1. Songbai Yao, Xinmeng Tang, Mingyi Luan, Jianping Wang, “Numerical study of hollow rotating detonation engine with different fuel injection area ratios”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36:2 (2017), 2649  crossref
  2. Jian Sun, Jin Zhou, Shijie Liu, Zhiyong Lin, Jianhua Cai, “Effects of injection nozzle exit width on rotating detonation engine”, Acta Astronautica, 140 (2017), 388  crossref
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  4. Anatoliy V Trotsyuk, “Numerical investigation of flow structures with an oblique detonation wave in a hypersonic annular cylindrical chamber”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 899 (2017), 042010  crossref
  5. Songbai Yao, Zhuang Ma, Shujie Zhang, Mingyi Luan, Jianping Wang, “Reinitiation phenomenon in hydrogen-air rotating detonation engine”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42:47 (2017), 28588  crossref
  6. Songbai Yao, Xinmeng Tang, Jianping Wang, “Numerical Study of the Propulsive Performance of the Hollow Rotating Detonation Engine with a Laval Nozzle”, International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines, 34:1 (2017)  crossref
  7. A V Trotsyuk, “Numerical simulation of classical and rotating detonation waves in methane mixtures”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 894 (2017), 012097  crossref
  8. Andrew R. Mizener, Frank K. Lu, 52nd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 2016  crossref
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  10. Ranis N. Ibragimov, “Multidimensional wave fronts propagation along the beams associated with thermodynamic model of a rotating detonation engine”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40:4 (2016), 2661  crossref
  11. A V Trotsyuk, “Numerical modelling of continuous spin detonation in rich methane-oxygen mixture”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 754 (2016), 052006  crossref
  12. Seiichiro Eto, Nobuyuki Tsuboi, Takayuki Kojima, A. Koichi Hayashi, “Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of a Rotating Detonation Engine: Effects of the Throat of a Converging-Diverging Nozzle on Engine Performance”, Combustion Science and Technology, 188:11-12 (2016), 2105  crossref
  13. Rui Zhou, Dan Wu, Jianping Wang, “Progress of continuously rotating detonation engines”, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 29:1 (2016), 15  crossref
  14. Songbai Yao, Jianping Wang, “Multiple ignitions and the stability of rotating detonation waves”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 108 (2016), 927  crossref
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  16. Douglas A. Schwer, Kailas Kailasanath, 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2015  crossref
  17. Xin-Meng Tang, Jian-Ping Wang, Ye-Tao Shao, “Three-dimensional numerical investigations of the rotating detonation engine with a hollow combustor”, Combustion and Flame, 162:4 (2015), 997  crossref
  18. Nobuyuki Tsuboi, Yusuke Watanabe, Takayuki Kojima, A. Koichi Hayashi, “Numerical estimation of the thrust performance on a rotating detonation engine for a hydrogen–oxygen mixture”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35:2 (2015), 2005  crossref
  19. Songbai Yao, Meng Liu, Jianping Wang, “Numerical Investigation of Spontaneous Formation of Multiple Detonation Wave Fronts in Rotating Detonation Engine”, Combustion Science and Technology, 187:12 (2015), 1867  crossref
  20. Douglas A. Schwer, Kailas Kailasanath, 51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 2015  crossref