Исследована структура множества непрерывно дифференцируемых и ограниченных при t∈R+ (вместе с первой производной) решений задачи
где t∈R+, f:R+×Rn×Rn×Rn→Rn, f:R+→R+, φ:R+→R+.
Библиогр. 6 назв.
Stevo Stević, “Existence of bounded solutions of a class of neutral systems of functional differential equations”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 231 (2014), 478
Stevo Stević, “Existence of solutions bounded together with their first derivatives of some systems of nonlinear functional differential equations”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219:12 (2013), 6457
Stevo Stević, “On q-difference asymptotic solutions of a system of nonlinear functional differential equations”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219:15 (2013), 8295