
Spectral theory, nonlinear problems, and applications
(December 8–11, 2023, Hotel-park "Repino", Primorskoye sh., 394, lit. B, 197738, St. Petersburg)

The conference aims to gather experts in nonlinear integrable systems, spectral theory, and scattering theory. Main focus is the interplay between recent theoretical results in these areas and some applied problems such as efficient numerical solution of nonlinear integrable equations.



Organizing Committee
Bessonov Roman Viktorovich
Romanov Roman Vladimirovich
Timofeeva Polina Viktorovna

Aptekarev Alexander Ivanovich
Bessonov Roman Viktorovich
Bogatyrev Andrei Borisovich
Bufetov Alexander Igorevich
Delitsyn Andrey Leonidovich
Domrin Andrei Victorovich
Frumin L L
Gubkin Pavel Vasil'evich
Karol' Andrey Igorevich
Kucherenko Oleg Vladimirovich
Matveenko Sergei Georgievich
Mednykh Alexander Dmitrievich
Nazarov Alexander Il'ich
Novokshenov Victor Yur'evich
Plotnikov Pavel Vladimirovich
Rastegaev Nikita Vladimirovich
Romanov Roman Vladimirovich
Smirnov Aleksandr Olegovich
Titarenko Sergey Alexeyevich

Saint Petersburg State University

Spectral theory, nonlinear problems, and applications, St. Petersburg, December 8–11, 2023

December 9, 2023 (Sat)
1. Opening
December 9, 2023 09:45–09:50, St. Petersburg, Hotel-park "Repino", Primorskoye sh., 394, lit. B, 197738
2. Spectral problem of Poincaré and Steklov
A. B. Bogatyrev
December 9, 2023 09:50–10:30, St. Petersburg, Hotel-park "Repino", Primorskoye sh., 394, lit. B, 197738
3. Discrete Riemann-Hilbert problem and interpolation of entire functions
V. Yu. Novokshenov
December 9, 2023 10:55–11:35, St. Petersburg, Hotel-park "Repino", Primorskoye sh., 394, lit. B, 197738
4. Fast algorithms for solving the non-linear Schrödinger equation for digital compensation of signal distortions in fiber-optic communication lines
A. L. Delitsyn
December 9, 2023 11:45–12:25, St. Petersburg, Hotel-park "Repino", Primorskoye sh., 394, lit. B, 197738
5. Szegő asymptotics for multiple orthogonal polynomials with respect to Angelesco weights
A. I. Aptekarev
December 9, 2023 12:50–13:30, St. Petersburg, Hotel-park "Repino", Primorskoye sh., 394, lit. B, 197738
6. Discrete analytic functions and Taylor series
A. D. Mednykh, O. A. Danilov
December 9, 2023 13:40–14:20, St. Petersburg, Hotel-park "Repino", Primorskoye sh., 394, lit. B, 197738
7. Formulation of mathematical problems in fiber optical telecommunications
P. V. Plotnikov
December 9, 2023 18:40–19:10, St. Petersburg, Hotel-park "Repino", Primorskoye sh., 394, lit. B, 197738

December 10, 2023 (Sun)
8. Large time behavior of lossy systems governed by Dirac and Schrödinger operators.
R. V. Romanov
December 10, 2023 09:50–10:30, St. Petersburg, Hotel-park "Repino", Primorskoye sh., 394, lit. B, 197738
9. Properties of real-analytic solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and related equations
A. V. Domrin
December 10, 2023 10:55–11:35, St. Petersburg, Hotel-park "Repino", Primorskoye sh., 394, lit. B, 197738
10. Spectral curves and vector integrable nonlinear equations
A. O. Smirnov
December 10, 2023 11:45–12:25, St. Petersburg, Hotel-park "Repino", Primorskoye sh., 394, lit. B, 197738
11. Inverse spectral scattering transform algorithm for the Manakov system
L. L. Frumin
December 10, 2023 12:50–13:35, St. Petersburg, Hotel-park "Repino", Primorskoye sh., 394, lit. B, 197738
12. Solving discrete nonlinear Shrödinger equation on $\mathbb Z$ using Schur's algorithm for analytic functions
R. V. Bessonov, P. V. Gubkin
December 10, 2023 13:40–14:20, St. Petersburg, Hotel-park "Repino", Primorskoye sh., 394, lit. B, 197738
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