Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2023 |
1. |
V. G. Luk'yanchuk, A. V. Lankin, G. E. Norman, “Molecular dynamics study of the structural and diffusion properties of dehydrated layered double aluminum and lithium hydroxide”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 118:8 (2023), 609–614 ; JETP Letters, 118:8 (2023), 597–602 |
2. |
V. D. Negodin, D. Yu. Fleita, G. E. Norman, “Collective motions of atoms in crystals”, Mat. Model., 35:6 (2023), 37–50 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 15:6 (2023), 1075–1083 |
2021 |
3. |
G. E. Norman, I. M. Saitov, “Plasma phase transition”, UFN, 191:11 (2021), 1153–1186 ; Phys. Usp., 64:11 (2021), 1094–1124 |
2020 |
4. |
H. E. Norman, D. Yu. Fleita, “Collective motion of atoms in a superheated crystal and a supercooled melt of a simple metal”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 111:4 (2020), 251–256 ; JETP Letters, 111:4 (2020), 245–250 |
5. |
H. E. Norman, I. M. Saitov, “Semimetal states of crystalline molecular hydrogen at high pressures”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 111:3 (2020), 175–180 ; JETP Letters, 111:3 (2020), 162–166 |
2019 |
6. |
E. M. Kirova, H. E. Norman, V. V. Pisarev, “Simulation of the glass transition of a thin aluminum melt layer at ultrafast cooling under isobaric conditions”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 110:5 (2019), 343–347 ; JETP Letters, 110:5 (2019), 359–363 |
7. |
G. E. Norman, V. V. Pisarev, D. Iu. Fleita, “Singularity at the point of transition from equilibrium to metastable states of a metallic melt”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 109:10 (2019), 689–693 ; JETP Letters, 109:10 (2019), 667–670 |
8. |
D. Yu. Lenev, H. E. Norman, “Molecular modeling of the thermal accommodation of argon atoms in clusters of iron atoms”, TVT, 57:4 (2019), 534–542 ; High Temperature, 57:4 (2019), 490–497 |
2015 |
9. |
G. E. Norman, N. D. Orekhov, V. V. Pisarev, G. S. Smirnov, S. V. Starikov, V. V. Stegailov, A. V. Yanilkin, “What for and which exaflops supercomputers are necessary in natural sciences”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 6:4 (2015), 243–311 |
2014 |
10. |
A. Yu. Kuksin, A. V. Lankin, I. V. Morozov, H. E. Norman, N. D. Orekhov, V. V. Pisarev, G. S. Smirnov, S. V. Starikov, V. V. Stegailov, A. V. Timofeev, “Predictive modeling and simulation of properties and multi-scale processes in materials science. Tasks for Exaflops-era supercomputers”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 5:1 (2014), 191–244 |
11. |
V. V. Stegailov, G. E. Norman, “Challenges to the supercomputer development in Russia: a HPC user perspective”, Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 5:1 (2014), 111–152 |
12. |
R. G. Bystriy, Ya. S. Lavrinenko, A. V. Lankin, I. V. Morozov, H. E. Norman, I. M. Saitov, “Pressure Fluctuations in the Nonideal Nondegenerate Plasma”, TVT, 52:4 (2014), 494–503 ; High Temperature, 52:4 (2014), 475–482 |
2012 |
13. |
Genri E. Norman, Vladimir V. Stegailov, “Stochastic theory of the classical molecular dynamics method”, Mat. Model., 24:6 (2012), 3–44 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 5:4 (2013), 305–333 |
2011 |
14. |
S. V. Starikov, V. V. Stegailov, H. E. Norman, V. E. Fortov, M. Ishino, M. Tanaka, N. Hasegawa, M. Nishikino, T. Ohba, T. Kaihori, E. Ochi, T. Imazono, T. Kavachi, C. Tamotsu, T. A. Pikuz, I. Yu. Skobelev, A. Ya. Faenov, “Laser ablation of gold: Experiment and atomistic simulation”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 93:11 (2011), 719–725 ; JETP Letters, 93:11 (2011), 642–647 |
2010 |
15. |
A. V. Lankin, H. E. Norman, V. V. Stegailov, “Atomistic simulation of the interaction of an electrolyte with graphite nanostructures in perspective supercapacitors”, TVT, 48:6 (2010), 877–885 ; High Temperature, 48:6 (2010), 837–845 |
16. |
A. Yu. Kuksin, H. E. Norman, V. V. Pisarev, V. V. Stegailov, A. V. Yanilkin, “A kinetic model of fracture of simple liquids”, TVT, 48:4 (2010), 536–543 ; High Temperature, 48:4 (2010), 511–517 |
17. |
A. V. Yanilkin, P. A. Zhilyaev, A. Yu. Kuksin, H. E. Norman, V. V. Pisarev, V. V. Stegailov, “Application of supercomputers for the molecular dynamics simulation of
processes in condensed matter”, Num. Meth. Prog., 11:1 (2010), 111–116 |
2008 |
18. |
I. V. Morozov, H. E. Norman, A. A. Smyslov, “Volumetric relaxation in simple liquid: Molecular dynamics simulation”, TVT, 46:6 (2008), 836–843 ; High Temperature, 46:6 (2008), 768–774 |
19. |
A. V. Lankin, H. E. Norman, “Pair fluctuations in nonideal plasma and their restriction at the ionization threshold”, TVT, 46:2 (2008), 170–184 ; High Temperature, 46:2 (2008), 148–161 |
2007 |
20. |
H. E. Norman, V. V. Stegailov, A. V. Yanilkin, “The modeling of high-rate tension of crystalline iron by the method of molecular dynamics”, TVT, 45:2 (2007), 193–202 ; High Temperature, 45:2 (2007), 164–172 |
21. |
A. Yu. Kuksin, H. E. Norman, V. V. Stegailov, “The phase diagram and spinodal decomposition of metastable states of Lennard-Jones system”, TVT, 45:1 (2007), 43–55 ; High Temperature, 45:1 (2007), 37–48 |
2001 |
22. |
H. E. Norman, “Rydberg matter as a metastable state of strongly nonideal plasma”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 73:1 (2001), 13–16 ; JETP Letters, 73:1 (2001), 10–12 |
1995 |
23. |
A. A. Valuev, A. S. Kaklyugin, H. E. Norman, “Molecular modelling of the chemical interaction of atoms and molecules with a surfaces”, Usp. Khim., 64:7 (1995), 643–671 ; Russian Chem. Reviews, 64:7 (1995), 599–625 |
1990 |
24. |
A. A. Valuev, H. E. Norman, V. Yu. Podlipchyuk, “The Krylov–Kolmogorov enthropy of a disordered Lennard–Jones systems”, Mat. Model., 2:5 (1990), 3–7 |
25. |
A. A. Valuev, A. S. Kaklyugin, H. E. Norman, V. Yu. Podlipchyuk, P. I. Sopin, G. A. Sorokin, “Cleaning flue gases by irradiation and plasmochemical methods”, TVT, 28:5 (1990), 995–1008 ; High Temperature, 28:5 (1990), 764–778 |
1989 |
26. |
H. E. Norman, P. I. Sopin, G. A. Sorokin, “Mathematical modelling of physico-chemical processes in a high-pressure plasma-chemical reactor excited by a relativistic electron beam”, Mat. Model., 1:2 (1989), 13–36 |
1987 |
27. |
A. S. Kaklyugin, H. E. Norman, “Equations of state and ionizational equilibrium of non-Debye plasma”, TVT, 25:2 (1987), 209–217 ; High Temperature, 25:2 (1987), 137–144 |
1984 |
28. |
A. S. Kaklyugin, H. E. Norman, “Effects of density on the electron spectrum of a nondegenerate plasma”, TVT, 22:6 (1984), 1041–1047 ; High Temperature, 22:6 (1984), 789–795 |
1982 |
29. |
H. E. Norman, L. S. Polak, “Irreversibility in the classical statistical mechanics”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 263:2 (1982), 337–340 |
1979 |
30. |
H. E. Norman, L. Yu. Shchurova, “Об электропроводности неидеальной плазмы в широком диапазоне температур”, TVT, 17:4 (1979), 863–865 |
31. |
H. E. Norman, “Непрерывные спектры излучения (поглощения) неидеальной плазмы”, TVT, 17:3 (1979), 453–460 |
1978 |
32. |
H. E. Norman, “Pseudopotential in the statistical thermodynamics”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 242:3 (1978), 591–594 |
1977 |
33. |
A. A. Valuev, H. E. Norman, “Метод молекулярной динамики в теории электронных коэффициентов переноса неидеальной плазмы”, TVT, 15:4 (1977), 689–694 |
34. |
H. E. Norman, V. S. Filinov, “Фазовый переход в плазме $\mathrm{LiH}$”, TVT, 15:2 (1977), 417–418 |
35. |
G. A. Kobzev, Yu. K. Kurilenkov, H. E. Norman, “К теории оптических свойств неидеальной плазмы”, TVT, 15:1 (1977), 193–196 |
36. |
A. A. Valuev, H. E. Norman, “Динамическая модель неидеальной плазмы”, TVT, 15:1 (1977), 191–193 |
1976 |
37. |
B. V. Zelener, H. E. Norman, V. S. Filinov, “Thermodynamic perturbation theory for systems with short-range parts of the interparticle interaction potential”, TVT, 14:3 (1976), 469–479 ; High Temperature, 14:3 (1976), 426–434 |
1975 |
38. |
B. V. Zelener, H. E. Norman, V. S. Filinov, “Equations of state and ionization equilibrium of a nonideal plasma”, TVT, 13:5 (1975), 913–919 ; High Temperature, 13:5 (1975), 841–846 |
39. |
B. V. Zelener, H. E. Norman, V. S. Filinov, “Pseudopotential model of a nonideal plasma”, TVT, 13:4 (1975), 712–721 ; High Temperature, 13:4 (1975), 650–658 |
1974 |
40. |
A. A. Valuev, H. E. Norman, V. S. Filinov, “Псевдопотенциальная модель неидеальной многократно ионизованной плазмы и ее исследование методом Монте-Карло”, TVT, 12:5 (1974), 931–939 |
41. |
B. V. Zelener, H. E. Norman, V. S. Filinov, “Парные корреляционные функции в псевдопотенциальной модели неидеальной плазмы”, TVT, 12:2 (1974), 267–272 |
1973 |
42. |
B. V. Zelener, H. E. Norman, V. S. Filinov, “Термодинамика и корреляционные функции слабонеидеальных недебаевских кулоновских систем”, TVT, 11:5 (1973), 922–931 |
43. |
A. S. Kaklyugin, H. E. Norman, “Электропроводность недебаевской плазмы”, TVT, 11:2 (1973), 238–244 |
44. |
V. M. Zamalin, H. E. Norman, “The Monte-Carlo method in Feynman's formulation of quantum statistics”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 13:2 (1973), 408–420 ; U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 13:2 (1973), 169–183 |
1972 |
45. |
B. V. Zelener, H. E. Norman, V. S. Filinov, “К статистической теории неидеальной плазмы”, TVT, 10:6 (1972), 1160–1170 |
46. |
V. A. Zeigarnik, G. A. Kobzev, Yu. K. Kurilenkov, H. E. Norman, “К термодинамике сильнонеидеальной ионной плазмы”, TVT, 10:4 (1972), 693–702 |
1970 |
47. |
H. E. Norman, A. N. Starostin, “Thermodynamics of a strongly nonideal plasma”, TVT, 8:2 (1970), 413–438 ; High Temperature, 8:2 (1970), 381–408 |
48. |
I. V. Avilova, L. M. Biberman, V. S. Vorob'ev, V. M. Zamalin, G. A. Kobzev, A. Kh. Mnatsakanyan, H. E. Norman, “Optical properties of burning gases. Mixtures of $\mathrm{CO}_2$ + $\mathrm{N}_2$”, TVT, 8:1 (1970), 1–11 ; High Temperature, 8:1 (1970), 1–9 |
1969 |
49. |
L. M. Biberman, H. E. Norman, “О возможности существования переохлажденной плотной плазмы”, TVT, 7:5 (1969), 822–831 |
50. |
H. E. Norman, V. S. Filinov, “Исследование фазовых переходов с помощью метода Монте-Карло”, TVT, 7:2 (1969), 233–240 |
1968 |
51. |
H. E. Norman, A. N. Starostin, “Несостоятельность классического описания невырожденной плотной плазмы”, TVT, 6:3 (1968), 410–415 |
1967 |
52. |
L. M. Biberman, G. E. Norman, “Continuous spectra of atomic gases and plasma”, UFN, 91:2 (1967), 193–246 ; Phys. Usp., 10:1 (1967), 52–90 |
1966 |
53. |
G. A. Kobzev, H. E. Norman, K. I. Seryakov, “Определение сечений фотоионизации по силам осцилляторов спектральных линий”, TVT, 4:4 (1966), 473–479 |
1964 |
54. |
I. V. Avilova, H. E. Norman, “Снижение потенциала отрыва электрона от отрицательного иона в плазме”, TVT, 2:4 (1964), 517–524 |
2020 |
55. |
L. A. Bol'shov, E. P. Velikhov, V. I. Ilgisonis, A. N. Lagar'kov, V. B. Mintsev, A. P. Napartovich, G. E. Norman, O. F. Petrov, V. P. Smirnov, E. E. Son, V. E. Fortov, V. E. Cherkovets, “In memory of Andrei Nikonovich Starostin”, UFN, 190:7 (2020), 781–782 ; Phys. Usp., 63:7 (2020), 725–727 |
2002 |
56. |
E. I. Asinovskii, V. P. Vizgin, V. L. Ginzburg, Yu. A. Ivanov, T. D. Il'ina, V. S. Kirsanov, Yu. A. Lebedev, G. E. Norman, V. M. Orel, N. A. Plate, D. I. Slovetskii, V. E. Fortov, “In memory of Lev Solomonovich Polak”, UFN, 172:8 (2002), 967–968 ; Phys. Usp., 45:8 (2002), 903–905 |
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