Suchkov, Alexander Pavlovich

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Total publications: 33
Scientific articles: 32

Number of views:
This page:361
Abstract pages:6922
Full texts:3423
Head Scientist Researcher
Doctor of technical sciences
Birth date: 1954
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. A. P. Suchkov, “The lifecycle of cyberattacks on machine learning system vulnerabilities”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 34:1 (2024),  80–91  mathnet
2. A. A. Zatsarinny, A. P. Suchkov, “Some approaches to the analysis of factors affecting the information security of artificial intelligence systems”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 33:3 (2023),  95–107  mathnet 1
3. A. P. Suchkov, “Situational management system as a multiservice technology in a cloud environment: analytic services”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 33:2 (2023),  88–100  mathnet
4. A. P. Suchkov, “Competence centers for artificial intelligence and the National Technology Initiative”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 33:1 (2023),  114–125  mathnet
5. A. P. Suchkov, “Unified model of national data: Development scenarios”, Inform. Primen., 16:4 (2022),  99–105  mathnet
6. A. P. Suchkov, “Efficiency evaluation of capital and operating costs in the planning of the special-purpose information systems life cycle”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 32:1 (2022),  126–137  mathnet
7. A. A. Zatsarinnyi, A. P. Suchkov, “Methodological approach to the assessment of threats and risks of the program implementation for the Construction and development of the hardware and software complex “Safe City””, Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2021, no. 1,  32–41  mathnet  elib
8. A. A. Zatsarinny, A. M. Rastrelin, A. P. Suchkov, “Neural network approach for information and analytical support of control and protection of aquatic biological resources”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 31:1 (2021),  82–96  mathnet
9. A. P. Suchkov, “Algorithms for an analytical data processing system of management of scientific services for planning and execution of interdisciplinary research”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 30:3 (2020),  112–122  mathnet
10. A. A. Zatsarinny, A. P. Suchkov, “Threats and risks of implementing complex scientific and technical programs within the priorities of the Russian science and technology development strategy”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 30:3 (2020),  97–111  mathnet  elib 2
11. A. P. Suchkov, “Content, structure, and data analysis methods of scientific services management system”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 30:2 (2020),  163–176  mathnet 1
12. A. V. Bosov, A. P. Suchkov, “Information and analytical situational center for strategic planning in the field of national security: perspective architectural solutions”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 30:2 (2020),  145–162  mathnet
13. A. V. Bosov, A. P. Suchkov, “Information and analytical situational center for strategic planning in the field of national security: factors of influence”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 30:1 (2020),  115–125  mathnet 1
14. A. P. Suchkov, “The scientific result as the information object in the context of the scientific services system management”, Inform. Primen., 13:3 (2019),  137–144  mathnet 2
15. A. P. Suchkov, “Functional model of strategic planning process management system”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 29:4 (2019),  129–139  mathnet
16. A. A. Zatsarinny, V. A. Kondrashev, A. P. Suchkov, “The system of scientific services as a relevant component of scientific research”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 29:1 (2019),  25–40  mathnet  elib 8
17. A. A. Zatsarinny, A. P. Suchkov, “The situational management system as a multiservice technology in the cloud”, Inform. Primen., 12:1 (2018),  78–88  mathnet  elib 2
18. A. P. Suchkov, “Process model of information systems modernization and development at all stages of their life cycle”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 28:4 (2018),  86–97  mathnet  elib 2
19. A. P. Suchkov, A. V. Bosov, “Conceptual approaches to creating an information and analytical situational center for strategic planning in the field of national security”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 28:4 (2018),  73–85  mathnet  elib 2
20. A. P. Suchkov, “Analysis of the interdepartmental information exchange processes”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 28:3 (2018),  118–130  mathnet  elib 2
21. A. A. Zatsarinny, Yu. S. Ionenkov, A. P. Suchkov, “Some aspects of cloud computing efficiency estimation”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 28:3 (2018),  104–117  mathnet  elib 4
22. A. P. Suchkov, “Classification of vulnerabilities of integrated control systems at the early stages of life cycle”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 27:4 (2017),  132–143  mathnet  elib 2
23. A. P. Suchkov, “The information structure of threats to national security”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 27:2 (2017),  113–124  mathnet  elib 2
24. A. P. Suchkov, “A fully functional process-based approach to the implementation of situational control systems”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 27:1 (2017),  85–99  mathnet  elib 5
25. A. A. Zatsarinny, A. P. Suchkov, “Systems engineering approaches to the establishment of a system for decision support based on situational analysis”, Inform. Primen., 10:4 (2016),  105–113  mathnet  elib 5
26. K. I. Volovich, S. A. Denisov, V. A. Kondrashev, A. P. Suchkov, “Methodology of creating web-service interactions in the system of distributed situational centers”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 26:4 (2016),  51–59  mathnet  elib 1
27. A. P. Suchkov, “Some approaches to analytical data integration of existing and prospective decision support systems”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 25:3 (2015),  195–205  mathnet  elib 5
28. A. P. Suchkov, “Analytical aspects of multiagent distributed control systems”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 24:2 (2014),  166–177  mathnet  elib 3
29. M. P. Krivenko, S. A. Golovanov, P. A. Savchenko, A. V. Sivkov, A. P. Suchkov, “The information-analytical computer system “Megalith” in optimization of the diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis”, Inform. Primen., 7:4 (2013),  82–93  mathnet  elib 1
30. A. P. Suchkov, “Formation of the goals system for situational control”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 23:2 (2013),  187–197  mathnet  elib 7
31. M. V. Benderina, S. V. Borokhov, V. I. Budzko, P. V. Stepanov, A. P. Suchkov, “Identity and access management of the users' rights in high available data center”, Inform. Primen., 6:1 (2012),  59–69  mathnet
32. A. Bosov, A. Zatsarinnyi, A. Suchkov, “Main Approaches to Functional Requirements Generation for Situational Centers and their Creation”, Sistemy i Sredstva Inform., 20:3 (2010),  98–125  mathnet 3

33. A. A. Zatsarinnyi, I. V. Sochenkov, A. P. Suchkov, “Some scientific and methodological issues during the creation of the Analytical Technologies and Programs Foundation”, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2016, no. 2,  78–82  mathnet  elib

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