Andreev, Nikolai Evgen'evich

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Total publications: 33
Scientific articles: 31

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Abstract pages:7835
Full texts:2657
Senior Researcher
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. N. E. Andreev, I. R. Umarov, V. S. Popov, “Bright sources of ultrarelativistic particles and gamma rays for interdisciplinary research”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 53:3 (2023),  236–241  mathnet [Bull. Lebedev Physics Institute, 50S:suppl. 7 (2023), S797–S805] 1
2. S. V. Kuznetsov, I. R. Umarov, N. E. Andreev, “Laser-plasma injector of an ultrashort electron bunch”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 53:3 (2023),  194–199  mathnet [Bull. Lebedev Physics Institute, 50:suppl. 7 (2023), S741–S748] 3
3. M. E. Veisman, I. R. Umarov, D. V. Pugacheva, N. E. Andreev, “Multistage laser-plasma acceleration of ultrashort electron and positron bunches”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 53:2 (2023),  182–188  mathnet [Bull. Lebedev Physics Institute, 50:suppl. 6 (2023), S724–S733] 2
4. N. E. Andreev, V. S. Popov, O. N. Rosmej, A. A. Kuzmin, A. A. Shaikin, E. A. Khazanov, A. V. Kotov, N. G. Borisenko, M. V. Starodubtsev, A. A. Soloviev, “Efficiency improvement of the femtosecond laser source of superponderomotive electrons and X-ray radiation due to the use of near-critical density targets”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 51:11 (2021),  1019–1025  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 51:11 (2021), 1019–1025  isi  scopus] 4
5. D. V. Pugacheva, N. E. Andreev, “Laser-plasma acceleration of polarised electrons up to energies of several TeV”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 51:9 (2021),  826–832  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 51:9 (2021), 826–832  isi  scopus] 1
6. I. R. Umarov, N. E. Andreev, “Effect of optical field ionisation on the generation of wake fields by femtosecond laser pulses in an inhomogeneous plasma”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 50:8 (2020),  770–775  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 50:8 (2020), 770–775  isi  scopus]
7. M. E. Veisman, N. E. Andreev, “Dependence of emittance on the length of an electron bunch during laser-plasma acceleration in guiding structures”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 50:4 (2020),  392–400  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 50:4 (2020), 392–400  isi  scopus] 6
8. V. S. Popov, N. E. Andreev, “Acceleration of electrons in the interaction of a subterawatt laser pulse with a nonuniform plasma”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 49:4 (2019),  307–313  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 49:4 (2019), 307–313  isi  scopus] 1
9. D. V. Pugacheva, N. E. Andreev, “Effect of synchrotron radiation on the dynamics of electron spin precession in the process of laser-plasma acceleration”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 48:4 (2018),  291–294  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 48:4 (2018), 291–294  isi  scopus] 7
10. M. E. Veisman, S. V. Kuznetsov, N. E. Andreev, “Growth of emittance in laser-plasma electron acceleration in guiding structures”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 47:3 (2017),  199–205  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 47:3 (2017), 199–205  isi  scopus] 4
11. M. E. Veisman, S. V. Kuznetsov, N. E. Andreev, “Influence of asymmetric injection of laser radiation into capillary waveguides on wake acceleration of electrons possessing various injection energies”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 46:4 (2016),  288–294  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 46:4 (2016), 288–294  isi  scopus] 4
12. D. V. Pugacheva, N. E. Andreev, “Precession dynamics of the relativistic electron spin in laser-plasma acceleration”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 46:1 (2016),  88–93  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 46:1 (2016), 88–93  isi  scopus] 8
13. Yu. A. Malkov, D. A. Yashunin, A. M. Kiselev, N. E. Andreev, A. N. Stepanov, “Tunable coherent soft X-ray source based on the generation of high-order harmonic of femtosecond laser radiation in gas-filled capillaries”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 44:5 (2014),  484–488  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 44:5 (2014), 484–488  isi  scopus] 1
14. O. F. Kostenko, N. E. Andreev, “Simulation of the generation of the characteristic X-ray emission by hot electrons in a foil”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 43:3 (2013),  237–241  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 43:3 (2013), 237–241  isi  scopus] 8
15. Yu. A. Malkov, A. N. Stepanov, D. A. Yashunin, L. P. Pugachev, P. R. Levashov, N. E. Andreev, A. A. Andreev, “Generation of quasi-monochromatic beams of accelerated electrons during interaction of weak-contrast intense femtosecond laser radiation with a metal-foil edge”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 43:3 (2013),  226–231  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 43:3 (2013), 226–231  isi  scopus] 8
16. S. A. Skobelev, D. I. Kulagin, A. N. Stepanov, A. V. Kim, A. M. Sergeev, N. E. Andreev, “Ionization self-compression of intense femtosecond pulses propagating through gas-filled dielectric capillaries”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 89:11 (2009),  641–648  mathnet; JETP Letters, 89:11 (2009), 540–546  isi  scopus 11
17. M. B. Agranat, N. E. Andreev, S. I. Ashitkov, M. E. Veisman, P. R. Levashov, A. V. Ovchinnikov, D. S. Sitnikov, V. E. Fortov, K. V. Khishchenko, “Determination of the transport and optical properties of a nonideal solid-density plasma produced by femtosecond laser pulses”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 85:6 (2007),  328–333  mathnet; JETP Letters, 85:6 (2007), 271–276  isi  scopus 80
18. M. B. Agranat, N. E. Andreev, S. I. Ashitkov, A. V. Ovchinnikov, D. S. Sitnikov, V. E. Fortov, A. P. Shevel'ko, “Generation of characteristic x rays by a terawatt femtosecond chromium-forsterite laser”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 83:2 (2006),  80–83  mathnet; JETP Letters, 83:2 (2006), 72–74  isi  scopus 18
19. L. Ya. Margolin, N. E. Andreev, L. N. Pyatnitskii, G. V. Shpatakovskaya, “On generation of longitudinal structure of plasma canals at gas breakdown in Bessel laser beam”, Matem. Mod., 15:12 (2003),  81–88  mathnet  zmath
20. N. E. Andreev, M. E. Veisman, V. P. Efremov, V. E. Fortov, “The generation of a dense hot plasma by intense subpicosecond laser pulses”, TVT, 41:5 (2003),  679–694  mathnet; High Temperature, 41:5 (2003), 594–608 26
21. N. E. Andreev, L. M. Gorbunov, “Laser-plasma acceleration of electrons”, UFN, 169:1 (1999),  53–58  mathnet; Phys. Usp., 42:1 (1999), 49–53  isi 30
22. N. E. Andreev, L. Ya. Margolin, I. V. Pleshanov, L. N. Pyatnitskiĭ, “Optical breakdown of helium in Bessel laser radiation beams”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 25:10 (1998),  934–940  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 28:10 (1998), 910–916  isi] 2
23. N. E. Andreev, S. S. Bychkov, V. V. Kotlyar, L. Ya. Margolin, L. N. Pyatnitskiĭ, P. G. Serafimovich, “Formation of high-power hollow Bessel light beams”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 23:2 (1996),  130–134  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 26:2 (1996), 126–130  isi] 23
24. N. E. Andreev, V. V. Kostin, V. E. Fortov, “Generation of shock waves by ultrashort powerful laser pulses: Special features”, TVT, 34:6 (1996),  984–988  mathnet; High Temperature, 34:6 (1996), 971–975  isi
25. N. E. Andreev, M. E. Veisman, V. V. Kostin, V. E. Fortov, “Formation of a shock wave under the effect of ultrashort laser pulses”, TVT, 34:3 (1996),  379–384  mathnet; High Temperature, 34:3 (1996), 373–378  isi 1
26. N. E. Andreev, L. M. Gorbunov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “Numerical modelling of dynamic wave beam self-focusing in plasmas”, Matem. Mod., 7:9 (1995),  65–71  mathnet  zmath
27. N. E. Andreev, L. M. Gorbunov, V. T. Tihonchyuk, “Physics of the plasma corona in the problem of laser controlled thermonuclear fusion”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 21:9 (1994),  813–816  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 24:9 (1994), 755–758  isi]
28. N. E. Andreev, S. L. Leshkevich, V. T. Tihonchyuk, V. E. Fortov, “Numerical modeling of the effect of powerful laser radiation on plasma”, TVT, 30:5 (1992),  884–890  mathnet; High Temperature, 30:5 (1992), 724–729  isi
29. N. E. Andreev, A. I. Zykov, V. T. Tihonchyuk, “Dynamics of stimulated Brillouin scattering in an optical oscillator with feedback”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 18:11 (1991),  1346–1350  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 21:11 (1991), 1231–1234  isi] 1
30. N. E. Andreev, V. P. Silin, G. L. Stenchikov, “A numerical method for solving Vlasov's system of equations, based on a combination of the particles in a cell and the “water bag” methods”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 19:1 (1979),  165–173  mathnet  mathscinet; U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 19:1 (1979), 170–178 1
31. N. E. Andreev, V. V. Pustovalov, V. P. Silin, V. T. Tihonchyuk, “Relaxation of a parametric turbulence in a plasma”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 1:5 (1974),  1099–1111  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 4:5 (1974), 600–606]

32. N. E. Andreev, A. V. Gurevich, L. M. Zelenyi, K. P. Zybin, G. A. Mesyats, N. N. Kolachevsky, O. N. Krokhin, E. A. Kuznetsov, V. I. Okulov, E. A. Pamyatnykh, L. P. Pitaevskii, S. A. Uryupin, “In memory of Viktor Pavlovich Silin”, UFN, 189:5 (2019),  559–560  mathnet; Phys. Usp., 62:5 (2019), 524–525  isi
33. N. E. Andreev, A. V. Gurevich, V. I. Karas', L. V. Keldysh, N. N. Kolachevsky, A. S. Kondrat'ev, O. N. Krokhin, V. I. Okulov, S. V. Peletminsky, V. Yu. Popov, A. A. Rukhadze, S. A. Uryupin, “Viktor Pavlovich Silin (on his 90th birthday)”, UFN, 186:6 (2016),  685–686  mathnet  elib; Phys. Usp., 59:6 (2016), 611–612  isi

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