometry group
Dmitri Alekseevsky
October 7, 2011 17:10, Moscow
Dmitri Alekseevsky
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