
New Trends in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics
(October 3–7, 2016, MIAN, Gubkina, 8, Moscow)

The aim of the international conference is to bring together interdisciplinary researchers working on new applications of mathematical and physical methods for studying complex and biological systems including in particular quantum photosynthesis, cognitive phenomena and cosmology.

New methods of mathematical and theoretical physics such as holography (AdS/CFT correspondence), quantum probability, p-adic (ultrametric) analysis, probabilistic mechanics and field theory will be discussed.




Program Committee
Accardi Luigi, Università degli Studi di Roma — Tor Vergata
Aref'eva Irina Yaroslavna, Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Dragovich Branko, Institute of Physics, Belgrade
Khrennikov Andrei Yur'evich, Linnaeus University, Växjö
Kozlov Valery Vasil'evich, Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Ohya Masanori, Tokyo University of Science
Varadarajan Veeravalli Seshadri, University of California, Los Angeles
Volovich Igor Vasil'evich, Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Watanabe Noboru, Tokyo University of Science
Zelenov Evgenii Igorevich, Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Organizing Committee
Gusev Nikolay Anatolievich
Katanaev Mikhail Orionovich
Kozyrev Sergei Vladimirovich
Pechen Alexander Nikolaevich
Trushechkin Anton Sergeevich
Volovich Igor Vasil'evich

Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

New Trends in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, Moscow, October 3–7, 2016

October 3, 2016 (Mon)
1. New trends in quantum probability and quantum mechanics
Luigi Accardi
October 3, 2016 10:00–10:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Luigi Accardi
2. Holographic quantum photosynthesis and black holes
Igor Volovich
October 3, 2016 10:30–11:00, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Igor Volovich
3. Dark states and supertransport in quantum photosynthesis
Sergei Kozyrev
October 3, 2016 11:00–11:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Sergei Kozyrev
4. Adaptive dynamics and its application for quantum algorithm
Satoshi Iriyama
October 3, 2016 12:00–12:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Satoshi Iriyama
5. Maslov's canonical operator on a pair of Lagrangian manifolds and Green function type asymptotics
Sergey Dobrokhotov
October 3, 2016 12:30–13:00, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Sergey Dobrokhotov
6. Propagation of localized quantum states on singular manifolds
Andrei Shafarevich
October 3, 2016 13:00–13:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Andrei Shafarevich
7. Quantization of Sobolev space of half-differentiable functions
Armen Sergeev
October 3, 2016 15:00–15:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Armen Sergeev
8. Quantization triggered by breaking commutativity of symmetries. Discrete spectrum and tunnelling transfer controlled by distortion
Mikhail Karasev
October 3, 2016 15:30–16:00, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Mikhail Karasev
9. The binary represectation of quantum observables
Mikhail Ivanov
October 3, 2016 16:00–16:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Mikhail Ivanov
10. Renormalization group dynamics in the plane of the coupling constants of the fermionic hierarchical model
Mukadas Missarov, A. F. Shamsutdinov
October 3, 2016 17:00–17:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Mukadas Missarov, A. F. Shamsutdinov
11. Dynamics of a mobile impurity in a one-dimensional quantum fluid
Oleg Lychkovskiy
October 3, 2016 17:30–17:50, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Oleg Lychkovskiy
12. Field-particle structures explicitly defined by any shear-free null congruence
Vladimir Kassandrov
October 3, 2016 17:50–18:10, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Vladimir Kassandrov
13. An empirical study on the common approach shared by the frequentist and subjective authors in the probability theory
Paolo Rocchi
October 3, 2016 18:10–18:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Paolo Rocchi
14. A Dual version of Narsimhan-Seshadri Theorem in Seiberg-Witten Gauge Theories
Gourab Bhattacharya
October 3, 2016 18:30–18:50, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Gourab Bhattacharya

October 4, 2016 (Tue)
15. Inverse problem of inflationary models reconstruction from the power spectrum of density perturbations
Alexei Starobinsky
October 4, 2016 10:00–10:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Alexei Starobinsky
16. p-Adic Aspects of Gravity and Cosmology
Branko Dragovich
October 4, 2016 10:30–11:00, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
17. Starobinsky-like inflation from p-adic strings
Alexey Koshelev
October 4, 2016 11:00–11:20, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Alexey Koshelev
18. DBI Inflation in a p-Adic Context
Goran Djordjevic
October 4, 2016 11:20–11:40, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Goran Djordjevic
19. Cosmological models with non-positive definite potentials and bounce solutions
Sergey Vernov
October 4, 2016 12:00–12:20, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Sergey Vernov
20. Regular and chaotic regimes in scalar field FRW cosmology
Alexey Toporensky
October 4, 2016 12:20–12:40, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Alexey Toporensky
21. Inflation from non-minimal coupled Higgs sector
Ekaterina Pozdeeva
October 4, 2016 12:40–13:00, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Ekaterina Pozdeeva
22. Observational constraints on graviton mass
Alexander Zakharov
October 4, 2016 13:00–13:20, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Alexander Zakharov
23. Supersymmetric bag model as a new path to particle physics compatible to gravity
Alexander Burinskii
October 4, 2016 13:20–13:40, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Alexander Burinskii
24. Constructive Combinatorial Field Theory
Vincent Rivasseau
October 4, 2016 15:30–16:00, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Vincent Rivasseau
25. Quantum anomalies and transformations of Feynman path integrals
Oleg Smolyanov
October 4, 2016 16:00–16:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Oleg Smolyanov
26. On some nonlinear nonlocal substitutions in functional integrals (joint work with E.T. Shavgulidze)
Vladimir Belokurov
October 4, 2016 17:00–17:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Vladimir Belokurov
27. Symmetry breaking effective potentials extreme properties for the standard model extensions
Mikhail Dolgopolov
October 4, 2016 17:30–17:50, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Mikhail Dolgopolov
28. On uniqueness problems related to continuity and Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations
Stanislav Shaposhnikov
October 4, 2016 18:10–18:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Stanislav Shaposhnikov
29. Cluster tau-functions and quantum generating series
Dimitry Noshchenko
October 4, 2016 18:30–18:50, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Dimitry Noshchenko

October 5, 2016 (Wed)
30. Conformal Universe as false vacuum decay
Valerii Rubakov
October 5, 2016 10:00–10:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Valerii Rubakov
31. Perturbations on and off de Sitter brane in anti-de Sitter bulk
Maksim Libanov
October 5, 2016 10:30–11:00, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Maksim Libanov
32. Holographic Thermolization
Irina Arefeva
October 5, 2016 11:00–11:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Irina Arefeva
33. Chern-Simons term in the geometric theory of defects
Mikhail Katanaev, J. Zanelli
October 5, 2016 12:00–12:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Mikhail Katanaev, J. Zanelli
34. Stability of Quantum Statistical Ensembles with Respect to Local Measurements
Boris Fine
October 5, 2016 12:30–13:00, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Boris Fine
35. Holographic thermalization from colliding particles
Mikhail Khramtsov
October 5, 2016 13:00–13:20, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Mikhail Khramtsov

October 6, 2016 (Thu)
36. Note on Entropy for Quantum Open Systems
Noboru Watanabe
October 6, 2016 10:00–10:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Noboru Watanabe
37. Quantum “Signal plus stationary coloured noise” models
Alexander Holevo
October 6, 2016 10:30–11:00, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Alexander Holevo
38. Conditional mutual information in infinite-dimensional quantum systems and its use
Maksim Shirokov
October 6, 2016 11:00–11:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Maksim Shirokov
39. On the definition of entropy production in Markovian open quantum systems
Anton Trushechkin
October 6, 2016 12:00–12:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Anton Trushechkin
40. On the asymptotical normality for lattice Hamiltonian dynamics. Energy transport equation
Tatiana Dudnikova
October 6, 2016 12:30–13:00, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Tatiana Dudnikova
41. An example of quantum system control with coherent feed-back
Viktoryia Dubravina
October 6, 2016 13:00–13:20, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Viktoryia Dubravina
42. On the law of large numbers for the composition of random semigroups
Vsevolod Sakbaev
October 6, 2016 15:00–15:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Vsevolod Sakbaev
43. On the one-dimensional continuity equation with a nearly incompressible vector field
Nikolay Gusev
October 6, 2016 15:30–15:50, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Nikolay Gusev
44. On uniqueness of weak solutions to transport equation with non-smooth velocity field
Paolo Bonicatto
October 6, 2016 15:50–16:10, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Paolo Bonicatto
45. On the Morse–Sard theorem for the sharp case of Sobolev mappings and its applications in fluid mechanics
Mikhail Korobkov
October 6, 2016 16:10–16:40, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Mikhail Korobkov
46. On the structure of non-commutative operator graphs
Grigori Amosov
October 6, 2016 17:00–17:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Grigori Amosov
47. Impurity spin in normal stochastic field: basic model of magnetic resonance
Fridrikh Dzheparov, D. V. Lvov
October 6, 2016 17:30–17:50, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Fridrikh Dzheparov, D. V. Lvov
48. Thermal preparation of an entangled steady state of spin ensembles
Natalia Teper
October 6, 2016 17:50–18:10, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Natalia Teper

October 7, 2016 (Fri)
49. Statistical properties of p-adic systems
Evgeny Zelenov
October 7, 2016 10:00–10:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
50. Temperedness of measures defined by polynomial equations over local fields
David Taylor
October 7, 2016 10:30–11:00, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
David Taylor
51. Kinetics of CO connection using mioglobin: rigorous analytic results and predictions
Albert Bikulov, A.P. Zubarev
October 7, 2016 11:00–11:20, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Albert Bikulov, A.P. Zubarev
52. From geometric optics to plants: eikonal equation for buckling
Kirill Polovnikov
October 7, 2016 11:20–11:40, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Kirill Polovnikov
53. On the one-particle formulation of the Dirac theory
Nikolay Chuprikov
October 7, 2016 12:00–12:30, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Nikolay Chuprikov
54. Towards causality formalism of quantum mechanics
Vladimir Anashin
October 7, 2016 12:30–13:00, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Vladimir Anashin
55. The hierarchy in the natural protein sequences and it's applications
Anastasia Anashkina
October 7, 2016 13:00–13:20, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Anastasia Anashkina
56. Measure-preserving and ergodic an n-unit delay mappings
Livat Tyapaev
October 7, 2016 13:20–13:40, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Livat Tyapaev
57. Generalized Clifford algebras
Nikolay Marchuk
October 7, 2016 15:00–15:20, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Nikolay Marchuk
58. Covariantly constant solutions of the Yang-Mills equations
Dmitry Shirokov
October 7, 2016 15:20–15:40, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Dmitry Shirokov
59. Asymptotic solutions of the Cauchy problem for a wave equation with rapidly varying coefficients
Vladimir Nazaikinskii
October 7, 2016 15:40–16:00, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Vladimir Nazaikinskii
60. The quantum transition probabilities as a functional integrals in energy transitionaly and numerical calculations
Alexander Biryukov
October 7, 2016 16:00–16:20, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Alexander Biryukov
61. Quantum-mechanical analogies in some models of informational interactions
Alexander Lebedev
October 7, 2016 17:00–17:20, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Alexander Lebedev
62. Analytic solution of the boundary Dirichlet Problems for the Poisson equations in the cases of carbon nanotubes an graphene nanoribbons
Kanstantsin Vasileuski
October 7, 2016 17:20–17:40, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Kanstantsin Vasileuski
63. General-kind differential-difference elliptic equations in half-plane: asymptotic properties of solutions
Andrey Muravnik
October 7, 2016 17:40–18:00, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Andrey Muravnik
64. Protocol of imperfect bidirectional teleportation with single Bell state
E. O. Kiktenko, A. A. Popov, A. K. Fedorov
October 7, 2016 17:40–18:00, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
E. O. Kiktenko, A. A. Popov, A. K. Fedorov
65. Grassmann Structure on the Antisymmetric Fock Spaces with Unitary Fourier Supertransforms
Nikolaj Shamarov
October 7, 2016 18:00–18:20, Moscow, MIAN, Gubkina, 8
Nikolaj Shamarov
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