Публикации в базе данных Math-Net.Ru |
Цитирования |
2020 |
1. |
V. Mandrekar, U. V. Naik-Nimbalkar, “Weak uniqueness of martingale solutions to stochastic partial differential equations in Hilbert spaces”, Theory Stoch. Process., 25(41):1 (2020), 78–89 |
2011 |
2. |
Ш. Левенталь, В. С. Мандрекар, С. А. Чобанян, “К теореме Никишина о перестановочной сходимости почти наверное функциональных рядов”, Функц. анализ и его прил., 45:1 (2011), 41–55 ; Sh. Levental, V. S. Mandrekar, S. A. Chobanyan, “Towards Nikishin's Theorem on the Almost Sure Convergence of Rearrangements of Functional Series”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 45:1 (2011), 33–45 |
2008 |
3. |
L. Gawarecki, V. Mandrekar, B. Rajeev, “Linear stochastic differential equations in the dual of a multi-Hilbertian space”, Theory Stoch. Process., 14(30):2 (2008), 28–34 |
1965 |
4. |
G. Kallianpur, V. Mandrekar, “Multiplicity and representation theory of purely nondeterministic stochastic processes”, Теория вероятн. и ее примен., 10:4 (1965), 614–644 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 10:4 (1965), 553–581 |