32 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/smj6074
  1. Chenxiao Cai, Zidong Wang, Jing Xu, Yun Zou, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 78, Finite Frequency Analysis and Synthesis for Singularly Perturbed Systems, 2017, 29  crossref
  2. Mikhail Lipkovich, Alexander Fradkov, “Equivalence of MIMO Circle Criterion to Existence of Quadratic Lyapunov Function”, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 61:7 (2016), 1895  crossref
  3. Baozhu Du, James Lam, Zhan Shu, Yong Chen, “On reachable sets for positive linear systems under constrained exogenous inputs”, Automatica, 74 (2016), 230  crossref
  4. М. М. Липкович, А. Л. Фрадков, “О необходимости критерия Попова для существования специальной функции Ляпунова у систем с несколькими нелинейностями”, Автомат. и телемех., 2015, № 5, 90–99  mathnet  elib; M. M. Lipkovich, A. L. Fradkov, “About the necessity of Popov criterion for a special Lyapunov function existence for the systems with multiple nonlinearities”, Autom. Remote Control, 76:5 (2015), 801–808  crossref  isi  elib
  5. N. Denizcan Vanli, Mehmet A. Donmez, Suleyman S. Kozat, “Robust least squares methods under bounded data uncertainties”, Digital Signal Processing, 36 (2015), 82  crossref
  6. N. Denizcan Vanli, Suleyman S. Kozat, Mehmet A. Donmez, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014, 5637  crossref
  7. Yong Xia, “On Local Convexity of Quadratic Transformations”, J. Oper. Res. Soc. China, 2:3 (2014), 341  crossref
  8. Kuize Zhang, Lijun Zhang, Fuchun Sun, “High-Order S-Lemma with Application to Stability of a Class of Switched Nonlinear Systems”, SIAM J. Control Optim., 52:1 (2014), 120  crossref
  9. Bilal Sari, Olivier Bachelier, Driss Mehdi, Toufic Al Chaer, 2008 American Control Conference, 2008, 4797  crossref
  10. A. L. Fradkov, “Conic S‐procedure and constrained dissipativity for linear systems”, Intl J Robust & Nonlinear, 17:5-6 (2007), 405  crossref