93 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/rm4566
Freddy Dumortier, Robert Roussarie, Jorge Sotomayor, Nonlinearity, 10:6 (1997), 1369
P. Bonckaert, “Conjugacy of vector fields respecting additional properties”, J Dyn Control Syst, 3:3 (1997), 419
Baoyi Li, Zhifen Zhang, “Bifurcation phenomenon of a class of planar codimension 3 polycycleS
(2) with two saddles resonating”, Sci China Ser A, 40:12 (1997), 1259
Р. И. Богданов, “Факторизация диффеоморфизмов над фазовыми портретами векторных полей на плоскости”, Функц. анализ и его прил., 31:2 (1997), 67–70
; R. I. Bogdanov, “Factorization of Diffeomorphisms over Phase Portraits of Vector Fields on the Plane”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 31:2 (1997), 126–128
Christiane Rousseau, “Hilbert's 16-th problem for quadratic vector fields and cyclicity of graphics”, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 30:1 (1997), 437
F Dumortier, M El Morsalani, C Rousseau, Nonlinearity, 9:5 (1996), 1209
Alan R. Champneys, Jörg Härterich, Björn Sandstede, “A non-transverse homoclinic orbit to a saddle-node equilibrium”, Ergod Th Dynam Sys, 16:3 (1996)
A. Banyaga, R. Llave, C. E. Wayne, “Cohomology equations near hyperbolic points and geometric versions of sternberg linearization theorem”, J Geom Anal, 6:4 (1996), 613
Patrick Bonckaert, “Partially hyperbolic fixed points with constraints”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 348:3 (1996), 997
John Guckenheimer, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos, 1996, 213