Рассматривается система степеней с комплекснозначными коэффициентами. Установлено необходимое и достаточное условие полноты и минимальности, а также необходимое условие базисности этих систем в лебеговых пространствах.
Ключевые слова:
система степеней, свойства базисности, полнота, минимальность.
T. Hagverdi, “Criteria for Approximative Properties of Systems of Sines and Cosines in Grand Lebesgue Space”, Lobachevskii J Math, 44:10 (2023), 4271
Bilalov B. Muradov T. Seyidova F., “on Basicity of Perturbed Exponential System With Piecewise Linear Phase in Morrey-Type Spaces”, Afr. Mat., 32:1-2 (2021), 151–166
Asadzadeh J.A., Jabrailova A.N., “On Stability of Bases From Perturbed Exponential Systems in Orlicz Spaces”, Azerbaijan J. Math., 11:2 (2021), 196–213
Bilalov B. Guliyeva A. Sadigova S., “On Riemann Problem in Weighted Smirnov Classes With General Weight”, Acta Comment. Univ. Tartu. Math., 25:1 (2021), 33–56
Bilalov B.T. Sadigova S.R. Alili V.G., “On Solvability of Riemann Problems in Banach Hardy Classes”, Filomat, 35:10 (2021), 3331–3352
Chingiz HASHİMOV, Javad ASADZADEH, “Some properties of convolution in symmetric spaces and approximate identity”, Communications Faculty Of Science University of Ankara Series A1Mathematics and Statistics, 70:2 (2021), 773
Sadigova S.R., “on the Particular Solution of the Nonhomogeneous Riemann Problem in the Weighted Smirnov Classes With the General Weight”, Proc. Inst. Math. Mech., 46:2 (2020), 272–283
Bilal BİLALOV, Sabina SADİGOVA, Aysel GULİYEVA, “Double bases from generalized Faber polynomials with complex-valued coefficients in weighted Lebesgue spaces”, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2020, 1
Fatima Guliyeva, “Relationship Between an Atomic Decomposition of Double and Unary Systems in Grand-Lebesgue Spaces”, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICS, 19 (2020), 50
Б. Т. Билалов, “О базисности возмущенной системы экспонент в пространствах типа Морри”, Сиб. матем. журн., 60:2 (2019), 323–350; B. T. Bilalov, “The basis property of a perturbed system of exponentials in Morrey-type spaces”, Siberian Math. J., 60:2 (2019), 249–271
Sadigova S.R., “the General Solution of the Homogeneous Riemann Problem in Weighted Smirnov Classes With General Weight”, Azerbaijan J. Math., 9:2 (2019), 100–113
Bilalov B. Seyidova F., “Basicity of a System of Exponents With a Piecewise Linear Phase in Morrey-Type Spaces”, Turk. J. Math., 43:4 (2019), 1850–1866
Sadigova S.R. Guliyeva A.E., “On the Solvability of Riemann-Hilbert Problem in the Weighted Smirnov Classes”, Anal. Math., 44:4 (2018), 587–603
Huseynli A.A. Mirzoyev V.S. Quliyeva A.A., “On Basicity of the Perturbed System of Exponents in Morrey-Lebesgue Space”, Azerbaijan J. Math., 7:2 (2017), 197–216
Bilalov B.T. Huseynli A.A. Seyidova F.Sh., “Riemann Boundary Value Problems in Generalized Weighted Hardy Spaces”, Proc. Inst. Math. Mech., 43:2 (2017), 240–251
Shukurov A.Sh., “Impossibility of Power Series Expansion For Continuous Functions”, Azerbaijan J. Math., 6:1 (2016), 122–125
Б. Т. Билалов, Ф. А. Гулиева, “Критерий полноты двойной системы степеней с вырождающимися коэффициентами”, Сиб. матем. журн., 54:3 (2013), 536–543; B. T. Bilalov, F. A. Guliyeva, “A completeness criterion for a double power system with degenerate coefficients”, Siberian Math. J., 54:3 (2013), 419–424
Shukurov A.Sh., “Necessary Condition for Kostyuchenko Type Systems to Be a Basis in Lebesgue Spaces”, Colloq. Math., 127:1 (2012), 105–109