1. Shijie Liu, Weidong Liu, Zhiyong Lin, Wei Lin, “Experimental Research on the Propagation Characteristics of Continuous Rotating Detonation Wave Near the Operating Boundary”, Combustion Science and Technology, 187:11 (2015), 1790  crossref
  2. Song-Bai Yao, Meng Liu, Jian-Ping Wang, “The Effect of the Inlet Total Pressure and the Number of Detonation Waves on Rotating Detonation Engines”, Procedia Engineering, 99 (2015), 848  crossref
  3. A. V. Dubrovskii, V. S. Ivanov, S. M. Frolov, “Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the operation process in a continuous detonation combustor with separate feeding of hydrogen and air”, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. B, 9:1 (2015), 104  crossref
  4. Dan Wu, Rui Zhou, Meng Liu, Jianping Wang, “Numerical Investigation of the Stability of Rotating Detonation Engines”, Combustion Science and Technology, 186:10-11 (2014), 1699  crossref
  5. Rui Zhou, Dan Wu, Yan Liu, Jian-Ping Wang, “Particle path tracking method in two- and three-dimensional continuously rotating detonation engines”, Chinese Phys. B, 23:12 (2014), 124704  crossref
  6. Douglas A. Schwer, Kailas Kailasanath, 50th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 2014  crossref
  7. Douglas A. Schwer, Andrew T. Corrigan, Kailas Kailasanath, 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2014  crossref
  8. Frank K. Lu, Eric M. Braun, “Rotating Detonation Wave Propulsion: Experimental Challenges, Modeling, and Engine Concepts”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 30:5 (2014), 1125  crossref
  9. Douglas Schwer, Andrew Corrigan, Brian Taylor, Kailas Kailasanath, 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, 2013  crossref
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  12. Douglas Schwer, K. Kailasanath, “Fluid dynamics of rotating detonation engines with hydrogen and hydrocarbon fuels”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34:2 (2013), 1991  crossref
  13. Shi-Jie Liu, Zhi-Yong Lin, Wei-Dong Liu, Wei Lin, Ming-Bo Sun, “Experimental and three-dimensional numerical investigations on H2/air continuous rotating detonation wave”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 227:2 (2013), 326  crossref
  14. Douglas Schwer, Kailas Kailasanath, 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, 2012  crossref
  15. Douglas Schwer, Kailas Kailasanath, 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 2012  crossref
  16. XuDong Zhang, BaoChun Fan, MingYue Gui, ZhenHua Pan, “Cellular structure of detonation utilized in propulsion system”, Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron., 55:10 (2012), 1915  crossref
  17. Xu-Dong Zhang, Bao-Chun Fan, Ming-Yue Gui, Zhen-Hua Pan, Gang Dong, “Numerical study on three-dimensional flow field of continuously rotating detonation in a toroidal chamber”, Acta Mech Sin, 28:1 (2012), 66  crossref
  18. Frank Lu, Eric Braun, Luca Massa, Donald Wilson, 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 2011  crossref
  19. Yohann Eude, Dmitry Davidenko, Francois Falempin, Iskender Gökalp, 17th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, 2011  crossref
  20. Zhenhua Pan, Baochun Fan, Xudong Zhang, Mingyue Gui, Gang Dong, “Wavelet pattern and self-sustained mechanism of gaseous detonation rotating in a coaxial cylinder”, Combustion and Flame, 158:11 (2011), 2220  crossref