Automorphic forms and their applications
May 21, 2018 18:00–18:20, Moscow
The ring of weak Jacobi forms for $D_n$ root lattice
D. Adler Department of Mathematics, National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
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For every quadratic lattice one can defines the notion of weak Jacobi
forms associated with this lattice. In 1992 K. Withmüller proved that
spaces of Jacobi forms associated with root lattices (except E_8) have
the structure of a free algebra over the ring of modular forms.
However, his proof is very complicated. In my talk I plan to introduce
some constructions that help to solve this problem in case D_8 and
obtain generators of the corresponding algebra in an explicit way. The
talk will be based on joint results with Valery Gritsenko. These
results are preparing to publication.