
International workshop "Syntax and semantics of logical systems"
(August 11–16, 2019, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia)

The 6th International Workshop Syntax and semantics of Logical Systems is dedicated to the 90th birth anniversary of Ali Ivanovich Kokorin, the founder of the Irkutsk school of algebra and logic.

The purpose of the workshop is the discussion of the results and identification of relevant research directions in algebra, mathematical logic and their applications, as well as providing young researchers with the opportunity of personal contact with famous Russian and Mongolian scientists.


  • universal algebra,
  • logical calculus,
  • theory of models,
  • Boolean algebra,
  • the theory of finite-valued functions,
  • algebraic-logical methods in information technology,
  • history and philosophy of mathematics,
  • the logical component of mathematical education.




Irkutsk State University
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk

International workshop "Syntax and semantics of logical systems", Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol, August 11–16, 2019
1. Asymptotically optimal in reliability curcuits in a basis consisting of the Webb function with the faults of type 0 at the outputs of gates
M. A. Alekhina, O. Yu. Barsukova
August 11–16, 2019, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol

2. About the reliability of circuits in the basis containing a special function
M. A. Alekhina, Yu. S. Gusynina, T. A. Shornikova
August 11–16, 2019, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol

3. On compositions of circular dense orders with structures and of their algebras of binary formulas
D. Yu. Emelyanov, B. Sh. Kulpeshov, S. V. Sudoplatov
August 11–16, 2019, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol

4. On an upper bound for the complexity of three-valued functions in the class of polarized polynomials
A. S. Baliuk
August 11–16, 2019, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol

5. The Smetanich constant and finite canonical model method
A. D. Yashin
August 11–16, 2019, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol

6. On the Metrics on Multi-Valuable Logical Expression and Application of the Metrics in Databases
A. A. Vikent'ev
August 11–16, 2019, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol

7. Nonmonotone complexity of logic circuits and similar problems
V. V. Kochergin, A. V. Mikhailovich
August 11–16, 2019, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol

8. New criterion on criticality of particular finite noncommutative rings
Batzul Tumur, Gankhuyag Danzan
August 11–16, 2019, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol

August 12, 2019 (Mon)
9. Î ìàòåìàòè÷åñêèõ ðàáîòàõ À. È. Êîêîðèíà
N. A. Peryazev, S. F. Vinokurov
August 12, 2019 10:30–11:10, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
10. On $\Sigma$-preorderings in $HF(\mathbb{R})$
A. S. Morozov
August 12, 2019 11:10–11:50, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
11. $ES_U$-completeness criterion of multifunctions on two-element set
V. I. Panteleev, L. V. Ryabets
August 12, 2019 12:00–12:30, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
12. Applying Metaheuristic Pseudo-Boolean Optimization Algorithms to Search for Linearizing Sets in Cryptanalysis of Cryptographic Generators
K. V. Antonov, A. A. Semenov
August 12, 2019 12:30–13:00, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
13. Presentation of PhD thesis on the topic «Complexity and Algorithms for Obtaining Representations of Multiple-output Boolean Functions in Polynomial Forms and in Reversible Logic Circuits»
A. S. Frantseva
August 12, 2019 15:00–15:30, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
14. Analysis of adaptive algorithms for repeated matrix games
K. D. Kirichenko
August 12, 2019 15:30–16:00, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
15. The conception of foundation in the formation, development and assessment of logical universal learning activities
Z. A. Dulatova, E. S. Lapshina, A. I. Kovyrshina, N. N. Shtykov
August 12, 2019 16:00–16:30, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
16. Mathematics in Irkutsk: IRGOSUN (27.10.1980 – 20.04.1931)
N. A. Peryazev, Yu. V. Peryazeva
August 12, 2019 16:30–17:00, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol

August 13, 2019 (Tue)
17. Linear transformations preserving matrix invariants
A. È. Guterman
August 13, 2019 10:30–11:10, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
18. Representation of polynomially stable functions by sums of Boolean read-once functions over the elementary basis
O. V. Zubkov
August 13, 2019 11:10–10:50, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
19. On equivalence classes of multifunctions generated by partial ultraclones of rank 2
S. A. Badmaev, I. K. Sharankhaev, K. A. Shishmakova
August 13, 2019 12:00–12:30, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
20. Criterion for the $ES_I$-completeness of Sets of Multifunctions of Rank 2
E. S. Taglasov, V. I. Panteleev
August 13, 2019 12:30–13:00, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol

August 15, 2019 (Thu)
21. Ramsey's theorem and locally nilpotent groups
V. V. Bludov
August 15, 2019 10:30–11:10, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
22. Algebras of unary multioperations of finite rank
N. A. Peryazev
August 15, 2019 11:10–11:50, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
23. Logical $k$-valued functions classification based on additive formulae
D. G. Meshchaninov
August 15, 2019 12:00–12:30, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
24. An Approximate Algorithm for Finding the Complexity of Reversible Implementations Boolean Functions’ Extended Kronecker Forms
S. F. Vinokurov, A. S. Frantseva
August 15, 2019 12:30–13:00, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
25. On the Completeness of Second-Order Theories with Infinity Axioms
D. Smelianskiy
August 15, 2019 15:00–15:20, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
26. Àëãåáðû óíàðíûõ îïåðàöèé è êîíå÷íûå àëãåáðû Êðàñíåðà ìóëüòèîïåðàöèé
N. A. Peryazev
August 15, 2019 15:20–16:00, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
27. On the Complexity of Standard Forms for Multioperations of rank k
A. S. Kazimirov
August 15, 2019 16:10–16:30, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
28. Algorithm for Minimizing Multioperations in the Class of Key Standard Forms
S. I. Todikov
August 15, 2019 16:30–16:50, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
29. $ES$-çàìûêàíèå ìóëüòèôóíêöèé ðàíãà 3
V. I. Panteleev
August 15, 2019 16:50–17:10, Ñamp site on the shore of Lake Hovsgol
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