Mathematical modeling of fluid dynamics, development and research of numerical methods, multigrid method
Galina V. Muratova, Professor at the Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science named after I.I. Vorovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
Graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Rostov State University.
In 1991 she defended Ph.D. thesis at Rostov State University, specialty 05.13.16.
In 2007 she defended doctoral dissertation at the Institute of Mathematical Modeling of the Russian Academy of Sciences, specialty 05.13.18.
Main scientific directions: mathematical modeling of scientific and technical processes and physical phenomena; computational experiment in various fields of science and technology; development, justification and implementation of numerical methods for solving boundary value problems; iterative methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations with non-self-adjoint matrices; multigrid method for solving boundary value problems.
Main publications:
Fang Chena, Tian-Yi Lia, Kang-Ya Lua, Galina V. Muratova, “Modified QHSS iteration methods for a class of complex symmetric linear system”, Applied Numerical Mathematic, DO - 10.1016/j.apnum.2020.01.018 (2020)
Zhong-Zhi Bai, Wen-Ting Wu, Galina V. Muratova, “The Power Method and Beyond”, Applied Numerical Mathematic, Available online 8 April 2020. , 2020 , DOI: (2020)
Galina Muratova, Tatiana Martynova, Evgeniya Andreeva, Vadim Bavin, Zeng-Qi Wang, “Numerical Solution of the Navier–Stokes Equations Using Multigrid Methods with HSS-Based and STS-Based Smoothers”, Symmetry 2020, 12(2),, 12:2 (2020)
Kang-Ya Lu, Dong-Xiu Xie, Fang Chen, Galina V. Muratova, “Dominant Hermitian Splitting Iteration Method for Discrete Space-Fractional Diffusion Equations”, Applied Numerical Mathematic, Available online 6 March 2020. , 2020 , DOI: (2020)
T. S. Martynova, G. V. Muratova, I. N. Shabas, V. V. Bavin, “Multigrid methods with skew-Hermitian based smoothers for the convection–diffusion problem with dominant convection”, Num. Meth. Prog., 23:1 (2022), 46–59
G. V. Muratova, T. S. Martynova, E. M. Andreeva, V. V. Bavin, Z.-Q. Wang, “Multigrid methods with PSTS- and HSS-smoothers for solving the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations”, Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 17 (2020), 2190–2203
E. M. Andreeva, V. V. Bavin, M. A. Belous, G. V. Muratova, “Simulation of electrical activity of neurons using parallel computing techniques”, Mat. Biolog. Bioinform., 10:2 (2015), 344–355
A. V. Averyanov, G. M. Glebova, G. V. Muratova, “Analysis of the algorithm of detection noisy source by vector-scalar receiver system”, Mat. Model., 24:9 (2012), 22–34
V. N. Zubov, L. A. Krukier, G. V. Muratova, T. N. Subbotina, “Modeling radioactive pollution of atmosphere in region of the Volgodonsk atomic power station”, Mat. Model., 20:7 (2008), 85–92
M. V. Glushanin, G. V. Muratova, “Численная реализация математической модели процесса распространения радиоактивных примесей в атмосфере”, Matem. Mod. Kraev. Zadachi, 2 (2007), 37–39
L. A. Krukier, G. V. Muratova, “The solution of convection-diffusion stationary problem with dominant convection by multigrid method with special smoothers”, Mat. Model., 18:5 (2006), 63–72
L. A. Krukier, G. V. Muratova, T. N. Subbotina, “Effective difference schemes for dynamic convection-diffusion equation with dominate convection”, Mat. Model., 17:12 (2005), 80–86
G. V. Muratova, “The choice of the multigrid method smoother for convection-diffusion problem with dominant convection”, Mat. Model., 17:1 (2005), 109–113