Skubachevskii, Alexander Leonidovich

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Total publications: 78
Scientific articles: 72
Presentations: 46

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This page:10596
Abstract pages:36497
Full texts:12633
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1987)
Birth date: 25.03.1953
E-mail: ,
Keywords: Functional Differential Equations; Boundary Value Problems for Elliptic Functional Differential Equations; Nonlocal Problems; Feller Semigroups; Parabolic Functional Differential Equations.


1) Functional Differential Equations a. Uniqueness of unbounded oscillating solution for linear delay differential equation of the second order. Previously this problem was formulated as unsolved. b. Periodic solutions of nonlinear functional differential equations. c. Solvability and smoothness of generalized solutions of boundary value problems for functional differential equations.

2) Boundary Value Problems for Elliptic Functional Differential Equations a. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the Garding inequality. b. Solvability and spectral properties of boundary value problems for elliptic functional differential equations. c. Smoothness of generalized solutions.

3) Nonlocal Problems a. Solvability, spectral properties, and smoothness of generalized solutions of nonlocal elliptic boundary value problems. Previously this problem was formulated as unsolved. b. Connection between boundary value problems for elliptic differentialdifference equations and nonlocal elliptic boundary value problems. c. Spectral properties of ordinary differential operators with nonlocal integral conditions.

4) Feller Semigroups a. Existence of Feller semigroups and counterexamples of nonexistence of Feller semigroups in nontransversal case. Previously this problem was formulated as unsolved. b. Existence of Feller semigroups in transversal case.

5) Parabolic Functional Differential Equations a. Solvability and smoothness of generalized solutions of boundary value problems for linear parabolic differentialdifference equations. b. Bifurcation of periodic solutions for quasilinear parabolic functional differential equation.


(a) November 1987, the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow, Doctor of Sciences in Mathematics, dissertation "Nonlocal Elliptic Boundary Value Problems";

(b) February 1980, MAI, Ph.D. in Mathematics, dissertation "Boundary Value Problems for Elliptic Equations with Deviating Arguments in Higher Terms";

(c) March 1976, MAI, Master in Applied Mathematics.

1988 – up to now, Full Professor, Head of Department of Differential Equations in MAI. A list of my works contains more than 100 titles. Jointly with Professor G. A. Kamenskii I lead the research seminar at MAI on differential and functional differential equations.

Member of the Moscow Mathematical Society, Member of the American Mathematical Society, Member of Editorial Board of the International Journal "Functional Differential Equations", Member of Mathematical Working Group of European Society for Engineering Education, Member of Presidium of Mathematical Committee of the Russian Ministry for Education, Member of Committees on awarding Ph.D. degrees in the Moscow State University and the Moscow State Aviation Institute. In 1994 and in 1999 I organized the International Conferences on Differential and Functional Differential Equations in Moscow.,_Aleksandr_Leonidovich
List of publications on Google Scholar

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. A. Sh. Adkhamova, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Damping problem for control system with delay with different number of inputs and outputs”, CMFD, 70:2 (2024),  189–200  mathnet
2. V. V. Akhlynina, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Third mixed boundary-value problem for strongly elliptic differential-difference equations”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 79:4(478) (2024),  175–176  mathnet; Russian Math. Surveys, 79:4 (2024), 730–732  scopus
3. Yu. O. Belyaeva, A. L. Skubachevskii, “On global weak solutions of the Vlasov–Poisson equations with external magnetic field”, CMFD, 69:3 (2023),  383–398  mathnet
4. R. Yu. Vorotnikov, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Smoothness of Generalized Eigenfunctions of Differential–Difference Operators on a Finite Interval”, Mat. Zametki, 114:5 (2023),  679–701  mathnet  mathscinet; Math. Notes, 114:5 (2023), 1002–1020  scopus 1
5. A. L. Skubachevskii, N. O. Ivanov, “Generalized Solutions of the Second Boundary-Value Problem for Differential-Difference Equations with Variable Coefficients on Intervals of Noninteger Length”, Mat. Zametki, 111:6 (2022),  873–886  mathnet; Math. Notes, 111:6 (2022), 913–924  scopus 9
6. J. Batt, E. Jörn, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Three-dimensional stationary spherically symmetric stellar dynamic models depending on the local energy”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 62:9 (2022),  1491–1521  mathnet  elib; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 62:9 (2022), 1455–1485
7. A. L. Skubachevskii, N. O. Ivanov, “On generalized solutions of the second boundary-value problem for differential-difference equations with variable coefficients”, CMFD, 67:3 (2021),  576–595  mathnet 6
8. A. L. Skubachevskii, N. O. Ivanov, “The second boundary value problem for differential-difference equations”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 500 (2021),  74–77  mathnet  zmath  elib; Dokl. Math., 104:2 (2021), 282–284  scopus 12
9. J. Batt, E. Jörn, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Stationary spherically symmetric solutions of the Vlasov–Poisson system in the three-dimensional case”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 493 (2020),  5–8  mathnet  zmath  elib; Dokl. Math., 102:1 (2020), 265–268 1
10. A. S. Adkhamova, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Damping problem for a neutral control system with delay”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 490 (2020),  81–84  mathnet  zmath  elib; Dokl. Math., 101:1 (2020), 68–70 8
11. V. V. Liiko, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Mixed Problems for Strongly Elliptic Differential-Difference Equations in a Cylinder”, Mat. Zametki, 107:5 (2020),  693–716  mathnet  mathscinet  elib; Math. Notes, 107:5 (2020), 770–790  isi  scopus 14
12. V. V. Liiko, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Strongly elliptic differential-difference equations with mixed boundary conditions in a cylindric domain”, CMFD, 65:4 (2019),  635–654  mathnet 2
13. A. S. Adkhamova, A. L. Skubachevskii, “On one damping problem for a nonstationary control system with aftereffect”, CMFD, 65:4 (2019),  547–556  mathnet 5
14. A. L. Skubachevskiĭ, “On a class of functional-differential operators satisfying the Kato conjecture”, Algebra i Analiz, 30:2 (2018),  249–273  mathnet  mathscinet  elib; St. Petersburg Math. J., 30:2 (2019), 329–346  isi  scopus 6
15. A. L. Skubachevskii, “The Kato Conjecture for Elliptic Differential-Difference Operators with Degeneration in a Cylinder”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 478:2 (2018),  145–147  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Dokl. Math., 97:1 (2018), 32–34  isi  scopus
16. A. L. Skubachevskii, “On a property of regularly accretive differential-difference operators with degeneracy”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 73:2(440) (2018),  189–190  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Russian Math. Surveys, 73:2 (2018), 372–374  isi  scopus 3
17. Yu. O. Belyaeva, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Unique solvability of the first mixed problem for the Vlasov–Poisson system in an infinite cylinder”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 477 (2018),  12–34  mathnet 2
18. A. L. Skubachevskii, Y. Tsuzuki, “Classical solutions of the Vlasov–Poisson equations with external magnetic field in a half-space”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 57:3 (2017),  536–552  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 57:3 (2017), 541–557  isi  scopus 12
19. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Boundary-value problems for elliptic functional-differential equations and their applications”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 71:5(431) (2016),  3–112  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Russian Math. Surveys, 71:5 (2016), 801–906  isi  scopus 134
20. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Nonlocal Problems for the Vlasov–Poisson Equations in an Infinite Cylinder”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 49:3 (2015),  91–96  mathnet  elib; Funct. Anal. Appl., 49:3 (2015), 234–238  isi  scopus 1
21. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Vlasov–Poisson equations for a two-component plasma in a homogeneous magnetic field”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 69:2(416) (2014),  107–148  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Russian Math. Surveys, 69:2 (2014), 291–330  isi  scopus 39
22. D. A. Neverova, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Classical solutions of boundary value problems for differential-difference equations”, Differ. Uravn., 49:3 (2013),  300–309  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Differ. Equ., 49:3 (2013), 288–297  isi  elib  scopus 1
23. D. A. Neverova, A. L. Skubachevskii, “On the Classical and Generalized Solutions of Boundary-Value Problems for Difference-Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients”, Mat. Zametki, 94:5 (2013),  702–719  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Math. Notes, 94:5 (2013), 653–667  isi  elib  scopus 18
24. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Initial-boundary value problems for the Vlasov–Poisson equations in a half-space”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 283 (2013),  204–232  mathnet  mathscinet  elib; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 283 (2013), 197–225  isi 18
25. V. A. Popov, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Smoothness of generalized solutions of elliptic differential-difference equations with degenerations”, CMFD, 39 (2011),  130–140  mathnet  mathscinet; Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 190:1 (2013), 135–146  scopus 10
26. V. A. Popov, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Smoothness of generalized solutions of elliptic difference-differential equations with degeneration near boundaries of subdomains”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 66:6(402) (2011),  195–196  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Russian Math. Surveys, 66:6 (2011), 1204–1206  isi  elib  scopus 3
27. K. A. Darovskaya, A. L. Skubachevsky, “A spectral problem with integral conditions”, Tr. Semim. im. I. G. Petrovskogo, 28 (2011),  147–160  mathnet  zmath  elib; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 179:3 (2011), 437–445  scopus 3
28. V. A. Popov, A. L. Skubachevskii, “A priori estimates for elliptic differential-difference operators with degeneration”, CMFD, 36 (2010),  125–142  mathnet  mathscinet; Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 171:1 (2010), 130–148  scopus 11
29. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Asymptotic formulas for solutions of nonlocal elliptic problems”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 269 (2010),  225–241  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 269 (2010), 218–234  isi  elib  scopus 3
30. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Nonclassical boundary-value problems. II”, CMFD, 33 (2009),  3–179  mathnet  mathscinet  elib; Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 166:4 (2010), 377–561  scopus 78
31. A. L. Skubachevskii, “On Necessary Conditions for the Fredholm Solvability of Nonlocal Elliptic Problems”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 260 (2008),  248–263  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 260 (2008), 238–253  isi  elib  scopus 12
32. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Nonclassical boundary value problems. I”, CMFD, 26 (2007),  3–132  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 155:2 (2008), 199–334  scopus 95
33. A. M. Selitskii, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Second boundary-value problem for parabolic differential-difference equations”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 62:1(373) (2007),  207–208  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Russian Math. Surveys, 62:1 (2007), 191–192  isi  elib  scopus 8
34. N. B. Zhuravlev, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Hyperbolicity of Periodic Solutions of Functional Differential Equations with Several Delays”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 256 (2007),  148–171  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 256 (2007), 136–159  elib  scopus 1
35. A. M. Selitskii, A. L. Skubachevskii, “The second boundary-value problem for parabolic differential-difference equations”, Tr. Semim. im. I. G. Petrovskogo, 26 (2007),  324–347  mathnet  mathscinet  elib; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 143:4 (2007), 3386–3400  scopus 10
36. H. Walther, A. L. Skubachevskii, “On the Hyperbolicity of Rapidly Oscillating Periodic Solutions of Functional Differential Equations”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 39:1 (2005),  82–85  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Funct. Anal. Appl., 39:1 (2005), 68–70  isi  scopus 4
37. O. A. Kovaleva, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Solvability of nonlocal elliptic problems in weight spaces”, Mat. Zametki, 67:6 (2000),  882–898  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Math. Notes, 67:6 (2000), 743–757  isi 9
38. V. V. Pod'yapol'skii, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Spectral asymptotics of strongly elliptic differential-difference operators”, Differ. Uravn., 35:6 (1999),  793–800  mathnet  mathscinet; Differ. Equ., 35:6 (1999), 794–802 8
39. L. E. Rossovskii, A. L. Skubachevskii, “Solvability and regularity of solutions of some classes of elliptic functional-differential equations”, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 66 (1999),  114–192  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; J. Math. Sci. (New York), 104:2 (2001), 1008–1059 8
40. A. L. Skubachevskii, R. V. Shamin, “First mixed problem for a parabolic difference-differential equation”, Mat. Zametki, 66:1 (1999),  145–153  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Math. Notes, 66:1 (1999), 113–119  isi 25
41. A. L. Skubachevskii, “On the Hopf bifurcation for a quasilinear parabolic functional-differential equation”, Differ. Uravn., 34:10 (1998),  1394–1401  mathnet  mathscinet; Differ. Equ., 34:10 (1998), 1395–1402 26
42. E. I. Galakhov, A. L. Skubachevskii, “On non-negative contractive semigroups with non-local conditions”, Mat. Sb., 189:1 (1998),  45–78  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Sb. Math., 189:1 (1998), 43–74  isi  scopus 15
43. E. I. Galakhov, A. L. Skubachevskii, “On a nonlocal spectral problem”, Differ. Uravn., 33:1 (1997),  25–32  mathnet  mathscinet; Differ. Equ., 33:1 (1997), 24–31 8
44. A. L. Skubachevskii, “On Normality of Some Elliptic Functional Differential Operators”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 31:4 (1997),  60–65  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Funct. Anal. Appl., 31:4 (1997), 273–277  isi 4
45. V. V. Pod'yapol'skii, A. L. Skubachevskii, “On the completeness and basis property for a system of root functions of strongly elliptic functional-differential operators”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 51:6(312) (1996),  219–220  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Russian Math. Surveys, 51:6 (1996), 1220–1222  isi  scopus 5
46. A. L. Skubachevskii, “On some properties of elliptic and parabolic functional-differential equations”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 51:1(307) (1996),  169–170  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Russian Math. Surveys, 51:1 (1996), 169–170  isi  scopus 28
47. A. L. Skubachevskii, “On Feller semigroups for multidimensional diffusion processes”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 341:2 (1995),  173–176  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath 9
48. K. Cook, L. E. Rossovskii, A. L. Skubachevskii, “A boundary value problem for a functional-differential equation with a linearly transformed argument”, Differ. Uravn., 31:8 (1995),  1348–1352  mathnet  mathscinet; Differ. Equ., 31:8 (1995), 1294–1299 2
49. A. L. Skubachevskii, “On the problem of damping a control system with aftereffect”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 335:2 (1994),  157–160  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Dokl. Math., 49:2 (1994), 282–286 11
50. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Generalized and classical solutions of boundary value problems for differential-difference equations”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 334:4 (1994),  433–436  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Dokl. Math., 49:1 (1994), 132–137 1
51. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Boundary value problems for differential-difference equations with incommensurable shifts”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 324:6 (1992),  1155–1158  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Dokl. Math., 45:3 (1992), 695–699 6
52. A. L. Skubachevskii, G. M. Steblov, “On the spectrum of differential operators with a domain that is not dense in $L_2(0,1)$”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 321:6 (1991),  1158–1163  mathnet  mathscinet; Dokl. Math., 44:3 (1992), 870–875 12
53. A. L. Skubachevskii, “The method of cut-off functions in the theory of nonlocal problems”, Differ. Uravn., 27:1 (1991),  128–139  mathnet  mathscinet; Differ. Equ., 27:1 (1991), 103–112 14
54. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Model nonlocal problems for elliptic equations in dihedral angles”, Differ. Uravn., 26:1 (1990),  120–131  mathnet  mathscinet; Differ. Equ., 26:1 (1990), 106–115 12
55. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Some problems for multidimensional diffusion processes”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 307:2 (1989),  287–291  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Dokl. Math., 40:1 (1990), 75–79 14
56. A. L. Skubachevskii, E. L. Tsvetkov, “The second boundary value problem for elliptic differential-difference equations”, Differ. Uravn., 25:10 (1989),  1766–1776  mathnet  mathscinet; Differ. Equ., 25:10 (1989), 1245–1254 13
57. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of some nonlocal boundary value problems”, Differ. Uravn., 25:1 (1989),  127–136  mathnet  mathscinet; Differ. Equ., 25:1 (1989), 101–108 10
58. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Solvability of elliptic problems with nonlocal boundary conditions”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 291:3 (1986),  551–555  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
59. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Elliptic problems with nonlocal conditions near the boundary”, Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 129(171):2 (1986),  279–302  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Math. USSR-Sb., 57:1 (1987), 293–316 36
60. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Solvability of elliptic problems with boundary conditions of Bitsadze–Samarskiǐ type”, Differ. Uravn., 21:4 (1985),  701–706  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath 4
61. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Nonlocal boundary-value problems with a shift”, Mat. Zametki, 38:4 (1985),  587–598  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Math. Notes, 38:4 (1985), 833–839  isi 7
62. A. L. Skubachevskii, “The elliptic problems of A. V. Bitsadze and A. A. Samarskii”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 278:4 (1984),  813–816  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
63. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Nonlocal elliptic boundary value problems with degeneration”, Differ. Uravn., 19:3 (1983),  457–470  mathnet  mathscinet 6
64. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Smoothness of generalized solutions of the first boundary-value problem for an elliptic difference-differential equation”, Mat. Zametki, 34:1 (1983),  105–112  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Math. Notes, 34:1 (1983), 537–541  isi 10
65. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Nonlocal elliptic problems with a parameter”, Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 121(163):2(6) (1983),  201–210  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Math. USSR-Sb., 49:1 (1984), 197–206 31
66. A. L. Skubachevskii, “Some nonlocal elliptic boundary value problems”, Differ. Uravn., 18:9 (1982),  1590–1599  mathnet  mathscinet 8
67. A. L. Skubachevskii, “On the spectrum of some nonlocal elliptic boundary value problems”, Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 117(159):4 (1982),  548–558  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Math. USSR-Sb., 45:4 (1983), 543–553 27
68. G. A. Kamenskii, A. D. Myshkis, A. L. Skubachevskii, “On the minimum of a quadratic functional and on linear boundary value problems of elliptic type with deviating arguments”, Differ. Uravn., 16:8 (1980),  1469–1473  mathnet  mathscinet 2
69. G. A. Kamenskii, A. D. Myshkis, A. L. Skubachevskii, “The minimum of a quadratic functional, and linear elliptic boundary-value problems with deviating arguments”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 34:3(207) (1979),  197–198  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Russian Math. Surveys, 34:3 (1979), 201–202 1
70. A. L. Skubachevskii, “A certain property of the solutions of a second order linear differential equation of unstable type with retarded argument”, Differ. Uravn., 11:4 (1975),  760–761  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
71. A. L. Skubachevskii, “The oscillatory solutions of a second order linear homogeneous differential equation with retarded argument”, Differ. Uravn., 11:3 (1975),  462–469  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

72. A. Ya. Belov, V. M. Buchstaber, V. B. Vasilyev, Yu. P. Virchenko, S. K. Kuizheva, A. G. Kusraev, D. K. Mamyi, A. B. Muravnik, A. V. Pskhu, S. A. Rozanova, Z. A. Saidov, A. L. Semenov, S. M. Sitnik, A. L. Skubachevskii, A. P. Soldatov, E. L. Shishkina, A. G. Yagola, “Sultan Nazhmudinovich Askhabov (on the 70-th anniversary of his birth)”, Chebyshevskii Sb., 25:2 (2024),  5–19  mathnet
73. A. I. Aptekarev, D. E. Apushkinskaya, O. V. Besov, V. I. Burenkov, V. V. Vlasov, R. V. Gamkrelidze, M. L. Gol'dman, G. V. Demidenko, V. G. Zadorozhniy, V. V. Kozlov, G. G. Lazareva, S. P. Novikov, V. M. Savchin, V. A. Sadovnichii, A. L. Skubachevskii, A. P. Soldatov, D. V. Treschev, M. A. Ragusa, H.-O. Walther, “Vladimir Mikhailovich Filippov”, CMFD, 67:3 (2021),  423–426  mathnet 1
74. O. V. Anashkin, E. M. Varfolomeev, V. I. Voytitsky, V. I. Donskoy, D. A. Zakora, A. B. Muravnik, M. A. Muratov, Yu. S. Pashkova, V. È. Petrov, E. V. Plokhaya, A. L. Skubachevskii, P. A. Starkov, T. A. Suslina, D. O. Tsvetkov, V. N. Chekhov, A. A. Shkalikov, A. I. Yakovlev, “Nikolay Dmitrievich Kopachevsky. March 25, 1940 — May 18, 2020”, CMFD, 66:2 (2020),  157–159  mathnet
75. A. A. Amosov, Yu. A. Dubinskii, V. V. Kozlov, M. K. Kerimov, L. G. Popov, A. L. Skubachevskii, V. M. Filippov, M. F. Cherepova, “In memory of Professor Stanislav Ivanovich Pokhozhaev, Corresponding Member of RAS”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 57:3 (2017),  379–380  mathnet  elib
76. M. S. Agranovich, I. V. Astashova, L. A. Bagirov, V. V. Vlasov, V. V. Zhikov, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, V. V. Kozlov, A. A. Kon'kov, S. I. Pokhozhaev, E. V. Radkevich, N. Kh. Rozov, I. N. Sergeev, A. L. Skubachevskii, G. A. Chechkin, A. S. Shamaev, T. A. Shaposhnikova, “Vladimir Alexandrovich Kondratiev. July 2, 1935 – March 11, 2010”, CMFD, 39 (2011),  5–10  mathnet  mathscinet; Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 190:1 (2013), 1–7
77. A. L. Skubachevskii, “The Fourth International Conference on Differential and Functional-Differential Equations”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 61:4(370) (2006),  201–202  mathnet  elib; Russian Math. Surveys, 61:4 (2006), 791–792  scopus

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Global compactly supported solutions of the mixed problem for the Vlasov-Poisson system and plasma confinement. Part 2.
A. L. Skubachevskii

November 28, 2024 16:30
2. Global compactly supported solutions of the mixed problem for the Vlasov-Poisson system and plasma confinement. Part 1.
A. L. Skubachevskii

November 21, 2024 15:30
3. On classical solutions of Vlasov–Poisson system with external magnetic field
A. L. Skubachevskii
Friends in Partial Differential Equations
May 24, 2024 14:30   
4. Global weak solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson system and plasma confinement
A. L. Skubachevskii
Scientific seminar on the differential and functional differential equations
May 21, 2024 12:00   
5. On global classical solutions of the second mixed problem for a system of Vlasov-Poisson equations in a half-space
A. L. Skubachevskii
Scientific seminar on the differential and functional differential equations
April 30, 2024 12:00   
6. Global classical solutions to the second mixed problem for the Vlasov-Poisson system
A. L. Skubachevskii
The international workshop OTHA Spring 2024 on operator theory and harmonic analysis and their applications
April 22, 2024 11:05   
7. On smoothness of generalized eigenfunctions for differential-difference operators
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar on Analysis, Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics
April 4, 2024 18:00
8. О существовании глобальных слабых решений первой смешанной задачи для системы уравнений Власова-Пуассона и удержание высокотемпературной плазмы
A. L. Skubachevskii
Hamiltonian systems and statistical mechanics
April 1, 2024 16:30   
9. Global weak solutions to the Vlasov-Pois­son system and plasma confinement
A. L. Skubachevskii
V. I. Smirnov Seminar on Mathematical Physics
February 5, 2024 15:00   
10. О гладкости собственных функций дифференциально–разностного оператора второго порядка
A. L. Skubachevskii, R. Yu. Vorotnikov
VI International Conference "Function Spaces. Differential Operators. Problems of Mathematical Education", dedicated to the centennial anniversary of the corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, academician of European Academy of Sciences L.D. Kudryavtsev
November 15, 2023 15:20   
11. Априорные оценки решений смешанных задач для системы Власова - Пуассона и кинетика плазмы в пробочной ловушке (A priori estimates of solutions to mixed problems for the Vlasov-Poisson system and plasma kinetics in a cork trap)
A. L. Skubachevskii
III International Conference “Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems, Infinite-Dimensional Analysis”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.S. Vladimirov, the 100th anniversary of L.D. Kudryavtsev and the 85th anniversary of O.G. Smolyanov
July 10, 2023 11:55   
12. Априорные оценки решений смешанных задач для системы Власова-Пуассона
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar of the Department of Geometry and Topology "Geometry, Topology and Mathematical Physics", Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS (Novikov Seminar)
April 5, 2023 18:30
13. A priori estimates for solutions to a system of equations Vlasov-Poisson for two-component plasma
A. L. Skubachevskii
International Conference Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Birthday of V. S. Vladimirov (Vladimirov-100)
January 13, 2023 12:00   
14. Некоторые свойства решений уравнений Власова–Пуассона с внешним магнитным полем
A. L. Skubachevskii

November 7, 2022 15:40
15. Трехмерные стационарные сферически симметричные решения системы уравнений Власова–Пуассона
A. L. Skubachevskii
Hamiltonian systems and statistical mechanics
April 11, 2022 16:30   
16. Стационарные решения системы уравнений Власова-Пуассона и удержание плазмы в токамаке
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar of the Department of Geometry and Topology "Geometry, Topology and Mathematical Physics", Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS (Novikov Seminar)
March 23, 2022 18:30
17. Заседание, посвященное 100-летию со дня рождения Марка Иосифовича Вишика
A. V. Fursikov, A. S. Demidov, S. B. Kuksin, V. V. Chepyzhov, V. M. Tikhomirov, Yu. A. Dubinskii, A. L. Skubachevskii, V. B. Demidovich
Meetings of the Moscow Mathematical Society
November 9, 2021 18:30   
18. Stationary solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson kinetic equations on torus
A. L. Skubachevskii
International Conference "Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics" Dedicated to 75-th Anniversary of I. V. Volovich
September 28, 2021 15:20   
19. The second boundary value problem for neutral differential-difference equation.
A. L. Skubachevskii, N. O. Ivanov
Scientific seminar on the differential and functional differential equations
September 7, 2021 12:00   
20. Stationary solutions of Vlasov–Poisson system and plasma confinement in Tokamak
A. L. Skubachevskii
Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Infinite-Dimensional Analysis – 2021
July 1, 2021 13:00   
21. Stationary solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system and plasma confinement in a tokamak.
A. L. Skubachevskii, Yu. O. Belyaeva, B. Gebhard
Scientific seminar on the differential and functional differential equations
April 13, 2021 12:00
22. Стационарные решения системы уравнений Власова-Пуассона и удержание плазмы в токамаке
A. L. Skubachevskii, Yu. O. Belyaeva,
Hamiltonian systems and statistical mechanics
April 12, 2021 16:45   
23. The Kato square root problem for some classes of elliptic functional differential operators with smooth coefficients
A. L. Skubachevskii
One-Parameter Semigroups of Operators (OPSO) 2021
April 5, 2021 17:00   
24. Stationary Solutions of Vlasov-Poisson System and Plasma Confinement in Fusion Reactors
A. L. Skubachevskii, Yu. O. Belyaeva, B. Gebhard
V. I. Smirnov Seminar on Mathematical Physics
February 15, 2021 17:00   
25. Эллиптические дифференциально-разностные уравнения со смешанными краевыми условиями в цилиндре
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar on Theory of Functions of Several Real Variables and Its Applications to Problems of Mathematical Physics
March 4, 2020 16:00   
26. Эллиптические функционально-дифференциальные уравнения, возникающие в механике и физике
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
October 3, 2019 11:00
27. The Kato conjecture on the square root of operator
A. L. Skubachevskii
Steklov Mathematical Institute Seminar
May 16, 2019 16:00   
28. Гипотеза Като о квадратном корне из оператора
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar on Theory of Functions of Several Real Variables and Its Applications to Problems of Mathematical Physics
November 28, 2018 16:00
29. Some Properties of Characteristics for the Vlasov-Poisson System with External Magnetic Field
A. L. Skubachevskii
Internaional conference «Modern Mathematical Physics. Vladimirov-95»
November 15, 2018 10:30   
30. О новом классе операторов, удовлетворяющих гипотезе Като
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar on Theory of Functions of Real Variables
October 19, 2018 18:30
31. Об одном классе операторов, удовлетворяющих гипотезе Като
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar of the Department of Geometry and Topology "Geometry, Topology and Mathematical Physics", Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS (Novikov Seminar)
August 15, 2018 14:00
32. О новом классе операторов, удовлетворяющих гипотезе Като
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
November 30, 2017 11:00
33. О новом классе операторов, удовлетворяющих гипотезе Като
A. L. Skubachevskii
Hamiltonian systems and statistical mechanics
November 20, 2017
34. Смешанные задачи для уравнений Власова-Пуассона с внешним магнитным полем
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar on Theory of Functions of Several Real Variables and Its Applications to Problems of Mathematical Physics
October 19, 2016 16:00   
35. Смешанные задачи для уравнений Власова- Пуассона в кинетической теории высокотемпературной плазмы
A. L. Skubachevskii
Sinai Seminar
July 19, 2016 14:00
36. Смешанные задачи для уравнений Власова–Пуассона в кинетической теории высокотемпературной плазмы
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
May 26, 2016 11:00
37. Эллиптические функционально-дифференциальные уравнения и их приложения
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar on Theory of Functions of Real Variables
May 13, 2016 18:30
38. Нелокальные задачи для уравнений Власова-Пуассона в цилиндре
A. L. Skubachevskii
Hamiltonian systems and statistical mechanics
November 17, 2014
39. Nonlocal elliptic problems and applications to Vlasov-Poisson equations
A. L. Skubachevskii
The Seventh International Conference on Differential and Functional Differential Equations
August 26, 2014 16:25
40. О разрешимости первой смешанной задачи для уравнений Власова-Пуассона в бесконечном цилиндре
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar of the Department of Geometry and Topology "Geometry, Topology and Mathematical Physics", Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS (Novikov Seminar)
August 6, 2014 14:00
41. Уравнения Власова в бесконечном цилиндре
A. L. Skubachevskii
Hamiltonian systems and statistical mechanics
November 11, 2013
42. Уравнения Власова в бесконечном цилиндре
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar on Theory of Functions of Several Real Variables and Its Applications to Problems of Mathematical Physics
October 16, 2013 16:00
43. Разрешимость системы уравнений Власова-Пуассона в полупространстве
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar on Theory of Functions of Several Real Variables and Its Applications to Problems of Mathematical Physics
October 12, 2011 16:00
44. Opening ceremony
D. V. Anosov, A. G. Sergeev, A. L. Skubachevskii
Sixth International Conference on Differential and Functional Differential Equations DFDE-2011
August 15, 2011 11:00   
45. Асимптотика и гладкость решений нелокальных эллиптических задач
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar on Theory of Functions of Several Real Variables and Its Applications to Problems of Mathematical Physics
February 10, 2010 16:00
46. Нелокальные эллиптические задачи и приложения
A. L. Skubachevskii
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
April 3, 2008 11:00

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