Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2024 |
1. |
E. E. Peskova, “Mathematical modeling of nonstationary problems related to laser thermochemistry of methane in the presence of catalytic nanoparticles”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 517 (2024), 79–84 ; Dokl. Math., 109 (2024), 256–261 |
2. |
E. E. Peskova, O. S. Yazovtseva, “Application of the explicitly iterative scheme to simulating subsonic reacting gas flows”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 64:2 (2024), 350–363 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 64:2 (2024), 326–339 |
2023 |
3. |
E. E. Peskova, V. N. Snytnikov, R. V. Zhalnin, “The computational algorithm for studying internal laminar flows of a multicomponent gas with different-scale chemical processes”, Computer Research and Modeling, 15:5 (2023), 1169–1187 |
4. |
V. N. Snytnikov, E. E. Peskova, O. P. Stoyanovskaya, “Mathematical model of a two-temperature medium of gassolid nanoparticles with laser methane pyrolysis”, Mat. Model., 35:4 (2023), 24–50 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 15:5 (2023), 877–893 |
5. |
E. E. Peskova, V. N. Snytnikov, “Numerical study of methane mixtures' conversion under the influence of laser radiation”, Zhurnal SVMO, 25:3 (2023), 159–173 |
2022 |
6. |
I. M. Gubaydullin, E. E. Peskova, O. S. Yazovtseva, A. N. Zagoruiko, “Numerical simulation of oxidative regeneration of a spherical catalyst grain”, Mat. Model., 34:11 (2022), 48–66 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 15:3 (2023), 485–495 |
2020 |
7. |
R. V. Zhalnin, V. F. Masyagin, E. E. Peskova, V. F. Tishkin, “Modeling of Richtmyer–Meshkov instability development using the discontinuous Galerkin method and local-adaptive meshes”, Mat. Model., 32:10 (2020), 34–46 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 13:3 (2021), 474–482 |
8. |
I. M. Gubaydullin, R. V. Zhalnin, V. F. Masyagin, E. E. Peskova, V. F. Tishkin, “Numerical simulation of propane pyrolysis in a flow chemical reactor under the influence of constant external heating”, Mat. Model., 32:9 (2020), 119–130 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 13:3 (2021), 437–444 |
9. |
R. V. Zhalnin, V. F. Masyagin, E. E. Peskova, V. F. Tishkin, “A priori error estimates of the local discontinuous Galerkin method on staggered grids
for solving a parabolic equation for the homogeneous Dirichlet problem”, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 24:1 (2020), 116–136 |
2019 |
10. |
R. V. Zhalnin, V. F. Masyagin, E. E. Peskova, V. F. Tishkin, “Application of discontinuous Galerkin method to modeling of two-dimensional flows of a multicomponent ideal gases mixture using local adaptive mesh refinement”, Zhurnal SVMO, 21:2 (2019), 244–258 |
2018 |
11. |
R. V. Zhalnin, V. F. Masyagin, E. E. Peskova, “Construction of a parallel computational algorithm based on the Galerkin discontinuous method for solving convective heat transfer problems on unstructured staggered grids”, Zhurnal SVMO, 20:4 (2018), 448–459 |
2017 |
12. |
R. V. Zhalnin, E. E. Peskova, O. A. Stadnichenko, V. F. Tishkin, “Modeling the flow of multicomponent reactive gas by the example of hydrocarbons pyrolysis”, Keldysh Institute preprints, 2017, 101, 16 pp. |
13. |
R. V. Zhalnin, E. E. Peskova, O. A. Stadnichenko, V. F. Tishkin, “Modeling the flow of a multicomponent reactive gas using high accuracy algorithms”, Vestn. Udmurtsk. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Komp. Nauki, 27:4 (2017), 608–617 |
2016 |
14. |
R. V. Zhalnin, E. E. Peskova, O. A. Stadnichenko, V. F. Tishkin, “Using WENO schemes in mathematical modeling of gas mixture’s dynamics by the example of ethane pyrolysis”, Zhurnal SVMO, 18:3 (2016), 98–106 |
2015 |
15. |
R. V. Zhalnin, A. V. Maksimkin, V. F. Masyagin, A. I. Pantyushin, E. E. Peskova, “About the use of WENO-limiter in the implicit scheme for the Discontinuous Galerkin method”, Zhurnal SVMO, 17:3 (2015), 75–81 |
16. |
E. V. Nikishin, E. E. Peskova, “Distortion of high frequency optical signals photodetectors fabricated on silicon doped with gold.”, Zhurnal SVMO, 17:2 (2015), 76–80 |
17. |
E. V. Nikishin, S. M. Muryumin, E. E. Peskova, “Distortion that occurs when you restore a high-frequency optical pulses (silicon doped with indium)”, Zhurnal SVMO, 17:1 (2015), 105–110 |
18. |
R. V. Zhalnin, A. V. Maksimkin, V. F. Masyagin, A. I. Pantyushin, E. E. Peskova, V. D. Salnikov, V. F. Tishkin, “Research of the order of accuracy of an Implicit Discontinuous Galerkin method for solving problems of gas dynamics”, Zhurnal SVMO, 17:1 (2015), 48–54 |
2014 |
19. |
V. A. Goryunov, R. V. Zhalnin, E. E. Peskova, V. F. Tishkin, “On construction of WENO schemes for hyperbolic systems on unstructured meshes”, University proceedings. Volga region. Physical and mathematical sciences, 2014, no. 1, 79–87 |
20. |
E. V. Nikishin, E. E. Peskova, “Investigation of the kinetics of nonequilibrium carriers in semiconductors under periodic optical excitation.”, Zhurnal SVMO, 16:2 (2014), 85–89 |
2013 |
21. |
E. E. Peskova, P. A. Shamanaev, “On the construction WENO schemes for hyperbolic systems on triangular meshes”, Zhurnal SVMO, 15:1 (2013), 121–124 |
2009 |
22. |
R. V. Zhalnin, E. E. Peskova, “About choosing interpolation polinom in essentialy
non-oscillatory schemes.”, Trudy SVMO, 11:2 (2009), 68–77 |
2019 |
23. |
A. Yu. Aleksandrov, L. A. Antoshkina, E. V. Afinogentova, A. S. Andreev, I. G. Bashmakov, P. A. Vel'misov, V. Z. Grines, E. V. Desyaev, O. V. Druzhinina, D. K. Egorova, A. P. Zhabko, R. V. Zhalnin, E. A. Lizina, A. M. Kamachkin, A. A. Kosov, O. G. Kostrov, E. B. Kuznetsov, T. Ph. Mamedova, S. I. Martynov, S. M. Muryumin, V. I. Nikonov, S. I. Peregudin, E. E. Peskova, I. P. Ryazantseva, P. V. Senin, G. A. Smolkin, A. G. Smolyanov, L. A. Sukharev, A. O. Syromyasov, V. F. Tishkin, A. Yu. Uteshev, S. E. Kholodova, I. I. Chuchaev, P. A. Shamanaev, A. V. Shchennikov, E. V. Shchennikova, O. S. Yazovtseva, “In memory of Vladimir Nikolaevich Shchennikov”, Zhurnal SVMO, 21:2 (2019), 269–273 |
24. |
I. V. Boykov, D. I. Boyarkin, S. M. Vdovin, P. A. Vel'misov, V. Z. Grines, I. M. Gubaydullin, Yu. N. Deryugin, D. K. Egorova, R. V. Zhalnin, V. T. Zhukov, T. Sh. Kal'menov, L. V. Klochkova, M. M. Krasnov, V. N. Krizsky, E. B. Kuznetsov, M. E. Ladonkina, T. Ph. Mamedova, V. F. Masyagin, P. P. Matus, N. D. Morozkin, S. M. Muryumin, O. A. Neklyudova, Yu. N. Orlov, A. Yu. Pavlov, E. E. Peskova, Yu. A. Poveschenko, I. P. Ryazantseva, V. I. Safonkin, P. V. Senin, G. A. Smolkin, S. I. Spivak, D. V. Suzan, L. A. Sukharev, A. O. Syromyasov, O. B. Feodoritova, I. I. Chuchaev, P. A. Shamanaev, O. S. Yazovtseva, N. G. Yarushkina, “To the seventieth anniversary of Vladimir Fedorovich Tishkin”, Zhurnal SVMO, 21:1 (2019), 111–113 |
2018 |
25. |
A. S. Andreev, A. V. Ankilov, T. E. Badokina, D. I. Boyarkin, I. V. Boykov, D. K. Egorova, V. Z. Grines, S. A. Grishina, V. K. Gorbunov, Yu. N. Deryugin, E. V. Desyaev, R. V. Zhalnin, I. V. Konopleva, L. R. Kim-Tyan, V. N. Krizsky, S. I. Martynov, T. Ph. Mamedova, S. M. Muryumin, E. E. Peskova, Yu. V. Pokladova, O. V. Pochinka, V. P. Radchenko, I. P. Ryazantseva, S. I. Spivak, L. A. Sukharev, A. O. Syromyasov, V. F. Tishkin, I. I. Chuchaev, P. A. Shamanaev, O. S. Yazovtseva, N. G. Yarushkina, A.-V. Ion, “Velmisov Petr Aleksandrovich (on his seventieth birthday)”, Zhurnal SVMO, 20:3 (2018), 338–340 |
2017 |
26. |
E. N. Artem'eva, I. V. Boykov, M. A. Borisov, D. I. Boyarkin, P. A. Vel'misov, V. K. Gorbunov, T. A. Gorshunova, V. Z. Grines, Yu. N. Deryugin, E. V. Desyaev, D. K. Egorova, R. V. Zhalnin, O. E. Kaledin, V. N. Krizsky, E. B. Kuznetsov, B. V. Loginov, T. Ph. Mamedova, S. I. Martynov, N. D. Morozkin, S. M. Muryumin, I. P. Nikitin, O. V. Pochinka, D. V. Pashutkin, A. Yu. Pavlov, E. E. Peskova, I. P. Ryazantseva, V. I. Safonkin, G. A. Smolkin, S. I. Spivak, L. A. Sukharev, A. O. Syromyasov, M. T. Terekhin, V. F. Tishkin, S. A. Firsova, E. A. Chernoivanova, I. I. Chuchaev, P. A. Shamanaev, O. S. Yazovtseva, Z. Ya. Yakupov, “On the 80th anniversary of professor E.V. Voskresensky's birthday”, Zhurnal SVMO, 19:4 (2017), 95–99 |