Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2019 |
1. |
E. I. Moiseev, A. A. Kholomeyeva, A. A. Frolov, “Boundary displacement control for the oscillation process with boundary conditions of damping type for a time less than critical”, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 160 (2019), 74–84 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 257:1 (2021), 74–84 |
2017 |
2. |
E. I. Moiseev, T. E. Moiseev, A. A. Kholomeeva, “On the non-uniqueness of the solution of the inner Neumann–Gellerstedt problem for the Lavrent'ev–Bitsadze equation”, Sib. J. Pure and Appl. Math., 17:3 (2017), 52–57 ; J. Math. Sci., 237:4 (2019), 563–568 |
2011 |
3. |
E. I. Moiseev, A. A. Kholomeeva, “Optimal boundary control by displacement at one end of a string under a given elastic force at the other end”, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 17:2 (2011), 151–158 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 276, suppl. 1 (2012), S153–S160 |
2008 |
4. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “Optimization of the boundary control by shift or elastic force at one end of string in a sufficiently long arbitrary time”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2008, no. 3, 7–16 ; Autom. Remote Control, 69:3 (2008), 354–362 |
2007 |
5. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “Boundary control of string vibrations that minimizes the integral of power $p\ge1$ of the module of control or its derivative”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2007, no. 2, 113–119 ; Autom. Remote Control, 68:2 (2007), 313–319 |
2006 |
6. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “Optimization of the boundary control of string vibrations by an elastic force on an arbitrary sufficiently large time interval”, Differ. Uravn., 42:12 (2006), 1699–1711 ; Differ. Equ., 42:12 (2006), 1775–1786 |
7. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “Minimization of the $L_p$-norm with arbitrary $p\ge1$ of the derivative of a boundary displacement control on an arbitrary sufficiently large time interval $T$”, Differ. Uravn., 42:11 (2006), 1558–1570 ; Differ. Equ., 42:11 (2006), 1633–1644 |
2005 |
8. |
E. I. Moiseev, M. Mogimi, “On the Completeness of Eigenfunctions of the Neumann–Tricomi Problem for a Degenerate Equation of Mixed Type”, Differ. Uravn., 41:12 (2005), 1709–1711 ; Differ. Equ., 41:12 (2005), 1789–1791 |
9. |
E. I. Moiseev, M. Mogimi, “On the Completeness of Eigenfunctions of the Tricomi Problem for a Degenerate Equation of Mixed Type”, Differ. Uravn., 41:10 (2005), 1387–1391 ; Differ. Equ., 41:10 (2005), 1462–1466 |
10. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “Optimal boundary control of a string by an elastic force applied at one end, the other end being free”, Differ. Uravn., 41:1 (2005), 105–115 ; Differ. Equ., 41:1 (2005), 110–120 |
11. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “Optimization of boundary controls of string vibrations”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 60:6(366) (2005), 89–114 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 60:6 (2005), 1093–1119 |
2003 |
12. |
E. I. Moiseev, N. Yu. Kapustin, “An Estimate of the Solution of a Problem for a Parabolic-Hyperbolic Equation with the Use of Fourier Series”, Differ. Uravn., 39:5 (2003), 656–662 ; Differ. Equ., 39:5 (2003), 694–700 |
2002 |
13. |
E. I. Moiseev, G. O. Vafodorova, “Problems Without Initial Conditions for Some Differential Equations”, Differ. Uravn., 38:8 (2002), 1091–1094 ; Differ. Equ., 38:8 (2002), 1162–1165 |
2001 |
14. |
N. Yu. Kapustin, E. I. Moiseev, “A Remark on the Convergence Problem for Spectral Expansions Corresponding to a Classical Problem with Spectral Parameter in the Boundary Condition”, Differ. Uravn., 37:12 (2001), 1599–1604 ; Differ. Equ., 37:12 (2001), 1677–1683 |
15. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Solvability of a Nonlocal Boundary Value Problem”, Differ. Uravn., 37:11 (2001), 1565–1567 ; Differ. Equ., 37:11 (2001), 1643–1646 |
16. |
E. I. Moiseev, A. N. Zarubin, “The Tricomi Problem for the Lavrent'ev–Bitsadze Equation with Retarded Argument”, Differ. Uravn., 37:9 (2001), 1212–1215 ; Differ. Equ., 37:9 (2001), 1271–1275 |
2000 |
17. |
N. Yu. Kapustin, E. I. Moiseev, “The basis property in $L_p$ of the systems of eigenfunctions corresponding to two problems with a spectral
parameter in the boundary condition”, Differ. Uravn., 36:10 (2000), 1357–1360 ; Differ. Equ., 36:10 (2000), 1498–1501 |
18. |
N. Yu. Kapustin, E. I. Moiseev, “Convergence of spectral expansions for functions of the Hölder class for two problems with a spectral
parameter in the boundary condition”, Differ. Uravn., 36:8 (2000), 1069–1074 ; Differ. Equ., 36:8 (2000), 1182–1188 |
19. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “Uniqueness of the solution of a mixed problem for the wave equation with nonlocal boundary conditions”, Differ. Uravn., 36:5 (2000), 656–661 ; Differ. Equ., 36:5 (2000), 728–733 |
1999 |
20. |
E. I. Moiseev, “On the solution of a nonlocal boundary value problem by the spectral method”, Differ. Uravn., 35:8 (1999), 1094–1100 ; Differ. Equ., 35:8 (1999), 1105–1112 |
21. |
E. I. Moiseev, U. Skurnik, “On the representation of a function by an integral in eigenfunctions of the Bessel operator”, Differ. Uravn., 35:4 (1999), 480–489 ; Differ. Equ., 35:4 (1999), 480–489 |
22. |
E. I. Moiseev, “The basis property of a system of eigenfunctions of a differential operator in a weighted space”, Differ. Uravn., 35:2 (1999), 200–205 ; Differ. Equ., 35:2 (1999), 199–204 |
1998 |
23. |
E. I. Moiseev, A. P. Prudnikov, U. Skurnik, “On the integral expansion of a function in degenerate hypergeometric functions”, Differ. Uravn., 34:6 (1998), 765–774 ; Differ. Equ., 34:6 (1998), 762–771 |
24. |
N. Yu. Kapustin, E. I. Moiseev, “A spectral problem for the Laplace operator in the square with a spectral parameter in the boundary condition”, Differ. Uravn., 34:5 (1998), 662–667 ; Differ. Equ., 34:5 (1998), 663–668 |
25. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “An upper bound taken on the diagonal for the spectral function of the multidimensional Schrödinger operator with a potential satisfying the Kato condition”, Differ. Uravn., 34:3 (1998), 359–369 ; Differ. Equ., 34:3 (1998), 358–368 |
26. |
E. I. Moiseev, “On the basis property of sine and cosine systems in a weighted space”, Differ. Uravn., 34:1 (1998), 40–44 ; Differ. Equ., 34:1 (1998), 39–43 |
1997 |
27. |
N. Yu. Kapustin, E. I. Moiseev, “On a spectral problem from the theory of the parabolic-hyperbolic
heat equation”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 352:4 (1997), 451–454 |
28. |
N. Yu. Kapustin, E. I. Moiseev, “On spectral problems with a spectral parameter in the boundary condition”, Differ. Uravn., 33:1 (1997), 115–119 ; Differ. Equ., 33:1 (1997), 116–120 |
1996 |
29. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “An estimate, accurate to within a constant factor and uniform in $\mathbb{R}^N$ for $N=2$ and $N=3$, of the increment of the spectral function with respect to the spectral parameter for a Schrödinger operator with a potential satisfying the Kato condition when the spectral function is taken on the diagonal”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 349:2 (1996), 159–161 |
30. |
E. I. Moiseev, “On the uniqueness of the solution of a three-dimensional boundary value problem for an equation of mixed type”, Differ. Uravn., 32:3 (1996), 389–393 ; Differ. Equ., 32:3 (1996), 393–397 |
31. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “An order exact estimate uniform in $\mathbf R^N$ for $N=2$ and $N=3$, for the squares of fundamental functions of a selfadjoint extension in $\mathbf R^N$ of the Schrödinger operator with a potential satisfying Kato's condition”, Differ. Uravn., 32:3 (1996), 357–374 ; Differ. Equ., 32:3 (1996), 364–379 |
32. |
E. I. Moiseev, “On the differential properties of expansions in a system of sines and cosines”, Differ. Uravn., 32:1 (1996), 117–126 ; Differ. Equ., 32:1 (1996), 123–132 |
1995 |
33. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “An estimate, uniform in $\mathbf R^N$, for the squares of fundamental functions of a selfadjoint, bounded-from-below extension of the Schrödinger operator in $\mathbf R^N$ for $N=2$ and $N=3$ for the case of a potential that is uniformly locally summable in $L_p$, $p>N/2$”, Differ. Uravn., 31:11 (1995), 1829–1842 ; Differ. Equ., 31:11 (1995), 1796–1809 |
34. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Solvability of a nonclassical boundary value problem with the second boundary condition on the boundary in the class of odd functions”, Differ. Uravn., 31:10 (1995), 1734–1742 ; Differ. Equ., 31:10 (1995), 1702–1711 |
35. |
E. I. Moiseev, “On the representation of the solution of the Tricomi problem as a series in powers of a bilinear function”, Differ. Uravn., 31:1 (1995), 99–105 ; Differ. Equ., 31:1 (1995), 89–94 |
1994 |
36. |
E. I. Moiseev, “On the existence and uniqueness of the solution of a nonclassical
boundary value problem”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 336:4 (1994), 448–450 ; Dokl. Math., 49:3 (1994), 532–535 |
37. |
E. I. Moiseev, “On the absence of the basis property in a system of root functions for a nonlocal boundary value problem”, Differ. Uravn., 30:12 (1994), 2082–2093 ; Differ. Equ., 30:12 (1994), 1913–1923 |
38. |
E. I. Moiseev, “On the spectral characteristics of a nonlocal boundary value problem”, Differ. Uravn., 30:5 (1994), 864–872 ; Differ. Equ., 30:5 (1994), 797–805 |
39. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “On the absence of the basis property of a system of root functions of a problem with an oblique derivative”, Differ. Uravn., 30:1 (1994), 128–143 ; Differ. Equ., 30:1 (1994), 119–132 |
1993 |
40. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “Some nonclassical singularities of a spectral problem for an
elliptic operator with the condition that the oblique derivative be equal
to zero”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 333:2 (1993), 133–135 ; Dokl. Math., 48:3 (1994), 445–448 |
41. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Solvability of a nonclassical boundary value problem with the second boundary condition on the boundary in the class of even functions”, Differ. Uravn., 29:12 (1993), 2160–2167 ; Differ. Equ., 29:12 (1993), 1888–1895 |
42. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Regular solvability of a nonclassical boundary value problem”, Differ. Uravn., 29:5 (1993), 890–901 ; Differ. Equ., 29:5 (1993), 764–773 |
43. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Solvability of a boundary value problem by means of the spectral method”, Differ. Uravn., 29:1 (1993), 103–115 ; Differ. Equ., 29:1 (1993), 88–97 |
1992 |
44. |
E. I. Moiseev, “On the uniqueness of the solution of a nonclassical boundary value problem”, Differ. Uravn., 28:7 (1992), 1128–1137 ; Differ. Equ., 28:7 (1992), 890–900 |
45. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Solution of the Frankl' problem in a special domain”, Differ. Uravn., 28:4 (1992), 721–723 |
46. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Some boundary value problems for equations of mixed type”, Differ. Uravn., 28:1 (1992), 110–121 ; Differ. Equ., 28:1 (1992), 105–115 |
47. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “On the systems consisting of subsets of root function of two distinct boundary value problems”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 201 (1992), 219–230 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 201 (1994), 183–192 |
1991 |
48. |
E. I. Moiseev, “On a problem of Lions”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 316:6 (1991), 1306–1310 ; Dokl. Math., 43:1 (1991), 269–273 |
49. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Representation of the solution of the Tricomi problem in the form of a biorthogonal series”, Differ. Uravn., 27:7 (1991), 1229–1237 ; Differ. Equ., 27:7 (1991), 868–874 |
50. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “A mean-value formula for root functions of the Schrödinger operator”, Differ. Uravn., 27:4 (1991), 702–705 |
51. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Solution of degenerate equations by means of biorthogonal series”, Differ. Uravn., 27:1 (1991), 94–103 ; Differ. Equ., 27:1 (1991), 75–82 |
52. |
E. I. Moiseev, “On the solution of Francl problem in quadrature”, Mat. Model., 3:2 (1991), 141–150 |
1990 |
53. |
E. I. Moiseev, “The basis property of eigenfunctions of a nonlocal boundary value
problem”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 313:3 (1990), 556–559 ; Dokl. Math., 42:1 (1991), 49–52 |
54. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Application of the method of the separation of variables for solving equations of mixed type”, Differ. Uravn., 26:7 (1990), 1160–1172 ; Differ. Equ., 26:7 (1990), 845–855 |
55. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Solution of the Tricomi problem in special domains”, Differ. Uravn., 26:1 (1990), 93–103 ; Differ. Equ., 26:1 (1990), 83–91 |
56. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “2-D Nonlocal boundary value problem for Poisson's operator in differential and difference variants”, Mat. Model., 2:8 (1990), 139–156 |
1989 |
57. |
V. A. Il'in, K. V. Mal'kov, E. I. Moiseev, “The basis property of systems of root functions of nonselfadjoint operators, and integrability of nonlinear evolution equations that are associated with the Lax representation. II”, Differ. Uravn., 25:12 (1989), 2133–2143 ; Differ. Equ., 25:12 (1989), 1518–1527 |
58. |
V. A. Il'in, K. V. Mal'kov, E. I. Moiseev, “The basis property of systems of root functions of nonselfadjoint operators, and integrability of nonlinear evolution systems that are associated with the Lax representation. I”, Differ. Uravn., 25:11 (1989), 1956–1970 ; Differ. Equ., 25:11 (1989), 1383–1394 |
59. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Completeness of a system of root functions of the Tricomi problem for the Lavrent'ev–Bitsadze equation”, Differ. Uravn., 25:1 (1989), 170–172 |
60. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Disposition of the spectrum of the Tricomi problem for the Lavrent'ev–Bitsadze equation”, Differ. Uravn., 25:1 (1989), 97–106 ; Differ. Equ., 25:1 (1989), 77–84 |
1988 |
61. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “An a priori estimate for the solution of a problem associated with a nonlocal boundary value problem of the first kind”, Differ. Uravn., 24:5 (1988), 795–804 ; Differ. Equ., 24:5 (1988), 519–526 |
62. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Disposition of the spectrum of a boundary value problem with mixed boundary conditions”, Differ. Uravn., 24:1 (1988), 123–135 ; Differ. Equ., 24:1 (1988), 98–106 |
1987 |
63. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “The Sturm–Liouville operator with a nonlocal boundary condition of the second kind”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 294:6 (1987), 1340–1345 |
64. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “A nonlocal boundary value problem of the second kind for the Sturm–Liouville operator”, Differ. Uravn., 23:8 (1987), 1422–1431 |
65. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “A nonlocal boundary value problem of the first kind for the Sturm–Liouville operator in differential and difference interpretations”, Differ. Uravn., 23:7 (1987), 1198–1207 |
66. |
E. I. Moiseev, “On the basis property of a system of sines”, Differ. Uravn., 23:1 (1987), 177–179 |
1986 |
67. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “A nonlocal boundary value problem for the Sturm–Liouville operator in a differential and a difference treatment”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 291:3 (1986), 534–539 |
68. |
E. I. Moiseev, “An inequality connected with the solution of a differential equation”, Differ. Uravn., 22:1 (1986), 82–94 |
69. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Uniqueness of solution of Tricomi problem for equation of mixed type”, Mat. Zametki, 39:5 (1986), 707–718 ; Math. Notes, 39:5 (1986), 388–394 |
1985 |
70. |
E. I. Moiseev, V. A. Sadovnichii, “Solution of a problem for a nonlinear equation of the theory of gravitation”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 284:4 (1985), 835–837 |
71. |
E. I. Moiseev, V. A. Sadovnichii, “Solution of a nonlinear equation in gravitation theory”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 282:6 (1985), 1307–1309 |
72. |
E. I. Moiseev, V. A. Sadovnichii, “Investigation of the solution of a nonlinear equation of gravitation theory”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 282:4 (1985), 845–847 |
73. |
E. I. Moiseev, V. A. Sadovnichii, “Investigation of the solution of a non-linear equation of gravitation theory”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 40:4(244) (1985), 187–188 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 40:4 (1985), 207–208 |
1984 |
74. |
E. I. Moiseev, “The basis property for systems of sines and cosines”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 275:4 (1984), 794–798 |
75. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Approximation of the classical solution of the Darboux problem by smooth solutions”, Differ. Uravn., 20:1 (1984), 73–87 |
1983 |
76. |
E. I. Moiseev, V. V. Tikhomirov, E. A. Kozlov, “A mean value formula for the regular solution of a hyperbolic equation”, Differ. Uravn., 19:10 (1983), 1802–1803 |
77. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “Order-accurate estimates for the maxima of the moduli of eigenfunctions and associated functions of an elliptic operator”, Mat. Zametki, 34:5 (1983), 683–692 ; Math. Notes, 34:5 (1983), 833–838 |
1982 |
78. |
P. E. Krasnushkin, E. I. Moiseev, “The excitation of forced oscillations in a stratified radio-waveguide”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 264:5 (1982), 1123–1127 |
79. |
E. I. Moiseev, “An integral representation of the solution of the Darboux problem”, Mat. Zametki, 32:2 (1982), 175–186 ; Math. Notes, 32:2 (1982), 568–573 |
1981 |
80. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “A mean value formula for the associated functions of the Laplace operator”, Differ. Uravn., 17:10 (1981), 1908–1910 |
81. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “Estimates of anti a priori-type that are sharp with respect to order for the eigen- and associated functions of the Schrödinger operator”, Differ. Uravn., 17:10 (1981), 1859–1867 |
82. |
E. I. Moiseev, “The Tricomi problem for the Lavrent'ev–Bitsadze equation”, Differ. Uravn., 17:2 (1981), 325–338 |
1980 |
83. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Asymptotic mean value formula for the regular solution of a differential equation”, Differ. Uravn., 16:5 (1980), 827–844 |
1979 |
84. |
E. I. Moiseev, “On the Tricomi problem for the Gellerstedt equation”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 246:2 (1979), 275–278 |
85. |
N. I. Ionkin, E. I. Moiseev, “A problem for a heat equation with two-point boundary conditions”, Differ. Uravn., 15:7 (1979), 1284–1295 |
86. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Properties of solution of Lavrent'ev-Bitsadze equation”, Mat. Zametki, 26:4 (1979), 535–546 ; Math. Notes, 26:4 (1979), 757–762 |
1978 |
87. |
E. I. Moiseev, “On uniqueness theorems for an equation of mixed type”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 242:1 (1978), 48–51 |
88. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Some uniqueness theorems for an equation of mixed type”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 238:3 (1978), 531–533 |
1977 |
89. |
E. I. Moiseev, “The uniform convergence of certain expansions in a closed domain”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 233:6 (1977), 1042–1045 |
1976 |
90. |
E. I. Moiseev, “On the eigenfunctions of a boundary value problem”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 230:5 (1976), 1035–1038 |
91. |
E. I. Moiseev, “On the completeness of eigenfunctions of some boundary-value problems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 226:5 (1976), 1012–1014 |
1975 |
92. |
E. I. Moiseev, “A mean-value formula for a regular solution of an ordinary differential equation”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 223:3 (1975), 562–565 |
1973 |
93. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Essential and nonessential boundary sets for the Neumann problem”, Differ. Uravn., 9:5 (1973), 901–911 |
1971 |
94. |
V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, “On spectral decompositions corresponding to an arbitrary nonnegative selfadjoint elliptic operator of second order”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 197:4 (1971), 770–772 |
95. |
E. I. Moiseev, “A mean-value formula for the eigenfunctions of a second-order elliptic selfadjoint operator”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 197:3 (1971), 524–525 |
96. |
E. I. Moiseev, “The Neumann problem for piece-wise smooth domains”, Differ. Uravn., 7:9 (1971), 1655–1666 |
97. |
E. I. Moiseev, “A mean value formula for the eigenfunctions of a second order elliptic selfadjoint operator”, Differ. Uravn., 7:8 (1971), 1490–1502 |
1970 |
98. |
E. I. Moiseev, “Potential theory for Lyapunov–Dini domains”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 192:5 (1970), 990–992 |
2020 |
99. |
A. N. Bogolyubov, G. M. Kobel'kov, V. V. Kozlov, V. P. Maslov, E. I. Moiseev, N. N. Nefedov, N. A. Tikhonov, D. D. Sokoloff, A. G. Yagola, “К восьмидесятилетию Валентина Фёдоровича Бутузова”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 60:2 (2020), 169–170 |
2019 |
100. |
Yu. A. Alkhutov, V. F. Butuzov, V. V. Kozlov, A. A. Kon'kov, A. V. Mikhalev, E. I. Moiseev, E. V. Radkevich, N. Kh. Rozov, V. A. Sadovnichii, I. N. Sergeev, M. D. Surnachev, R. N. Tikhomirov, V. N. Chubarikov, T. A. Shaposhnikova, A. A. Shkalikov, “Vasilii Vasilievich Zhikov”, Tr. Semim. im. I. G. Petrovskogo, 32 (2019), 5–7 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 244:2 (2020), 113–115 |
2018 |
101. |
B. N. Chetverushkin, E. E. Tyrtyshnikov, N. N. Kudryavtsev, V. P. Dymnikov, Yu. I. Zhuravlev, E. E. Son, K. V. Rudakov, Yu. G. Evtushenko, A. B. Zhizhchenko, Yu. V. Gulyaev, A. S. Bugaev, A. N. Konovalov, V. P. Maslov, V. M. Berdyshev, A. L. Semenov, E. I. Moiseev, I. B. Petrov, Yu. A. Flerov, I. G. Pospelov, S. I. Kabanikhin, M. V. Iakobovski, V. F. Tishkin, Yu. V. Vassilevski, A. A. Shananin, V. A. Gushchin, I. S. Nikitin, A. I. Lobanov, V. V. Demchenko, E. L. Stupitsky, V. L. Yakushev, A. V. Babakov, Yu. D. Shevelev, S. A. Ishanov, V. S. Ryaben'kii, “In memory of Aleksandr Sergeevich Kholodov”, Mat. Model., 30:1 (2018), 135–136 |
2016 |
102. |
V. B. Andreev, S. A. Voloshin, M. P. Galanin, G. G. Yelenin, N. I. Ionkin, M. K. Kerimov, O. S. Mazhorova, E. I. Moiseev, S. I. Mukhin, Yu. P. Popov, N. V. Sosnin, B. N. Chetverushkin, “In memory of Professor Aleksei Vladimirovich Gulin (26.03.1942–27.03.2015)”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 56:1 (2016), 180–184 |
2015 |
103. |
M. P. Galanin, V. A. Gasilov, V. M. Goloviznin, A. V. Gulin, M. K. Kerimov, G. G. Malinetskii, E. I. Moiseev, S. I. Mukhin, Yu. P. Popov, N. V. Sosnin, V. F. Tishkin, B. N. Chetverushkin, “On the 75th birthday of professor Anton Pavlovich Favorskii”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 55:8 (2015), 1283–1291 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 55:8 (2015), 1257–1263 |
2010 |
104. |
A. V. Arutyunov, Yu. N. Bibikov, F. P. Vasil'ev, I. V. Gaishun, S. V. Emel'yanov, V. A. Il'in, I. T. Kiguradze, S. K. Korovin, L. D. Kudryavtsev, A. B. Kurzhanskii, S. A. Mazanik, E. K. Makarov, A. A. Martynyuk, E. F. Mishchenko, E. I. Moiseev, Yu. S. Osipov, V. A. Pliss, N. Kh. Rozov, V. A. Sadovnichy, A. M. Samoilenko, T. K. Shemjakina, “Nikolai Alekseevich Izobov (A tribute in honor of his 70th birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 46:1 (2010), 3–8 ; Differ. Equ., 46:1 (2010), 1–7 |
105. |
A. A. Andreev, M. T. Dzhenaliev, A. N. Zarubin, A. I. Kozhanov, E. I. Moiseev, A. M. Nakhushev, V. A. Nakhusheva, E. N. Ogorodnikov, A. V. Pskhu, L. S. Pulkina, N. R. Radjabov, V. P. Radchenko, E. V. Radkevich, O. A. Repin, K. B. Sabitov, A. P. Soldatov, “In Memory of Anatoliy A. Kilbas”, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 5(21) (2010), 6–9 |
2009 |
106. |
V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich, A. K. Gushchin, Yu. N. Drozhzhinov, V. V. Zharinov, B. I. Zav'yalov, V. A. Il'in, G. I. Marchuk, V. P. Mikhailov, E. I. Moiseev, S. M. Nikol'skii, B. V. Pal'tsev, “Aleksei Alekseevich Dezin (obituary)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 64:3(387) (2009), 167–173 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 64:3 (2009), 553–560 |
2008 |
107. |
O. M. Belotserkovskii, I. S. Lomov, E. I. Moiseev, Yu. S. Osipov, V. A. Sadovnichii, I. A. Shishmarev, “Vladimir Aleksandrovich Il'in (on his 80th birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 63:6(384) (2008), 173–182 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 63:6 (2008), 1163–1172 |
2006 |
108. |
A. A. Gonchar, S. V. Emel'yanov, V. A. Il'in, V. V. Kozlov, S. K. Korovin, N. N. Krasovskii, A. B. Kurzhanskii, E. F. Mishchenko, E. I. Moiseev, V. A. Sadovnichii, L. D. Faddeev, A. V. Kryazhimskiy, I. V. Gaishun, N. A. Izobov, N. L. Grigorenko, V. I. Maksimov, M. S. Nikol'skii, “Yurii Sergeevich Osipov (a tribute in honor of his seventieth birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 42:7 (2006), 867–873 ; Differ. Equ., 42:7 (2006), 925–931 |
2005 |
109. |
S. V. Emel'yanov, V. A. Il'in, N. N. Krasovskii, A. B. Kurzhanskii, E. F. Mishchenko, E. I. Moiseev, Yu. S. Osipov, N. Kh. Rozov, V. A. Sadovnichy, I. V. Gaishun, N. A. Izobov, T. K. Shemjakina, “Sergei Konstantinovich Korovin (A Tribute in Honor of His Sixtieth Birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 41:5 (2005), 579–588 ; Differ. Equ., 41:5 (2005), 599–611 |
110. |
O. M. Belotserkovskii, E. P. Velikhov, V. A. Il'in, S. P. Kapitza, V. V. Kozlov, S. K. Korovin, D. P. Kostomarov, G. G. Malinetskii, E. I. Moiseev, Yu. S. Osipov, A. A. Petrov, Yu. P. Popov, V. A. Sadovnichii, V. S. Stepin, B. N. Chetverushkin, “Sergeĭ Pavlovich Kurdyumov”, Differ. Uravn., 41:4 (2005), 570–572 |
111. |
N. S. Bakhvalov, A. N. Bogolyubov, V. F. Butuzov, V. V. Voevodin, V. A. Il'in, A. S. Il'inskii, D. P. Kostomarov, E. I. Moiseev, A. A. Samarskii, “Aleksei Georgievich Sveshnikov (on his 80th birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 60:2(362) (2005), 187–190 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 60:2 (2005), 389–393 |
112. |
N. S. Bakhvalov, A. N. Bogolyubov, V. F. Butuzov, V. V. Voevodin, V. A. Il'in, A. S. Il'inskii, D. P. Kostomarov, E. I. Moiseev, A. A. Samarskii, “Aleksei Georgievich Sveshnikov (on the occasion of his eightieth birthday)”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 45:3 (2005), 371–373 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 45:3 (2005), 353–355 |
2004 |
113. |
D. V. Anosov, R. V. Gamkrelidze, S. V. Emel'yanov, V. A. Il'in, S. K. Korovin, A. B. Kurzhanskii, G. I. Marchuk, V. M. Matrosov, E. F. Mishchenko, E. I. Moiseev, Yu. S. Osipov, V. A. Pliss, V. V. Rumyantsev, F. L. Chernous'ko, “Nikolai Nikolaevich Krasovskii (a tribute in honor of his 80th birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 40:11 (2004), 1443–1456 ; Differ. Equ., 40:11 (2004), 1517–1532 |
114. |
V. A. Il'in, V. A. Levin, M. A. Guzev, V. P. Maslov, E. I. Moiseev, “Veniamin Petrovich Myasnikov”, Differ. Uravn., 40:10 (2004), 1434–1435 |
115. |
K. A. Valiev, E. P. Velikhov, I. V. Gaishun, V. A. Gelovani, A. A. Gonchar, Yu. V. Gulyaev, V. A. Il'in, N. A. Izobov, S. K. Korovin, N. N. Krasovskii, A. B. Kurzhanskii, V. P. Maslov, E. F. Mishchenko, E. I. Moiseev, Yu. S. Osipov, V. A. Sadovnichy, T. K. Shemjakina, Yu. S. Popkov, V. L. Arlazarov, “Stanislav Vasil'evich Emel'yanov (A Tribute in Honor of His 75th Birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 40:5 (2004), 579–581 ; Differ. Equ., 40:5 (2004), 621–624 |
116. |
N. S. Bakhvalov, V. S. Vladimirov, A. A. Gonchar, S. V. Emel'yanov, Yu. I. Zhuravlev, V. A. Il'in, V. V. Kozlov, S. K. Korovin, L. D. Kudryavtsev, O. B. Lupanov, V. P. Maslov, E. I. Moiseev, Yu. S. Osipov, D. E. Okhotsimskii, P. L. Ul'yanov, L. D. Faddeev, E. I. Shemyakin, “Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichii (A tribute in honor of his sixty-fifth birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 40:4 (2004), 435–442 ; Differ. Equ., 40:4 (2004), 467–476 |
2003 |
117. |
O. M. Belotserkovskii, S. V. Emel'yanov, S. K. Korovin, V. P. Maslov, E. I. Moiseev, S. M. Nikol'skii, Yu. S. Osipov, V. A. Sadovnichii, A. A. Samarskii, T. K. Shemjakina, “Vladimir Aleksandrovich Il'in (A Tribute in Honor of His Seventy-Fifth Birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 39:5 (2003), 579–583 ; Differ. Equ., 39:5 (2003), 609–613 |
118. |
I. V. Gaishun, S. V. Emel'yanov, N. A. Izobov, V. A. Il'in, S. K. Korovin, E. F. Mishchenko, E. I. Moiseev, N. Kh. Rozov, V. A. Sadovnichii, T. K. Shemjakina, “Nikolaǐ Antonovich Bobylev”, Differ. Uravn., 39:4 (2003), 570–572 |
119. |
V. S. Vladimirov, I. V. Volovich, A. K. Gushchin, Yu. N. Drozhzhinov, V. A. Il'in, G. I. Marchuk, V. P. Mikhailov, E. I. Moiseev, S. M. Nikol'skii, B. V. Pal'tsev, “Aleksei Alekseevich Dezin (on his 80th birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 58:6(354) (2003), 185–188 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 58:6 (2003), 1237–1240 |
2002 |
120. |
V. N. Abrashin, I. V. Gaishun, N. A. Izobov, V. A. Il'in, S. P. Kurdyumov, E. I. Moiseev, Yu. P. Popov, A. A. Samarskii, A. P. Favorski, “A. V. Gulin (A tribute on the occasion of his 60th birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 38:7 (2002), 870–874 ; Differ. Equ., 38:7 (2002), 920–924 |
2001 |
121. |
V. A. Il'in, L. N. Lyakhov, V. Z. Meshkov, E. I. Moiseev, S. M. Nikol'skii, A. A. Samarskii, “Ivan Aleksandrovich Kipriyanov [1923–2001]”, Differ. Uravn., 37:10 (2001), 1436 |
122. |
V. N. Abrashin, I. V. Gaishun, M. P. Galanin, A. V. Gulin, S. V. Emel'yanov, V. A. Il'in, D. P. Kostomarov, S. P. Kurdyumov, O. S. Mazhorova, E. I. Moiseev, S. I. Mukhin, A. A. Petrov, V. A. Sadovnichii, A. A. Samarskii, B. N. Chetverushkin, “Yurii Petrovich Popov (A Tribute in Honor of His Sixtieth Birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 37:5 (2001), 579–585 ; Differ. Equ., 37:5 (2001), 607–613 |
1999 |
123. |
V. A. Il'in, A. M. Denisov, V. I. Dmitriev, E. V. Zakharov, D. P. Kostomarov, E. I. Moiseev, A. G. Sveshnikov, V. P. Shestopalov, Yu. V. Shestopalov, “Anatoliǐ Serafimovich Il'inskiǐ (on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 35:8 (1999), 1011–1012 ; Differ. Equ., 35:8 (1999), 1017–1018 |
124. |
E. I. Moiseev, N. Kh. Rozov, “О Соросовском Образовательном Журнале”, Differ. Uravn., 35:5 (1999), 715–716 |
125. |
N. A. Bobylev, A. A. Gonchar, Yu. I. Zhuravlev, V. A. Il'in, S. K. Korovin, N. N. Krasovskii, A. B. Kurzhanskii, I. M. Makarov, V. P. Maslov, E. F. Mishchenko, E. I. Moiseev, Yu. S. Osipov, V. A. Sadovnichii, A. A. Samarskii, “Stanislav Vasil'evich Emel'yanov (on the occasion of his seventieth birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 35:5 (1999), 579–589 ; Differ. Equ., 35:5 (1999), 577–591 |
126. |
V. V. Aleksandrov, V. S. Vladimirov, A. A. Gonchar, A. I. Grigor'ev, A. A. Logunov, S. S. Grigoryan, S. V. Emel'yanov, V. A. Il'in, S. K. Korovin, D. P. Kostomarov, L. D. Kudryavtsev, O. B. Lupanov, V. P. Maslov, E. I. Moiseev, O. A. Oleinik, Yu. S. Osipov, A. A. Samarskii, P. L. Ul'yanov, L. D. Faddeev, A. T. Fomenko, “Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichiǐ (on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 35:4 (1999), 435–446 ; Differ. Equ., 35:4 (1999), 433–446 |
127. |
S. V. Emel'yanov, V. A. Il'in, V. P. Maslov, E. I. Moiseev, S. M. Nikol'skii, “Alexandr Andreevich Samarskii (on his 80th birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 54:5(329) (1999), 204–206 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 54:5 (1999), 1087–1089 |
128. |
O. V. Viskov, V. A. Il'in, L. D. Kudryavtsev, E. I. Moiseev, S. M. Nikol'skii, “Anatolii Platonovich Prudnikov (obituary)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 54:4(328) (1999), 147–148 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 54:4 (1999), 823–824 |
1998 |
129. |
V. S. Vladimirov, A. K. Gushchin, V. A. Il'in, V. N. Maslennikova, V. P. Mikhailov, E. I. Moiseev, B. V. Pal'tsev, V. K. Romanko, A. A. Samarskii, “Alekseǐ Alekseevich Dezin (on the occasion of his 75th birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 34:6 (1998), 723–726 ; Differ. Equ., 34:6 (1998), 721–724 |
130. |
S. V. Emel'yanov, S. K. Korovin, V. P. Maslov, E. I. Moiseev, S. M. Nikol'skii, O. A. Oleinik, Yu. S. Osipov, V. A. Sadovnichii, A. A. Samarskii, T. K. Shemjakina, “Vladimir Aleksandrovich Il'in (on the occasion of his seventieth birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 34:5 (1998), 579–594 ; Differ. Equ., 34:5 (1998), 577–595 |
131. |
O. M. Belotserkovskii, S. V. Emel'yanov, S. K. Korovin, V. P. Maslov, E. I. Moiseev, S. M. Nikol'skii, O. A. Oleinik, Yu. S. Osipov, V. A. Sadovnichii, A. A. Samarskii, “Vladimir Aleksandrovich Il'in (on his 70th birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 53:6(324) (1998), 273–277 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 53:6 (1998), 1381–1386 |
1997 |
132. |
S. V. Emel'yanov, Yu. I. Zhuravlev, V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, O. A. Oleinik, Yu. V. Prokhorov, A. A. Samarskii, “Anatoliǐ Platonovich Prudnikov (on the occasion of his seventieth birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 33:6 (1997), 730–736 ; Differ. Equ., 33:6 (1997), 733–740 |
1995 |
133. |
S. V. Emel'yanov, V. A. Il'in, S. K. Korovin, E. I. Moiseev, S. M. Nikol'skii, O. A. Oleinik, “Andreǐ Vasil'evich Bitsadze”, Differ. Uravn., 31:4 (1995), 729–731 ; Differ. Equ., 31:4 (1995), 680–681 |
1994 |
134. |
O. V. Anashkin, V. F. Butuzov, V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, O. P. Filatov, “Mikhail Mikhaǐlovich Khapaev (on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 30:10 (1994), 1830–1835 ; Differ. Equ., 30:10 (1994), 1696–1702 |
1993 |
135. |
A. A. Samarskii, V. A. Il'in, V. Z. Meshkov, E. I. Moiseev, “Ivan Aleksandrovich Kipriyanov (on the occasion of his seventieth birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 29:8 (1993), 1295–1300 ; Differ. Equ., 29:8 (1993), 1122–1126 |
1991 |
136. |
A. A. Dorodnitsyn, S. V. Emel'yanov, V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev, S. M. Nikol'skii, A. A. Samarskii, A. N. Tikhonov, “Andreǐ Vasil'evich Bitsadze (on the occasion of his 75th birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 27:7 (1991), 1275–1282 |
1989 |
137. |
A. V. Bitsadze, A. A. Dorodnitsyn, E. I. Moiseev, A. A. Samarskii, A. N. Tikhonov, “Vladimir Aleksandrovich ll'in (on his sixtieth birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 44:1(265) (1989), 227–229 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 44:1 (1989), 275–278 |
1988 |
138. |
Sh. A. Alimov, A. V. Bitsadze, A. A. Dorodnitsyn, N. P. Erugin, E. I. Moiseev, A. A. Samarskii, A. N. Tikhonov, “Vladimir Aleksandrovich Il'in (on the occasion of his 60th birthday)”, Differ. Uravn., 24:5 (1988), 739–750 |
1983 |
139. |
E. I. Moiseev, S. M. Ponomarev, “О книге А. В. Бицадзе «Некоторые классы уравнений в частных производных»”, Differ. Uravn., 19:1 (1983), 177–178 |
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru |
1. |
О полноте возмущенных систем синусов и косинусов в пространстве интегрируемых функций E. I. Moiseev, D. A. Gulyaev
International conference "Systems Analysis: Modeling and Control" in memory of Academician A. V. Kryazhimskiy May 31, 2018 10:30
2. |
Opening of the Conference N. L. Grigorenko, E. I. Moiseev, A. D. Gvishiani, E. A. Rovenskaya, S. M. Aseev, A. M. Tarasyev, A. A. Davydov, V. I. Maksimov, A. G. Chentsov
International conference "Systems Analysis: Modeling and Control" in memory of Academician A. V. Kryazhimskiy May 31, 2018 09:30
3. |
The completeness and basis property of eigen functions of Trikomi problem for the Lavrent'ev-Bitsadze equation with a Frankle bonding condition E. I. Moiseev
International conference "Dynamical Systems: Inverse Problems, Stability and Control Processes" dedicated to the 80th birthday of Yu. S. Osipov September 22, 2016 10:30
4. |
Модели управления колебательными процессами и градиентные модели сплошных сред S. A. Lur'e, E. I. Moiseev
International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science dedicated
to the 60th Anniversary of Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS December 10, 2015 14:50
5. |
Determination of the explicit analytical types of the optimal boundary controls of the string vibration process V. A. Il'in, E. I. Moiseev
International Conference "Differential Equations and Topology" dedicated to the Centennial Anniversary of L. S. Pontryagin June 19, 2008 10:20
Organisations |