Rut'kov, Evgenii Viktorovich

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Total publications: 35
Scientific articles: 35

Number of views:
This page:208
Abstract pages:2785
Full texts:1065
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1995)
Speciality: 01.04.04 (Physical electronics)
Main publications:
  • Fizika poverkhnosti tverdykh tel. Grafen i grafit na poverkhnosti tverdykh tel : ucheb. pos. / N. R. Gall, E. V. Rutkov; Minobrnauki RF, Sankt-Peterburgskii gos. politekh. un-t. - SPb. : Izd-vo Politekhnich. un-ta, 2013. - 159 s. : il., tabl.; 20 sm.; ISBN 978-5-7422-3653-5
List of publications on Google Scholar
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. E. V. Rut'kov, N. R. Gall, “ole of the near-surface region of a substrate in a two-dimensional phase transition leading to the growth of single-layer graphene: the Pt–C system”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 113:9 (2021),  595–599  mathnet  elib; JETP Letters, 113:9 (2021), 576–580  isi  scopus
2. E. V. Rut'kov, N. R. Gall', “The determining influence of the perimeter of graphene islands on phase equilibria in graphene–metal system containing dissolved carbon”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 62:3 (2020),  508–513  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 62:3 (2020), 580–585 1
3. E. V. Rut'kov, E. Yu. Afanas'eva, N. R. Gall', “Differences in the equilibrium and critical degrees of coating in a phase transition in a carbon layer on a metal at the formation of graphene”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 111:8 (2020),  520–523  mathnet  elib; JETP Letters, 111:8 (2020), 452–455  isi  scopus 1
4. E. V. Rut'kov, E. Yu. Afanas'eva, N. R. Gall', “Atomic carbon transport between the rh surface and bulk in graphene formation and destruction”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 54:6 (2020),  552–556  mathnet  elib; Semiconductors, 54:6 (2020), 662–665 2
5. Yu. A. Kuznetsov, M. N. Lapushkin, E. V. Rut'kov, N. R. Gall', “Electron-stimulated desorption of cesium atoms from graphene to iridium intercalated and not intercalated with cesium”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 61:8 (2019),  1526–1531  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 61:8 (2019), 1478–1483 1
6. E. V. Rut'kov, N. R. Gall', “Temperature hysteresis in a phase transition corresponding to a growth and destruction of graphene islands on rhenium”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 110:10 (2019),  683–686  mathnet  elib; JETP Letters, 110:10 (2019), 683–686  isi  scopus 2
7. E. V. Rut'kov, E. Yu. Afanas'eva, N. P. Lavrovskaya, N. R. Gall', “Sodium intercalation of graphene films on Re(10$\bar1$0)”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 60:5 (2018),  1024–1028  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 60:5 (2018), 1041–1045 2
8. E. V. Rut'kov, E. Yu. Afanas'eva, N. R. Gall', “Intercalation of platinum into a graphene film formed on molybdenum carbide Mo$_{2}$C”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 88:12 (2018),  1916–1918  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys., 63:12 (2018), 1876–1878
9. E. V. Rut'kov, N. R. Gall', “Intercalation of Ń$_{60}$ fullerene molecules under single-layer graphene on molybdenum carbide”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 52:9 (2018),  1076–1080  mathnet  elib; Semiconductors, 52:9 (2018), 1198–1202 3
10. Yu. A. Kuznetsov, E. V. Rut'kov, N. R. Gall', “Electron-stimulated desorption of cesium atoms from graphene-covered iridium”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 44:12 (2018),  103–110  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 44:6 (2018), 551–554 1
11. E. V. Rut'kov, N. P. Lavrovskaya, E. S. Sheshenya, N. R. Gall', “Optical transparency of graphene layers grown on metal surfaces”, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 51:4 (2017),  517–523  mathnet  elib; Semiconductors, 51:4 (2017), 492–497 7
12. E. Yu. Afanas'eva, E. V. Rut'kov, N. R. Gall', “Intercalation of graphene on iridium with samarium atoms”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 58:7 (2016),  1413–1418  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 58:7 (2016), 1463–1468 1
13. E. V. Rut'kov, E. Yu. Afanas'eva, V. N. Petrov, N. R. Gall', “Fabrication of graphene and graphite films on the Ni(111) surface”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 86:11 (2016),  121–124  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys., 61:11 (2016), 1724–1728 2
14. E. Yu. Afanas'eva, E. V. Rut'kov, N. R. Gall', “Intercalated samarium as an agent enabling the intercalation of oxygen under a monolayer graphene film on iridium”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 42:11 (2016),  64–72  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 42:6 (2016), 585–589 2
15. E. V. Rut'kov, N. R. Gall', “Unusual optical properties of graphene on an Rh surface”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 100:10 (2014),  708–711  mathnet  elib; JETP Letters, 100:10 (2014), 625–628  isi  elib  scopus 10
16. E. V. Rut'kov, N. R. Gall', “Physical ambiguity of the notion of the solubility limit by the example of its determination using the formation of graphene on the surface in the Re-C system”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 98:6 (2013),  375–379  mathnet  elib; JETP Letters, 98:6 (2013), 335–338  isi  elib  scopus 2
17. E. V. Rut'kov, A. V. Kuz'michev, N. R. Gall, “Graphene-graphite phase transition at the surface of a carbonized metal”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 93:3 (2011),  166–170  mathnet; JETP Letters, 93:3 (2011), 151–154  isi  scopus 13
18. E. V. Rut'kov, N. R. Gall', “Graphene traps for cesium atoms”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 88:4 (2008),  308–310  mathnet; JETP Letters, 88:4 (2008), 268–270  isi  scopus 4
19. E. V. Rut'kov, O. A. Belyaeva, N. R. Gall', “Change in the C<sub>60</sub> fullerite film growth mechanism on a sulfur-doped Nb(100) surface observed under changes in the chemical state of the surface”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 82:11 (2005),  818–821  mathnet; JETP Letters, 82:11 (2005), 723–726  isi  scopus
20. N. R. Gall', E. V. Rut'kov, A. Ya. Tontegode, “Anomalous character of the interaction of C<sub>60</sub> molecules with the sulfur-saturated Ta(100) surface”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 79:5 (2004),  272–274  mathnet; JETP Letters, 79:5 (2004), 218–220  scopus 2
21. N. R. Gall', E. V. Rut'kov, A. Ya. Tontegode, “Anomalous behavior of silver atoms in intercalation under a two-dimensional graphite film”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 75:1 (2002),  28–30  mathnet; JETP Letters, 75:1 (2002), 26–28  scopus 6
22. N. R. Gall', E. V. Rut'kov, A. Ya. Tontegode, “Direct experimental study of the equilibrium diffusion of carbon atoms between the (100)Mo surface and the bulk”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 73:12 (2001),  756–758  mathnet; JETP Letters, 73:12 (2001), 671–673  scopus 2
23. A. Ya. Tontegode, E. V. Rut'kov, “Intercalation by atoms of a two-dimensional graphite film on a metal”, UFN, 163:11 (1993),  57–74  mathnet; Phys. Usp., 36:11 (1993), 1053–1067 62
24. E. V. Rut'kov, A. Ya. Tontegode, M. M. Usufov, N. R. Gall', “INTERACTION OF CARBON WITH HEATED MOLYBDENUM”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 62:10 (1992),  148–153  mathnet
25. E. V. Rut'kov, A. Ya. Tontegode, “Interaction of $\mathrm{Ba},\mathrm{Sr}$ adatoms with graphite monolayer on a metal”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 32:10 (1990),  2960–2964  mathnet
26. N. R. Gall', E. V. Rut'kov, A. Ya. Tontegode, “SILICON INTERACTION WITH (1010)RHENIUM SURFACE - ADSORPTION, DESORPTION, FORMATION OF SILICIDES”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 60:4 (1990),  125–130  mathnet
27. È. Ya. Zandberg, N. M. Narusllaev, E. V. Rut'kov, A. Ya. Tontegode, “INCREASING THE SENSITIVITY OF SURFACE-IONIZATION DETECTION OF ATOMIC FLOWS USING THE SUBSTITUTION-REACTIONS ON A ION EMITTER SURFACE”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 59:11 (1989),  90–93  mathnet
28. N. R. Gall', E. V. Rut'kov, A. Ya. Tontegode, “EFFECT OF SILICON ADSORPTION ON RE(1010) SURFACE ON ISOLATION OF CARBON DILUTED IN ITS VOLUME”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 15:7 (1989),  52–56  mathnet
29. N. R. Gall', E. V. Rut'kov, A. Ya. Tontegode, “DIFFUSION OF SILICON AND PLATINUM ATOMS UNDER GRAPHITE MONOLAYER ON IRIDIUM”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 14:6 (1988),  527–532  mathnet
30. A. Ya. Tontegode, E. V. Rut'kov, “Mechanism of growth of a thick graphite film on the surface of a supersaturated solid solution of carbon in a metal”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 29:5 (1987),  1306–1311  mathnet 1
31. N. M. Narusllaev, E. V. Rut'kov, A. Ya. Tontegode, “ADSORPTION, DESORPTION AND MIGRATION OF CSCL MOLECULES ON THE IRIDIUM-BASED GRAPHITE MONOLAYER”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 57:2 (1987),  353–356  mathnet
32. N. R. Gall', S. N. Mikhailov, E. V. Rut'kov, A. Ya. Tontegode, “Oxygen effect on the electronic properties of graphite films intercalated by $\mathrm{Cs}$ and $\mathrm{Ba}$ atoms”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 28:8 (1986),  2521–2525  mathnet
33. N. R. Gall', S. N. Mikhailov, E. V. Rut'kov, A. Ya. Tontegode, “STUDY OF STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF THE GRAPHITE MONOLAYER ON RHENIUM”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 56:4 (1986),  732–737  mathnet
34. V. N. Ageev, E. Yu. Afanas'eva, N. R. Gall', S. Mikhailov, E. V. Rut'kov, A. Ya. Tontegode, “Mutual carbon and silicon adsorption on tungsten”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 12:9 (1986),  565–570  mathnet
35. N. R. Gall', S. N. Mikhailov, E. V. Rut'kov, A. Ya. Tontegode, “Adsorption bond between graphite monolayer and rhenium surfaces”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 27:8 (1985),  2351–2356  mathnet

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