Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2023 |
1. |
A. S. Stabnikov, M. Kh. Strelets, A. K. Travin, M. L. Shur, “Numerical simulation of evolution of a curved turbulent wake subjected to adverse pressure gradient”, Mat. Model., 35:10 (2023), 3–18 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 16:1 (2024), 76–87 |
2. |
K. Belyaev, A. Garbaruk, V. Golubkov, M. Strelets, “Computation of evolution of Tollmein-Schlichten waves based on the global stability analysis”, Mat. Model., 35:9 (2023), 45–60 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 16:1 (2024), 29–38 |
2021 |
3. |
A. Garbaruk, M. Strelets, M. Shur, A. Dyadkin, M. Mikhailov, S. Rybak, B. Dankov, A. Kosenko, “Two-stage RANS-DDES model and results of computations of unsteady loads on reentry capsule and engine compartment of manned spacecraft in the course of their emergency separation”, Mat. Model., 33:7 (2021), 121–138 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 14:1 (2022), 147–158 |
4. |
A. V. Garbaruk, M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur, A. A. Dyadkin, S. P. Rybak, M. V. Mikhailov, “Simulation of impact of the wakes of emergency rescue unit’s nozzles on the surface of a manned spacecraft”, Mat. Model., 33:7 (2021), 18–34 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 14:1 (2022), 81–91 |
2020 |
5. |
E. K. Guseva, M. Kh. Strelets, A. K. Travin, M. L. Shur, “Les-based computation of evolution of turbulent wakes subjected to adverse pressure gradient”, Mat. Model., 32:6 (2020), 3–20 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 13:1 (2021), 91–105 |
2014 |
6. |
A. V. Garbaruk, P. R. Spalart, M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur, “Flow and noise prediction for tandem cylinder”, Mat. Model., 26:6 (2014), 119–136 |
2011 |
7. |
M. L. Shur, P. R. Spalart, M. Kh. Strelets, “LES-based evaluation of a micro-jet noise reduction concept in static and flight conditions”, Mat. Model., 23:11 (2011), 48–64 |
8. |
D. Y. Adamian, M. Kh. Strelets, A. K. Travin, “An efficient method of synthetic turbulence generation at LES inflow in zonal RANS–LES approaches to computation of turbulent flows”, Mat. Model., 23:7 (2011), 3–19 |
2007 |
9. |
M. L. Shur, Ph. R. Spalart, M. Kh. Strelets, “Numerical prediction of jet-noise based on “first principles””, Mat. Model., 19:7 (2007), 5–26 |
2006 |
10. |
A. V. Garbaruk, Ph. R. Spalart, M. Kh. Strelets, A. K. Travin, M. L. Shur, “Numerical modeling of separation control by mechanical and jet vortex generators”, Mat. Model., 18:3 (2006), 55–68 |
2005 |
11. |
D. M. Denisikhina, I. A. Bassina, D. A. Niculin, M. Kh. Strelets, “Numerical Simulation of Self-Excited Oscillation of a Turbulent Jet Flowing into a Rectangular Cavity”, TVT, 43:4 (2005), 568–579 ; High Temperature, 43:4 (2005), 568–579 |
2003 |
12. |
A. V. Garbaruk, M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur, “Analysis of three-dimensional turbulent flow in an $S$-shaped rectangular channel”, TVT, 41:1 (2003), 57–64 ; High Temperature, 41:1 (2003), 49–56 |
2002 |
13. |
A. V. Garbaruk, Yu. V. Lapin, M. Kh. Strelets, “Turbulent Boundary Layer under Simultaneous Effect of the Longitudinal Pressure Gradient, Injection (Suction), and Transverse Surface Curvature”, TVT, 40:3 (2002), 436–441 ; High Temperature, 40:3 (2002), 399–404 |
2001 |
14. |
A. V. Garbaruk, Yu. V. Lapin, M. Kh. Strelets, “An algebraic model of turbulence for flows with a maximum of tangential stress inside the boundary layer”, TVT, 39:4 (2001), 589–598 ; High Temperature, 39:4 (2001), 548–557 |
1999 |
15. |
A. V. Garbaruk, Yu. V. Lapin, M. Kh. Strelets, “Assessment of the capabilities of explicit algebraic Reynolds stress models as applied to the calculation of wall turbulent boundary layers”, TVT, 37:6 (1999), 920–927 ; High Temperature, 37:6 (1999), 887–894 |
16. |
A. V. Garbaruk, Yu. V. Lapin, M. Kh. Strelets, “Simple algebraic model of turbulence for the calculation of turbulent boundary layer with adverse pressure gradient”, TVT, 37:1 (1999), 87–91 ; High Temperature, 37:1 (1999), 82–86 |
1998 |
17. |
K. V. Belyaev, D. A. Niculin, M. Kh. Strelets, “Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes numerical simulation of 3D ventilation flows”, Mat. Model., 10:12 (1998), 71–86 |
18. |
M. A. Rotinyan, M. Kh. Strelets, I. A. Fedorov, M. L. Shur, “Numerical modelling of a supersonic cw chemical HF laser with a three-jet nozzle array”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 25:5 (1998), 387–391 [Quantum Electron., 28:5 (1998), 375–378 ] |
19. |
A. V. Garbaruk, Yu. V. Lapin, M. Kh. Strelets, “The use of inverse method of solving boundary-layer equations for the testing of turbulence models”, TVT, 36:4 (1998), 607–616 ; High Temperature, 36:4 (1998), 583–592 |
20. |
I. A. Bassina, S. A. Lomakin, D. A. Niculin, M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur, “Assessment of applicability of modern models of turbulence for calculation of natural-convection flows and heat transfer”, TVT, 36:2 (1998), 246–254 ; High Temperature, 36:2 (1998), 230–238 |
1997 |
21. |
D. A. Niculin, M. Kh. Strelets, A. Dvinsky, “Numerical investigation of the impact of three-dimensional and edge effects on free-convection heat transfer in a system of vertical ribs”, TVT, 35:5 (1997), 740–749 ; High Temperature, 35:5 (1997), 728–737 |
22. |
M. Kh. Strelets, A. K. Travin, M. L. Shur, “A comparison between one- and two-equation differential models of turbulence in application to separated and attached flows: Transonic flows around airfoil”, TVT, 35:2 (1997), 301–313 ; High Temperature, 35:2 (1997), 298–310 |
1996 |
23. |
L. A. Zaikov, M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur, “A comparison of the capabilities of one- and two-equation differential models of turbulence in application to separated and attached flows in a channel with forward-facing step”, TVT, 34:6 (1996), 896–902 ; High Temperature, 34:6 (1996), 882–888 |
24. |
L. A. Zaikov, M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur, “A comparison between one- and two-equation differential turbulence models in application to
separated and attached flows: Flow in channel with counterstep”, TVT, 34:5 (1996), 724–736 ; High Temperature, 34:5 (1996), 713–725 |
1995 |
25. |
Yu. V. Lapin, O. A. Nehamkina, M. Kh. Strelets, “A multiparameter algebraic model of steady turbulent flow in a round pipe with sand roughness”, TVT, 33:5 (1995), 731–737 ; High Temperature, 33:5 (1995), 725–731 |
26. |
Yu. V. Lapin, O. A. Nehamkina, M. Kh. Strelets, “A two-layer three-parameter algebraic model of a transient and a steady turbulent flow in a round pipe with smooth walls”, TVT, 33:1 (1995), 49–53 ; High Temperature, 33:1 (1995), 45–49 |
1994 |
27. |
L. A. Zaikov, M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur, “The calculation of steady turbulent flows of chemically reacting gGas mixtures in channels at arbitrary Mach numbers”, TVT, 32:6 (1994), 850–862 ; High Temperature, 32:6 (1994), 793–805 |
28. |
M. A. Zatevakhin, A. E. Kuznetsov, D. A. Niculin, M. Kh. Strelets, “Numerical simulation of the process of levitation of a system of high-temperature turbulent thermals in an inhomogeneous compressible atmosphere”, TVT, 32:1 (1994), 44–56 ; High Temperature, 32:1 (1994), 42–55 |
1993 |
29. |
A. E. Kuznetsov, M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur, “Calculation of steady-state three-dimensional flows of viscous gas in channels and nozzles”, TVT, 31:3 (1993), 395–405 ; High Temperature, 31:3 (1993), 355–364 |
1992 |
30. |
O. A. Nehamkina, M. Kh. Strelets, “Numerical simulation of detonation waves using an effective TVD-scheme”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 32:9 (1992), 1447–1463 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 32:9 (1992), 1295–1309 |
1991 |
31. |
O. A. Nehamkina, M. Kh. Strelets, “Modeling of the local impulse energy input in closed gas volume”, Mat. Model., 3:2 (1991), 3–19 |
32. |
A. E. Kuznetsov, M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur, “Influence of three-dimensional effects on fluid dynamics and heat transfer in the subsonic flow of a viscous compressible gas on the initial section of a rectangular channel”, TVT, 29:5 (1991), 967–972 ; High Temperature, 29:5 (1991), 771–776 |
33. |
A. E. Kuznetsov, M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur, “Calculation of steady-state three-dimensional flows of viscous gases and chemically reacting gas mixtures”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 31:2 (1991), 300–316 ; U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 31:2 (1991), 89–101 |
1990 |
34. |
Yu. E. Egorov, M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur, “Application of compressibility scaling method for calculation of steady viscous gas and gas mixture flows in Laval nozzles”, Mat. Model., 2:10 (1990), 3–12 |
35. |
Yu. E. Egorov, A. E. Kuznetsov, M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur, “Subsonic compressible flows of chemically reacting gas mixtures in cylindrical and rectangular channels with sudden expansion”, TVT, 28:6 (1990), 1149–1155 ; High Temperature, 28:6 (1990), 876–882 |
1989 |
36. |
O. A. Nehamkina, D. A. Niculin, M. Kh. Strelets, “Hierarchy of models of natural thermal-convection of an ideal-gas”, TVT, 27:6 (1989), 1115–1125 ; High Temperature, 27:6 (1989), 883–892 |
37. |
M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur, “Influence of compressibility of the hydrodynamics and heat-transfer in subsonic viscous-gas flows in channels in the presence of recirculation zones”, TVT, 27:2 (1989), 292–299 ; High Temperature, 27:2 (1989), 229–235 |
1988 |
38. |
A. E. Kuznetsov, O. A. Nehamkina, M. Kh. Strelets, “Subsonic flows of homogeneous viscous-gas in channels with permeable walls”, TVT, 26:6 (1988), 1135–1141 ; High Temperature, 26:6 (1988), 880–886 |
39. |
A. E. Kuznetsov, D. A. Niculin, M. Kh. Strelets, “Mixed convection of homogeneous gas in vertical tube with non-isothermal walls”, TVT, 26:2 (1988), 282–289 ; High Temperature, 26:2 (1988), 207–214 |
40. |
M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur, “Methods of scaling the compressibility in calculating stationary flows of a viscous gas at arbitrary Mach numbers”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 28:2 (1988), 254–266 ; U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 28:1 (1988), 165–173 |
1987 |
41. |
Yu. E. Karyakin, M. Kh. Strelets, “Nonsteady natural-convection of compressible gas in a vessel of triangular cross-section”, TVT, 25:6 (1987), 1135–1143 ; High Temperature, 25:6 (1987), 831–839 |
42. |
I. I. Borisov, O. A. Nehamkina, V. A. Reisig, M. Kh. Strelets, “Local heat and mass exchange and radiation of thermally dissociated air in laminar-flow in a cooled slotted channel”, TVT, 25:4 (1987), 708–715 ; High Temperature, 25:4 (1987), 533–540 |
43. |
A. E. Kuznetsov, O. A. Nehamkina, M. Kh. Strelets, “Numerical-simulation of subsonic flows in channels with sudden expansion on the basis of the narrow channel approximation”, TVT, 25:2 (1987), 296–303 ; High Temperature, 25:2 (1987), 214–221 |
1985 |
44. |
I. I. Borisov, V. Naumov, O. A. Nehamkina, V. A. Reisig, M. Kh. Strelets, “Heat and mass-transfer in the chemically nonequilibrium-flow of dissociated air in intensively cooled slit channels”, TVT, 23:4 (1985), 733–741 ; High Temperature, 23:4 (1985), 586–594 |
45. |
Yu. V. Lapin, M. Kh. Strelets, “Modification of Clauser hypothesis for equilibrium and nonequilibrium boundary-layers”, TVT, 23:3 (1985), 522–529 ; High Temperature, 23:3 (1985), 422–429 |
1984 |
46. |
D. A. Niculin, M. Kh. Strelets, “Calculation of nonstationary mixed convection of binary gas mixtures in the presence of large density variations”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 25:1 (1984), 55–62 ; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 25:1 (1984), 50–56 |
47. |
A. E. Kuznetsov, O. A. Nehamkina, M. Kh. Strelets, “Calculation of steady subsonic flows of chemically nonequilibrium gaseous-mixtures in channels of variable cross-section with arbitrary finite changes in density”, TVT, 22:6 (1984), 1125–1133 ; High Temperature, 22:6 (1984), 862–870 |
48. |
D. A. Niculin, M. Kh. Strelets, “Numerical modeling of nonsteady natural-convection of homogeneous compressible gas in a closed nonadiabatic region”, TVT, 22:5 (1984), 906–912 ; High Temperature, 22:5 (1984), 707–713 |
1983 |
49. |
Yu. V. Lapin, M. Kh. Strelets, L. M. Shur, “Numerical study of the interaction of supersonic viscous-gas jets in the presence of non-equilibrium physicochemical processes”, TVT, 21:1 (1983), 114–121 ; High Temperature, 21:1 (1983), 102–109 |
1982 |
50. |
Yu. V. Lapin, M. Kh. Strelets, L. M. Shur, “Numerical modeling of processes in a continuous chemical HF laser resonator on the basis of the Navier–Stokes equations”, Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, 18:5 (1982), 89–96 ; Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 18:5 (1982), 573–579 |
51. |
O. A. Nehamkina, M. Kh. Strelets, “Turbulent-flow of ammonia in heated circular tubes in the presence of catalytic dissociation at the walls”, TVT, 20:1 (1982), 75–80 ; High Temperature, 20:1 (1982), 69–74 |
1981 |
52. |
D. A. Niculin, M. Kh. Strelets, “On the possibility of self-oscillatory solutions of nonstationary problems of mixed convection in gas mixtures”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 260:3 (1981), 554–556 |
53. |
I. A. Bassina, V. L. Dorot, M. Kh. Strelets, “Calculation of fluid friction and heat transfer in the flow of a multicomponent chemically nonequilibrium gas mixture in a supersonic nozzle with porous walls and injection”, TVT, 19:6 (1981), 1203–1207 ; High Temperature, 19:6 (1981), 866–869 |
1980 |
54. |
O. N. L`vov, O. A. Nehamkina, M. Kh. Strelets, “Heat and Mass Exchange for Laminar Flow of Ammonia in Round Heated Pipes with Developed Catalytic Dissociation on the Walls”, TVT, 18:2 (1980), 327–333 |
55. |
O. A. Nehamkina, M. Kh. Strelets, V. K. Shikov, “О расчете теплообмена при турбулентном течении в обогреваемых трубах диссоциирующего азотного тетраксида”, TVT, 18:1 (1980), 216–217 |
1979 |
56. |
O. A. Nehamkina, M. Kh. Strelets, “К вопросу о расчете теплообмена при турбулентном течении по трубам четырехокиси азота”, TVT, 17:2 (1979), 361–365 |
1978 |
57. |
A. A. Ivanov, O. A. Nehamkina, M. Kh. Strelets, “Об эффекте диффузионного разделения элементов при неизотермическом течении многокомпонентных химически равновесных газовых смесей в круглых трубах”, TVT, 16:2 (1978), 322–331 |
1973 |
58. |
V. L. Dorot, M. Kh. Strelets, “Пористое охлаждение в сверхзвуковом турбулентном пограничном слое”, TVT, 11:3 (1973), 551–560 |
Organisations |