
Automorphic forms and their applications


Galkin Sergey
Gritsenko Valerii Alekseevich
Spiridonov Vyacheslav Pavlovich

Adler Dmitrii Vsevolodovich (Secretary)

National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow
International laboratory for Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms, National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (HSE), Moscow
Department of Mathematics, National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow

Automorphic forms and their applications, Moscow

December 10, 2019 (Tue)
1. Integrable systems, automodality and special functions
V. P. Spiridonov
December 10, 2019 18:00, Moscow

November 26, 2019 (Tue)
2. What is known and what is unknown about zeros of Riemann zeta-function
M. A. Korolev
November 26, 2019 18:00, Moscow

November 19, 2019 (Tue)
3. Dubrovin-Frobenius manifolds
S. M. Natanzon
November 19, 2019 18:00, Moscow

November 12, 2019 (Tue)
4. Sphere packings and automorphic forms
A. B. Kalmynin
November 12, 2019 18:00, Moscow

November 5, 2019 (Tue)
5. Arnold's strange duality as mirror symmetry
Alexey Basalaev
November 5, 2019 18:00, Moscow

October 29, 2019 (Tue)
6. The structure of the algebra of Jacobi forms for the root system F_4
D. Adler
October 29, 2019 18:00, Moscow

October 22, 2019 (Tue)
7. On a functional equation for an elliptic dilogarithm
V. Bobachan
October 22, 2019 18:00, Moscow

October 15, 2019 (Tue)
8. Quantum Field Theory and Mirror Symmetry
A. S. Losev
October 15, 2019 18:00, Moscow

October 8, 2019 (Tue)
9. General modular quantum dilogarithm and beta-integrals
V. P. Spiridonov
October 8, 2019 18:00, Moscow

October 1, 2019 (Tue)
10. Elliptic polylogarithms. General Theory and Applications
A. M. Levin
October 1, 2019 18:00, Moscow

September 24, 2019 (Tue)
11. JKLMR conjecture and Batyrev’s polytopes.
A. A. Belavin
September 24, 2019 18:00, Moscow

June 25, 2019 (Tue)
12. Towers of Feynman Integrals
Pierre Vanhove
June 25, 2019 18:00, Moscow

June 18, 2019 (Tue)
13. Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov-Bernard equation
A. M. Levin
June 18, 2019 18:00, Moscow

June 11, 2019 (Tue)
14. Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov equation
A. M. Levin
June 11, 2019 18:00, Moscow

April 17, 2019 (Wed)
15. Rarefied hypergeometric functions and their applications
V. P. Spiridonov
April 17, 2019 17:30, Moscow

April 9, 2019 (Tue)
16. Cohen-Kuznetsov construction and arithmetic functions on short intervals
A. B. Kalmynin
April 9, 2019 18:00, Moscow

December 18, 2018 (Tue)
17. Elliptic integrable systems and associative Yang-Baxter equation
A. V. Zotov
December 18, 2018 18:00, Moscow

December 11, 2018 (Tue)
18. Дискретная группа Гейзенберга и тэта-функции
D. V. Osipov
December 11, 2018 18:00, Moscow

December 4, 2018 (Tue)
19. Mock theta functions and characters of representations of logarithmic vertex algebras
B. L. Feigin
December 4, 2018 18:00, Moscow

November 27, 2018 (Tue)
20. Remarkable Siegel paramodular forms of small weights
Haowu Wang
November 27, 2018 18:00, Moscow

November 20, 2018 (Tue)
21. The ring of weak Jacobi forms for root lattices of D_n type
D. Adler
November 20, 2018 18:00, Moscow

November 13, 2018 (Tue)
22. Fundamental domains for subgroups of the modular group
A. G. Gorinov, I. Kalinkin
November 13, 2018 18:00, Moscow

November 6, 2018 (Tue)
23. Weyl invariant E_8 Jacobi forms 2
Haowu Wang
November 6, 2018 18:00, Moscow

October 30, 2018 (Tue)
24. Weyl invariant $E_8$ Jacobi forms 1
Haowu Wang
October 30, 2018 18:00, Moscow

October 16, 2018 (Tue)
25. Differential operators on the space of Jacobi forms
V. A. Gritsenko
October 16, 2018 18:00, Moscow
26. Non-existence of reflective modular forms
Haowu Wang
October 16, 2018 19:00, Moscow

October 9, 2018 (Tue)
27. Topological polylogarithms
A. M. Levin
October 9, 2018 18:00, Moscow

October 2, 2018 (Tue)
28. The Siegel-Klingen theorem
A. M. Levin
October 2, 2018 18:00, Moscow

September 25, 2018 (Tue)
29. Genetics of reflective modular forms
V. A. Gritsenko
September 25, 2018 18:00, Moscow

June 20, 2018 (Wed)
30. Feynman Integrals, modular forms and beyond
Pierre Vanhove
June 20, 2018 17:30, Moscow

May 21, 2018 (Mon)
31. Fibered motives and L-values
V. V. Golyshev
May 21, 2018 16:15, Moscow
32. Modular Cauchy kernel corresponding to the Hecke curve
Nina Saharova
May 21, 2018 17:20, Moscow
33. Free algebras of the Hilbert modular forms
E. S. Stuken
May 21, 2018 17:40, Moscow
34. The ring of weak Jacobi forms for $D_n$ root lattice
D. Adler
May 21, 2018 18:00, Moscow
35. Weyl invariant $E_8$ Jacobi forms
H. Wang
May 21, 2018 18:30, Moscow

April 23, 2018 (Mon)
36. On free algebras of automorphic forms
È. B. Vinberg
April 23, 2018 17:00, Moscow

March 26, 2018 (Mon)
37. Grothendieck ring of varieties and cubic hypersurfaces
Pavel Popov
March 26, 2018 18:00, Moscow

March 12, 2018 (Mon)
38. Mock theta functions. Part 2
A. B. Kalmynin
March 12, 2018 18:00, Moscow

March 5, 2018 (Mon)
39. Mock theta functions
A. B. Kalmynin
March 5, 2018 18:00, Moscow

February 26, 2018 (Mon)
40. On methods of classification of reflective hyperbolic lattices
N. V. Bogachev
February 26, 2018 18:00, Moscow

February 5, 2018 (Mon)
41. Automorphisms of cubic hypersurfaces and their modular interpretation
V. Bobachan
February 5, 2018 18:00, Moscow

January 29, 2018 (Mon)
42. Introduction to the theory of elliptic hypergeometric integrals
V. P. Spiridonov
January 29, 2018 17:00, Moscow, Laboratory of theoretical physics, JINR, Dubna

January 22, 2018 (Mon)
43. Fukaya category of rational blowdown
Ivan Yakovlev
January 22, 2018 18:00, Moscow

January 9, 2018 (Tue)
44. L-функции парамодулярных форм Зигеля веса 3
V. A. Gritsenko
January 9, 2018 15:30, Moscow

December 25, 2017 (Mon)
45. Four-dimensional Galois representations of Calabi-Yau type
V. V. Golyshev
December 25, 2017 18:00, Moscow

December 11, 2017 (Mon)
46. Seiberg duality and superconformal indices
V. P. Spiridonov
December 11, 2017 18:00, Moscow

December 4, 2017 (Mon)
47. Structure of Jacobi forms for root lattice D_8
D. Adler
December 4, 2017 18:00, Moscow

November 27, 2017 (Mon)
48. On some modularity properties of Donaldson-Thomas invariants of compact Calabi-Yau threefolds predicted by supersymmetric string theory
Artan Sheshmani
November 27, 2017 18:00, Moscow

November 20, 2017 (Mon)
49. Conjecture on theta-blocks of order one. Part 2: root system A_4 and Borcherds products
V. A. Gritsenko
November 20, 2017 18:00, Moscow

November 13, 2017 (Mon)
50. Conjecture on theta-blocks of order one. Part 1: Siegel modular forms
V. A. Gritsenko
November 13, 2017 18:00, Moscow

October 30, 2017 (Mon)
51. Siegel Modular Forms and Black Hole Entropy
Alejandra Castro
October 30, 2017 18:00, Moscow

October 23, 2017 (Mon)
52. Extension of moduli and gauged linear sigma models
S. Galkin
October 23, 2017 18:00, Moscow

October 2, 2017 (Mon)
53. Reflective polyhedra. The fourth lecture of mini-course "Combinatorial Mirror Symmetry"
V. V. Batyrev
October 2, 2017 18:00, Moscow

September 25, 2017 (Mon)
54. Toric varieties. The first lecture of mini-course "Combinatorial Mirror Symmetry"
V. V. Batyrev
September 25, 2017 18:00, Moscow

September 18, 2017 (Mon)
55. Differential equations from mirror symmetry
V. V. Golyshev
September 18, 2017 18:00, Moscow

September 11, 2017 (Mon)
56. Virtual Symmetries
S. Galkin
September 11, 2017 18:00, Moscow

August 1, 2017 (Tue)
57. Twisted Compactifications and Black Hole Microstates
P. Marcos Crichigno
August 1, 2017 18:00, Moscow

July 4, 2017 (Tue)
58. Combinatorics of canonical bases and potentials
G. A. Koshevoy
July 4, 2017 18:00, Moscow
59. Эллиптическое гипергеометрическое уравнение
V. P. Spiridonov
July 4, 2017 20:00, Moscow
60. Moduli spaces of K3 surfaces and modular forms
V. A. Gritsenko
July 4, 2017 20:55, Moscow

June 27, 2017 (Tue)
61. Homological mirror symmetry for elliptic curves (after Polishchuk-Zaslow)
D. Polyakova
June 27, 2017 18:00, Moscow

June 20, 2017 (Tue)
62. Conjecture O for odd cohomology
S. Galkin
June 20, 2017 18:00, Moscow

June 13, 2017 (Tue)
63. TBA
June 13, 2017 17:15, Moscow
64. Bosonization in two dimension
A. N. Kapustin
June 13, 2017 18:15, Moscow

June 6, 2017 (Tue)
65. Orthogonal modular forms for $E_8$ lattice
V. Bobachan
June 6, 2017 18:00, Moscow
66. Orthogonal modular forms for tower of lattices $0<D1<D2<...<D7<D8<E8$
V. A. Gritsenko
June 6, 2017 19:00, Moscow

May 23, 2017 (Tue)
67. Universal Dunkl operators: Algebra, Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Integrable Systems and LDT
A. N. Kirillov
May 23, 2017 18:00, Moscow

May 16, 2017 (Tue)
68. Fibers over infinity in Landau-Ginzburg models
V. V. Przyjalkowski
May 16, 2017 18:00, Moscow

April 25, 2017 (Tue)
69. Localization in equivariant cohomology: last century
A. A. Roslyi
April 25, 2017 18:00, Moscow

April 18, 2017 (Tue)
70. 0-cycles, linear representations and semilinear representations
M. Z. Rovinskii
April 18, 2017 18:00, Moscow
71. From multiple Barnes gamma-functions to elliptic hypergeometry
V. P. Spiridonov
April 18, 2017 19:00, Moscow

April 11, 2017 (Tue)
72. Introduction to motivic Tamagawa numbers
Spencer Bloch
April 11, 2017 18:00, Moscow

April 4, 2017 (Tue)
73. The Schottky problem at the boundary, for curves and surfaces
Nicholas Shepherd-Barron,
April 4, 2017 18:00, Moscow

March 28, 2017 (Tue)
74. Elliptic Hypergeometric Functions in Combinatorics, Integrable Systems and Physics. (review of a conference in ESI (Vienna))
A. B. Kalmynin, V. P. Spiridonov
March 28, 2017 18:00, Moscow

March 14, 2017 (Tue)
75. Effective mirror symmetry
V. V. Przyjalkowski
March 14, 2017 18:00, Moscow

March 7, 2017 (Tue)
76. Homological mirror symmetry and enumeration of curves 2/2
I. Yakovlev
March 7, 2017 18:30, Moscow

February 28, 2017 (Tue)
77. Homological mirror symmetry and enumeration of curves 1/2
I. Yakovlev
February 28, 2017 18:30, Moscow

February 21, 2017 (Tue)
78. What are exact formulae?
V. A. Gritsenko
February 21, 2017 18:00, Moscow

February 14, 2017 (Tue)
79. Witten genus via deformation quantization 2/2
A. Prihodko
February 14, 2017 18:00, Moscow

February 7, 2017 (Tue)
80. Bernoulli numbers, Ramanujan congruences and Milnor-Kervaire theorem
V. V. Golyshev
February 7, 2017 18:00, Moscow
81. Lambda rings, beta rings and cohomotopies
A. L. Gorodentsev
February 7, 2017 19:00, Moscow

January 31, 2017 (Tue)
82. Superconformal indices in 2- and 4-dimensional field theory and elliptic genus
V. P. Spiridonov
January 31, 2017 18:00, Moscow

January 24, 2017 (Tue)
83. Witten genus via deformation quantization 1/2
A. Prihodko
January 24, 2017 18:00, Moscow

January 17, 2017 (Tue)
84. Arithmetic mirror symmetry for K3 surfaces
V. V. Nikulin
January 17, 2017 18:00, Moscow

January 10, 2017 (Tue)
85. Mirror symmetry and automorphic forms for some hyperkahler manifolds
S. Galkin
January 10, 2017 18:00, Moscow

December 27, 2016 (Tue)
86. Mirror symmetry for abelian varieties
Artem Kalmykov
December 27, 2016 18:00, Moscow

December 20, 2016 (Tue)
87. Discriminantal hypersurfaces in singularity theory. Reflective modular forms and Arnold exceptional singularities
, V. A. Gritsenko, A. Ilyukhin
December 20, 2016 18:30, Moscow

December 13, 2016 (Tue)
88. The structure of the graded ring of weak Jacobi forms and “elliptization” of Hodge polynomials of algebraic varieties
V. A. Gritsenko
December 13, 2016 17:00, Moscow

December 6, 2016 (Tue)
89. Jacobi forms and root systems
D. Adler
December 6, 2016 18:00, Moscow

November 22, 2016 (Tue)
90. Elliptic hypergeometric functions, SL(3,Z) and lens space
V. P. Spiridonov
November 22, 2016 18:00, Moscow

November 15, 2016 (Tue)
91. Generating functions for topological invariants and FI-modules
Tereshkin Denis
November 15, 2016 18:00, Moscow

November 8, 2016 (Tue)
92. Jacobi forms and modular forms with t-parameter
V. A. Gritsenko
November 8, 2016 18:00, Moscow

November 1, 2016 (Tue)
93. A classical problem of number theory and theta-series with extra parameters
A. B. Kalmynin
November 1, 2016 18:00, Moscow

October 25, 2016 (Tue)
94. Дилогарифм в современной математике
A. M. Levin
October 25, 2016 18:00, Moscow

October 18, 2016 (Tue)
95. Вопрос P1 из доклада Василия Голышева
October 18, 2016 18:00, Moscow

October 11, 2016 (Tue)
96. Эллиптический дилогарифм Блоха и тета-функция Якоби
V. V. Golyshev
October 11, 2016 18:00, Moscow

October 4, 2016 (Tue)
97. Theta-blocks and Borcherds products
V. A. Gritsenko
October 4, 2016, Moscow

May 24, 2016 (Tue)
98. Arithmeticity of fake projective planes (after Klingler)
Golota Alexey
May 24, 2016 18:30, Moscow

April 19, 2016 (Tue)
99. Fibonacci zeta-function
A. B. Kalmynin
April 19, 2016, Moscow

April 12, 2016 (Tue)
100. Algebras of geometries
S. Galkin
April 12, 2016 18:30, Moscow

April 5, 2016 (Tue)
101. Automorphic forms and new class of Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebras
V. A. Gritsenko
April 5, 2016, Moscow

March 29, 2016 (Tue)
102. Fake projective planes
Popov Pavel
March 29, 2016, Moscow

March 22, 2016 (Tue)
103. On some correspondences between moduli spaces of vector bundles on algebraic surfaces
M. I. Leenson
March 22, 2016, Moscow

March 15, 2016 (Tue)
104. Jacobi forms from root systems
Adler Dmitry
March 15, 2016 18:30, Moscow

March 1, 2016 (Tue)
105. Topological modular forms and Witten genus
Prihodko Artem
March 1, 2016 18:30, Moscow

February 16, 2016 (Tue)
106. Modular description of moduli space of cubic surfaces with special automorphism group
V. Bolbachan
February 16, 2016, Moscow

February 9, 2016 (Tue)
107. Yau-Zaslow formula
S. Galkin
February 9, 2016 18:30, Moscow

December 22, 2015 (Tue)
108. Automorphic discriminants
V. A. Gritsenko
December 22, 2015 18:30, Moscow

December 17, 2015 (Thu)
109. Denominator formula for affine Kac-Moody algebra as a Jacobi form
V. A. Gritsenko
December 17, 2015 17:00, Moscow

December 15, 2015 (Tue)
110. Equations D3 with multiplicativity property and eta-products
V. V. Golyshev
December 15, 2015 18:30, Moscow

December 10, 2015 (Thu)
111. Jacobi forms from vector bundles: generalized elliptic (Jacobi) genus of complex manifolds II
V. A. Gritsenko
December 10, 2015 17:00, Moscow

December 8, 2015 (Tue)
112. Tau-function and geometry of moduli spaces
P. G. Zograf
December 8, 2015 18:30, Moscow

December 3, 2015 (Thu)
113. Jacobi forms and elliptic cohomology (after B. Totaro)
Tereshkin Denis Nikolaevich
December 3, 2015 17:00, Moscow

December 1, 2015 (Tue)
114. Mirror moonshine
S. Galkin
December 1, 2015 18:30, Moscow

November 26, 2015 (Thu)
115. Holomorphic elliptic genus of complex manifolds I
V. A. Gritsenko
November 26, 2015 17:00, Moscow

November 24, 2015 (Tue)
116. Cauchy modular kernels
A. M. Levin
November 24, 2015 18:30, Moscow

November 19, 2015 (Thu)
117. Modular forms for the Weil representation
Scheithauer Nils
November 19, 2015 17:00, Moscow

November 17, 2015 (Tue)
118. Automorphic Borcherds products of singular weight
Scheithauer Nils
November 17, 2015, Moscow

November 10, 2015 (Tue)
119. Chevalley theorems for groups of complex reflections in $\mathbf{С}^n$ and in the complex ball
O. V. Schwarzman
November 10, 2015 18:30, Moscow

November 3, 2015 (Tue)
120. On phenomenon of modular invariance in spectral density of random processes of Laplacian type
S. K. Nechaev
November 3, 2015 18:30, Moscow

October 27, 2015 (Tue)
121. Automorphic forms on a complex ball
S. Galkin
October 27, 2015 18:30, Moscow

October 20, 2015 (Tue)
122. Automorphic Borcherds products in geometry, topology and physics
V. A. Gritsenko
October 20, 2015 18:30, Moscow

October 13, 2015 (Tue)
123. Moduli of multi polarized K3 surfaces and automorphic forms on symmetric domains of type IV
È. B. Vinberg
October 13, 2015 18:30, Moscow

October 6, 2015 (Tue)
124. Бесконечные произведения, эллиптические гипергеометрические интегралы, топологические индексы
V. P. Spiridonov
October 6, 2015 18:30, Moscow

September 29, 2015 (Tue)
125. Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebras and automorphic forms. Introduction
V. V. Nikulin
September 29, 2015 18:30, Moscow

September 22, 2015 (Tue)
126. Reflective Borcherds form $\Phi_{12}$. Introduction
V. A. Gritsenko
September 22, 2015 18:30, Moscow

September 15, 2015 (Tue)
127. Borcherds products - study plan
V. A. Gritsenko
September 15, 2015 18:30, Moscow
128. Geometric moonshines
S. Galkin
September 15, 2015 18:30, Moscow
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