Limonchenko, Ivan Yur'evich

Statistics Math-Net.Ru
Total publications: 12
Scientific articles: 12
Presentations: 16

Number of views:
This page:2603
Abstract pages:3894
Full texts:759
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2015)
Speciality: 01.01.04 (Geometry and topology)
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. I. Yu. Limonchenko, T. E. Panov, “Monomial non-Golod face rings and Massey products”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 77:4(466) (2022),  203–204  mathnet  mathscinet; Russian Math. Surveys, 77:4 (2022), 762–765  isi  scopus 1
2. Ivan Yu. Limonchenko, Leonid V. Monin, Askold G. Khovanskii, “Generalized Virtual Polytopes and Quasitoric Manifolds”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 318 (2022),  139–165  mathnet; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 318 (2022), 126–149  scopus 2
3. Ivan Yu. Limonchenko, Grigory D. Solomadin, “On the Homotopy Decomposition for the Quotient of a Moment–Angle Complex and Its Applications”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 317 (2022),  132–156  mathnet  mathscinet; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 317 (2022), 117–140  scopus 1
4. V. M. Buchstaber, I. Yu. Limonchenko, “Massey products, toric topology and combinatorics of polytopes”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 83:6 (2019),  3–62  mathnet  mathscinet  elib; Izv. Math., 83:6 (2019), 1081–1136  isi  scopus 6
5. I. Yu. Limonchenko, T. E. Panov, G. Chernykh, “$SU$-bordism: structure results and geometric representatives”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 74:3(447) (2019),  95–166  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Russian Math. Surveys, 74:3 (2019), 461–524  isi  scopus 6
6. Ivan Yu. Limonchenko, “On Higher Massey Products and Rational Formality for Moment–Angle Manifolds over Multiwedges”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 305 (2019),  174–196  mathnet  mathscinet  elib; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 305 (2019), 161–181  isi  scopus 7
7. Ivan Yu. Limonchenko, Zhi Lü, Taras E. Panov, “Calabi–Yau hypersurfaces and SU-bordism”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 302 (2018),  287–295  mathnet  elib; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 302 (2018), 270–278  isi  scopus 7
8. I. Yu. Limonchenko, “Massey products in cohomology of moment-angle manifolds for 2-truncated cubes”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 71:2(428) (2016),  207–208  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Russian Math. Surveys, 71:2 (2016), 376–378  isi  elib  scopus 12
9. I. Yu. Limonchenko, “Families of minimally non-Golod simplicial complexes and polyhedral products”, Dal'nevost. Mat. Zh., 15:2 (2015),  222–237  mathnet  elib 2
10. I. Yu. Limonchenko, “Stanley–Reisner rings of generalized truncation polytopes and their moment–angle manifolds”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 286 (2014),  207–218  mathnet  elib; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 286 (2014), 188–197  isi  elib  scopus 5
11. I. Yu. Limonchenko, “Bigraded Betti Numbers of Certain Simple Polytopes”, Mat. Zametki, 94:3 (2013),  373–388  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib; Math. Notes, 94:3 (2013), 351–363  isi  elib  scopus 2

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. О полиэдральных произведениях, гомологии петель которых являются свободными алгебрами
I. Yu. Limonchenko

November 10, 2022 17:30
2. Toric topology and persistent homology
I. Yu. Limonchenko
International Conference "Algebraic Topology and Applications"
December 21, 2021 10:00   
3. On a new combinatorial invariant aroused in toric topology
I. Yu. Limonchenko
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
March 30, 2021 16:45
4. New parametric families of graph-associahedra arising in toric topology
I. Yu. Limonchenko
International Seminar for Young Researchers "Algebraic, Combinatorial and Toric Topology"
December 18, 2020 18:50   
5. On Calabi-Yau manifolds in the Hirzebruch problem for SU-bordism
I. Yu. Limonchenko
Knots and Representation Theory
October 26, 2020 18:30
6. Homology of Stanley-Reisner rings and toric topology
I. Yu. Limonchenko
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
May 14, 2019 16:45
7. Algebraic Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces and SU-bordisms
I. Yu. Limonchenko
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
February 13, 2018 16:45
8. Combinatorics, topology and algebra of simplicial complexes. Lecture 6
I. Yu. Limonchenko
A. A. Aizenberg course "Combinatorics, topology and algebra of simplicial complexes", spring semester 2015/2016
March 28, 2016 18:00   
9. Комбинаторика, топология и алгебра симплициальных комплексов. Лекция 5
I. Yu. Limonchenko
A. A. Aizenberg course "Combinatorics, topology and algebra of simplicial complexes", spring semester 2015/2016
March 21, 2016 18:00   
10. Произведения Масси в когомологиях момент-угол комплексов
I. Yu. Limonchenko
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
November 24, 2015 16:45
11. Некоторые торические пространства и простые многогранники
I. Yu. Limonchenko
Knots and Representation Theory
March 17, 2015 18:30
12. Golod rings and homotopy type of some moment-angle complexes
I. Yu. Limonchenko
Differential geometry and applications
March 31, 2014 16:45
13. Golod rings, simple polytopes, and their moment-angle manifolds
I. Yu. Limonchenko
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
February 25, 2014 16:45
14. Non-trivial torsion in the cohomology ring of moment-angle complexes and their topological invariants
I. Yu. Limonchenko
Differential geometry and applications
April 8, 2013 16:45
15. Additive structure of the cohomology rings of moment-angle complexes and their topological invariants
I. Yu. Limonchenko
Algebraic topology and its applications. Postnikov memorial seminar
March 12, 2013 16:45
16. Algebraic Betti numbers of simple polytopes
T. E. Panov, I. Yu. Limonchenko
Differential geometry and applications
November 14, 2011 16:45

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