Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2024 |
1. |
R. R. Ashurov, M. D. Shakarova, “Inverse problem for subdiffusion equation with fractional Caputo derivative”, Ufimsk. Mat. Zh., 16:1 (2024), 111–125 ; Ufa Math. J., 16:1 (2024), 112–126 |
2. |
R. R. Ashurov, Yu. E. Fayziev, N. M. Tukhtaeva, “Direct and inverse problems for the Hilfer fractional differential equation”, Vestn. Udmurtsk. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Komp. Nauki, 34:2 (2024), 167–181 |
2023 |
3. |
Sh. A. Alimov, R. R. Ashurov, O. S. Zikirov, B. I. Islomov, T. Sh. Kal'menov, A. P. Soldatov, A. K. Urinov, V. E. Fedorov, T. K. Yuldashev, “Makhmud Salakhitdinovich Salakhitdinov”, Chelyab. Fiz.-Mat. Zh., 8:4 (2023), 463–468 |
4. |
R. R. Ashurov, B. J. Kadirkulov, B. Kh. Turmetov, “On the inverse problem of the Bitsadze–Samarskii type for a fractional parabolic equation”, Probl. Anal. Issues Anal., 12(30):3 (2023), 20–40 |
2022 |
5. |
R. R. Ashurov, Yu. E. Fayziev, “Determination of fractional order and source term in subdiffusion equations”, Eurasian Math. J., 13:1 (2022), 19–31 |
6. |
R. R. Ashurov, M. B. Murzambetova, “35M12Boundary value problem for a mixed-type equation with a higher order elliptic operator”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 39:2 (2022), 7–19 |
2021 |
7. |
R. R. Ashurov, “Generalized localization and summability almost everywhere of multiple Fourier series and integrals”, CMFD, 67:4 (2021), 634–653 |
8. |
R. R. Ashurov, Yu. È. Fayziev, “Inverse Problem for Finding the Order of the Fractional Derivative in the Wave Equation”, Mat. Zametki, 110:6 (2021), 824–836 ; Math. Notes, 110:6 (2021), 842–852 |
9. |
R. R. Ashurov, “Almost Everywhere Convergence of Multiple Trigonometric Fourier Series of Functions from Sobolev Classes”, Mat. Zametki, 109:2 (2021), 163–169 ; Math. Notes, 109:2 (2021), 157–162 |
10. |
S. Z. Djamalov, R. R. Ashurov, H. Sh. Turakulov, “On a semi-nonlocal boundary value problem for the three-dimensional Tricomi equation of an unbounded prismatic domain”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 35:2 (2021), 8–16 |
2020 |
11. |
S. Z. Djamalov, R. R. Ashurov, M. A. Sultanov, U. Sh. Ruziev, “On the unique solvability of a seminonlocal boundary value problem for the loaded Ñhaplygin equation in a rectangle”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 31:2 (2020), 8–17 |
12. |
R. R. Ashurov, A. T. Muhiddinova, “Initial-boundary value problem for hyperbolic equations with an arbitrary order elliptic operator”, Vestnik KRAUNC. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 30:1 (2020), 8–19 |
2019 |
13. |
S. Z. Djamalov, R. R. Ashurov, “On one linear inverse problem for multidimensional equation of the mixed type of the first kind and of the second order”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2019, no. 6, 11–22 ; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 63:6 (2019), 8–18 |
14. |
R. R. Ashurov, Yu. È. Fayziev, “Generalized Localization Principle for Continuous Wavelet Decompositions”, Mat. Zametki, 106:6 (2019), 803–810 ; Math. Notes, 106:6 (2019), 857–863 |
2005 |
15. |
R. R. Ashurov, Yu. È. Fayziev, “On Eigenfunction Expansions Associated with the Schrödinger Operator with a Singular Potential”, Differ. Uravn., 41:2 (2005), 241–249 ; Differ. Equ., 41:2 (2005), 254–263 |
1991 |
16. |
R. R. Ashurov, “Bi-orthogonal expansions of a nonselfadjoint Schrödinger operator”, Differ. Uravn., 27:1 (1991), 156–158 |
17. |
R. R. Ashurov, “Summation of multiple trigonometric Fourier series”, Mat. Zametki, 49:6 (1991), 12–18 ; Math. Notes, 49:6 (1991), 563–568 |
1990 |
18. |
R. R. Ashurov, “Zeros of eigenfunctions of the Schrödinger operator with a singular potential”, Differ. Uravn., 26:11 (1990), 2000–2002 |
19. |
R. R. Ashurov, “Decomposability of continuous functions from Nikol'skii classes into multiple Fourier integrals”, Mat. Zametki, 47:2 (1990), 3–7 ; Math. Notes, 47:2 (1990), 107–110 |
1989 |
20. |
R. R. Ashurov, “An asymptotic estimate in $L_2$ for the Riesz means of the spectral function of an elliptic operator”, Differ. Uravn., 25:1 (1989), 3–14 ; Differ. Equ., 25:1 (1989), 1–9 |
21. |
Sh. A. Alimov, R. R. Ashurov, A. K. Pulatov, “Multiple series and Fourier integrals”, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Sovrem. Probl. Mat. Fund. Napr., 42 (1989), 7–104 |
22. |
R. R. Ashurov, “Localization conditions of square partial sums of a multiple trigonometric Fourier series in the classes of S. M. Nikol'skii”, Mat. Zametki, 46:4 (1989), 3–7 ; Math. Notes, 46:4 (1989), 755–757 |
1987 |
23. |
R. R. Ashurov, “Asymptotic behavior of a spectral function of the Schrödinger operator with potential $q\in L_2(R^3)$”, Differ. Uravn., 23:1 (1987), 169–172 |
1985 |
24. |
R. R. Ashurov, “Conditions for the localization of multiple trigonometric Fourier
series”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 282:4 (1985), 777–780 |
1984 |
25. |
R. R. Ashurov, “Asymptotic estimation of the spectral function of an elliptic
operator”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 276:2 (1984), 265–267 |
26. |
R. R. Ashurov, A. I. Bastis, “The spectral function of an elliptic differential operator with constant principal part”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 274:6 (1984), 1289–1291 |
27. |
R. R. Ashurov, “Localization of spectral expansions corresponding to elliptic operators with constant coefficients”, Differ. Uravn., 20:1 (1984), 3–7 |
1983 |
28. |
R. R. Ashurov, “Summability almost everywhere of Fourier series in $L_p$ with respect to eigenfunctions”, Mat. Zametki, 34:6 (1983), 837–843 ; Math. Notes, 34:6 (1983), 913–916 |
29. |
R. R. Ashurov, “Localization conditions of spectral expansions, corresponding to elliptic operators with constant coefficients”, Mat. Zametki, 33:6 (1983), 847–856 ; Math. Notes, 33:6 (1983), 434–439 |
1982 |
30. |
R. R. Ashurov, “The asymptotic behavior of spectral functions of some elliptic operators”, Differ. Uravn., 18:4 (1982), 621–625 |
1981 |
31. |
R. R. Ashurov, “On conditions for localization of spectral resolutions corresponding to elliptic operators with constant coefficients”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 257:6 (1981), 1292–1294 |
32. |
R. R. Ashurov, A. K. Pulatov, “Asymptotics of the spectral function of an elliptic operator with constant coefficients”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 256:3 (1981), 528–530 |
33. |
R. R. Ashurov, “Nonexistence of localization of spectral decompositions associated with elliptic operators”, Mat. Zametki, 30:4 (1981), 535–542 ; Math. Notes, 30:4 (1981), 760–764 |
34. |
R. R. Ashurov, “Divergence of spectral expansions connected with elliptic operators”, Mat. Zametki, 30:2 (1981), 225–235 ; Math. Notes, 30:2 (1981), 599–605 |
35. |
R. R. Ashurov, “Conditions for riesz means of spectral resolutions to be a basis in $L_p(\mathbf R^n)$”, Mat. Zametki, 29:5 (1981), 673–684 ; Math. Notes, 29:5 (1981), 342–348 |
2021 |
36. |
Sh. A. Alimov, R. R. Ashurov, T. Sh. Kal'menov, B. E. Kanguzhin, V. V. Karachik, M. A. Sadybekov, A. M. Sarsenbi, D. Suragan, N. Tokmagambetov, B. T. Torebek, S. R. Umarov, V. E. Fedorov, “Batirkhan Khudaibergenovich Turmetov (to the 60th anniversary)”, Chelyab. Fiz.-Mat. Zh., 6:1 (2021), 5–8 |
Organisations |