The article presented the computational algorithm developed to study chemical processes in the internal flows of a multicomponent gas under the influence of laser radiation. The mathematical model is the gas dynamics’ equations with chemical reactions at low Mach numbers. It takes into account dissipative terms that describe the dynamics of a viscous heat-conducting medium with diffusion, chemical reactions and energy supply by laser radiation. This mathematical model is characterized by the presence of several very different time and spatial scales. The computational algorithm is based on a splitting scheme by physical processes. Each time integration step is divided into the following blocks: solving the equations of chemical kinetics, solving the equation for the radiation intensity, solving the convection-diffusion equations, calculating the dynamic component of pressure and calculating the correction of the velocity vector. The solution of a stiff system of chemical kinetics equations is carried out using a specialized explicit second-order accuracy scheme or a plug-in RADAU5 module. Numerical Rusanov flows and a WENO scheme of an increased order of approximation are used to find convective terms in the equations. The code based on the obtained algorithm has been developed using MPI parallel computing technology. The developed code is used to calculate the pyrolysis of ethane with radical reactions. The superequilibrium concentrations’ formation of radicals in the reactor volume is studied in detail. Numerical simulation of the reaction gas flow in a flat tube with laser radiation supply is carried out, which is in demand for the interpretation of experimental results. It is shown that laser radiation significantly increases the conversion of ethane and yields of target products at short lengths closer to the entrance to the reaction zone. Reducing the effective length of the reaction zone allows us to offer new solutions in the design of ethane conversion reactors into valuable hydrocarbons. The developed algorithm and program will find their application in the creation of new technologies of laser thermochemistry.
computer simulation, gas dynamics equations with chemical reactions, splitting into physical processes, radical chain reactions, laser radiation, ethane pyrolysis
E. E. Peskova, V. N. Snytnikov, R. V. Zhalnin, “The computational algorithm for studying internal laminar flows of a multicomponent gas with different-scale chemical processes”, Computer Research and Modeling, 15:5 (2023), 1169–1187
\by E.~E.~Peskova, V.~N.~Snytnikov, R.~V.~Zhalnin
\paper The computational algorithm for studying internal laminar flows of a multicomponent gas with different-scale chemical processes
\jour Computer Research and Modeling
\yr 2023
\vol 15
\issue 5
\pages 1169--1187
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This publication is cited in the following 3 articles:
E. E. Peskova, V. N. Snytnikov, “The Influence of Laser Radiation on the Laminar Flow of a Chemically Active Gas–Dust Medium in a Narrow Circular Tube”, Theor Found Chem Eng, 2024
E. E. Peskova, “Mathematical modeling of nonstationary problems of methane's laser thermochemistry in the presence of catalytic nanoparticles”, Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Matematika, informatika, processy upravleniâ, 517:1 (2024), 79
Elizaveta Peskova, Roman Kaderov, Olga Yazovtseva, Kirill Ryabikin, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2241, Parallel Computational Technologies, 2024, 280