Spectral theory, nonlinear problems, and applications
December 9, 2023 10:55–11:35, St. Petersburg, Hotel-park "Repino", Primorskoye sh., 394, lit. B, 197738
Discrete Riemann-Hilbert problem and interpolation of entire functions
V. Yu. Novokshenov |
We consider two problems in complex analysis which were developed in Ufa
in 1970s years. These are a Riemann-Hilbert problem about jump of a piecewise-analytic
function on a contour and a problem of interpolation of entire functions on a countable set in
the complex plane. A progress in recent years led to comprehension that they have much
common in subject. The first problem arrives as an equivalent of the inverse scattering
problem applied for integrating nonlinear differential equations of mathematical physics.
The second problem is a natural generalization of Lagrange formula for polynomial with
given values on a finite set of points. It is shown that both problems can be united by
generalization of the Riemann-Hilbert problem on a case of “discrete contour”, where a
“jump” of analytic function takes place. This formulation of the discrete matrix Riemann
problem can be applied now for various problems of exactly solvable difference equations
as well as estimates of spectrum of random matrices. In the paper we show how the
discrete matrix Riemann problem provides a way to integrate nonlinear difference equations
such as a discrete Painlevé equation. On the other hand, it is shown how assignment of
residues to meromorphic matrix functions is effectively reduced to an interpolation problem
of entire functions on a countable set in $\mathbb C$ with the only accumulation point at infinity.
Other application of discrete matrix Riemann problem includes calculation of Fredholm
determinants emerging in combinatorics and group representation theory.