1. A Koichi Hayashi, AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022  crossref
  2. V.F. Nikitin, I.M. Karandashev, M. Yu Malsagov, E.V. Mikhalchenko, “Approach to combustion calculation using neural network”, Acta Astronautica, 194 (2022), 376  crossref
  3. Kevin Wu, Lifeng Zhang, Ming-Yi Luan, Jian-Ping Wang, “Effects of Isothermal Wall Boundary Conditions on Rotating Detonation Engine”, Combustion Science and Technology, 193:2 (2021), 211  crossref
  4. A Koichi Hayashi, Kazuhiro Ishii, Tomohiro Watanabe, Nobuyuki Tsuboi, Kohei Ozawa, Nicola Jourdaine, Edyta Dzieminska, Xinmeng Tang, AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 2021  crossref
  5. Logan W. White, Alexander Feleo, Mirko Gamba, AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 2021  crossref
  6. Ian J. Shaw, Jordan A.C. Kildare, Michael J. Evans, Alfonso Chinnici, Ciaran A.M. Sparks, Shekh N.H. Rubaiyat, Rey C. Chin, Paul R. Medwell, Direct Numerical Simulations - An Introduction and Applications, 2021  crossref
  7. Armani Batista, Blaine R. Bigler, Mathias Ross, Christopher Lietz, William A. Hargus, AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2021 Forum, 2021  crossref
  8. Sergei Nikolaevich Martyushov, “Chislennoe modelirovanie goreniya vodorodo-vozdushnykh gazovykh smesei”, Estestvennye i Tekhnicheskie Nauki, 2021, no. №07, 103  crossref
  9. Wei-jie Fan, Jin Zhou, Shi-jie Liu, Hao-yang Peng, “Effects of the geometrical parameters of the injection nozzle on ethylene-air continuous rotating detonation”, J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. A, 22:7 (2021), 547  crossref
  10. S. Connolly-Boutin, V. Joseph, H. D. Ng, C. B. Kiyanda, “Small-size rotating detonation engine: scaling and minimum mass flow rate”, Shock Waves, 31:7 (2021), 665  crossref
  11. A V Trotsyuk, “Numerical study of continuously rotating detonation in two-fuel gaseous mixture”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2057:1 (2021), 012066  crossref
  12. S N Martyushov, “Numerical simulation of deflagration in hydrogen-air gas mixes”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2124:1 (2021), 012011  crossref
  13. Pinaki Pal, Gaurav Kumar, Scott A. Drennan, Brent A. Rankin, Sibendu Som, “Multidimensional Numerical Modeling of Combustion Dynamics in a Non-Premixed Rotating Detonation Engine With Adaptive Mesh Refinement”, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 143:11 (2021)  crossref
  14. Richard D. Smith, Steven B. Stanley, “Experimental Investigation of Rotating Detonation Rocket Engines for Space Propulsion”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 37:3 (2021), 463  crossref
  15. Armani Batista, Mathias C. Ross, Christopher Lietz, William A. Hargus, “Descending Modal Transition Dynamics in a Large Eddy Simulation of a Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine”, Energies, 14:12 (2021), 3387  crossref
  16. Sathyanarayanan Subramanian, Joseph Meadows, “Novel Approach for Computational Modeling of a Non-Premixed Rotating Detonation Engine”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 36:4 (2020), 617  crossref
  17. Nobuhiro Kurita, Nicolas H. Jourdaine, Nobuyuki Tsuboi, Kohei Ozawa, Koichi A. Hayashi, Takayuki Kojima, AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 2020  crossref
  18. Xiang-Yang Liu, Yan-Liang Chen, Zhi-Jie Xia, Jian-Ping Wang, “Numerical study of the reverse-rotating waves in rotating detonation engine with a hollow combustor”, Acta Astronautica, 170 (2020), 421  crossref
  19. Christopher Lietz, Mathias Ross, Yogin Desai, William A. Hargus, AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 2020  crossref
  20. Mathias Ross, Christopher Lietz, Yogin Desai, Jason Hamilton, William A. Hargus, AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2020 Forum, 2020  crossref