Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2004 |
1. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, M. Strianese, “Uniform Stability of Local Extrema of an Integral Curve of an ODE of Second Order”, Mat. Zametki, 75:3 (2004), 384–391 ; Math. Notes, 75:3 (2004), 352–359 |
2002 |
2. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, B. I. Sadovnikov, M. Strianese, “The Arrangement of Local Extrema of an Integral Curve of a Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equation on a Plane”, Differ. Uravn., 38:3 (2002), 338–343 ; Differ. Equ., 38:3 (2002), 356–361 |
3. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, M. Strianese, “Extremal Points of Integral Curves of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations and Their Local Stability”, Mat. Zametki, 71:5 (2002), 742–750 ; Math. Notes, 71:5 (2002), 676–683 |
1999 |
4. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, M. Strianese, “On the stability of the singular set of a dynamical system”, Differ. Uravn., 35:3 (1999), 296–303 ; Differ. Equ., 35:3 (1999), 296–303 |
1998 |
5. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, M. Strianese, R. Toscano, “Continuation of the solution of differential equations to a singular set”, Differ. Uravn., 34:3 (1998), 313–319 ; Differ. Equ., 34:3 (1998), 312–319 |
1994 |
6. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, V. M. Suslin, “Stochastic model of evolution on areas in population ecology”, Mat. Model., 6:3 (1994), 9–24 |
1989 |
7. |
Yu. N. Orlov, I. P. Pavlotsky, “Post-Galileian equilibrium Bogolyubov chains”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 304:2 (1989), 329–332 ; Dokl. Math., 34:1 (1989), 27–28 |
8. |
Yu. N. Orlov, I. P. Pavlotsky, “The equations of weakly-relativistic inviscid hydrodynamics”, Mat. Model., 1:12 (1989), 31–43 |
9. |
K. N. Mekhitarian, I. P. Pavlotsky, “Statitistical models of ecosystems described by Volterra equations”, Mat. Model., 1:6 (1989), 126–137 |
10. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, “Bogolyubov chains and the Vlasov and Wigner kinetic equations in post-Galilean approximation”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 191 (1989), 162–173 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 191 (1992), 179–192 |
1988 |
11. |
Yu. N. Orlov, I. P. Pavlotsky, “The connection between the weakly relativistic Vlasov and Wigner
equations at various quantizations”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 298:4 (1988), 837–840 ; Dokl. Math., 33:2 (1988), 103–104 |
1985 |
12. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, “Vlasov equations for dynamic Volterra systems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 285:2 (1985), 331–334 |
1983 |
13. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, “Interaction retardation in weakly relativistic hydrodynamics”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 269:3 (1983), 583–587 |
1979 |
14. |
V. N. Logozinskii, I. P. Pavlotsky, “Choice of measure and Liouville's equation in weakly relativistic statistical mechanics”, TMF, 39:3 (1979), 417–424 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 39:3 (1979), 554–559 |
1975 |
15. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, “The Liouville theorem for weakly relativistic systems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 224:3 (1975), 563–565 |
1974 |
16. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, “Classical kinetic equation for a nonequilibrium particle in a thermal bath”, TMF, 18:1 (1974), 138–144 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 18:1 (1974), 98–102 |
1973 |
17. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, “An example of weak у relativistic kinetic equation taking account of the interaction delay”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 213:4 (1973), 812–814 |
18. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, L. G. Shekhovtsova, “Quantum-mechanical kinetic equation for a non-equilibrium particle in the thermostat”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 210:6 (1973), 1323–1326 |
1970 |
19. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, “The kinetic equation with non-lagrangian forces”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 190:6 (1970), 1318–1321 |
1969 |
20. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, “The Gibbs ensemble and equation chains for correlation functions in weakly-relativistic systems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 188:4 (1969), 784–787 |
1968 |
21. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, “Certain properties of non-conservative systems of classical statistical mechanics”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 182:4 (1968), 799–802 |
1965 |
22. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, “The statistical mechanics of a one-dimensional system with Coulomb interaction”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 161:5 (1965), 1055–1058 |
23. |
B. N. Baranov, I. P. Pavlotsky, “One-dimensional statistical models”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 6:3 (1965), 49–55 ; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 6:3 (1965), 32–36 |
1964 |
24. |
B. N. Baranov, I. P. Pavlotsky, “Configuration statistics of high-molecular chains”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 157:5 (1964), 1077–1079 |
1963 |
25. |
B. N. Baranov, I. P. Pavlotsky, “О самосогласованном потенциале плотной низкотемпературной плазмы”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 4:6 (1963), 13–18 |
1960 |
26. |
I. P. Pavlotsky, “The proof of the double spectral representation”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 131:1 (1960), 55–57 |
Organisations |