78 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/cmfd131
  1. Victor Zvyagin, Mikhail Turbin, “Optimal feedback control problem for inhomogeneous Voigt fluid motion model”, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl., 23:1 (2021)  crossref
  2. S. Antontsev, H.B. de Oliveira, Kh. Khompysh, “Kelvin–Voigt equations with anisotropic diffusion, relaxation and damping: Blow-up and large time behavior”, ASY, 121:2 (2021), 125  crossref
  3. S N Antontsev, Kh Khompysh, “An inverse problem for generalized Kelvin–Voigt equation with p-Laplacian and damping term”, Inverse Problems, 37:8 (2021), 085012  crossref
  4. Ibrahim Zaaroura, Hilal Reda, Fabrice Lefebvre, Julien Carlier, Malika Toubal, Souad Harmand, Bertrand Nongaillard, Hassan Lakiss, “Modeling and Prediction of the Dynamic Viscosity of Nanofluids by a Homogenization Method”, Braz J Phys, 51:4 (2021), 1136  crossref
  5. S N Antontsev, H B de Oliveira, Kh Khompysh, “The classical Kelvin–Voigt problem for incompressible fluids with unknown non-constant density: existence, uniqueness and regularity”, Nonlinearity, 34:5 (2021), 3083  crossref
  6. Marina V. Plekhanova, Guzel D. Baybulatova, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences - Proceedings, Stability, Control and Differential Games, 2020, 203  crossref
  7. S N Antontsev, H B de Oliveira, Kh Khompysh, “Regularity and uniqueness of Kelvin-Voigt models for nonhomogeneous and incompressible fluids”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1666:1 (2020), 012003  crossref
  8. N P Moshkin, “On Hiemenz flow of Maxwell incompressible viscoelastic medium”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1268:1 (2019), 012049  crossref
  9. S N Antontsev, H B de Oliveira, Kh Khompysh, “Existence and large time behavior for generalized Kelvin-Voigt equations governing nonhomogeneous and incompressible fluids”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1268:1 (2019), 012008  crossref
  10. А. В. Чернов, “О тотальном сохранении однозначной глобальной разрешимости операторного уравнения первого рода с управляемой добавочной нелинейностью”, Изв. вузов. Матем., 2018, № 11, 60–74  mathnet; A. V. Chernov, “On the total preservation of univalent global solvability for a first kind operator equation with controlled added nonlinearity”, Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 62:11 (2018), 53–66  crossref  isi