93 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm4566
S. Jelbart, C. Kuehn, S.-V. Kuntz, “Geometric Blow-Up for Folded Limit Cycle Manifolds in Three Time-Scale Systems”, J Nonlinear Sci, 34:1 (2024)
Milen Ivanov, Björn Sandstede, “Truncation of Contact Defects in Reaction-Diffusion Systems”, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 23:1 (2024), 26
Ning Song, Richard I. Avery, “Normal Forms for Nonautonomous Nonlinear Difference Systems Under Nonuniform Dichotomy Spectrum”, Journal of Function Spaces, 2024:1 (2024)
А. В. Дуков, “Седловые связки”, Матем. сб., 215:11 (2024), 92–121
; A. V. Dukov, “Saddle connections”, Sb. Math., 215:11 (2024), 1523–1548
А. О. Ремизов, “Сингулярности квазилинейных дифференциальных уравнений”, Дальневост. матем. журн., 23:1 (2023), 85–105
K. Uldall Kristiansen, “The dud canard: Existence of strong canard cycles in R3”, Journal of Differential Equations, 375 (2023), 706
Nataliya Goncharuk, Yury Kudryashov, “Families of vector fields with many numerical invariants”, DCDS, 42:1 (2022), 239
Xiangyu Wang, Yusen Wu, Laigang Guo, “Bifurcation Analysis for a Class of Cubic Switching Systems”, Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos, 32:05 (2022)
Berenguel R., Fontich E., “Normal Forms and Sternberg Conjugation Theorems For Infinite Dimensional Coupled Map Lattices”, J. Dyn. Differ. Equ., 33:1 (2021), 275–301
Н. Г. Павлова, А. О. Ремизов, “Гиперболические поля Руссари с вырожденной квадратичной частью”, УМН, 76:2(458) (2021), 183–184
; N. G. Pavlova, A. O. Remizov, “Hyperbolic Roussarie fields with degenerate quadratic part”, Russian Math. Surveys, 76:2 (2021), 366–368